void CaptureFrame(Mat & detectImg){ VideoCapture captureDevice; captureDevice.open(0); if (!captureDevice.isOpened()){ cout << "Camera not found!"; } else{ char kbCmd = ' '; captureDevice >> detectImg; int w = detectImg.cols, h = detectImg.rows; bool finish = false; while (!finish){ captureDevice >> detectImg; detectImg = detectImg(Rect(120, 40, 400, 400)); imshow("Capture", detectImg); cvWaitKey(33); if (_kbhit()) kbCmd = _getche(); if (kbCmd == 'c') break; } destroyAllWindows(); } //VideoCapture captureDevice; //captureDevice.open(0); //if (!captureDevice.isOpened()){ // cout << "Camera not found!"; //} //else{ // char kbCmd = ' ', name[30]; // captureDevice >> captureImage; // int w = captureImage.cols, h = captureImage.rows; // bool finish = false; // while (!finish){ // setMouseCallback(window_name, onMouse, 0); // captureDevice >> captureImage; // finish = DisplayInfo(captureImage); // if (_kbhit()) kbCmd = _getche(); // if (kbCmd == 'c') break; // } // destroyAllWindows(); //} }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout << "%%%% Road Detection Program %%%%" << endl; //create main window namedWindow(nameWindowMain,CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create start button (push button) createButton(nameBtnStart,callbackBtnStart,NULL); while(cvWaitKey(33) != 27) { } //destroy the contents destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }
void MainWindow::encrypt() { isEncryption = true; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, "Password", "Please enter your password for encryption", QLineEdit::Password, QString()); string pwd = string((const char *)text.toLocal8Bit()); MD5 md5(pwd); key = md5.getDigest(); _dst = _src.clone(); zone = Mat::zeros(_src.size(), CV_8UC1); setMouseCallback("Image", &mouseHandler, this); imshow("Image", _dst); waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); }
void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { QList<QUrl> droppedUrls = event->mimeData()->urls(); QString localPath = droppedUrls[0].toLocalFile(); if (!localPath.endsWith(".png", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !localPath.endsWith(".jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Error", "Path: "+localPath+"\nThe filetype is not supported!!"); return; } filename = localPath.toAscii().data(); destroyAllWindows(); _src = imread(filename); if (!_src.data) { return; } namedWindow("Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow("Image", _src); _dst.release(); ui->encryptBtn->setEnabled(true); ui->decryptBtn->setEnabled(true); event->acceptProposedAction(); }
bool BallClasificationModule::run() { // this->dominantcolor(); n_size = 0; n_ecc = 0; n_color = 0; n_grassctx = 0; n_ball = 0; destroyAllWindows(); if(!m_data->blobs.empty()) { Blob *blob; int i = 0; int cont = 0; std::vector<Blob>::iterator iter = m_data->blobs.begin(); while(iter != m_data->blobs.end()) { blob = &*iter; if( coarse2fine(blob,cont) ) { blob->id = i++; iter++; } else { if(m_delInForeground) deleteBlobFromForeground(blob); iter = m_data->blobs.erase(iter); } cont++; } } else AppendToLog("NO HAY PELOTA"); AppendToLog("Size: " + QString::number(n_size)); AppendToLog("Ecc : " + QString::number(n_ecc)); AppendToLog("Col : " + QString::number(n_color)); AppendToLog("Ball: " + QString::number(n_ball)); return true; }
int vehicle_det::do_iteration() { //cout<<__PRETTY_FUNCTION__<<endl; cv::Mat img_input, src; cap >> src; if(!src.data) { printf("Exiting\n"); return -1; } Mat img_display = src.clone(); draw_ROI_poly(img_display); src.copyTo(img_input, mask); img_input = Mat(img_input, main_roi); IplImage temp = img_input; IplImage * frame = &temp; //getting the polygon // bgs->process(...) internally process and show the foreground mask image cv::Mat img_mask; //bgs->process(img_input, img_mask); get_foreground(img_input, img_mask); blur(img_mask, img_mask, Size(4, 4)); img_mask = img_mask > 10; /*morphologyEx(img_mask, img_mask, MORPH_CLOSE, Mat(25, 2, CV_8U)); morphologyEx(img_mask, img_mask, MORPH_OPEN, Mat(10, 10, CV_8U));*/ morphologyEx(img_mask, img_mask, MORPH_CLOSE, Mat(2, 2, CV_8U)); //morphologyEx(img_mask, img_mask, MORPH_OPEN, Mat(10, 10, CV_8U)); //morphologyEx(img_mask, img_mask, MORPH_GRADIENT , Mat(5,5, CV_8U)); //bgs->operator()(img_input,img_mask,0.2); //erode(img_mask, img_mask, Mat()); //dilate(img_mask, img_mask, Mat()); //imshow("fore", img_mask); if(!img_mask.empty()) { //vector<Rect> rois;// to be added all the ROIs IplImage copy = img_mask; IplImage * new_mask = © IplImage * labelImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(new_mask), IPL_DEPTH_LABEL, 1); CvBlobs blobs, filtered_blobs; unsigned int result = cvb::cvLabel(new_mask, labelImg, blobs); cvFilterByArea(blobs, 