int main(int argCount, char *arg[]){ if (argCount == 4){ clock_t start, end; // Load two files HEAD *dry = getFile(arg[1]); HEAD *iresp = getFile(arg[2]); HEAD *output = malloc(sizeof(HEAD)); if (dry == NULL || iresp == NULL || output == NULL){ printf("MAIN - Could not load sample files\n"); destroyAll(dry, iresp, output); exit(-1); } printf("MAIN - Created Space for 3 files\n"); // Determine data size for output file U_INT dataSize; U_INT impSize; memcpy(&dataSize, &dry->head[DATA_SIZE], WORD); memcpy(&impSize, &iresp->head[DATA_SIZE], WORD); U_INT outSamples = ((dataSize + impSize)/2) - 1; output->head = generateHead(dataSize + impSize - HALFWORD); output->data = calloc(sizeof(float), outSamples); if (output->head == NULL || output->data == NULL){ printf("MAIN - Could not generate output file\n"); destroyAll(dry, iresp, output); exit(-1); } // Convolve printf("MAIN - setup output file, starting convolve...\n"); start = clock(); inputSide(dry, iresp, output); end = clock(); printf("MAIN - finished convolution in %ld\n", (end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); // Save file writeToFile(output, arg[3]); printf("MAIN - Wrote to file\n"); // Clean up destroyAll(dry, iresp, output); printf("MAIN - Cleaned up data\n"); } else { printf("invalid number of arguments\n"); exit(0); } }
HashingBase &HashingBase::operator=(const HashingBase &H) { destroyAll(); free(m_table); copyAll(H); return *this; }
PUBeamRender::~PUBeamRender() { if (!_particleSystem) return; destroyAll(); }
PURibbonTrailRender::~PURibbonTrailRender() { if (!_particleSystem) return; destroyAll(); }
void ResultSet::clear() { // Clearing the ResultSet is simple, as the superclass UtlSList is the // entirety of its state. destroyAll(); }
void ParticleManager::shutdown() { _newParticles.clear(); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator p = _deletedParticles.begin( ); p != _deletedParticles.end(); ++p) { destroy(*p); } _deletedParticles.clear(); destroyAll(); }
void HashingBase::clear() { destroyAll(); free(m_table); m_count = 0; init(m_minTableSize); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- OverlayManager::~OverlayManager() { destroyAllOverlayElements(false); destroyAllOverlayElements(true); destroyAll(); // Unregister with resource group manager ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton()._unregisterScriptLoader(this); }
void MaterialInstance::setShadersEnabled (bool enabled) { if (enabled == mShadersEnabled) return; mShadersEnabled = enabled; // trigger updates if (mMaterial.get()) destroyAll(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// FontManager::~FontManager() { Logger::getSingleton().logEvent( "---- Begining cleanup of Font system ----"); destroyAll(); char addr_buff[32]; sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(this)); Logger::getSingleton().logEvent( "CEGUI::FontManager singleton destroyed. " + String(addr_buff)); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ImageManager::~ImageManager() { destroyAll(); while (!d_factories.empty()) removeImageType(d_factories.begin()->first); char addr_buff[32]; std::sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(this)); Logger::getSingleton().logEvent( "[CEGUI::ImageManager] Singleton destroyed " + String(addr_buff)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- OverlayManager::~OverlayManager() { destroyAllOverlayElements(false); destroyAllOverlayElements(true); destroyAll(); for(FactoryMap::iterator i = mFactories.begin(); i != mFactories.end(); ++i) { OGRE_DELETE i->second; } // Unregister with resource group manager ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton()._unregisterScriptLoader(this); }
// Assignment operator UtlCopyableSList& UtlCopyableSList::operator=(const UtlCopyableSList& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) // handle the assignment to self case return *this; destroyAll(); UtlSListIterator it(rhs); UtlCopyableContainable* item; while(item = static_cast<UtlCopyableContainable*>(it())) { insert(item->clone()); } return *this; }
void FileTransferManager::readFromConfig() { kdebugf(); destroyAll(); QDomElement fts_elem = xml_config_file->findElement(xml_config_file->rootElement(), "FileTransfers"); if (fts_elem.isNull()) return; QDomNodeList ft_list = fts_elem.elementsByTagName("FileTransfer"); FileTransfer *ft; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ft_list.count(); i++) { ft = FileTransfer::fromDomElement(ft_list.item(i).toElement(), this); connect(ft, SIGNAL(fileTransferFinished(FileTransfer *)), this, SLOT(fileTransferFinishedSlot(FileTransfer *))); } kdebugf2(); }
int startGame(){ configAll(); BITMAP * nave = load_bitmap("img/35x45/nave.bmp",NULL); BITMAP * alien = load_bitmap("img/35x45/alien.bmp", NULL); BITMAP * gun = load_bitmap("img/35x45/gun.bmp", NULL); BITMAP * init = load_bitmap("img/start.bmp", NULL); BITMAP * bg = load_bitmap("img/bartop.bmp", NULL); BITMAP * buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W,SCREEN_H); SAMPLE * sound = load_wav("wav/tiro.wav"); SAMPLE * music = load_sample("wav/laserHit.wav"); initStart(buffer,init); install_int_ex(countXa,SECS_TO_TIMER(1)); install_int_ex(countGun,MSEC_TO_TIMER(1)); gameControll(nave,buffer,alien,gun,bg,sound,music); destroyAll(nave,buffer,alien,gun,init,bg,sound,music); return 0; }
