int main(void) { WINDOW *win1; int x, y, i, j, k, tmp; // j, k not used yet. int ridx; float ymufin=0.0, ftemp = 0.0, ftmp2 = 0.0, deltamu = 0.0, deltavar = 0.0, yvarmax = 0.0; float ymu[3500] = {}, yvar[3500] = {}; int xrnd[3500] = {}, yhts[100] = {}; int scnarr[35][100] = {}; int slowness = 1000; initscr(); cbreak(); // Line buffering disabled keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // allow softkeys noecho(); // don't display input when (w)getch(); curs_set(0); // don't display the cursor. getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); srand((unsigned)(int)time(NULL)); win1 = newwin(y,x,0,0); for (i=0; i<3500; i++) { // xrnd[index]=rand(0:99) xrnd[i] = rand()%100; } for (i=0; i<3500; i++) { // i == xrnd[] index ridx = i-1; tmp = xrnd[i]; if (scnarr[0][xrnd[i]]) break; for (j=0; j<35; j++) { if (j == 34) { scnarr[j][tmp] = 1; yhts[tmp] = 1; yvar[i] = 0; for (k=0; k<100; k++) { ymu[i] = ymu[i]+(float)yhts[k]/100; //ymu[i] } ymufin = ymu[i]; for (k=0; k<100; k++) { ftemp = ((float)yhts[k] - ymufin); //(xi-mu) ftemp = ftemp * ftemp; //(xi-mu)^2 yvar[i] =yvar[i]+ftemp; //sum of squares } yvar[i] = yvar[i]/100; //variance (indexed) if (yvar[i] > yvarmax) yvarmax = yvar[i]; for (k=0; k<35; k++) { if (k>0) mvwprintw(win1,k-1,tmp," "); mvwaddch(win1,k,tmp,ACS_CKBOARD); wrefresh(win1); // Enable This Line when running from localhost (not over ssh): // waitmics(slowness); } }else if ( ((tmp>0)&&(scnarr[j][tmp-1]==1)) || (scnarr[j+1][tmp]==1) || ((tmp<99)&&(scnarr[j][tmp+1]==1)) ) { scnarr[j][tmp] = 1; yhts[tmp] = 35-j; yvar[i] = 0; for (k=0; k<100; k++) { ymu[i] = ymu[i]+(float)yhts[k]/100; } ymufin = ymu[i]; for (k = 0; k<100; k++) { ftemp = ((float)yhts[k] - ymufin); //(xi-mu) ftemp = ftemp*ftemp; //(xi-mu)^2 yvar[i] = yvar[i] + ftemp; //sum of squares } yvar[i] = yvar[i]/100; //variance (indexed) if (yvar[i] > yvarmax) yvarmax = yvar[i]; for (k=0; k<=j; k++) { if (k>0) mvwprintw(win1,k-1,tmp," "); mvwaddch(win1,k,tmp,ACS_CKBOARD); wrefresh(win1); // Enable This Line when running from localhost (not over ssh): // waitmics(slowness); } break; } } } wrefresh(win1); wgetch(win1); wclear(win1); /* *********************************************************************************************** */ wrefresh(win1); while (1) { k = wgetch(win1); if (k == 27) { //clear BS input, keep good stuff k = wgetch(win1); //k == 91 k = wgetch(win1); //k==50s+getch: pgup/pgdn; k==60s up/dn/l/r if (k/10 == 5) wgetch(win1); //ignore extra getch sent } //if KEY_LEFT, print generatied ballistic deposition map if (k == 68) { wclear(win1); /* deposition */ for (i=0; i<100; i++) { /* map: */ for (j=34; j>=0; j--) { if (scnarr[j][i] == 1) mvwaddch(win1,j,i,ACS_CKBOARD); } } /* top value */ for (i=0; i<100; i++) { mvwaddch(win1,35-yhts[i],i,ACS_HLINE); } /* average */ if (ymufin-((int)ymufin) < .5) { /* indicator: */ for (i=0; i<100; i++) { if (scnarr[35-(int)ymufin][i]==0) mvwaddch(win1,36-ymufin,i,ACS_HLINE); if (scnarr[35-(int)ymufin][i]==1) mvwaddch(win1,36-ymufin,i,ACS_CKBOARD); } mvwprintw(win1,1,2,"y_mu: %.2f", ymufin); mvwprintw(win1,2,2,"y_mu_remainder < .5"); mvwprintw(win1,35-(int)ymufin,0,"[%d]", (int)ymufin); } else { for (i=0; i<100; i++) { if (scnarr[34-(int)ymufin][i]==0) mvwaddch(win1,35-ymufin,i,ACS_HLINE); if (scnarr[34-(int)ymufin][i]==1) mvwaddch(win1,35-ymufin,i,ACS_CKBOARD); } mvwprintw(win1,1,2,"y_mu: %f", ymufin); mvwprintw(win1,2,2,"y_mu_remainder >= .5"); mvwprintw(win1,34-(int)ymufin,0,"[%d]", (int)ymufin+1); } wrefresh(win1); //if KEY_RIGHT, print statistics and graphs: } else if (k == 67) { wclear(win1); /* headers */ mvwprintw(win1, 0, 0," N=%d \twidth=100\tmu_final=%.3f" "\t\tvar_final=%.3f",ridx,ymu[ridx],yvar[ridx]); mvwprintw(win1, 1, 0,"\t\t\t\tdelta_mu=%.5f\tdelta_var=%.5f" ,(ridx,ymu[ridx]/ridx),(yvar[ridx]/ridx)); mvwprintw(win1, 3, 0," ymu[0:%d] (by 10%% bins):",ridx); mvwprintw(win1, 4, 0," yvar[0:%d] (by 10%% bins):",ridx); for (i=0; i<=10; i++) { ftemp = 35*(int)ymu[(int)(i*ridx/10)]/ymu[ridx]; ftmp2 = 35*(int)yvar[(int)(i*ridx/10)]/yvarmax; /* graph ymu[t] */ mvwprintw(win1,33-ftemp,i*9+2,"%.2f",ymu[(int)(i*ridx/10)]); wattron(win1,A_STANDOUT); /* graph yvar[y] */ mvwprintw(win1,34-ftmp2,i*9+2,"%.2f",yvar[(int)(i*ridx/10)]); wattroff(win1,A_STANDOUT); /* plot x axis(%) */ mvwprintw(win1,34,i*9+3,"%02d%%",i*10); } wrefresh(win1); //if KEY_UP, debug: } else if (k==65) { wclear(win1); mvwprintw(win1,0,0,"i:"); mvwprintw(win1,7,0,"yhts[i]:\t(final)"); mvwprintw(win1,14,0,"ymu[1:%d]:\t(ymu, %%-wise)",ridx); mvwprintw(win1,21,0,"yvar[0:%d]:\t(yvar, %%-wise)",ridx); for (i=0; i<100; i++){ mvwprintw(win1,1+i/20,(i%20)*5," %2d",i); mvwprintw(win1,8+i/20,(i%20)*5," %2d",yhts[i]); mvwprintw(win1,15+i/20,(i%20)*5,"%4.1f", ymu[((i+1)*ridx)/100]); mvwprintw(win1,22+i/20,(i%20)*5,"%4.1f", yvar[((i+1)*ridx)/100]); } wrefresh(win1); //if ENTER, end: } else if (k == 10) { delwin(win1); endwin(); system("clear"); break; } } return k; /* *********************************************************************************************** */ delwin(win1); endwin(); system("clear"); return 0; }
void window::shutdown(void) { delwin(win); }
/* * Display a menu for choosing among a number of options */ int dialog_menu(const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height, const char *current, int item_no, const char *const *items) { int i, j, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, scroll = 0, choice = 0; int first_item = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *menu; FILE *f; max_choice = MIN(menu_height, item_no); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset(dialog, border_attr); mvwaddch(dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); wbkgdset(dialog, dialog_attr & A_COLOR); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); print_title(dialog, title, width); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); menu_width = width - 6; box_y = height - menu_height - 5; box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the menu */ menu = subwin(dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad(menu, TRUE); /* draw a box around the menu items */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); item_x = (menu_width - 70) / 2; /* Set choice to default item */ for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) if (strcmp(current, items[i * 2]) == 0) choice = i; /* get the scroll info from the temp file */ if ((f = fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp", "r")) != NULL) { if ((fscanf(f, "%d\n", &scroll) == 1) && (scroll <= choice) && (scroll + max_choice > choice) && (scroll >= 0) && (scroll + max_choice <= item_no)) { first_item = scroll; choice = choice - scroll; fclose(f); } else { scroll = 0; remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); fclose(f); f = NULL; } } if ((choice >= max_choice) || (f == NULL && choice >= max_choice / 2)) { if (choice >= item_no - max_choice / 2) scroll = first_item = item_no - max_choice; else scroll = first_item = choice - max_choice / 2; choice = choice - scroll; } /* Print the menu */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item(first_item + i, i, i == choice); } wnoutrefresh(menu); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x + item_x + 1, menu_height); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); wmove(menu, choice, item_x + 1); wrefresh(menu); while (key != ESC) { key = wgetch(menu); if (key < 256 && isalpha(key)) key = tolower(key); if (strchr("ynmh", key)) i = max_choice; else { for (i = choice + 1; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items[(scroll + i) * 2 + 1], "YyNnMmHh"); if (key == tolower(items[(scroll + i) * 2 + 1][j])) break; } if (i == max_choice) for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items [(scroll + i) * 2 + 1], "YyNnMmHh"); if (key == tolower(items[(scroll + i) * 2 + 1][j])) break; } } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+' || key == KEY_PPAGE || key == KEY_NPAGE) { /* Remove highligt of current item */ print_item(scroll + choice, choice, FALSE); if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (choice < 2 && scroll) { /* Scroll menu down */ do_scroll(menu, &scroll, -1); print_item(scroll, 0, FALSE); } else choice = MAX(choice - 1, 0); } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { print_item(scroll+choice, choice, FALSE); if ((choice > max_choice - 3) && (scroll + max_choice < item_no)) { /* Scroll menu up */ do_scroll(menu, &scroll, 1); print_item(scroll+max_choice - 1, max_choice - 1, FALSE); } else choice = MIN(choice + 1, max_choice - 1); } else if (key == KEY_PPAGE) { scrollok(menu, TRUE); for (i = 0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll > 0) { do_scroll(menu, &scroll, -1); print_item(scroll, 0, FALSE); } else { if (choice > 0) choice--; } } } else if (key == KEY_NPAGE) { for (i = 0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll + max_choice < item_no) { do_scroll(menu, &scroll, 1); print_item(scroll+max_choice-1, max_choice - 1, FALSE); } else { if (choice + 1 < max_choice) choice++; } } } else choice = i; print_item(scroll + choice, choice, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x + item_x + 1, menu_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(menu); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: case TAB: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 2 : (button > 2 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh(menu); break; case ' ': case 's': case 'y': case 'n': case 'm': case '/': /* save scroll info */ if ((f = fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp", "w")) != NULL) { fprintf(f, "%d\n", scroll); fclose(f); } delwin(dialog); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2]); switch (key) { case 's': return 3; case 'y': return 3; case 'n': return 4; case 'm': return 5; case ' ': return 6; case '/': return 7; } return 0; case 'h': case '?': button = 2; case '\n': delwin(dialog); if (button == 2) fprintf(stderr, "%s \"%s\"\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2], items[(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1] + first_alpha(items [(scroll + choice) * 2 + 1], "")); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[(scroll + choice) * 2]); remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return button; case 'e': case 'x': key = ESC; case ESC: break; } } delwin(dialog); remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return -1; /* ESC pressed */ }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { WINDOW *lic = NULL; int x, y, mr; int opt = 0, cnt = 0; char remname[256]; char *licpath = NULL; FILE *fout = NULL; char *version = NULL; if (am_bin_path(instance_path, sizeof (instance_path)) == -1) { return 0; } else { if (am_whitespace(instance_path) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Whitespace in path: %s \n", instance_path); return 0; } snprintf(log_path, sizeof (log_path), "%s/../logs/install_%s.log", instance_path, TIMESTAMPLONG); snprintf(lic_path, sizeof (lic_path), "%s/../legal-notices/license.txt", instance_path); fout = fopen(log_path, "a"); if (fout != NULL) { fprintf(fout, "\n\n==================================================="); print_version(fout, NULL); fprintf(fout, "\r\n"); fclose(fout); } strcat(instance_path, "../instances"); snprintf(int_conf_path, sizeof (int_conf_path), "%s/.agents", instance_path); } net_initialize(); /* cli mode */ if (argc > 1) { while ((opt = opts(argc, argv, "e:vlxr:o:a:i:p:c:")) != -1) switch (opt) { case 'e': { char encryptpasswd[1024] = ""; char origpasswd[1024] = ""; char *keystr; char bkeystr[1024] = ""; strcpy(origpasswd, oarg); am_trim(origpasswd); keystr = am_random_key(); memset(bkeystr, 0, 1024); am_b64encode(keystr, bkeystr); encrypt_base64(origpasswd, encryptpasswd, bkeystr); fprintf(stderr, "\nEncrypted password:\n%s\n\nKey:\n%s\n\n", encryptpasswd, bkeystr); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 'l': { fprintf(stderr, "Agent instances:\n"); int n; am_conf_p inst = NULL, temp; if ((n = am_read_instances(instance_path, &inst)) > 0) { temp = inst; while (temp != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", temp->name); temp = temp->next; } am_free(inst); } else fprintf(stderr, "There are no agent instances registered.\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 'v': { print_version(stdout, NULL); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 'r': { fprintf(stderr, "Removing \"%s\" instance...\n", oarg); if (remove_instance(oarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Instance \"%s\" removed.\n", oarg); } else fprintf(stderr, "Error removing \"%s\" instance.\n", oarg); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 'o': sprintf(openam_url, oarg); cnt = 1; break; case 'a': sprintf(agent_url, oarg); cnt = 1; break; case 'i': sprintf(agent_id, oarg); cnt = 1; break; case 'p': sprintf(agent_pass_file, oarg); cnt = 1; break; case 'c': sprintf(web_conf_path, oarg); cnt = 1; break; case 'x': { asprintf(&licpath, "%s/.license", instance_path); if (licpath) { am_setup_conf(licpath, NULL); free(licpath); licpath = NULL; } net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case '?': if (oopt == 'e' || oopt == 'r' || oopt == 'o' || oopt == 'a' || oopt == 'i' || oopt == 'p' || oopt == 'c') fprintf(stderr, "\nError: option -%c requires an argument.\n", oopt); else if (isprint(oopt)) fprintf(stderr, "\nError: unknown option `-%c'.\n", oopt); else fprintf(stderr, "\nnError: unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", oopt); opt = -1; default: opt = -1; } if (cnt == 1) { asprintf(&licpath, "%s/.license", instance_path); if (licpath && am_file_exists(licpath) == 0) { am_free(licpath); fprintf(stderr, "\nYou have to accept ForgeRock Web Policy Agent license terms to continue.\n" "Please run agentadmin with -x option or interactively to view and accept the license.