40, 2000); int count = 0; for(CvBlobs::const_iterator it = blobs.begin(); it != blobs.end(); ++it) { count++; // cout << "Blob #" << it->second->label << ": Area=" << it->second->area << ", Centroid=(" << it->second->centroid.x << ", " << it->second->centroid.y << ")" << endl; int x, y; x = (int)it->second->centroid.x; y = (int)it->second->centroid.y; //cv::Point2f p(x,y ); // circle(img_input, p, (int)10, cv::Scalar(255, 0 , 0), 2, 8, 0); int x_final = 0; int y_final = 0; if(x - (width_roi / 2) <= 0) { x_final = 1; } else if(x + (width_roi / 2) >= img_input.cols) { x_final = (x - (width_roi / 2)) - (x + (width_roi / 2) - (img_input.cols - 1)); } else { x_final = x - (width_roi / 2); } if(y - (height_roi / 2) <= 0) { y_final = 1; } else if(y + (height_roi / 2) >= img_input.rows) { y_final = (y - (height_roi / 2)) - (y + (height_roi / 2) - (img_input.rows - 1)); } else { y_final = y - (height_roi / 2); } //printf("resized x_final=%d y_final=%d cols=%d, rows=%d \n", x_final,y_final,img_input.cols,img_input.rows); Rect roi(x_final, y_final, width_roi, height_roi); //rois.push_back(roi);//adding ROIs using rectangles // Mat image = imread(""); Mat image_roi = Mat(img_input, roi); int vehicle_ct = detect(image_roi); //getting the vehicle count per ROI if(vehicle_ct > 0) { filtered_blobs[it->first] = it->second; int matched = 0; int c1 = 255, c2 = 0; if(matched) { c1 = 0; c2 = 255; } else { //print something to debug }//changing the colour of the rectanged depending on matched or not matched rectangle(img_display, Point(min_x + x - 5, min_y + y - 5), Point(min_x + x + 5, min_y + y + 5), CV_RGB(c1, c2, 0), 2, 8, 0); /*rectangle(img_input, Point(x - 5, y - 5), Point(x + 5, y + 5), CV_RGB(c1, c2, 0), 2, 8, 0);*/ } } //cvUpdateTracks(filtered_blobs, tracks, 5., 10); cvUpdateTracks(filtered_blobs, tracks, 10., 5); cvRenderBlobs(labelImg, filtered_blobs, frame, frame, CV_BLOB_RENDER_CENTROID | CV_BLOB_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX); //cvRenderTracks(tracks, frame, frame, CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID|CV_TRACK_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX|CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_LOG); cvRenderTracks(tracks, frame, frame, CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID); printf("num of active tracks %d\n", tracks.size()); process_equation(tracks.size());//number of people given as input if(abstract_det::Total_Score<0){ destroyAllWindows(); } } if(!img_display.empty()) { cv::imshow("vehicle_view", img_display); } waitKey(30); return 1; }
void Environement::cleanF(){ destroyAllWindows(); }
/// Calculates the corner pixel locations as detected by each camera /// In: s: board settings, includes size, square size and the number of corners /// inputCapture1: video capture for camera 1 /// inputCapture2: video capture for camera 2 /// iterations: number of chessboard images to take /// Out: imagePoints1: pixel coordinates of chessboard corners for camera 1 /// imagePoints2: pixel coordinates of chessboard corners for camera 2 bool RetrieveChessboardCorners(vector<vector<Point2f> >& imagePoints1, vector<vector<Point2f> >& imagePoints2, BoardSettings s, VideoCapture inputCapture1,VideoCapture inputCapture2, int iterations) { destroyAllWindows(); Mat image1,image2; vector<Point2f> pointBuffer1; vector<Point2f> pointBuffer2; clock_t prevTimeStamp = 0; bool found1,found2; int count = 0; while (count != iterations){ char c = waitKey(15); if (c == 's'){ cerr << "Calibration stopped" << endl; return false; } // try find chessboard corners else if(c == 'c'){ // ADAPTIVE_THRESH -> use adaptive thresholding to convert image to B&W // FAST_CHECK -> Terminates call earlier if no chessboard in image // NORMALIZE_IMAGE -> normalize image gamma before thresholding // FILTER_QUADS -> uses additional criteria to filter out false quads found1 = findChessboardCorners(image1, s.boardSize, pointBuffer1, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CV_CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK | CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE | CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS); found2 = findChessboardCorners(image2, s.boardSize, pointBuffer2, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CV_CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK | CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE | CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS); if (found1 && found2 && (pointBuffer1.size() >= s.cornerNum) && (pointBuffer2.size() >= s.cornerNum)){ // if time delay passed refine accuracy and store if ((clock() - prevTimeStamp) > CAPTURE_DELAY * 1e-3*CLOCKS_PER_SEC){ Mat