FileTransferManager::~FileTransferManager() { kdebugf(); writeToConfig(); notification_manager->unregisterEvent("FileTransfer"); notification_manager->unregisterEvent("FileTransfer/IncomingFile"); notification_manager->unregisterEvent("FileTransfer/Finished"); disconnect(kadu, SIGNAL(keyPressed(QKeyEvent*)), this, SLOT(kaduKeyPressed(QKeyEvent*))); UserBox::removeActionDescription(sendFileActionDescription); delete sendFileActionDescription; dcc_manager->removeHandler(this); disconnect(chat_manager, SIGNAL(chatWidgetCreated(ChatWidget *)), this, SLOT(chatCreated(ChatWidget *))); disconnect(chat_manager, SIGNAL(chatWidgetDestroying(ChatWidget *)), this, SLOT(chatDestroying(ChatWidget *))); foreach(ChatWidget *it, chat_manager->chats()) chatDestroying(it); destroyAll(); kadu->removeMenuActionDescription(fileTransferWindowActionDescription); delete fileTransferWindowActionDescription; if (fileTransferWindow) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(newFileTransfer(FileTransfer *)), fileTransferWindow, SLOT(newFileTransfer(FileTransfer *))); delete fileTransferWindow; } kdebugf2(); }
gkParticleManager::~gkParticleManager() { destroyAll(); delete m_private; m_private = 0; }
LinkListBase::~LinkListBase() { destroyAll(); delete mHead; delete mTail; }
int qml_interface::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: itFogz(); break; case 1: destroyAll(); break; case 2: fair(); break; case 3: pCloudy(); break; case 4: cloudy(); break; case 5: rain(); break; case 6: thunder(); break; case 7: snow(); break; case 8: updateSlot(); break; case 9: replyFinished((*reinterpret_cast< QNetworkReply*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 10: { QString _r = getWindSpeed(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 11: { QString _r = getWindDirection(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 12: { QString _r = getTemperature(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 13: { QString _r = getTime(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 14: { QString _r = depsurx(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 15: { QString _r = arvsurx(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 16: { QString _r = depsury(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 17: { QString _r = arvsury(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 18: { QString _r = depsurz(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 19: { QString _r = arvsurz(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 20: { QString _r = getNextUpdate(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 21: { QString _r = getFrequence(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 22: { QString _r = getSymbol(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 23: ItFogs(); break; case 24: { int _r = getPositionCiel(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 25: setSymbol(); break; case 26: { QString _r = getRandomInteger(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; default: ; } _id -= 27; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< Forecast*>(_v) = getCurrentForecast(); break; } _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 1; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
TextureManager::~TextureManager() { destroyAll(); }
ResultSet::~ResultSet() { // make sure we destroy the records // we allocated in the addValue method destroyAll(); }
gkHUDManager::~gkHUDManager() { destroyAll(); }
gkTextManager::~gkTextManager() { destroyAll(); }
EntityMgr::~EntityMgr() { destroyAll(); }
Viewer::~Viewer() { //@@ a faire destroyAll(); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); }
void PURibbonTrailRender::unPrepare() { destroyAll(); }
void Splot_EnemyFleet::update () { State_t& state = SPLOT_STATE_SINGLETON::instance ()->get (); GameState_t& game_state = SPLOT_STATE_SINGLETON::instance ()->gameState (); //-- maintain fleet enemies float tmp_size, size[2], position[3], score = 0.0F; int num = 0; Splot_EnemyAircraft* prev, *tmp; Splot_EnemyAircraft* current = inherited::free_list_; while (current) { num++; current->update (); position[0] = current->position_[0]; position[1] = current->position_[1]; position[2] = current->position_[2]; // add some damage explosions to the bosses when hit if (current->type_ >= ENEMYAIRCRAFT_BOSS_0) { tmp_size = current->size_[0]*0.7F; size[0] = tmp_size; size[1] = tmp_size; if ((current->damage_ > current->baseDamage_*0.7F) && !(state.game_frame%18)) { position[0] = current->position_[0]+SRAND*size[0]; position[1] = current->position_[1]+SRAND*size[1]; //position[2] = current->position_[2]; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, position, 0, 1.0); } // end IF if ((current->damage_ > current->baseDamage_*0.5F) && !