\n\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } am_free(licpath); licpath = NULL; } if (cnt == 1) { url_t u, ua; am_trim(openam_url); u = URL(openam_url); if (u.error == 0) { if (validate_am_host(&u) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error validating OpenAM URL\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid OpenAM URL value\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } am_trim(agent_url); ua = URL(agent_url); if (ua.error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Agent URL value\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else { am_trim(agent_id); am_trim(agent_pass_file); if (am_read_password(agent_pass_file, agent_pass) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading password file\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (validate_agent(&u, agent_id, agent_pass) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", PROFILE_NOT_FOUND); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } } am_trim(web_conf_path); if (web_conf_path == NULL || web_conf_path[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Varnish vmod directory must not be empty\n"); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else { char *t = NULL; asprintf(&t, "%s/", web_conf_path); if (am_whitespace(web_conf_path) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Path to Varnish modules directory must not contain spaces\n"); am_free(t); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (am_file_writeable(web_conf_path) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening Varnish modules directory\n"); am_free(t); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (am_file_exists(t) == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "This Varnish instance is already configured\n"); am_free(t); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } am_free(t); } create_varnish_instance(ua); fprintf(stderr, "\nVarnish and agent configuration files are here:\n%s\nCheck installation log %s for any errors.\n\n", web_conf_path_out, log_path); } else { display_usage(); } net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } print_version(NULL, &version); if (version != NULL) { snprintf(vers, sizeof (vers), "Version: %s", version); free(version); } initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); asprintf(&licpath, "%s/.license", instance_path); if (am_file_exists(licpath) == 0) { lic = license(y, x, &mr); wrefresh(lic); delwin(lic); lic = NULL; if (mr == KEY_F(4)) { goto all_done; } else { am_setup_conf(licpath, NULL); } } ret_to_menu: refresh(); mr = mainmenu(y, x); if (mr == 0) { int cr = configure_step(y, x); if (cr == KEY_F(4)) { goto ret_to_menu; } } else if (mr >= 2 && mr < menu_size - 1) { memset(remname, 0, sizeof (remname)); if (sscanf(menu_values[mr], "Remove '%[^''']' instance", remname) == 1) { if (remove_step(remname, y, x) == KEY_F(4)) goto ret_to_menu; } goto ret_to_menu; } else if (mr == 1) { encrypt_step(y, x); goto ret_to_menu; } all_done: am_free(licpath); clean_main_menu(); move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); refresh(); endwin(); net_shutdown(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int worldfactory::show_worldgen_tab_options(WINDOW *win, WORLDPTR world) { const int iTooltipHeight = 1; const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3 - iTooltipHeight; const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0; const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0; WINDOW *w_options = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, iTooltipHeight + 2 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX); std::stringstream sTemp; std::map<int, bool> mapLines; mapLines[3] = true; mapLines[60] = true; // only populate once if (world->world_options.empty()) { for (std::map<std::string, cOpt>::iterator it = OPTIONS.begin(); it != OPTIONS.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.getPage() == "world_default") { world->world_options[it->first] = it->second; } } } std::vector<std::string> keys; for (std::map<std::string, cOpt>::iterator it = world->world_options.begin(); it != world->world_options.end(); ++it) { keys.push_back(it->first); } for (std::map<int, bool>::iterator mLine = mapLines.begin(); mLine != mapLines.end(); ++mLine) { if (mLine->second) { mvwputch(win, 2, mLine->first + 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_OXXX); // -.- mvwputch(win, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, mLine->first + 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXOX); // _|_ } } wrefresh(win); refresh(); input_context ctxt("WORLDGEN_OPTION_DIALOG"); ctxt.register_cardinal(); ctxt.register_action("HELP_KEYBINDINGS"); ctxt.register_action("QUIT"); ctxt.register_action("NEXT_TAB"); ctxt.register_action("PREV_TAB"); unsigned int sel = 0; unsigned int curoption = 0; do { for (int i = 0; i < iContentHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 79; j++) { if (mapLines[j]) { mvwputch(w_options, i, j, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO); } else { mvwputch(w_options, i, j, c_black, ' '); } } } curoption = 0; for (std::map<std::string, cOpt>::iterator it = world->world_options.begin(); it != world->world_options.end(); ++it) { nc_color cLineColor = c_ltgreen; sTemp.str(""); sTemp << curoption + 1; mvwprintz(w_options, curoption , 0, c_white, "%s", sTemp.str().c_str()); mvwprintz(w_options, curoption , 4, c_white, ""); if (sel == curoption) { wprintz(w_options, c_yellow, ">> "); } else { wprintz(w_options, c_yellow, " "); } wprintz(w_options, c_white, "%s", (it->second.getMenuText()).c_str()); if (it->second.getValue() == "False") { cLineColor = c_ltred; } mvwprintz(w_options, curoption, 62, (sel == curoption) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s", (it->second.getValueName()).c_str()); ++curoption; } wrefresh(w_options); refresh(); const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input(); if (action == "DOWN") { sel++; if (sel >= world->world_options.size()) { sel = 0; } } else if (action == "UP") { if (sel == 0) { sel = world->world_options.size() - 1; } else { sel--; } } else if (!world->world_options.empty() && action == "LEFT") { world->world_options[keys[sel]].setPrev(); } else if (!world->world_options.empty() && action == "RIGHT") { world->world_options[keys[sel]].setNext(); } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") { werase(w_options); delwin(w_options); return -1; } else if (action == "NEXT_TAB") { werase(w_options); delwin(w_options); return 1; } else if (action == "QUIT") { return -999; } } while (true); return 0; }
void closewindow(WINDOW *w) { delwin(w); touchwin(debugwin); wrefresh(debugwin); }
void game::craft() { if (u.morale_level() < MIN_MORALE_CRAFT) { // See morale.h add_msg("Your morale is too low to craft..."); return; } WINDOW *w_head = newwin( 3, 80, 0, 0); WINDOW *w_data = newwin(22, 80, 3, 0); craft_cat tab = CC_WEAPON; std::vector<recipe*> current; std::vector<bool> available; item tmp; int line = 0, xpos, ypos; bool redraw = true; bool done = false; char ch; inventory crafting_inv; crafting_inv.form_from_map(this, point(u.posx, u.posy), PICKUP_RANGE); crafting_inv += u.inv; crafting_inv += u.weapon; if (u.has_bionic(bio_tools)) { item tools(itypes[itm_toolset], turn); tools.charges = u.power_level; crafting_inv += tools; } do { if (redraw) { // When we switch tabs, redraw the header redraw = false; line = 0; draw_recipe_tabs(w_head, tab); current.clear(); available.clear(); // Set current to all recipes in the current tab; available are possible to make pick_recipes(current, available, tab); } // Clear the screen of recipe data, and draw it anew werase(w_data); mvwprintz(w_data, 20, 0, c_white, "\ Press ? to describe object. Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object."); wrefresh(w_data); for (int i = 0; i < current.size() && i < 23; i++) { if (i == line) mvwprintz(w_data, i, 0, (available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray), itypes[current[i]->result]->name.c_str()); else mvwprintz(w_data, i, 0, (available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray), itypes[current[i]->result]->name.c_str()); } if (current.size() > 0) { nc_color col = (available[line] ? c_white : c_dkgray); mvwprintz(w_data, 0, 30, col, "Primary skill: %s", (current[line]->sk_primary == sk_null ? "N/A" : skill_name(current[line]->sk_primary).c_str())); mvwprintz(w_data, 1, 30, col, "Secondary skill: %s", (current[line]->sk_secondary == sk_null ? "N/A" : skill_name(current[line]->sk_secondary).c_str())); mvwprintz(w_data, 2, 30, col, "Difficulty: %d", current[line]->difficulty); if (current[line]->sk_primary == sk_null) mvwprintz(w_data, 3, 30, col, "Your skill level: N/A"); else mvwprintz(w_data, 3, 30, col, "Your skill level: %d", u.sklevel[current[line]->sk_primary]); if (current[line]->time >= 1000) mvwprintz(w_data, 4, 30, col, "Time to complete: %d minutes", int(current[line]->time / 1000)); else mvwprintz(w_data, 4, 30, col, "Time to complete: %d turns", int(current[line]->time / 100)); mvwprintz(w_data, 5, 30, col, "Tools required:"); if (current[line]->tools[0].size() == 0) { mvwputch(w_data, 6, 30, col, '>'); mvwprintz(w_data, 6, 32, c_green, "NONE"); ypos = 6; } else { ypos = 5; // Loop to print the required tools for (int i = 0; i < 5 && current[line]->tools[i].size() > 0; i++) { ypos++; xpos = 32; mvwputch(w_data, ypos, 30, col, '>'); for (int j = 0; j < current[line]->tools[i].size(); j++) { itype_id type = current[line]->tools[i][j].type; int charges = current[line]->tools[i][j].count; nc_color toolcol = c_red; if (charges < 0 && crafting_inv.has_amount(type, 1)) toolcol = c_green; else if (charges > 0 && crafting_inv.has_charges(type, charges)) toolcol = c_green; std::stringstream toolinfo; toolinfo << itypes[type]->name + " "; if (charges > 0) toolinfo << "(" << charges << " charges) "; std::string toolname = toolinfo.str(); if (xpos + toolname.length() >= 80) { xpos = 32; ypos++; } mvwprintz(w_data, ypos, xpos, toolcol, toolname.c_str()); xpos += toolname.length(); if (j < current[line]->tools[i].size() - 1) { if (xpos >= 77) { xpos = 32; ypos++; } mvwprintz(w_data, ypos, xpos, c_white, "OR "); xpos += 3; } } } } // Loop to print the required components ypos++; mvwprintz(w_data, ypos, 30, col, "Components required:"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (current[line]->components[i].size() > 0) { ypos++; mvwputch(w_data, ypos, 30, col, '>'); } xpos = 32; for (int j = 0; j < current[line]->components[i].size(); j++) { int count = current[line]->components[i][j].count; itype_id type = current[line]->components[i][j].type; nc_color compcol = c_red; if (itypes[type]->count_by_charges() && count > 0) { if (crafting_inv.has_charges(type, count)) compcol = c_green; } else if (crafting_inv.has_amount(type, abs(count))) compcol = c_green; std::stringstream dump; dump << abs(count) << "x " << itypes[type]->name << " "; std::string compname = dump.str(); if (xpos + compname.length() >= 80) { ypos++; xpos = 32; } mvwprintz(w_data, ypos, xpos, compcol, compname.c_str()); xpos += compname.length(); if (j < current[line]->components[i].size() - 1) { if (xpos >= 77) { ypos++; xpos = 32; } mvwprintz(w_data, ypos, xpos, c_white, "OR "); xpos += 3; } } } } wrefresh(w_data); ch = input(); switch (ch) { case '<': if (tab == CC_WEAPON) tab = CC_MISC; else tab = craft_cat(int(tab) - 1); redraw = true; break; case '>': if (tab == CC_MISC) tab = CC_WEAPON; else tab = craft_cat(int(tab) + 1); redraw = true; break; case 'j': line++; break; case 'k': line--; break; case '\n': if (!available[line]) popup("You can't do that!"); else if (itypes[current[line]->result]->m1 == LIQUID && !u.has_watertight_container()) popup("You don't have anything to store that liquid in!"); else { make_craft(current[line]); done = true; } break; case '?': tmp = item(itypes[current[line]->result], 0); full_screen_popup(; redraw = true; break; } if (line < 0) line = current.size() - 1; else if (line >= current.size()) line = 0; } while (ch != KEY_ESCAPE && ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && !done); werase(w_head); werase(w_data); delwin(w_head); delwin(w_data); refresh_all(); }
int main(int ac, char *av[]) { bool restore; /* Revoke setgid privileges */ setgid(getgid()); if (strcmp(av[0], "a.out") == 0) { outf = fopen("q", "w"); setbuf(outf, NULL); Debug = TRUE; } restore = FALSE; switch (ac) { case 2: rest_f(av[1]); restore = TRUE; case 1: break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } Play = PLAYER; initscr(); delwin(stdscr); stdscr = Board = newwin(BOARD_Y, BOARD_X, 0, 0); Score = newwin(SCORE_Y, SCORE_X, 0, 40); Miles = newwin(MILES_Y, MILES_X, 17, 0); #ifdef attron idlok(Board, TRUE); idlok(Score, TRUE); idlok(Miles, TRUE); #endif leaveok(Score, TRUE); leaveok(Miles, TRUE); clearok(curscr, TRUE); srandomdev(); cbreak(); noecho(); signal(SIGINT, rub); for (;;) { if (!restore || (Player[PLAYER].total >= 5000 || Player[COMP].total >= 5000)) { if (Player[COMP].total < Player[PLAYER].total) Player[PLAYER].games++; else if (Player[COMP].total > Player[PLAYER].total) Player[COMP].games++; Player[COMP].total = 0; Player[PLAYER].total = 0; } do { if (!restore) Handstart = Play = other(Handstart); if (!restore || On_exit) { shuffle(); init(); } newboard(); if (restore) mvwaddstr(Score, ERR_Y, ERR_X, Initstr); prboard(); do { domove(); if (Finished) newscore(); prboard(); } while (!Finished); check_more(); restore = On_exit = FALSE; } while (Player[COMP].total < 5000 && Player[PLAYER].total < 5000); } }
