bool QualityMetric::evaluate_with_gradient( PatchData& pd,
                              size_t handle,
                              double& value,
                              std::vector<size_t>& indices,
                              std::vector<Vector3D>& gradient,
                              MsqError& err )
  bool valid = evaluate_with_indices( pd, handle, value, indices, err);
  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err) || !valid)
    return false;
  if (indices.empty())
    return true;

    // get initial pertubation amount
  double delta_C = finiteDiffEps;
  if (!haveFiniteDiffEps) {
    delta_C = get_delta_C( pd, indices, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
    if (keepFiniteDiffEps) {
      finiteDiffEps = delta_C;
      haveFiniteDiffEps = true;
  const double delta_inv_C = 1.0/delta_C;
  const int reduction_limit = 15;

  gradient.resize( indices.size() );
  for (size_t v=0; v<indices.size(); ++v) 
    const Vector3D pos = pd.vertex_by_index(indices[v]);
    /* gradient in the x, y, z direction */
    for (int j=0;j<3;++j) 
      double delta = delta_C;
      double delta_inv = delta_inv_C;
      double metric_value;
      Vector3D delta_v( 0, 0, 0 );
        //perturb the node and calculate gradient.  The while loop is a
        //safety net to make sure the epsilon perturbation does not take
        //the element out of the feasible region.
      int counter = 0;
      for (;;) {
          // perturb the coordinates of the free vertex in the j direction
          // by delta       
        delta_v[j] = delta;
        pd.set_vertex_coordinates( pos+delta_v, indices[v], err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);

          //compute the function at the perturbed point location
        valid = evaluate( pd, handle, metric_value, err);
        if (!MSQ_CHKERR(err) && valid) 
        if (++counter >= reduction_limit) {
          MSQ_SETERR(err)("Perturbing vertex by delta caused an inverted element.",
          return false;
        // put the coordinates back where they belong
      pd.set_vertex_coordinates( pos, indices[v], err );
        // compute the numerical gradient
      gradient[v][j] = (metric_value - value) * delta_inv;
    } // for(j)
  } // for(indices)
  return true;
bool QualityMetric::evaluate_with_Hessian( PatchData& pd,
                              size_t handle,
                              double& value,
                              std::vector<size_t>& indices,
                              std::vector<Vector3D>& gradient,
                              std::vector<Matrix3D>& Hessian,
                              MsqError& err )
  keepFiniteDiffEps = true;
  bool valid = evaluate_with_gradient( pd, handle, value, indices, gradient, err );
  keepFiniteDiffEps = false;
  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err) || !valid) {
    haveFiniteDiffEps = false;
    return false;
  if (indices.empty()){
    haveFiniteDiffEps = false;
    return true;

    // get initial pertubation amount
  double delta_C;
  if (haveFiniteDiffEps) {
    delta_C = finiteDiffEps;
  else {
    delta_C = get_delta_C( pd, indices, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  assert(delta_C < 1e30);
  const double delta_inv_C = 1.0/delta_C;
  const int reduction_limit = 15;