(state.game_frame%10)) { position[0] = current->position_[0]+SRAND*size[0]; position[1] = current->position_[1]+SRAND*size[1]; //position[2] = current->position_[2]; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, position, 0, 1.0); } // end IF if ((current->damage_ > current->baseDamage_*0.3F) && !(state.game_frame%4)) { position[0] = current->position_[0]+SRAND*size[0]; position[1] = current->position_[1]+SRAND*size[1]; //position[2] = current->position_[2]; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, position, 0, 1.0); } // end IF } // end IF //-------------- remove enemies that got through if ((current->position_[1] < -8.0F) && (current->type_ != ENEMYAIRCRAFT_GNAT)) state.status_display->enemyWarning (1.0F-((current->position_[1]+14.0F)/6.0F)); if (current->position_[1] < -14.0F) { current->damage_ = 1.0F; current->age_ = 0; state.player->loseShip (); state.tip_ship_past++; } // end IF // if enemies are critically damaged, destroy them if (current->damage_ <= 0.0F) { current = current->get_next (); continue; } // end IF prev = NULL; tmp = inherited::free_list_; while (tmp) { if (tmp == current) break; prev = tmp; tmp = tmp->get_next (); } // end WHILE tmp = current->get_next (); if (prev) prev->set_next (tmp); else inherited::free_list_ = tmp; inherited::size_--; position[0] = current->position_[0]; position[1] = current->position_[1]; if (current->age_) // *NOTE*: set age to 0 for quiet deletion... switch (current->type_) { case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_BOSS_0: case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_BOSS_1: destroyAll (); bossExplosion (current); if (state.game_mode != GAMEMODE_GAME_OVER) { //-- trigger end of level score += SCORE_END_OF_LEVEL; state.game_mode = GAMEMODE_LEVEL_COMPLETE; state.player_success = 0; } // end IF break; case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_OMNI: score += SCORE_KILL_OMNI; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, current->position_); state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, current->position_, -3, 0.7F); state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_AMMUNITION_4, current->position_);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_LIGHT, current->position_); break; case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_RAYGUN: score += SCORE_KILL_RAYGUN; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, current->position_); position[0] = current->position_[0]+0.55F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -5, 1.5F); position[0] = current->position_[0]-0.5F; position[1] = current->position_[1]+0.2F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -15); position[0] = current->position_[0]; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -20, 2.0F); state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, position, -30, 2.0F);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_DEFAULT, current->position_);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_HEAVY, current->position_); break; case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_TANK: score += SCORE_KILL_TANK; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -5, 2.5F); position[0] = current->position_[0]-0.9F; position[1] = current->position_[1]-1.0F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -0, 1.5F); position[0] = current->position_[0]+1.0F; position[1] = current->position_[1]-0.8F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -13, 2.0F); state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -2, 1.0F); position[0] = current->position_[0]+0.7F; position[1] = current->position_[1]+0.7F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -20, 1.7F); position[0] = current->position_[0]-0.7F; position[1] = current->position_[1]+0.9F; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, position, -8, 1.5F);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_DEFAULT, current->position_);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_HEAVY, current->position_); break; case ENEMYAIRCRAFT_GNAT: score += SCORE_KILL_GNAT; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_AMMUNITION_4, current->position_);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_LIGHT, current->position_); break; default: //-- extra damage explosion delayed for bloom effect *TODO* score += SCORE_KILL_DEFAULT; state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DESTROYED, current->position_); state.explosions->add (EXPLOSION_ENEMY_DAMAGED, current->position_, -15);>play (SOUND_EXPLOSION_DEFAULT, current->position_); break; } // end SWITCH Splot_Screen::remove (current); current = tmp; } // end WHILE game_state.score += score; }
void HttpConnectionMap::clearHttpConnectionMap() { destroyAll(); }
gkGroupManager::~gkGroupManager() { destroyAll(); }
// Destructor UtlCopyableSList::~UtlCopyableSList() { destroyAll(); }