void delWindows(struct windows *win) { delwin(win->main); delwin(win->textpad); delwin(win->menu); delwin(win->status); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int exit_status = 0; char header[HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t header_length = snprintf( header, sizeof(header), "%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %*s %*s %*s " "%*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s\n", PID_Column_Width, PID_Column_Name, PPID_Column_Width, PPID_Column_Name, Name_Column_Width, Name_Column_Name, UID_Column_Width, UID_Column_Name, GID_Column_Width, GID_Column_Name, State_Column_Width, State_Column_Name, Nice_Column_Width, Nice_Column_Name, UTime_Column_Width, UTime_Column_Name, KTime_Column_Width, KTime_Column_Name, RSS_Column_Width, RSS_Column_Name, VM_Column_Width, VM_Column_Name, Reads_Column_Width, Reads_Column_Name, Writes_Column_Width, Writes_Column_Name, Read_Column_Width, Read_Column_Name, Written_Column_Width, Written_Column_Name ); pid_t *pid_list = NULL; char total_ram_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char used_ram_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char free_ram_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char total_swap_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char used_swap_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char free_swap_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char user_cpu_time_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char kernel_cpu_time_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char core_memory_usage_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char virtual_memory_usage_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char data_read_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; char data_written_scaled[FIELD_BUFFER_SIZE]; bool show_kernel_threads = false; if (!initscr()) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create the program's UI.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (has_colors()) { start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); } noecho(); halfdelay(Input_Delay); WINDOW *header_pad = newpad(1, header_length); if (!header_pad) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create a UI pad for a header.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } bool has_attribute = false; if (has_colors()) { wattron(header_pad, COLOR_PAIR(1)); has_attribute = !has_attribute; } waddstr(header_pad, header); if (has_attribute) { wattroff(header_pad, COLOR_PAIR(1)); } WINDOW *pad = NULL; int pad_height = -1; int pad_shift_y = 0; int pad_shift_x = 0; WINDOW *footer_pad = newpad(1, header_length); if (!footer_pad) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create a UI pad for a footer.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } wprintw( footer_pad, "Press 't' to %s kernel threads. Press 'q' to exit.", show_kernel_threads ? "hide" : "show" ); for (;;) { pid_t current_pid = getpid(); struct sysinfo system; if (sysinfo(&system)) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to perform the 'sysinfo' system call.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } long pid_list_length = syscall(__NR_get_pids, 0, NULL); if (pid_list_length <= 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to perform the 'get_pids' system call. " "Ensure that the 'task_info' subsystem was compiled " "into the kernel.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } size_t pid_list_size = pid_list_length * sizeof(*pid_list); if (!(pid_list = realloc(pid_list, pid_list_size))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reserve memory.\n"); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } memset(pid_list, 0, pid_list_size); if (syscall(__NR_get_pids, pid_list_length, pid_list) <= 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to perform the 'get_pids' system call. " "Ensure that the 'task_info' subsystem was compiled " "into the kernel.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } if (pad_height != pid_list_length + 1) { pad_height = pid_list_length + 1; if (pad) { delwin(pad); } pad = newpad(pad_height, header_length); if (!pad) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create a scrollable UI pad.\n" ); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } keypad(pad, true); } size_t header_height = Header_Height; unsigned long uptime_days = system.uptime / 86400; unsigned long uptime_hours = system.uptime / 3600 - uptime_days * 24; unsigned long uptime_minutes = system.uptime / 60 - uptime_days * 1440 - uptime_hours * 60; unsigned long uptime_seconds = system.uptime % 60; float load_average_scale = 1 << SI_LOAD_SHIFT; float load_average_for_1_minute = system.loads[0] / load_average_scale; float load_average_for_5_minutes = system.loads[1] / load_average_scale; float load_average_for_15_minutes = system.loads[1] / load_average_scale; uint64_t total_ram = system.totalram * system.mem_unit; uint64_t used_ram = (system.totalram - system.freeram) * system.mem_unit; uint64_t free_ram = system.freeram * system.mem_unit; uint64_t total_swap = system.totalswap * system.mem_unit; uint64_t used_swap = (system.totalswap - system.freeswap) * system.mem_unit; uint64_t free_swap = system.freeswap * system.mem_unit; scale_size( total_ram, total_ram_scaled, sizeof(total_ram_scaled) ); scale_size( used_ram, used_ram_scaled, sizeof(used_ram_scaled) ); scale_size( free_ram, free_ram_scaled, sizeof(free_ram_scaled) ); scale_size( total_swap, total_swap_scaled, sizeof(total_swap_scaled) ); scale_size( used_swap, used_swap_scaled, sizeof(used_swap_scaled) ); scale_size( free_swap, free_swap_scaled, sizeof(free_swap_scaled) ); wredrawln(stdscr, 0, header_height); mvprintw( 0, 0, "up for %lu %s %lu:%lu:%lu, tasks: %zu\n" "load average: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n" "\n" "total ram: %*s, used ram: %*s, free ram: %*s\n" "total swap: %*s, used swap: %*s, free swap: %*s\n", uptime_days, uptime_days == 1 ? "day" : "days", uptime_hours, uptime_minutes, uptime_seconds, pid_list_length, load_average_for_1_minute, load_average_for_5_minutes, load_average_for_15_minutes, Memory_Column_Width, total_ram_scaled, Memory_Column_Width, used_ram_scaled, Memory_Column_Width, free_ram_scaled, Memory_Column_Width, total_swap_scaled, Memory_Column_Width, used_swap_scaled, Memory_Column_Width, free_swap_scaled ); werase(pad); int real_pad_height = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < pid_list_length; ++i) { struct task_info task; pid_t pid = pid_list[i]; if (syscall(__NR_get_task_info, pid, &task) == 0) { if (!show_kernel_threads && ( == Kernel_Thread_Daemon_PID || task.ppid == Kernel_Thread_Daemon_PID)) { continue; } const char *task_state = task.state < Task_States_Count - 1 ? Task_States[task.state + 1] : Task_States[0]; scale_time( task.user_cpu_time, user_cpu_time_scaled, sizeof(user_cpu_time_scaled) ); scale_time( task.system_cpu_time, kernel_cpu_time_scaled, sizeof(kernel_cpu_time_scaled) ); scale_size( task.core_memory_bytes_used, core_memory_usage_scaled, sizeof(core_memory_usage_scaled) ); scale_size( task.virtual_memory_bytes_used, virtual_memory_usage_scaled, sizeof(virtual_memory_usage_scaled) ); scale_size( task.bytes_read, data_read_scaled, sizeof(data_read_scaled) ); scale_size( task.bytes_written, data_written_scaled, sizeof(data_written_scaled) ); has_attribute = false; if (has_colors()) { if (task.state == 0 && != current_pid) { wattron(pad, COLOR_PAIR(1)); has_attribute = !has_attribute; } } wprintw( pad, "%-*d %-*d %-*s %-*d %-*d %-*s %*d " "%*s %*s %*s %*s " "%*"PRIu64" %*"PRIu64" " "%*s %*s\n", PID_Column_Width, (int) pid, PPID_Column_Width, task.ppid, Name_Column_Width,, UID_Column_Width, task.uid, GID_Column_Width, task.gid, State_Column_Width, task_state, Nice_Column_Width, task.nice_level, UTime_Column_Width, user_cpu_time_scaled, KTime_Column_Width, kernel_cpu_time_scaled, RSS_Column_Width, core_memory_usage_scaled, VM_Column_Width, virtual_memory_usage_scaled, Reads_Column_Width, task.read_syscalls_count, Writes_Column_Width, task.write_syscalls_count, Read_Column_Width, data_read_scaled, Written_Column_Width, data_written_scaled ); if (has_attribute) { wattroff(pad, COLOR_PAIR(1)); } ++real_pad_height; } } int window_height, window_width; getmaxyx(stdscr, window_height, window_width); wnoutrefresh(stdscr); prefresh( header_pad, 0, pad_shift_x, header_height, 0, header_height + 1, window_width - 1 ); prefresh( pad, pad_shift_y, pad_shift_x, header_height + 1, 0, window_height - 2, window_width - 1 ); prefresh( footer_pad, 0, 0, window_height - 1, 0, window_height, window_width - 1 ); doupdate(); int key = wgetch(pad); if (key != ERR) { switch (key) { case 'h': case KEY_LEFT: --pad_shift_x; break; case 'j': case KEY_DOWN: ++pad_shift_y; break; case 'k': case KEY_UP: --pad_shift_y; break; case 'l': case KEY_RIGHT: ++pad_shift_x; break; case 't': show_kernel_threads = !show_kernel_threads; werase(footer_pad); wprintw( footer_pad, "Press 't' to %s kernel threads. " "Press 'q' to exit.", show_kernel_threads ? "hide" : "show" ); break; case 'q': goto cleanup; } int pad_height_limit = real_pad_height - 2; if (pad_shift_y < 0) { pad_shift_y = 0; } else if (pad_shift_y > pad_height_limit) { pad_shift_y = pad_height_limit; } int pad_width_limit = header_length - 5; if (pad_shift_x < 0) { pad_shift_x = 0; } else if (pad_shift_x > pad_width_limit) { pad_shift_x = pad_width_limit; } } } cleanup: if (header_pad) { delwin(header_pad); } if (pad) { delwin(pad); } if (footer_pad) { delwin(footer_pad); } endwin(); return exit_status; }
void veh_interact::exec (game *gm, vehicle *v, int x, int y) { g = gm; veh = v; ex = x; ey = y; // x1 x2 // y1 ----+------+-- // | | // y2 ----+------+ // | // | winw1 = 12; winw2 = 35; winh1 = 3; winh2 = 12; winw12 = winw1 + winw2 + 1; winw3 = 80 - winw1 - winw2 - 2; winh3 = 25 - winh1 - winh2 - 2; winh23 = winh2 + winh3 + 1; winx1 = winw1; winx2 = winw1 + winw2 + 1; winy1 = winh1; winy2 = winh1 + winh2 + 1; page_size = winh23; // h w y x w_grid = newwin(25, 80, 0, 0); w_mode = newwin(1, 80, 0, 0); w_msg = newwin(winh1 - 1, 80, 1, 0); w_disp = newwin(winh2, winw1, winy1 + 1, 0); w_parts = newwin(winh2, winw2, winy1 + 1, winx1 + 1); w_stats = newwin(winh3, winw12, winy2 + 1, 0); w_list = newwin(winh23, winw3, winy1 + 1, winx2 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { mvwputch(w_grid, i, winx2, c_ltgray, i == winy1 || i == winy2? LINE_XOXX : LINE_XOXO); if (i >= winy1 && i < winy2) mvwputch(w_grid, i, winx1, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO); } for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { mvwputch(w_grid, winy1, i, c_ltgray, i == winx1? LINE_OXXX : (i == winx2? LINE_OXXX : LINE_OXOX)); if (i < winx2) mvwputch(w_grid, winy2, i, c_ltgray, i == winx1? LINE_XXOX : LINE_OXOX); } wrefresh(w_grid); crafting_inv = gm->crafting_inventory(); int charges = ((it_tool *) g->itypes["welder"])->charges_per_use; has_wrench = crafting_inv.has_amount("wrench", 1) || crafting_inv.has_amount("toolset", 1); has_hacksaw = crafting_inv.has_amount("hacksaw", 1) || crafting_inv.has_amount("toolset", 1); has_welder = (crafting_inv.has_amount("welder", 1) && crafting_inv.has_charges("welder", charges)) || (crafting_inv.has_amount("toolset", 1) && crafting_inv.has_charges("toolset", charges/5)); display_stats (); display_veh (); move_cursor (0, 0); bool finish = false; while (!finish) { char ch = input(); // See keypress.h int dx, dy; get_direction (gm, dx, dy, ch); if (ch == KEY_ESCAPE) finish = true; else if (dx != -2 && (dx || dy) && cx + dx >= -6 && cx + dx < 6 && cy + dy >= -6 && cy + dy < 6) move_cursor(dx, dy); else { int mval = cant_do(ch); display_mode (ch); switch (ch) { case 'i': do_install(mval); break; case 'r': do_repair(mval); break; case 'f': do_refill(mval); break; case 'o': do_remove(mval); break; case 'e': do_rename(mval); break; default:; } if (sel_cmd != ' ') finish = true; display_mode (' '); } } werase(w_grid); werase(w_mode); werase(w_msg); werase(w_disp); werase(w_parts); werase(w_stats); werase(w_list); delwin(w_grid); delwin(w_mode); delwin(w_msg); delwin(w_disp); delwin(w_parts); delwin(w_stats); delwin(w_list); erase(); }
const recipe *select_crafting_recipe( int &batch_size ) { if( normalized_names.empty() ) { translate_all(); } const int headHeight = 3; const int subHeadHeight = 2; const int freeWidth = TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH; bool isWide = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH && freeWidth > 15 ); const int width = isWide ? ( freeWidth > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 : TERMX ) : FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH; const int wStart = ( TERMX - width ) / 2; const int tailHeight = isWide ? 3 : 4; const int dataLines = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight ) - tailHeight; const int dataHalfLines = dataLines / 2; const int dataHeight = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight ); const int infoWidth = width - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1; int lastid = -1; WINDOW *w_head = newwin( headHeight, width, 0, wStart ); WINDOW *w_subhead = newwin( subHeadHeight, width, 3, wStart ); WINDOW *w_data = newwin( dataHeight, width, headHeight + subHeadHeight, wStart ); int item_info_x = infoWidth; int item_info_y = dataHeight - 3; int item_info_width = wStart + width - infoWidth; int item_info_height = headHeight + subHeadHeight; if ( !isWide ) { item_info_x = 1; item_info_y = 1; item_info_width = 1; item_info_height = 1; } WINDOW *w_iteminfo = newwin( item_info_y, item_info_x, item_info_height, item_info_width ); list_circularizer<std::string> tab( craft_cat_list ); list_circularizer<std::string> subtab( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] ); std::vector<const recipe *> current; std::vector<bool> available; std::vector<std::string> component_print_buffer; const int componentPrintHeight = dataHeight - tailHeight - 1; //preserves component color printout between mode rotations nc_color rotated_color = c_white; int previous_item_line = -1; std::string previous_tab = ""; std::string previous_subtab = ""; item tmp; int line = 0, ypos, scroll_pos = 0; bool redraw = true; bool keepline = false; bool done = false; bool batch = false; int batch_line = 0; int display_mode = 0; const recipe *chosen = NULL; std::vector<iteminfo> thisItem, dummy; input_context ctxt( "CRAFTING" ); ctxt.register_cardinal(); ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" ); ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" ); ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_MODE" ); ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" ); ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" ); ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" ); ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" ); ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" ); ctxt.register_action( "RESET_FILTER" ); ctxt.register_action( "HELP_RECIPE" ); ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" ); ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_BATCH" ); const inventory &crafting_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory(); std::string filterstring = ""; do { if( redraw ) { // When we switch tabs, redraw the header redraw = false; if( ! keepline ) { line = 0; } else { keepline = false; } if( display_mode > 2 ) { display_mode = 2; } TAB_MODE m = ( batch ) ? BATCH : ( filterstring == "" ) ? NORMAL : FILTERED; draw_recipe_tabs( w_head, tab.cur(), m ); draw_recipe_subtabs( w_subhead, tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), m ); current.clear(); available.clear(); if( batch ) { batch_recipes( crafting_inv, current, available, chosen ); } else { // Set current to all recipes in the current tab; available are possible to make pick_recipes( crafting_inv, current, available, tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), filterstring ); } } // Clear the screen of recipe data, and draw it anew werase( w_data ); if ( isWide ) { werase( w_iteminfo ); } if( isWide ) { mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white, _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) ); wprintz( w_data, c_white, " " ); if( filterstring != "" ) { wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ), ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) ); } else { wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ), ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) ); } } else { if( filterstring != "" ) { mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) ); } mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 2, 5, c_white, _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) ); } // Draw borders for( int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i ) { // _ mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, i, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_OXOX ); } for( int i = 0; i < dataHeight - 1; ++i ) { // | mvwputch( w_data, i, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO ); mvwputch( w_data, i, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO ); } mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXOO ); // _| mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOOX ); // |_ int recmin = 0, recmax = current.size(); if( recmax > dataLines ) { if( line <= recmin + dataHalfLines ) { for( int i = recmin; i < recmin + dataLines; ++i ) { std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result ); if( batch ) { tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() ); } mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, c_dkgray, "" ); // Clear the line if( i == line ) { mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } } } else if( line >= recmax - dataHalfLines ) { for( int i = recmax - dataLines; i < recmax; ++i ) { std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result ); if( batch ) { tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() ); } mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, c_ltgray, "" ); // Clear the line if( i == line ) { mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } } } else { for( int i = line - dataHalfLines; i < line - dataHalfLines + dataLines; ++i ) { std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result ); if( batch ) { tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() ); } mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, c_ltgray, "" ); // Clear the line if( i == line ) { mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } } } } else { for( size_t i = 0; i < current.size() && i < ( size_t )dataHeight + 1; ++i ) { std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result ); if( batch ) { tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), ( int )i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() ); } if( ( int )i == line ) { mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ), utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() ); } } } if( !current.empty() ) { nc_color col = ( available[line] ? c_white : c_ltgray ); ypos = 0; component_print_buffer = current[line]->requirements.get_folded_components_list( FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1, col, crafting_inv, ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ); if( !g->u.knows_recipe( current[line] ) ) { component_print_buffer.push_back( _( "Recipe not memorized yet" ) ); } //handle positioning of component list if it needed to be scrolled int componentPrintOffset = 0; if( display_mode > 2 ) { componentPrintOffset = ( display_mode - 2 ) * componentPrintHeight; } if( component_print_buffer.size() < static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset ) ) { componentPrintOffset = 0; if( previous_tab != tab.cur() || previous_subtab != subtab.cur() || previous_item_line != line ) { display_mode = 2; } else { display_mode = 0; } } //only used to preserve mode position on components when //moving to another item and the view is already scrolled previous_tab = tab.cur(); previous_subtab = subtab.cur(); previous_item_line = line; if( display_mode == 0 ) { mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Skills used: %s" ), ( !current[line]->skill_used ? _( "N/A" ) : current[line]->skill_used.obj().name().c_str() ) ); mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Required skills: %s" ), ( current[line]->required_skills_string().c_str() ) ); mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Difficulty: %d" ), current[line]->difficulty ); if( !current[line]->skill_used ) { mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Your skill level: N/A" ) ); } else { mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Your skill level: %d" ), // Macs don't seem to like passing this as a class, so force it to int ( int )g->u.skillLevel( current[line]->skill_used ) ); } ypos += current[line]->print_time( w_data, ypos, 30, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1, col, ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ); ypos += current[line]->print_items( w_data, ypos, 30, col, ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ); } if( display_mode == 0 || display_mode == 1 ) { ypos += current[line]->requirements.print_tools( w_data, ypos, 30, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1, col, crafting_inv, ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ); } //color needs to be preserved in case part of the previous page was cut off nc_color stored_color = col; if( display_mode > 2 ) { stored_color = rotated_color; } else { rotated_color = col; } int components_printed = 0; for( size_t i = static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset ); i < component_print_buffer.size(); i++ ) { if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight ) { break; } components_printed++; print_colored_text( w_data, ypos++, 30, stored_color, col, component_print_buffer[i] ); } if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight && component_print_buffer.size() > static_cast<size_t>( components_printed ) ) { mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "v (more)" ) ); rotated_color = stored_color; } if( isWide ) { if( lastid != current[line]->id ) { lastid = current[line]->id; tmp = current[line]->create_result();, thisItem); } draw_item_info(w_iteminfo, tmp.tname(), tmp.type_name(), thisItem, dummy, scroll_pos, true, true, true, false, true); } } draw_scrollbar( w_data, line, dataLines, recmax, 0 ); wrefresh( w_data ); if ( isWide ) { wrefresh( w_iteminfo ); } const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input(); if( action == "CYCLE_MODE" ) { display_mode = display_mode + 1; if( display_mode <= 0 ) { display_mode = 0; } } else if( action == "LEFT" ) { subtab.prev(); redraw = true; } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) { scroll_pos--; } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) { scroll_pos++; } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) { tab.prev(); subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL redraw = true; } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {; redraw = true; } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {; subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL redraw = true; } else if( action == "DOWN" ) { line++; } else if( action == "UP" ) { line--; } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) { if( available.empty() || !available[line] ) { popup( _( "You can't do that!" ) ); } else if( !current[line]->check_eligible_containers_for_crafting( ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ) ) { ; // popup is already inside check } else { chosen = current[line]; batch_size = ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1; done = true; } } else if( action == "HELP_RECIPE" ) { if( current.empty() ) { popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) ); redraw = true; continue; } tmp = current[line]->create_result(); full_screen_popup( "%s\n%s", tmp.type_name( 1 ).c_str(), true ).c_str() ); redraw = true; keepline = true; } else if( action == "FILTER" ) { filterstring = string_input_popup( _( "Search:" ), 85, filterstring, _( "Special prefixes for requirements:\n" " [t] search tools\n" " [c] search components\n" " [q] search qualities\n" " [s] search skills\n" " [S] search skill used only\n" "Special prefixes for results:\n" " [Q] search qualities\n" "Examples:\n" " t:soldering iron\n" " c:two by four\n" " q:metal sawing\n" " s:cooking\n" " Q:fine bolt turning" ) ); redraw = true; } else if( action == "QUIT" ) { chosen = nullptr; done = true; } else if( action == "RESET_FILTER" ) { filterstring = ""; redraw = true; } else if( action == "CYCLE_BATCH" ) { if( current.empty() ) { popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) ); redraw = true; continue; } batch = !batch; if( batch ) { batch_line = line; chosen = current[batch_line]; } else { line = batch_line; keepline = true; } redraw = true; } if( line < 0 ) { line = current.size() - 1; } else if( line >= ( int )current.size() ) { line = 0; } } while( !done ); werase( w_head ); werase( w_subhead ); werase( w_data ); delwin( w_head ); delwin( w_subhead ); delwin( w_data ); g->refresh_all(); return chosen; }
/* * Display a dialog box with a list of options that can be turned on or off * in the style of radiolist (only one option turned on at a time). */ int dialog_checklist(const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int list_height) { int i, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0, scroll = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *list; /* which item to highlight */ item_foreach() { if (item_is_tag('X')) choice = item_n(); if (item_is_selected()) { choice = item_n(); break; } } do_resize: if (getmaxy(stdscr) < (height + 6)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; if (getmaxx(stdscr) < (width + 6)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; max_choice = MIN(list_height, item_count()); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dlg.dialog.atr, dlg.border.atr); wattrset(dialog, dlg.border.atr); mvwaddch(dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); print_title(dialog, title, width); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); list_width = width - 6; box_y = height - list_height - 5; box_x = (width - list_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the list */ list = subwin(dialog, list_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad(list, TRUE); /* draw a box around the list items */ draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height + 2, list_width + 2, dlg.menubox_border.atr, dlg.menubox.atr); /* Find length of longest item in order to center checklist */ check_x = 0; item_foreach() check_x = MAX(check_x, strlen(item_str()) + 4); check_x = (list_width - check_x) / 2; item_x = check_x + 4; if (choice >= list_height) { scroll = choice - list_height + 1; choice -= scroll; } /* Print the list */ for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(scroll + i); print_item(list, i, i == choice); } print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wnoutrefresh(list); doupdate(); while (key != KEY_ESC) { key = wgetch(dialog); for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { item_set(i + scroll); if (toupper(key) == toupper(item_str()[0])) break; } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+' || key == '-') { if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (!choice) { if (!scroll) continue; /* Scroll list down */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current first item */ item_set(scroll); print_item(list, 0, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, -1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll--; item_set(scroll); print_item(list, 0, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice - 1; } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { if (choice == max_choice - 1) { if (scroll + choice >= item_count() - 1) continue; /* Scroll list up */ if (list_height > 1) { /* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */ item_set(scroll + max_choice - 1); print_item(list, max_choice - 1, FALSE); scrollok(list, TRUE); wscrl(list, 1); scrollok(list, FALSE); } scroll++; item_set(scroll + max_choice - 1); print_item(list, max_choice - 1, TRUE); print_arrows(dialog, choice, item_count(), scroll, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5, list_height); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } else i = choice + 1; } if (i != choice) { /* De-highlight current item */ item_set(scroll + choice); print_item(list, choice, FALSE); /* Highlight new item */ choice = i; item_set(scroll + choice); print_item(list, choice, TRUE); wnoutrefresh(dialog); wrefresh(list); } continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case 'H': case 'h': case '?': button = 1; /* fall-through */ case 'S': case 's': case ' ': case '\n': item_foreach() item_set_selected(0); item_set(scroll + choice); item_set_selected(1); delwin(list); delwin(dialog); return button; case TAB: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 1 : (button > 1 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh(dialog); break; case 'X': case 'x': key = KEY_ESC; break; case KEY_ESC: key = on_key_esc(dialog); break; case KEY_RESIZE: delwin(list); delwin(dialog); on_key_resize(); goto do_resize; } /* Now, update everything... */ doupdate(); } delwin(list); delwin(dialog); return key; /* ESC pressed */ }