imageGray1, imageGray2; cvtColor(image1, imageGray1, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cvtColor(image2, imageGray2, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // refines corner locations // Size(11,11) -> size of the search window // Size(-1,-1) -> indicates no dead zone in search size // TermCriteria -> max 1000 iteration, to get acuraccy of 0.01 cornerSubPix(imageGray1, pointBuffer1, Size(5,5), Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.01)); cornerSubPix(imageGray2, pointBuffer2, Size(5,5), Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.01)); drawChessboardCorners(image1, s.boardSize, Mat(pointBuffer1), found1); imshow("Image View1", image1); drawChessboardCorners(image2, s.boardSize, Mat(pointBuffer2), found2); imshow("Image View2", image2); // user verifies the correct corners have been found c = waitKey(0); if (c == 's'){ return false; } if (c == 'y'){ // store the points and store time stamp imagePoints1.push_back(pointBuffer1); imagePoints2.push_back(pointBuffer2); prevTimeStamp = clock(); count++; cerr << "Count: " << count << endl; } } } } inputCapture1.read(image1); inputCapture2.read(image2); imshow("Image View1", image1); imshow("Image View2", image2); } // found all corners return true; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // %Tag(INIT)% ros::init(argc, argv, "visiontracker"); // %EndTag(INIT)% // %Tag(NODEHANDLE)% ros::NodeHandle n; // %EndTag(NODEHANDLE)% // %Tag(PUBLISHER)% ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<ros_umirtx_vision::VisPMsg>("visionposition", 1000); // %EndTag(PUBLISHER)% int c = 0 ; VideoCapture cap(c); // open the default camera Mat frame, frameCopy, image; Mat rgbimg[3], tempimg, prodimg; Mat imgThresholded, imgHSV; Mat imgResult; int minmaxhsv[3][2] = {{100,140},{85,254},{128,264}}; int status = 1; int iLastXY[2] = {-1,-1}; double dArea = 0; int frameHeight = 480, frameWidth = 640; double xpos = 0.5; double ypos = 0.5; ros_umirtx_vision::VisPMsg msg; if(!cap.isOpened()) { cout << "Capture from CAM " << c << " didn't work" << endl; return -1; } createControlWindow("Control", minmaxhsv, &status); try{ if(cap.isOpened()) { cap >> frame; if( frame.empty() ) exit(0); //frame.copyTo( frameCopy ); flip( frame, frameCopy, -1 ); Mat imgLines = Mat::zeros( frameCopy.size(), CV_8UC3 ); Mat imgResult= Mat::zeros( frameCopy.size(), CV_8UC3 ); frameHeight = frame.rows; frameWidth = frame.cols; cout << "In capture ..." << endl; while((status>0) and (ros::ok())) { try{ cap >> frame; if( frame.empty() ) break; //frame.copyTo( frameCopy ); flip( frame, frameCopy, -1 ); //std::cout << "H:" << frameCopy.rows << " W:" << frameCopy.cols << std::endl; //imshow("Original",frame); } catch(int e) { cout << "Something went wrong while getting camera frame" << endl; } try{ selectRedObj(frameCopy, imgHSV, imgThresholded, minmaxhsv); getCenterOfObj(imgThresholded, imgLines, iLastXY, &dArea); msg.x = 100*((double)iLastXY[0])/frameWidth; msg.y = 100*(double)iLastXY[1]/frameHeight; msg.area = 100*dArea/frameWidth/frameHeight; chatter_pub.publish(msg); cvtColor(imgThresholded,imgThresholded, CV_GRAY2RGB); addWeighted( frameCopy, 1, imgThresholded, 0.4, 0.0, imgResult); circle(imgResult,Point(iLastXY[0],iLastXY[1]),5,Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ),-1); imgResult = imgResult + imgLines; imshow("Result",imgResult); //if(save>0) // imwrite("/home/xavier/Pictures/saves/redobjdet-05.jpg",imgResult); } catch(int e){ cout << "Something went wrong while processing image" << endl; } //save = 0; int key = waitKey( 10 ); if( key > 0) { key &= 255; cout << "Button pressed: " << key << endl; if( key == ' ' ) { waitKey( 10 ); key = 0; while( key != ' ') { ros::spinOnce(); key = waitKey( 20 ); if(key>=0) key &= 255; } } else if(key == 'c') { //ros::spinOnce(); break; } //else if(key == 's') // save = 1; } ros::spinOnce(); } //waitKey(0); } } catch(int e){ cout << "Error occured!" << endl; } destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }
void BinarizationViewer::showBinarizedImgs() { Mat srcBGRImg, srcHSVImg, srcYCrCbImg; Mat bgrChannelImgs[3], hsvChannelImgs[3], ycrcbChannelImgs[3]; vector<string> channelNames = {}; int trackbarInitValue = 