int main(int argc, char **argv) { QString appBundlePath; if (argc > 1) appBundlePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]); if (argc < 2 || appBundlePath.startsWith("-")) { qDebug() << "Usage: macdeployqt app-bundle [-no-plugins] [-dmg]"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "macdeployqt creates self-contained application bundles that"; qDebug() << "contains the Qt frameworks and plugins used by the application."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "Only frameworks in use are copied into the bundle."; qDebug() << "Plugins related to a framework are copied in with the"; qDebug() << "framework. The accessibilty, image formats, and text codec"; qDebug() << "plugins are always copied, unless \"-no-plugins\" is specified."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "See the \"Deploying an Application on Qt/Mac\" typic in the"; qDebug() << "documentation for more information about deployment on Mac OS X."; return 0; } if (appBundlePath.endsWith("/")) appBundlePath.chop(1); DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = deployQtFrameworks(appBundlePath); bool plugins = true; bool dmg = false; for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { QByteArray argument = QByteArray(argv[i]); if (argument == QByteArray("-no-plugins")) plugins = false; if (argument == QByteArray("-dmg")) dmg = true; } if (plugins) { if (deploymentInfo.qtPath.isEmpty()) deploymentInfo.pluginPath = "/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins"; // Assume binary package. else deploymentInfo.pluginPath = deploymentInfo.qtPath + "/plugins"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "Deploying plugins from" << deploymentInfo.pluginPath; deployPlugins(appBundlePath, deploymentInfo); createQtConf(appBundlePath); } if (dmg) { qDebug() << "Creating disk image (.dmg) for" << appBundlePath; createDiskImage(appBundlePath); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QString appBundlePath; if (argc > 1) appBundlePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]); if (argc < 2 || appBundlePath.startsWith("-")) { qDebug() << "Usage: macdeployqt app-bundle [options]"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "Options:"; qDebug() << " -verbose=<0-3> : 0 = no output, 1 = error/warning (default), 2 = normal, 3 = debug"; qDebug() << " -no-plugins : Skip plugin deployment"; qDebug() << " -dmg : Create a .dmg disk image"; qDebug() << " -no-strip : Don't run 'strip' on the binaries"; qDebug() << " -use-debug-libs : Deploy with debug versions of frameworks and plugins (implies -no-strip)"; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "macdeployqt takes an application bundle as input and makes it"; qDebug() << "self-contained by copying in the Qt frameworks and plugins that"; qDebug() << "the application uses."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "Plugins related to a framework are copied in with the"; qDebug() << "framework. The accessibilty, image formats, and text codec"; qDebug() << "plugins are always copied, unless \"-no-plugins\" is specified."; qDebug() << ""; qDebug() << "See the \"Deploying an Application on Qt/Mac\" topic in the"; qDebug() << "documentation for more information about deployment on Mac OS X."; return 0; } if (appBundlePath.endsWith("/")) appBundlePath.chop(1); if (QDir().exists(appBundlePath) == false) { qDebug() << "Error: Could not find app bundle" << appBundlePath; return 0; } bool plugins = true; bool dmg = false; bool useDebugLibs = false; extern bool runStripEnabled; for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { QByteArray argument = QByteArray(argv[i]); if (argument == QByteArray("-no-plugins")) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; plugins = false; } else if (argument == QByteArray("-dmg")) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; dmg = true; } else if (argument == QByteArray("-no-strip")) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; runStripEnabled = false; } else if (argument == QByteArray("-use-debug-libs")) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; useDebugLibs = true; runStripEnabled = false; } else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-verbose"))) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; int index = argument.indexOf("="); bool ok = false; int number = argument.mid(index+1).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) LogError() << "Could not parse verbose level"; else logLevel = number; } else if (argument.startsWith("-")) { LogError() << "Unknown argument" << argument << "\n"; return 0; } } DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = deployQtFrameworks(appBundlePath, useDebugLibs); if (plugins) { if (deploymentInfo.qtPath.isEmpty()) deploymentInfo.pluginPath = "/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins"; // Assume binary package. else deploymentInfo.pluginPath = deploymentInfo.qtPath + "/plugins"; LogNormal(); deployPlugins(appBundlePath, deploymentInfo, useDebugLibs); createQtConf(appBundlePath); } if (dmg) { LogNormal(); createDiskImage(appBundlePath); } }