getwin(FILE * filep) { WINDOW tmp, *nwin; int n; T((T_CALLED("getwin(%p)"), filep)); clearerr(filep); (void) fread(&tmp, sizeof(WINDOW), 1, filep); if (ferror(filep)) returnWin(0); if (tmp._flags & _ISPAD) { nwin = newpad(tmp._maxy + 1, tmp._maxx + 1); } else { nwin = newwin(tmp._maxy + 1, tmp._maxx + 1, 0, 0); } /* * We deliberately do not restore the _parx, _pary, or _parent * fields, because the window hierarchy within which they * made sense is probably gone. */ if (nwin != 0) { nwin->_curx = tmp._curx; nwin->_cury = tmp._cury; nwin->_maxy = tmp._maxy; nwin->_maxx = tmp._maxx; nwin->_begy = tmp._begy; nwin->_begx = tmp._begx; nwin->_yoffset = tmp._yoffset; nwin->_flags = tmp._flags & ~(_SUBWIN); nwin->_attrs = tmp._attrs; nwin->_nc_bkgd = tmp._nc_bkgd; nwin->_notimeout = tmp._notimeout; nwin->_clear = tmp._clear; nwin->_leaveok = tmp._leaveok; nwin->_idlok = tmp._idlok; nwin->_idcok = tmp._idcok; nwin->_immed = tmp._immed; nwin->_scroll = tmp._scroll; nwin->_sync = tmp._sync; nwin->_use_keypad = tmp._use_keypad; nwin->_delay = tmp._delay; nwin->_regtop = tmp._regtop; nwin->_regbottom = tmp._regbottom; if (tmp._flags & _ISPAD) nwin->_pad = tmp._pad; for (n = 0; n <= nwin->_maxy; n++) { clearerr(filep); (void) fread(nwin->_line[n].text, sizeof(NCURSES_CH_T), (size_t) (nwin->_maxx + 1), filep); if (ferror(filep)) { delwin(nwin); returnWin(0); } } touchwin(nwin); } returnWin(nwin); }
void npc::talk_to_u(game *g) { if (attitude == NPCATT_TALK) attitude = NPCATT_NULL; dialogue d; d.alpha = &g->u; d.beta = this; d.topic_stack.push_back(chatbin.first_topic); if (is_friend()) d.topic_stack.push_back(TALK_FRIEND); int most_difficult_mission = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chatbin.missions.size(); i++) { mission_type *type = g->find_mission_type(chatbin.missions[i]); if (type->urgent && type->difficulty > most_difficult_mission) { d.topic_stack.push_back(TALK_MISSION_DESCRIBE); chatbin.mission_selected = i; most_difficult_mission = type->difficulty; } } most_difficult_mission = 0; bool chosen_urgent = false; for (int i = 0; i < chatbin.missions_assigned.size(); i++) { mission_type *type = g->find_mission_type(chatbin.missions_assigned[i]); if ((type->urgent && !chosen_urgent) || (type->difficulty > most_difficult_mission && (type->urgent || !chosen_urgent) )) { chosen_urgent = type->urgent; d.topic_stack.push_back(TALK_MISSION_INQUIRE); chatbin.mission_selected = i; most_difficult_mission = type->difficulty; } } if (d.topic_stack.back() == TALK_NONE) { g->add_msg(_("%s says, \"Leave me alone.\""), name.c_str()); return; } moves -= 100; decide_needs(); = newwin(25, 80, 0, 0); wborder(, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX ); for (int i = 1; i < 24; i++) mvwputch(, i, 41, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO); mvwputch(, 0, 41, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX); mvwputch(, 24, 41, c_ltgray, LINE_XXOX); mvwprintz(, 1, 1, c_white, _("Dialogue with %s"), name.c_str()); mvwprintz(, 1, 43, c_white, _("Your response:")); // Main dialogue loop do { talk_topic next = d.opt(d.topic_stack.back(), g); if (next == TALK_NONE) { int cat = topic_category(d.topic_stack.back()); do d.topic_stack.pop_back(); while (cat != -1 && topic_category(d.topic_stack.back()) == cat); } if (next == TALK_DONE || d.topic_stack.empty()) d.done = true; else if (next != TALK_NONE) d.topic_stack.push_back(next); } while (!d.done); delwin(; g->refresh_all(); }
CWindows::~CWindows() { delwin(m_this); }
void curses_line_input_dialog(const char *prompt, char *answer, int buffer) { int map_height, map_width, maxwidth, remaining_buf, winx, winy, count; WINDOW *askwin, *bwin; char input[buffer]; char *tmpstr; int prompt_width = strlen(prompt) + buffer + 1; int prompt_height = 1; int height = prompt_height; maxwidth = term_cols - 2; if (iflags.window_inited) { curses_get_window_size(MAP_WIN, &map_height, &map_width); if ((prompt_width + 2) > map_width) maxwidth = map_width - 2; } if (prompt_width > maxwidth) { prompt_height = curses_num_lines(prompt, maxwidth); height = prompt_height; prompt_width = maxwidth; tmpstr = curses_break_str(prompt, maxwidth, prompt_height); remaining_buf = buffer - (strlen(tmpstr) - 1); if (remaining_buf > 0 ) { height += (remaining_buf / prompt_width); if ((remaining_buf % prompt_width) > 0) { height++; } } } if (iflags.window_inited) { bwin = curses_create_window(prompt_width, height, UP); wrefresh(bwin); getbegyx(bwin, winy, winx); askwin = newwin(height, prompt_width, winy + 1, winx + 1); } else { bwin = curses_create_window(prompt_width, height, CENTER); wrefresh(bwin); getbegyx(bwin, winy, winx); askwin = newwin(height, prompt_width, winy + 1, winx + 1); } for (count = 0; count < prompt_height; count++) { tmpstr = curses_break_str(prompt, maxwidth, count + 1); if (count == (prompt_height - 1)) { /* Last line */ mvwprintw(askwin, count, 0, "%s ", tmpstr); } else { mvwaddstr(askwin, count, 0, tmpstr); } free(tmpstr); } echo(); curs_set(1); wgetnstr(askwin, input, buffer-1); curs_set(0); strcpy(answer, input); werase(bwin); delwin(bwin); curses_destroy_win(askwin); noecho(); }
/* * Display a menu for choosing among a number of options */ int dialog_menu (const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width, int menu_height, const char *current, int item_no, struct dialog_list_item ** items) { int i, j, x, y, box_x, box_y; int key = 0, button = 0, scroll = 0, choice = 0, first_item = 0, max_choice; WINDOW *dialog, *menu; FILE *f; max_choice = MIN (menu_height, item_no); /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow (stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin (height, width, y, x); keypad (dialog, TRUE); draw_box (dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); wattrset (dialog, border_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch (dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); wbkgdset (dialog, dialog_attr & A_COLOR); waddch (dialog, ACS_RTEE); if (title != NULL && strlen(title) >= width-2 ) { /* truncate long title -- mec */ char * title2 = malloc(width-2+1); memcpy( title2, title, width-2 ); title2[width-2] = '\0'; title = title2; } if (title != NULL) { wattrset (dialog, title_attr); mvwaddch (dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1, ' '); waddstr (dialog, (char *)title); waddch (dialog, ' '); } wattrset (dialog, dialog_attr); print_autowrap (dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); menu_width = width - 6; box_y = height - menu_height - 5; box_x = (width - menu_width) / 2 - 1; /* create new window for the menu */ menu = subwin (dialog, menu_height, menu_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1); keypad (menu, TRUE); /* draw a box around the menu items */ draw_box (dialog, box_y, box_x, menu_height + 2, menu_width + 2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); /* * Find length of longest item in order to center menu. * Set 'choice' to default item. */ item_x = 0; for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) { item_x = MAX (item_x, MIN(menu_width, strlen (items[i]->name) + 2)); if (strcmp(current, items[i]->tag) == 0) choice = i; } item_x = (menu_width - item_x) / 2; /* get the scroll info from the temp file */ if ( (f=fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp","r")) != NULL ) { if ( (fscanf(f,"%d\n",&scroll) == 1) && (scroll <= choice) && (scroll+max_choice > choice) && (scroll >= 0) && (scroll+max_choice <= item_no) ) { first_item = scroll; choice = choice - scroll; fclose(f); } else { scroll=0; remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); fclose(f); f=NULL; } } if ( (choice >= max_choice) || (f==NULL && choice >= max_choice/2) ) { if (choice >= item_no-max_choice/2) scroll = first_item = item_no-max_choice; else scroll = first_item = choice - max_choice/2; choice = choice - scroll; } /* Print the menu */ for (i=0; i < max_choice; i++) { print_item (menu, items[first_item + i]->name, i, i == choice, (items[first_item + i]->tag[0] != ':')); } wnoutrefresh (menu); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x+item_x+1, menu_height); print_buttons (dialog, height, width, 0); wmove (menu, choice, item_x+1); wrefresh (menu); while (key != ESC) { key = wgetch(menu); if (key < 256 && isalpha(key)) key = tolower(key); if (strchr("ynm", key)) i = max_choice; else { for (i = choice+1; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items[scroll + i]->name, "YyNnMm>"); if (key == tolower(items[scroll + i]->name[j])) break; } if (i == max_choice) for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++) { j = first_alpha(items[scroll + i]->name, "YyNnMm>"); if (key == tolower(items[scroll + i]->name[j])) break; } } if (i < max_choice || key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == '-' || key == '+' || key == KEY_PPAGE || key == KEY_NPAGE) { print_item (menu, items[scroll + choice]->name, choice, FALSE, (items[scroll + choice]->tag[0] != ':')); if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') { if (choice < 2 && scroll) { /* Scroll menu down */ scrollok (menu, TRUE); wscrl (menu, -1); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll--; print_item (menu, items[scroll]->name, 0, FALSE, (items[scroll]->tag[0] != ':')); } else choice = MAX(choice - 1, 0); } else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') { print_item (menu, items[scroll + choice]->name, choice, FALSE, (items[scroll + choice]->tag[0] != ':')); if ((choice > max_choice-3) && (scroll + max_choice < item_no) ) { /* Scroll menu up */ scrollok (menu, TRUE); scroll (menu); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll++; print_item (menu, items[scroll + max_choice - 1]->name, max_choice-1, FALSE, (items[scroll + max_choice - 1]->tag[0] != ':')); } else choice = MIN(choice+1, max_choice-1); } else if (key == KEY_PPAGE) { scrollok (menu, TRUE); for (i=0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll > 0) { wscrl (menu, -1); scroll--; print_item (menu, items[scroll]->name, 0, FALSE, (items[scroll]->tag[0] != ':')); } else { if (choice > 0) choice--; } } scrollok (menu, FALSE); } else if (key == KEY_NPAGE) { for (i=0; (i < max_choice); i++) { if (scroll+max_choice < item_no) { scrollok (menu, TRUE); scroll(menu); scrollok (menu, FALSE); scroll++; print_item (menu, items[scroll + max_choice - 1]->name, max_choice-1, FALSE, (items[scroll + max_choice - 1]->tag[0] != ':')); } else { if (choice+1 < max_choice) choice++; } } } else choice = i; print_item (menu, items[scroll + choice]->name, choice, TRUE, (items[scroll + choice]->tag[0] != ':')); print_arrows(dialog, item_no, scroll, box_y, box_x+item_x+1, menu_height); wnoutrefresh (dialog); wrefresh (menu); continue; /* wait for another key press */ } switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: case TAB: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 2 : (button > 2 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh (menu); break; case ' ': case 's': case 'y': case 'n': case 'm': /* save scroll info */ if ( (f=fopen("lxdialog.scrltmp","w")) != NULL ) { fprintf(f,"%d\n",scroll); fclose(f); } delwin (dialog); items[scroll + choice]->selected = 1; switch (key) { case 's': return 3; case 'y': return 3; case 'n': return 4; case 'm': return 5; case ' ': return 6; } return 0; case 'h': case '?': button = 2; case '\n': delwin (dialog); items[scroll + choice]->selected = 1; remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return button; case 'e': case 'x': key = ESC; case ESC: break; } } delwin (dialog); remove("lxdialog.scrltmp"); return -1; /* ESC pressed */ }
/* * Display a dialog box with two buttons - Yes and No */ int dialog_yesno(const char *title, const char *prompt, int height, int width) { int i, x, y, key = 0, button = 0; WINDOW *dialog; do_resize: if (getmaxy(stdscr) < (height + 4)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; if (getmaxx(stdscr) < (width + 4)) return -ERRDISPLAYTOOSMALL; /* center dialog box on screen */ x = (COLS - width) / 2; y = (LINES - height) / 2; draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width); dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x); keypad(dialog, TRUE); draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dlg.dialog.atr, dlg.border.atr); wattrset(dialog, dlg.border.atr); mvwaddch(dialog, height - 3, 0, ACS_LTEE); for (i = 0; i < width - 2; i++) waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE); print_title(dialog, title, width); wattrset(dialog, dlg.dialog.atr); print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width - 2, 1, 3); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, 0); while (key != KEY_ESC) { key = wgetch(dialog); switch (key) { case 'Y': case 'y': delwin(dialog); return 0; case 'N': case 'n': delwin(dialog); return 1; case TAB: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: button = ((key == KEY_LEFT ? --button : ++button) < 0) ? 1 : (button > 1 ? 0 : button); print_buttons(dialog, height, width, button); wrefresh(dialog); break; case ' ': case '\n': delwin(dialog); return button; case KEY_ESC: key = on_key_esc(dialog); break; case KEY_RESIZE: delwin(dialog); on_key_resize(); goto do_resize; } } delwin(dialog); return key; /* ESC pressed */ }