  std::vector<Vector3D> temp_gradient( indices.size() );
  const int num_hess = indices.size() * (indices.size() + 1) / 2;
  Hessian.resize( num_hess );
  for (unsigned v = 0; v < indices.size(); ++v) {
    const Vector3D pos = pd.vertex_by_index(indices[v]);
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) { // x, y, and z
      double delta = delta_C;
      double delta_inv = delta_inv_C;
      double metric_value;
      Vector3D delta_v(0,0,0);
        // find finite difference for gradient
      int counter = 0;
      for (;;) {
        delta_v[j] = delta;
        pd.set_vertex_coordinates( pos+delta_v, indices[v], err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
        valid = evaluate_with_gradient( pd, handle, metric_value, indices, temp_gradient, err );
        if (!MSQ_CHKERR(err) && valid) 
        if (++counter >= reduction_limit) {
          MSQ_SETERR(err)("Algorithm did not successfully compute element's "
          haveFiniteDiffEps = false;
          return false;
        delta *= 0.1;
        delta_inv *= 10.0;
      pd.set_vertex_coordinates( pos, indices[v], err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
        //compute the numerical Hessian
      for (unsigned w = 0; w <= v; ++w) {
          //finite difference to get some entries of the Hessian
        Vector3D fd( temp_gradient[w] );
        fd -= gradient[w];
        fd *= delta_inv;
          // For the block at position w,v in a matrix, we need the corresponding index
          // (mat_index) in a 1D array containing only upper triangular blocks.
        unsigned sum_w = w*(w+1)/2; // 1+2+3+...+w
        unsigned mat_index = w*indices.size() + v - sum_w;
        Hessian[mat_index][0][j] = fd[0];
        Hessian[mat_index][1][j] = fd[1];
        Hessian[mat_index][2][j] = fd[2];
    }  // for(j)
  } // for(indices)
  haveFiniteDiffEps = false;
  return true;
예제 #3
Eigen::VectorXd l2r_l1hinge_spdc::train_warm_start(const Eigen::VectorXd &alp) {
  alpha_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(num_ins_, C);
  // set_w_by_alpha(alpha_);
  double alpha_old = 0.0;
  std::default_random_engine g;
  std::uniform_int_distribution<> uni_dist(0, num_ins_ - 1);
  const auto ins_is_begin_it = std::begin(active_index_);
  w_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_fea_);
  spdc_w_ = w_;
  auto random_it = std::next(ins_is_begin_it, uni_dist(g));
  gamma_ = 0.1;
  double tau_ = std::sqrt(gamma_ / (1.0 * (1.0 / C))) / R_;
  double sigma_ = std::sqrt(((1.0 / C) * 1.0) / gamma_) / R_;
  double theta_ =
      1.0 - 1.0 / ((1.0 / C) + R_ * std::sqrt((1.0 / C) / (1.0 * gamma_)));
  // double tau_ = std::sqrt(1.0) / (2.0 * R_);
  // double sigma_ = std::sqrt(1.0 / 1.0) / (2.0 * R_);
  // double theta_ = 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + (R_ / gamma_) * std::sqrt(1.0 / 1.0));
  const double sig_gam = -sigma_ * gamma_ - 1.0;

  int i = 0, itr_ = 0;
  double delta_alpha_i = 0.0, yi = 0.0, beta_i = 0.0, alpha_i_new = 0.0,
         eta = 0.0;
  Eigen::VectorXd delta_v(num_fea_), w_new(num_fea_);
  calculate_duality_gap(true, true);
  std::cout << tau_ << " " << sigma_ << " " << theta_ << " " << R_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << " start optimization " << max_iteration << std::endl;
  for (itr_ = 1; itr_ < max_iteration && duality_gap_ > 1e-6; ++itr_) {
    for (int ir = 0; ir < num_ins_; ++ir) {
      random_it = std::next(ins_is_begin_it, uni_dist(g));
      i = *random_it;
      yi = y_[i];
      // beta_i = -(sigma_ * (yi * (x_.row(i) * spdc_w_)(0) - 1.0)) + alpha_[i];
      beta_i = (sigma_ * (yi * (x_.row(i) * spdc_w_)(0) - 1.0) - alpha_[i]) /
      alpha_i_new = std::min(C, std::max(0.0, beta_i));
      delta_alpha_i = alpha_i_new - alpha_[i];
      alpha_[i] = alpha_i_new;
      delta_v = (yi * delta_alpha_i) * x_.row(i);
      // w_new = (1.0 / (1.0 + tau_)) * (w_ - tau_ * (za_ - delta_v));
      for (int j = 0; j < num_fea_; ++j) {
        eta = (1.0 / (1.0 + tau_)) * (w_[j] + tau_ * (za_[j] + delta_v[j]));
        spdc_w_[j] = eta + theta_ * (eta - w_[j]);
        w_[j] = eta;
      // spdc_w_ = w_new + theta_ * (w_new - w_);
      // w_ = w_new;
      // for (srm_iit it(x_, i); it; ++it)
      //   za_[it.index()] += delta_v[it.index()];
      za_ += delta_v;
    // if (itr_) {
    calculate_duality_gap(true, true);
    std::cout << itr_ << " optimization end gap : " << duality_gap_ << " "
              << primal_obj_value_ << " " << dual_obj_value_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << itr_ << " optimization end gap : " << duality_gap_ << " "
            << primal_obj_value_ << " " << dual_obj_value_ << std::endl;
  std::cout << w_.transpose() << std::endl;
  return w_;