char game::inv_type(std::string title, item_cat inv_item_type) { // this function lists inventory objects by type // refer to enum item_cat in itype.h for list of categories WINDOW* w_inv = newwin(((VIEWY < 12) ? 25 : VIEWY*2+1), ((VIEWX < 12) ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH : VIEWX*2+56), VIEW_OFFSET_Y, VIEW_OFFSET_X); const int maxitems = (VIEWY < 12) ? 20 : VIEWY*2-4; // Number of items to show at one time. int ch = (int)'.'; int start = 0, cur_it = 0, max_it; u.inv.sort(); u.inv.restack(&u); std::vector<char> null_vector; print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, title, null_vector); // Gun, ammo, weapon, armor, food, tool, book, other // Create the reduced inventory inventory reduced_inv = u.inv.filter_by_category(inv_item_type, u); invslice slice = reduced_inv.slice(0, reduced_inv.size()); std::vector<int> firsts = find_firsts(slice); int selected=-1; int selected_char=(int)' '; do { if (( ch == '<' || ch == KEY_PPAGE ) && start > 0) { // Clear lines and shift for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); start -= maxitems; if (start < 0) start = 0; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, " "); if ( selected > -1 ) selected = start; // oy, the cheese } if (( ch == '>' || ch == KEY_NPAGE ) && cur_it < reduced_inv.size()) { // Clear lines and shift start = cur_it; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, " "); for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); if ( selected < start && selected > -1 ) selected = start; } int cur_line = 2; max_it = 0; for (cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems && cur_line < maxitems+3; cur_it++) { // Clear the current line; mvwprintw(w_inv, cur_line, 0, " "); for (int i = 1; i < iCategorieNum; i++) { if (cur_it == firsts[i-1]) { mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 0, c_magenta, _(CATEGORIES[i].c_str())); cur_line++; } } if (cur_it < slice.size()) { item& it = slice[cur_it]->front(); if(cur_it==selected) selected_char=(int)it.invlet; mvwputch (w_inv, cur_line, 0, (cur_it == selected ? h_white : c_white), it.invlet); mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 1, (cur_it == selected ? h_white : it.color_in_inventory(&u) ), " %s", it.tname(this).c_str()); if (slice[cur_it]->size() > 1) wprintw(w_inv, " [%d]", slice[cur_it]->size()); if (it.charges > 0) wprintw(w_inv, " (%d)", it.charges); else if (it.contents.size() == 1 && it.contents[0].charges > 0) wprintw(w_inv, " (%d)", it.contents[0].charges); cur_line++; max_it=cur_it; } // cur_line++; } if (start > 0) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, _("< Go Back")); if (cur_it < reduced_inv.size()) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, _("> More items")); wrefresh(w_inv); ch = getch(); if ( ch == KEY_DOWN ) { if ( selected < 0 ) { selected = start; } else { selected++; } if ( selected > max_it ) { if( cur_it < u.inv.size() ) { ch='>'; } else { selected = u.inv.size() - 1; // wraparound? } } } else if ( ch == KEY_UP ) { selected--; if ( selected < -1 ) { selected = -1; // wraparound? } else if ( selected < start ) { if ( start > 0 ) { for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); start -= maxitems; if (start < 0) start = 0; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, " "); } } } else if ( ch == '\n' || ch == KEY_RIGHT ) { ch = selected_char; } } while (ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == KEY_NPAGE || ch == KEY_PPAGE || ch == KEY_UP || ch == KEY_DOWN ); werase(w_inv); delwin(w_inv); erase(); refresh_all(); return (char)ch; }
Window::~Window() { delwin(p->win); delete p; }
std::vector<item> game::multidrop() { u.inv.sort(); u.inv.restack(&u); WINDOW* w_inv = newwin(((VIEWY < 12) ? 25 : VIEWY*2+1), ((VIEWX < 12) ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH : VIEWX*2+56), VIEW_OFFSET_Y, VIEW_OFFSET_X); int drp_line_width=getmaxx(w_inv)-90; const std::string drp_line_padding = ( drp_line_width > 1 ? std::string(drp_line_width, ' ') : " "); const int maxitems = (VIEWY < 12) ? 20 : VIEWY*2-4; // Number of items to show at one time. std::map<char, int> dropping; // Count of how many we'll drop from each stack int count = 0; // The current count std::vector<char> weapon_and_armor; // Always single, not counted bool warned_about_bionic = false; // Printed add_msg re: dropping bionics print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, _("Multidrop:"), weapon_and_armor); int base_weight = u.weight_carried(); int base_volume = u.volume_carried(); int ch = (int)'.'; int start = 0, cur_it = 0, max_it; invslice stacks = u.inv.slice(0, u.inv.size()); std::vector<int> firsts = find_firsts(stacks); int selected=-1; int selected_char=(int)' '; do { inventory drop_subset = u.inv.subset(dropping); int new_weight = base_weight - drop_subset.weight(); int new_volume = base_volume - drop_subset.volume(); for (int i = 0; i < weapon_and_armor.size(); ++i) { new_weight -= u.i_at(weapon_and_armor[i]).weight(); } print_inv_weight_vol(this, w_inv, new_weight, new_volume); int cur_line = 2; max_it = 0; int drp_line = 1; // Print weapon to be dropped, the first position is reserved for high visibility mvwprintw(w_inv, 0, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); bool dropping_w = false; for (int k = 0; k < weapon_and_armor.size() && !dropping_w; k++) { if (weapon_and_armor[k] == u.weapon.invlet) { dropping_w = true; } if (dropping_w && u.is_armed()) { mvwprintz(w_inv, 0, 90, c_ltblue, "%c + %s", u.weapon.invlet, u.weapname().c_str()); } } // Print worn items to be dropped if(dropping_w) { mvwprintw(w_inv, drp_line, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); drp_line++; } bool dropping_a = false; if (u.worn.size() > 0){ for (int k = 0; k < u.worn.size(); k++) { bool dropping_w = false; for (int j = 0; j < weapon_and_armor.size() && !dropping_w; j++) { if (weapon_and_armor[j] == u.worn[k].invlet) { dropping_w = true; dropping_a = true; mvwprintw(w_inv, drp_line, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, 90, c_cyan, "%c + %s", u.worn[k].invlet, u.worn[k].tname(this).c_str()); drp_line++; } } } } if(dropping_a) { mvwprintw(w_inv, drp_line, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); drp_line++; } for (cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems && cur_line < maxitems+3; cur_it++) { // Clear the current line; mvwprintw(w_inv, cur_line, 0, " "); mvwprintw(w_inv, drp_line, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); mvwprintw(w_inv, drp_line + 1, 90, "%s", drp_line_padding.c_str()); // Print category header for (int i = 1; i < iCategorieNum; i++) { if (cur_it == firsts[i-1]) { mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 0, c_magenta, _(CATEGORIES[i].c_str())); cur_line++; } } if ( selected < start && selected > -1 ) selected = start; if (cur_it < stacks.size()) { item& it = stacks[cur_it]->front(); if(cur_it==selected) selected_char=(int)it.invlet; mvwputch (w_inv, cur_line, 0, (cur_it == selected ? h_white : c_white), it.invlet); char icon = '-'; if (dropping[it.invlet] >= (it.count_by_charges() ? it.charges : stacks[cur_it]->size())) icon = '+'; else if (dropping[it.invlet] > 0) icon = '#'; nc_color col = ( cur_it == selected ? h_white : (dropping[it.invlet] == 0 ? c_ltgray : c_white ) ); mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 1, col, " %c %s", icon, it.tname(this).c_str()); if (stacks[cur_it]->size() > 1) wprintz(w_inv, col, " [%d]", stacks[cur_it]->size()); if (it.charges > 0) wprintz(w_inv, col, " (%d)", it.charges); else if (it.contents.size() == 1 && it.contents[0].charges > 0) wprintw(w_inv, " (%d)", it.contents[0].charges); if (icon=='+'||icon=='#') { mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, 90, col, "%c %c %s", it.invlet, icon, it.tname(this).c_str()); if (icon=='+'){ if (stacks[cur_it]->size() > 1) wprintz(w_inv, col, " [%d]", stacks[cur_it]->size()); if (it.charges > 0) wprintz(w_inv, col, " (%d)", it.charges); } if (icon=='#') { wprintz(w_inv, col, " {%d}", dropping[it.invlet]); } drp_line++; } } cur_line++; max_it=cur_it; } if (start > 0) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, _("< Go Back")); if (cur_it < u.inv.size()) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, _("> More items")); wrefresh(w_inv); /* back to (int)getch() as input() mangles arrow keys ch = input(); */ ch = getch(); if ( ch == '<' || ch == KEY_PPAGE ) { if( start > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); start -= maxitems; if (start < 0) start = 0; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, " "); if ( selected > -1 ) selected = start; // oy, the cheese } } else if ( ch == '>' || ch == KEY_NPAGE ) { if ( cur_it < u.inv.size()) { start = cur_it; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, " "); for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); if ( selected < start && selected > -1 ) selected = start; } } else if ( ch == KEY_DOWN ) { if ( selected < 0 ) { selected = start; } else { selected++; } if ( selected > max_it ) { if( cur_it < u.inv.size() ) { start = cur_it; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, " "); for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); } else { selected = u.inv.size() - 1; // wraparound? } } } else if ( ch == KEY_UP ) { selected--; if ( selected < -1 ) { selected = -1; // wraparound? } else if ( selected < start ) { if ( start > 0 ) { for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); start -= maxitems; if (start < 0) start = 0; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, " "); } } } else if (ch >= '0'&& ch <= '9') { ch = (char)ch - '0'; count *= 10; count += ch; } else { // todo: reformat and maybe rewrite if ( ch == '\t' || ch == KEY_RIGHT || ch == KEY_LEFT ) { ch = selected_char; } if (u.has_item(ch)) { item& it = u.inv.item_by_letter(ch); if (it.is_null()) { // Not from inventory int found = false; for (int i = 0; i < weapon_and_armor.size() && !found; i++) { if (weapon_and_armor[i] == ch) { weapon_and_armor.erase(weapon_and_armor.begin() + i); found = true; print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, _("Multidrop:"), weapon_and_armor); } } if (!found) { if ( ch == u.weapon.invlet && std::find(unreal_itype_ids.begin(), unreal_itype_ids.end(), u.weapon.type->id) != unreal_itype_ids.end()){ if (!warned_about_bionic) add_msg(_("You cannot drop your %s."), u.weapon.tname(this).c_str()); warned_about_bionic = true; } else { weapon_and_armor.push_back(ch); print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, _("Multidrop:"), weapon_and_armor); } } } else { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < stacks.size(); ++i) { if (stacks[i]->front().invlet == it.invlet) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { debugmsg("Inventory got out of sync with inventory slice?"); } if (count == 0) { if (it.count_by_charges()) { if (dropping[it.invlet] == 0) dropping[it.invlet] = -1; else dropping[it.invlet] = 0; } else { if (dropping[it.invlet] == 0) dropping[it.invlet] = stacks[index]->size(); else dropping[it.invlet] = 0; } } else if (count >= stacks[index]->size() && !it.count_by_charges()) dropping[it.invlet] = stacks[index]->size(); else dropping[it.invlet] = count; count = 0; } } } } while (ch != '\n' && ch != KEY_ESCAPE && ch != ' '); werase(w_inv); delwin(w_inv); erase(); refresh_all(); std::vector<item> ret; if (ch != '\n') return ret; // Canceled! for (std::map<char,int>::iterator it = dropping.begin(); it != dropping.end(); it++) { if (it->second == -1) ret.push_back( u.inv.remove_item_by_letter( it->first)); else if (it->second && u.inv.item_by_letter( it->first).count_by_charges()) { int charges = u.inv.item_by_letter( it->first).charges;// >= it->second ? : it->second; ret.push_back( u.inv.remove_item_by_charges( it->first, it->second > charges ? charges : it->second)); } else if (it->second) for (int j = it->second; j > 0; j--) ret.push_back( u.inv.remove_item_by_letter( it->first)); } for (int i = 0; i < weapon_and_armor.size(); i++) { if (!u.takeoff(this, weapon_and_armor[i], true)) { continue; } // Item could have been dropped after taking it off if (&u.inv.item_by_letter(weapon_and_armor[i]) != &u.inv.nullitem) { ret.push_back(u.i_rem(weapon_and_armor[i])); } } return ret; }
int worldfactory::show_worldgen_tab_confirm(WINDOW *win, WORLDPTR world) { const int iTooltipHeight = 1; const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3 - iTooltipHeight; const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0; const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0; WINDOW *w_confirmation = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, iTooltipHeight + 2 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX); unsigned namebar_y = 1; unsigned namebar_x = 3 + utf8_width(_("World Name:")); int line = 1; bool noname = false; input_context ctxt("WORLDGEN_CONFIRM_DIALOG"); // Disabled because it conflicts with the "pick random world name" option, // feel free to enable it and change its keybinding in keybindings.json // ctxt.register_action("HELP_KEYBINDINGS"); ctxt.register_action("QUIT"); ctxt.register_action("ANY_INPUT"); ctxt.register_action("NEXT_TAB"); ctxt.register_action("PREV_TAB"); ctxt.register_action("PICK_RANDOM_WORLDNAME"); std::string worldname = world->world_name; do { mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, 2, c_white, _("World Name:")); mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________"); fold_and_print(w_confirmation, 3, 2, 76, c_ltgray, _("Press <color_yellow>?</color> to pick a random name for your world.")); fold_and_print(w_confirmation, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 2, 76, c_ltgray, _("\ Press <color_yellow>></color> when you are satisfied with the world as it is and are ready \ to continue, or <color_yellow><</color> to go back and review your world.")); if (!noname) { mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "%s", worldname.c_str()); if (line == 1) { wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_"); } } if (noname) { mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________"); noname = false; } wrefresh(win); wrefresh(w_confirmation); refresh(); const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input(); if (action == "NEXT_TAB") { if (worldname.empty()) { mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, h_ltgray, _("______NO NAME ENTERED!!!!_____")); noname = true; wrefresh(w_confirmation); if (!query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished? World name will be randomly generated."))) { continue; } else { world->world_name = pick_random_name(); if (!valid_worldname(world->world_name)) { continue; } return 1; } } else if (query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished?")) && valid_worldname(worldname)) { world->world_name = worldname; werase(w_confirmation); delwin(w_confirmation); return 1; } else { continue; } } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") { world->world_name = worldname; werase(w_confirmation); delwin(w_confirmation); return -1; } else if (action == "PICK_RANDOM_WORLDNAME") { mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________"); world->world_name = worldname = pick_random_name(); } else if (action == "QUIT") { world->world_name = worldname; // cache the current worldname just in case they say No to the exit query return -999; } else if (action == "ANY_INPUT") { const long ch = ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input(); switch (line) { case 1: if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == 127) { if (!worldname.empty()) { //erase utf8 character TODO: make a function while(!worldname.empty() && ((unsigned char)worldname[worldname.size() - 1]) >= 128 && ((unsigned char)worldname[(int)worldname.size() - 1]) <= 191) { worldname.erase(worldname.size() - 1); } worldname.erase(worldname.size() - 1); mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________ "); mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "%s", worldname.c_str()); wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_"); } } else if (is_char_allowed(ch) && utf8_width(worldname.c_str()) < 30) { worldname.push_back(ch); } else if(ch == KEY_F(2)) { std::string tmp = get_input_string_from_file(); int tmplen = utf8_width(tmp.c_str()); if(tmplen > 0 && tmplen + utf8_width(worldname.c_str()) < 30) { worldname.append(tmp); } } //experimental unicode input else if(ch > 127) { std::string tmp = utf32_to_utf8(ch); int tmplen = utf8_width(tmp.c_str()); if(tmplen > 0 && tmplen + utf8_width(worldname.c_str()) < 30) { worldname.append(tmp); } } break; } } } while (true); return 0; }
void game::compare(int iCompareX, int iCompareY) { int examx, examy; std::vector <item> grounditems; int ch = (int)'.'; if (iCompareX != -999 && iCompareX != -999) { examx = u.posx + iCompareX; examy = u.posy + iCompareY; } else if (!choose_adjacent("Compare",examx,examy)) { return; } std::vector <item> here = m.i_at(examx, examy); //Filter out items with the same name (keep only one of them) std::map <std::string, bool> dups; for (int i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) { if (!dups[here[i].tname(this).c_str()]) { grounditems.push_back(here[i]); dups[here[i].tname(this).c_str()] = true; } } //Only the first 10 Items due to numbering 0-9 const int groundsize = (grounditems.size() > 10 ? 10 : grounditems.size()); u.inv.sort(); u.inv.restack(&u); invslice stacks = u.inv.slice(0, u.inv.size()); WINDOW* w_inv = newwin(TERMY-VIEW_OFFSET_Y*2, TERMX-VIEW_OFFSET_X*2, VIEW_OFFSET_Y, VIEW_OFFSET_X); int maxitems = TERMY-5-VIEW_OFFSET_Y*2; // Number of items to show at one time. std::vector<int> compare_list; // Count of how many we'll drop from each stack bool bFirst = false; // First Item selected bool bShowCompare = false; char cLastCh = 0; compare_list.resize(u.inv.size() + groundsize, 0); std::vector<char> weapon_and_armor; // Always single, not counted print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, "Compare:", weapon_and_armor); // Gun, ammo, weapon, armor, food, tool, book, other std::vector<int> first = find_firsts(stacks); std::vector<int> firsts; if (groundsize > 0) { firsts.push_back(0); } for (int i = 0; i < first.size(); i++) { firsts.push_back((first[i] >= 0) ? first[i]+groundsize : -1); } ch = '.'; int start = 0, cur_it = 0; do { if (( ch == '<' || ch == KEY_PPAGE ) && start > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); start -= maxitems; if (start < 0) start = 0; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, " "); } if (( ch == '>' || ch == KEY_NPAGE ) && cur_it < u.inv.size() + groundsize) { start = cur_it; mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, " "); for (int i = 1; i < maxitems+4; i++) mvwprintz(w_inv, i, 0, c_black, " "); } int cur_line = 2; int iHeaderOffset = (groundsize > 0) ? 0 : 1; for (cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems && cur_line < maxitems+3; cur_it++) { // Clear the current line; mvwprintw(w_inv, cur_line, 0, " "); // Print category header for (int i = iHeaderOffset; i < iCategorieNum; i++) { if (cur_it == firsts[i-iHeaderOffset]) { mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 0, c_magenta, _(CATEGORIES[i].c_str())); cur_line++; } } if (cur_it < u.inv.size() + groundsize) { char icon = '-'; if (compare_list[cur_it] == 1) icon = '+'; if (cur_it < groundsize) { mvwputch (w_inv, cur_line, 0, c_white, '1'+((cur_it<9) ? cur_it: -1)); nc_color col = (compare_list[cur_it] == 0 ? c_ltgray : c_white); mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 1, col, " %c %s", icon, grounditems[cur_it].tname(this).c_str()); } else { item& it = stacks[cur_it-groundsize]->front(); mvwputch (w_inv, cur_line, 0, c_white, it.invlet); nc_color col = (compare_list[cur_it] == 0 ? c_ltgray : c_white); mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, 1, col, " %c %s", icon, it.tname(this).c_str()); if (stacks[cur_it-groundsize]->size() > 1) wprintz(w_inv, col, " [%d]", stacks[cur_it-groundsize]->size()); if (it.charges > 0) wprintz(w_inv, col, " (%d)", it.charges); else if (it.contents.size() == 1 && it.contents[0].charges > 0) wprintw(w_inv, " (%d)", it.contents[0].charges); } } cur_line++; } if (start > 0) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 0, _("< Go Back")); if (cur_it < u.inv.size() + groundsize) mvwprintw(w_inv, maxitems + 4, 12, _("> More items")); wrefresh(w_inv); ch = getch(); if (u.has_item(ch)) { item& it = u.inv.item_by_letter(ch); if (it.is_null()) { // Not from inventory bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < weapon_and_armor.size() && !found; i++) { if (weapon_and_armor[i] == ch) { weapon_and_armor.erase(weapon_and_armor.begin() + i); found = true; bFirst = false; print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, "Compare:", weapon_and_armor); } } if (!found) { if ( ch == u.weapon.invlet && std::find(unreal_itype_ids.begin(), unreal_itype_ids.end(), u.weapon.type->id) != unreal_itype_ids.end()){ //Do Bionic stuff here?! } else { if (!bFirst) { weapon_and_armor.push_back(ch); print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, "Compare:", weapon_and_armor); bFirst = true; cLastCh = ch; } else { bShowCompare = true; } } } } else { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < stacks.size(); ++i) { if (stacks[i]->front().invlet == it.invlet) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { debugmsg("Inventory got out of sync with inventory slice?"); } if (compare_list[index+groundsize] == 1) { compare_list[index+groundsize] = 0; bFirst = false; } else { if (!bFirst) { compare_list[index+groundsize] = 1; bFirst = true; cLastCh = ch; } else { bShowCompare = true; } } } } else if ((ch >= '1' && ch <= '9' && ch-'1' < groundsize) || (ch == '0' && groundsize == 10)) { //Ground Items int iZero = 0; if (ch == '0') { iZero = 10; } if (compare_list[ch-'1'+iZero] == 1) { compare_list[ch-'1'+iZero] = 0; bFirst = false; } else { if (!bFirst) { compare_list[ch-'1'+iZero] = 1; bFirst = true; cLastCh = ch; } else { bShowCompare = true; } } } if (bShowCompare) { std::vector<iteminfo> vItemLastCh, vItemCh; std::string sItemLastCh, sItemCh; if (cLastCh >= '0' && cLastCh <= '9') { int iZero = 0; if (cLastCh == '0') { iZero = 10; } grounditems[cLastCh-'1'+iZero].info(true, &vItemLastCh); sItemLastCh = grounditems[cLastCh-'1'+iZero].tname(this); } else { u.i_at(cLastCh).info(true, &vItemLastCh); sItemLastCh = u.i_at(cLastCh).tname(this); } if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { int iZero = 0; if (ch == '0') { iZero = 10; } grounditems[ch-'1'+iZero].info(true, &vItemCh); sItemCh = grounditems[ch-'1'+iZero].tname(this); } else { u.i_at(ch).info(true, &vItemCh); sItemCh = u.i_at(ch).tname(this); } compare_split_screen_popup(0, (TERMX-VIEW_OFFSET_X*2)/2, TERMY-VIEW_OFFSET_Y*2, sItemLastCh, vItemLastCh, vItemCh); compare_split_screen_popup((TERMX-VIEW_OFFSET_X*2)/2, (TERMX-VIEW_OFFSET_X*2)/2, TERMY-VIEW_OFFSET_Y*2, sItemCh, vItemCh, vItemLastCh); wclear(w_inv); print_inv_statics(this, w_inv, "Compare:", weapon_and_armor); bShowCompare = false; } } while (ch != '\n' && ch != KEY_ESCAPE && ch != ' '); werase(w_inv); delwin(w_inv); erase(); refresh_all(); }
int worldfactory::show_worldgen_tab_modselection(WINDOW *win, WORLDPTR world) { // Use active_mod_order of the world, // saves us from writting 'world->active_mod_order' all the time. std::vector<std::string> &active_mod_order = world->active_mod_order; { std::vector<std::string> tmp_mod_order; // clear active_mod_order and re-add all the mods, his ensures // that changes (like changing depencies) get updated tmp_mod_order.swap(active_mod_order); for(size_t i = 0; i < tmp_mod_order.size(); i++) { mman_ui->try_add(tmp_mod_order[i], active_mod_order); } } const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0; const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0; // lots of small windows so that each section can be drawn to independently of the others as necessary WINDOW *w_header1, *w_header2, *w_shift, *w_list, *w_active, *w_description; w_header1 = newwin(1, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 5, 3 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX); w_header2 = newwin(1, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 4, 3 + iOffsetY, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 3 + iOffsetX); w_shift = newwin(13, 5, 3 + iOffsetY, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 3 + iOffsetX); w_list = newwin(11, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 4, 5 + iOffsetY, iOffsetX); w_active = newwin(11, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 4, 5 + iOffsetY, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + 2 + iOffsetX); w_description = newwin(4, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 19 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX); draw_modselection_borders(win); std::vector<std::string> headers; headers.push_back(_("Mod List")); headers.push_back(_("Mod Load Order")); std::vector<WINDOW *> header_windows; header_windows.push_back(w_header1); header_windows.push_back(w_header2); int tab_output = 0; int last_active_header = 0; size_t active_header = 0; size_t useable_mod_count = mman_ui->usable_mods.size(); int startsel[2] = {0, 0}; int cursel[2] = {0, 0}; bool redraw_headers = true; bool redraw_shift = true; bool redraw_description = true; bool redraw_list = true; bool redraw_active = true; bool selection_changed = false; input_context ctxt("MODMANAGER_DIALOG"); ctxt.register_cardinal(); ctxt.register_action("HELP_KEYBINDINGS"); ctxt.register_action("QUIT"); ctxt.register_action("NEXT_TAB"); ctxt.register_action("PREV_TAB"); ctxt.register_action("CONFIRM"); ctxt.register_action("ADD_MOD"); ctxt.register_action("REMOVE_MOD"); ctxt.register_action("SAVE_DEFAULT_MODS"); while (tab_output == 0) { if (redraw_headers) { for (size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); ++i) { werase(header_windows[i]); const int header_x = (getmaxx(header_windows[i]) - headers[i].size()) / 2; mvwprintz(header_windows[i], 0, header_x , c_cyan, "%s", headers[i].c_str()); if (active_header == i) { mvwputch(header_windows[i], 0, header_x - 3, c_red, '<'); mvwputch(header_windows[i], 0, header_x + headers[i].size() + 2, c_red, '>'); } wrefresh(header_windows[i]); } redraw_list = true; redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; redraw_headers = false; } if (selection_changed) { if (active_header == 0) { redraw_list = true; } if (active_header == 1) { redraw_shift = true; redraw_active = true; } selection_changed = false; redraw_description = true; } if (redraw_description) { werase(w_description); MOD_INFORMATION *selmod = NULL; if (mman_ui->usable_mods.empty()) { // Do nothing, leave selmod == NULL } else if (active_header == 0) { selmod = mman->mod_map[mman_ui->usable_mods[cursel[0]]]; } else if (!active_mod_order.empty()) { selmod = mman->mod_map[active_mod_order[cursel[1]]]; } if (selmod != NULL) { fold_and_print(w_description, 0, 1, getmaxx(w_description) - 1, c_white, mman_ui->get_information(selmod)); } redraw_description = false; wrefresh(w_description); } if (redraw_list) { werase(w_list); calcStartPos(startsel[0], cursel[0], getmaxy(w_list), useable_mod_count); if (useable_mod_count == 0) { center_print(w_list, 0, c_red, _("--NO AVAILABLE MODS--")); } else { std::stringstream list_output; for (size_t i = startsel[0], c = 0; i < useable_mod_count && c < getmaxy(w_list); ++i, ++c) { if ((ssize_t)i != cursel[0]) { list_output << std::string(3, ' '); } else { if (active_header == 0) { list_output << "<color_yellow>"; } else { list_output << "<color_blue>"; } list_output << ">></color> "; } list_output << mman->mod_map[mman_ui->usable_mods[i]]->name << "\n"; } fold_and_print(w_list, 0, 1, getmaxx(w_list) - 1, c_white, list_output.str()); } draw_scrollbar(w_list, cursel[0], getmaxy(w_list), useable_mod_count, 0, 0); wrefresh(w_list); } if (redraw_active) { werase(w_active); const int active_count = active_mod_order.size(); calcStartPos(startsel[1], cursel[1], getmaxy(w_active), active_count); if (active_count == 0) { center_print(w_active, 0, c_red, _("--NO ACTIVE MODS--")); } else { std::stringstream list_output; for (int i = startsel[1], c = 0; i < active_count && c < getmaxy(w_active); ++i, ++c) { if (i != cursel[1]) { list_output << std::string(3, ' '); } else { if (active_header == 1) { list_output << "<color_yellow>"; } else { list_output << "<color_blue>"; } list_output << ">></color> "; } list_output << mman->mod_map[active_mod_order[i]]->name << "\n"; } fold_and_print(w_active, 0, 1, getmaxx(w_active) - 1, c_white, list_output.str()); } draw_scrollbar(w_active, cursel[1], getmaxy(w_active), active_count, 0, 0); wrefresh(w_active); } if (redraw_shift) { werase(w_shift); if (active_header == 1) { std::stringstream shift_display; // get shift information for whatever is visible in the active list for (size_t i = startsel[1], c = 0; i < active_mod_order.size() && c < getmaxy(w_active); ++i, ++c) { if (mman_ui->can_shift_up(i, active_mod_order)) { shift_display << "<color_blue>+</color> "; } else { shift_display << "<color_dkgray>+</color> "; } if (mman_ui->can_shift_down(i, active_mod_order)) { shift_display << "<color_blue>-</color>"; } else { shift_display << "<color_dkgray>-</color>"; } shift_display << "\n"; } fold_and_print(w_shift, 2, 1, getmaxx(w_shift), c_white, shift_display.str()); } redraw_shift = false; wrefresh(w_shift); } refresh(); last_active_header = active_header; const int next_header = (active_header == 1) ? 0 : 1; const int prev_header = (active_header == 0) ? 1 : 0; int selection = (active_header == 0) ? cursel[0] : cursel[1]; int last_selection = selection; unsigned int next_selection = selection + 1; int prev_selection = selection - 1; if (active_header == 0) { next_selection = (next_selection >= useable_mod_count) ? 0 : next_selection; prev_selection = (prev_selection < 0) ? useable_mod_count - 1 : prev_selection; } else { next_selection = (next_selection >= active_mod_order.size()) ? 0 : next_selection; prev_selection = (prev_selection < 0) ? active_mod_order.size() - 1 : prev_selection; } const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input(); if (action == "DOWN") { selection = next_selection; } else if (action == "UP") { selection = prev_selection; } else if (action == "RIGHT") { active_header = next_header; } else if (action == "LEFT") { active_header = prev_header; } else if (action == "CONFIRM") { if (active_header == 0 && !mman_ui->usable_mods.empty()) { // try-add mman_ui->try_add(mman_ui->usable_mods[cursel[0]], active_mod_order); redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; } else if (active_header == 1 && !active_mod_order.empty()) { // try-rem mman_ui->try_rem(cursel[1], active_mod_order); redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; if (active_mod_order.empty()) { // switch back to other list, we can't change // anything in the empty active mods list. active_header = 0; } } } else if (action == "ADD_MOD") { if (active_header == 1 && active_mod_order.size() > 1) { mman_ui->try_shift('+', cursel[1], active_mod_order); redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; } } else if (action == "REMOVE_MOD") { if (active_header == 1 && active_mod_order.size() > 1) { mman_ui->try_shift('-', cursel[1], active_mod_order); redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; } } else if (action == "NEXT_TAB") { tab_output = 1; } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") { tab_output = -1; } else if (action == "SAVE_DEFAULT_MODS") { if(mman->set_default_mods(active_mod_order)) { popup(_("Saved list of active mods as default")); draw_modselection_borders(win); redraw_headers = true; } } else if (action == "QUIT") { tab_output = -999; } // RESOLVE INPUTS if (last_active_header != (ssize_t)active_header) { redraw_headers = true; redraw_shift = true; redraw_description = true; } if (last_selection != selection) { if (active_header == 0) { redraw_list = true; cursel[0] = selection; } else { redraw_active = true; redraw_shift = true; cursel[1] = selection; } redraw_description = true; } if (active_mod_order.empty()) { redraw_active = true; cursel[1] = 0; } if (active_header == 1) { if (active_mod_order.empty()) { cursel[1] = 0; } else { if (cursel[1] < 0) { cursel[1] = 0; } else if (cursel[1] >= (ssize_t)active_mod_order.size()) { cursel[1] = active_mod_order.size() - 1; } } } // end RESOLVE INPUTS } werase(w_header1); werase(w_header2); werase(w_shift); werase(w_list); werase(w_active); werase(w_description); delwin(w_header1); delwin(w_header2); delwin(w_shift); delwin(w_list); delwin(w_active); delwin(w_description); return tab_output; }
void add_line(const char *fmt, ...) { WINDOW *tw; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (line_cnt == 0) { wclear(hw); if (inv_type == INV_SLOW) mpos = 0; } if (inv_type == INV_SLOW) { if ( (fmt != NULL) && (*fmt != '\0') ) vmsg(fmt, ap); line_cnt++; } else { if ( (line_cnt >= LINES - 2) || (fmt == NULL)) /* end 'o page */ { if (fmt == NULL && !newpage && inv_type == INV_OVER) { tw = newwin(line_cnt + 2, COLS, 0, 0); overwrite(hw, tw); wstandout(tw); mvwaddstr(tw, line_cnt, 0, spacemsg); wstandend(tw); touchwin(tw); wrefresh(tw); wait_for(' '); delwin(tw); touchwin(cw); } else { wstandout(hw); mvwaddstr(hw, LINES - 1, 0, spacemsg); wstandend(hw); wrefresh(hw); w_wait_for(hw, ' '); touchwin(cw); wclear(hw); } newpage = TRUE; line_cnt = 0; } /* draw line */ if (fmt != NULL && !(line_cnt == 0 && *fmt == '\0')) { static char tmpbuf[1024]; vsprintf(tmpbuf, fmt, ap); mvwprintw(hw, line_cnt++, 0, tmpbuf); } } }
/* C implementation of curses::Window::delwin */ void Window_delwin___impl( Window recv ) { delwin(recv); }
bool trade(game *g, npc *p, int cost, std::string deal) { WINDOW* w_head = newwin( 4, 80, 0, 0); WINDOW* w_them = newwin(21, 40, 4, 0); WINDOW* w_you = newwin(21, 40, 4, 40); WINDOW* w_tmp; mvwprintz(w_head, 0, 0, c_white, _("\ Trading with %s\n\ Tab key to switch lists, letters to pick items, Enter to finalize, Esc to quit\n\ ? to get information on an item"), p->name.c_str()); // Set up line drawings for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) mvwputch(w_head, 3, i, c_white, LINE_OXOX); wrefresh(w_head); // End of line drawings // Populate the list of what the NPC is willing to buy, and the prices they pay // Note that the NPC's barter skill is factored into these prices. std::vector<int> theirs, their_price, yours, your_price; p->init_selling(theirs, their_price); p->init_buying(g->u.inv, yours, your_price); bool getting_theirs[theirs.size()], getting_yours[yours.size()]; // Adjust the prices based on your barter skill. for (int i = 0; i < their_price.size(); i++) { their_price[i] *= (price_adjustment(g->u.sklevel[sk_barter]) + (p->int_cur - g->u.int_cur) / 15); getting_theirs[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < your_price.size(); i++) { your_price[i] /= (price_adjustment(g->u.sklevel[sk_barter]) + (p->int_cur - g->u.int_cur) / 15); getting_yours[i] = false; } int cash = cost;// How much cash you get in the deal (negative = losing money) bool focus_them = true; // Is the focus on them? bool update = true; // Re-draw the screen? int them_off = 0, you_off = 0; // Offset from the start of the list char ch, help; do { if (update) { // Time to re-draw update = false; // Draw borders, one of which is highlighted werase(w_them); werase(w_you); for (int i = 1; i < 80; i++) mvwputch(w_head, 3, i, c_white, LINE_OXOX); mvwprintz(w_head, 3, 30, ((cash < 0 && g-> >= cash * -1) || (cash >= 0 && p->cash >= cash) ? c_green : c_red), "%s $%d", (cash >= 0 ? _("Profit") : _("Cost")), abs(cash)); if (deal != "") mvwprintz(w_head, 3, 45, (cost < 0 ? c_ltred : c_ltgreen), deal.c_str()); if (focus_them) wattron(w_them, c_yellow); else wattron(w_you, c_yellow); wborder(w_them, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX ); wborder(w_you, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX ); wattroff(w_them, c_yellow); wattroff(w_you, c_yellow); mvwprintz(w_them, 0, 1, (cash < 0 || p->cash >= cash ? c_green : c_red), "%s: $%d", p->name.c_str(), p->cash); mvwprintz(w_you, 0, 2, (cash > 0 || g->>=cash*-1 ? c_green:c_red), "You: $%d", g->; // Draw their list of items, starting from them_off for (int i = them_off; i < theirs.size() && i < 17; i++) mvwprintz(w_them, i - them_off + 1, 1, (getting_theirs[i] ? c_white : c_ltgray), "%c %c %s - $%d", char(i + 'a'), (getting_theirs[i] ? '+' : '-'), p->inv[theirs[i + them_off]].tname().substr( 0,25).c_str(), their_price[i + them_off]); if (them_off > 0) mvwprintw(w_them, 19, 1, _("< Back")); if (them_off + 17 < theirs.size()) mvwprintw(w_them, 19, 9, _("More >")); // Draw your list of items, starting from you_off for (int i = you_off; i < yours.size() && i < 17; i++) mvwprintz(w_you, i - you_off + 1, 1, (getting_yours[i] ? c_white : c_ltgray), "%c %c %s - $%d", char(i + 'a'), (getting_yours[i] ? '+' : '-'), g->u.inv[yours[i + you_off]].tname().substr( 0,25).c_str(), your_price[i + you_off]); if (you_off > 0) mvwprintw(w_you, 19, 1, _("< Back")); if (you_off + 17 < yours.size()) mvwprintw(w_you, 19, 9, _("More >")); wrefresh(w_head); wrefresh(w_them); wrefresh(w_you); } // Done updating the screen ch = getch(); switch (ch) { case '\t': focus_them = !focus_them; update = true; break; case '<': if (focus_them) { if (them_off > 0) { them_off -= 17; update = true; } } else { if (you_off > 0) { you_off -= 17; update = true; } } break; case '>': if (focus_them) { if (them_off + 17 < theirs.size()) { them_off += 17; update = true; } } else { if (you_off + 17 < yours.size()) { you_off += 17; update = true; } } break; case '?': update = true; w_tmp = newwin(3, 21, 1, 30); mvwprintz(w_tmp, 1, 1, c_red, _("Examine which item?")); wborder(w_tmp, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX ); wrefresh(w_tmp); help = getch(); help -= 'a'; werase(w_tmp); delwin(w_tmp); wrefresh(w_head); if (focus_them) { if (help >= 0 && help < theirs.size()) popup(p->inv[theirs[help]].info().c_str()); } else { if (help >= 0 && help < yours.size()) popup(g->u.inv[theirs[help]].info().c_str()); } break; case '\n': // Check if we have enough cash... if (cash < 0 && g-> < cash * -1) { popup(_("Not enough cash! You have $%d, price is $%d."), g->, cash); update = true; ch = ' '; } else if (cash > 0 && p->cash < cash) p->op_of_u.owed += cash; break; default: // Letters & such if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { ch -= 'a'; if (focus_them) { if (ch < theirs.size()) { getting_theirs[ch] = !getting_theirs[ch]; if (getting_theirs[ch]) cash -= their_price[ch]; else cash += their_price[ch]; update = true; } } else { // Focus is on the player's inventory if (ch < yours.size()) { getting_yours[ch] = !getting_yours[ch]; if (getting_yours[ch]) cash += your_price[ch]; else cash -= your_price[ch]; update = true; } } ch = 0; } } } while (ch != KEY_ESCAPE && ch != '\n'); if (ch == '\n') { inventory newinv; int practice = 0; std::vector<char> removing; for (int i = 0; i < yours.size(); i++) { if (getting_yours[i]) { newinv.push_back(g->u.inv[yours[i]]); practice++; removing.push_back(g->u.inv[yours[i]].invlet); } } // Do it in two passes, so removing items doesn't corrupt yours[] for (int i = 0; i < removing.size(); i++) g->u.i_rem(removing[i]); for (int i = 0; i < theirs.size(); i++) { item tmp = p->inv[theirs[i]]; if (getting_theirs[i]) { practice += 2; tmp.invlet = 'a'; while (g->u.has_item(tmp.invlet)) { if (tmp.invlet == 'z') tmp.invlet = 'A'; else if (tmp.invlet == 'Z') return false; // TODO: Do something else with these. else tmp.invlet++; } g->u.inv.push_back(tmp); } else newinv.push_back(tmp); } g->u.practice(sk_barter, practice / 2); p->inv = newinv; g-> += cash; p->cash -= cash; } werase(w_head); werase(w_you); werase(w_them); wrefresh(w_head); wrefresh(w_you); wrefresh(w_them); delwin(w_head); delwin(w_you); delwin(w_them); if (ch == '\n') return true; return false; }
// Scan MAME ROMs folder, cross-reference against XML (if present) for // verbose descriptions, generate ncurses menu. static void find_roms(void) { FILE *fp; struct dirent **dirList; int i, nFiles; Game *g; // For traversing Game linked list WINDOW *scanWin; // Modal 'Scanning...' window if(noRomWin) { // Delete 'No ROMS' window if present delwin(noRomWin); noRomWin = NULL; werase(mainWin); box(mainWin, 0, 0); } if(items) { // Delete old ROM menu and contents, if any if(menu) { unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); menu = NULL; } for(i=0; items[i]; i++) free_item(items[i]); free(items); items = NULL; } const char scanMsg[] = "Scanning ROM folder..."; scanWin = newwin(3, strlen(scanMsg) + 4, (LINES - 4) / 2 - 1, (COLS - strlen(scanMsg)) / 2 - 2); box(scanWin, 0, 0); mvwprintw(scanWin, 1, 2, scanMsg); wnoutrefresh(mainWin); wnoutrefresh(scanWin); doupdate(); delwin(scanWin); werase(mainWin); box(mainWin, 0, 0); while(gameList) { // Delete existing gameList, if any g = gameList->next; if(gameList->name) free(gameList->name); if(gameList->desc) free(gameList->desc); free(gameList); gameList = g; } i = 0; // Count number of games found & successfully alloc'd if((nFiles = scandir(rom, &dirList, sel, alphasort)) > 0) { // Copy dirent array to a Game linked list while(nFiles--) { // List is assembled in reverse if((g = (Game *)malloc(sizeof(Game)))) { g->name = strdup(dirList[nFiles]->d_name); g->desc = NULL; g->next = gameList; gameList = g; i++; // A winner is you } // dirList contents are freed as we go free(dirList[nFiles]); } free(dirList); } // Alloc, load, cross-reference XML file against ROM filenames if((fp = fopen(xml, "r"))) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); char *buf; int len = ftell(fp); if((buf = (char *)malloc(len))) { int depth = 0; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(buf, 1, len, fp); XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetUserData(parser, &depth); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, elementData); XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, 1); XML_ParserFree(parser); free(buf); } fclose(fp); } if((items = (ITEM**)malloc((i + 1) * sizeof(ITEM *)))) { for(i=0, g=gameList; g; g=g->next, i++) { items[i] = new_item(g->name, g->desc); set_item_userptr(items[i], g); } items[i] = NULL; menu = new_menu(items); set_menu_win(menu, mainWin); set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(mainWin, LINES-6, COLS-2, 1, 1)); set_menu_format(menu, LINES-6, 1); set_menu_mark(menu, " "); post_menu(menu); } wrefresh(mainWin); if(!menu) { // If no ROMs, throw up a message to that effect const char noRomMsg[] = "No ROMs found"; noRomWin = newwin(3, strlen(noRomMsg) + 4, (LINES - 4) / 2 - 1, (COLS - strlen(noRomMsg)) / 2 - 2); box(noRomWin, 0, 0); mvwprintw(noRomWin, 1, 2, noRomMsg); wrefresh(noRomWin); } }
int item::pick_reload_ammo(player &u, bool interactive) { if (!type->is_gun() && !type->is_tool()) { debugmsg("RELOADING NON-GUN NON-TOOL"); return false; } bool has_m203 = false; for (int i = 0; i < contents.size() && !has_m203; i++) { if (contents[i].type->id == itm_m203) has_m203 = true; } std::vector<int> am; // List of indicies of valid ammo if (type->is_gun()) { if (charges > 0) { itype_id aid = itype_id(curammo->id); for (int i = 0; i < u.inv.size(); i++) { if (u.inv[i].type->id == aid) am.push_back(i); } } else { it_gun* tmp = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(type); am = u.has_ammo(ammo_type()); if (has_m203) { std::vector<int> grenades = u.has_ammo(AT_40MM); for (int i = 0; i < grenades.size(); i++) am.push_back(grenades[i]); } } } else { it_tool* tmp = dynamic_cast<it_tool*>(type); am = u.has_ammo(ammo_type()); } int index = -1; if (am.size() > 1 && interactive) {// More than one option; list 'em and pick WINDOW* w_ammo = newwin(am.size() + 1, 80, 0, 0); if (charges == 0) { char ch; clear(); it_ammo* ammo_type; mvwprintw(w_ammo, 0, 0, "\ Choose ammo type: Damage Armor Pierce Range Accuracy"); for (int i = 0; i < am.size(); i++) { ammo_type = dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(u.inv[am[i]].type); mvwaddch(w_ammo, i + 1, 1, i + 'a'); mvwprintw(w_ammo, i + 1, 3, "%s (%d)", u.inv[am[i]].tname().c_str(), u.inv[am[i]].charges); mvwprintw(w_ammo, i + 1, 27, "%d", ammo_type->damage); mvwprintw(w_ammo, i + 1, 38, "%d", ammo_type->pierce); mvwprintw(w_ammo, i + 1, 55, "%d", ammo_type->range); mvwprintw(w_ammo, i + 1, 65, "%d", 100 - ammo_type->accuracy); } refresh(); wrefresh(w_ammo); do ch = getch(); while ((ch < 'a' || ch - 'a' > am.size() - 1) && ch != ' ' && ch != 27); werase(w_ammo); delwin(w_ammo); erase(); if (ch == ' ' || ch == 27) index = -1; else index = am[ch - 'a']; } else {