128; namedWindow("Blue", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Green", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Red", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Hue", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Saturation", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Value", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Y", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Cr", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow("Cb", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvCreateTrackbar("B_Threshold", "Blue", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onBlueTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("G_Threshold", "Green", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onGreenTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("R_Threshold", "Red", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onRedTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("H_Threshold", "Hue", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onHueTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("S_Threshold", "Saturation", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onSaturationTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("V_Threshold", "Value", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onValueTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("Y_Threshold", "Y", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onYTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("Cr_Threshold", "Cr", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onCrTrackbar); cvCreateTrackbar("Cb_Threshold", "Cb", &trackbarInitValue, 255, onCbTrackbar); cvSetTrackbarPos("B_Threshold", "Blue", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("G_Threshold", "Green", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("R_Threshold", "Red", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("H_Threshold", "Hue", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("S_Threshold", "Saturation", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("V_Threshold", "Value", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("Y_Threshold", "Y", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("Cr_Threshold", "Cr", 128); cvSetTrackbarPos("Cb_Threshold", "Cb", 128); _isShowing = true; while(_isShowing) { srcBGRImg = _cameraManager.getFrame(); cvtColor(srcBGRImg, srcHSVImg, CV_BGR2HSV); cvtColor(srcBGRImg, srcYCrCbImg, CV_BGR2YCrCb); split(srcBGRImg, bgrChannelImgs); split(srcHSVImg, hsvChannelImgs); split(srcYCrCbImg, ycrcbChannelImgs); threshold(bgrChannelImgs[0], bgrChannelImgs[0], binarizationViewerBlueThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(bgrChannelImgs[1], bgrChannelImgs[1], binarizationViewerGgreenThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(bgrChannelImgs[2], bgrChannelImgs[2], binarizationViewerRedThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(hsvChannelImgs[0], hsvChannelImgs[0], binarizationViewerHueThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(hsvChannelImgs[1], hsvChannelImgs[1], binarizationViewerSaturationThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(hsvChannelImgs[2], hsvChannelImgs[2], binarizationViewerValueThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(ycrcbChannelImgs[0], ycrcbChannelImgs[0], binarizationViewerYThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(ycrcbChannelImgs[1], ycrcbChannelImgs[1], binarizationViewerCrThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); threshold(ycrcbChannelImgs[2], ycrcbChannelImgs[2], binarizationViewerCbThreshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); imshow("src", srcBGRImg); imshow("Blue", bgrChannelImgs[0]); imshow("Green", bgrChannelImgs[1]); imshow("Red", bgrChannelImgs[2]); imshow("Hue", hsvChannelImgs[0]); imshow("Saturation", hsvChannelImgs[1]); imshow("Value", hsvChannelImgs[2]); imshow("Y", ycrcbChannelImgs[0]); imshow("Cr", ycrcbChannelImgs[1]); imshow("Cb", ycrcbChannelImgs[2]); int key = waitKey(1); if(key == 27) break; } destroyAllWindows(); }
void MultipleProcess::run() { int FLAGS = CV_GUI_NORMAL | CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE; if (_input.size() != _process.size()) return; if (_showOutput) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { namedWindow(_windowName + to_string(i), FLAGS); } } if (matching) namedWindow(_matchinName, FLAGS); vector<Ptr<ProcessListenerWrapper>> wrappers; if (_mListener && _process.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _process.size(); i++) { Ptr<ProcessListenerWrapper> w = new ProcessListenerWrapper(i, _process[i], this); wrappers.push_back(w); cv::setMouseCallback(_windowName + to_string(i), MultipleProcess::mouseCallback, wrappers[i]); } } if (_mListener && matching) cv::setMouseCallback(_matchinName, Processor::mouseCallback, matching); if (!_input.size() && !_process.size()) return; vector<long> frameN; Mat freezeFrame; bool freezed = true; bool running = true; int key = Keys::NONE; // initialize the freezeFrame bool allSequencesReady = true; vector<Mat> freezedFrames; vector<bool> hasFrame; for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { Mat tmp; bool _retrieved = _input[i]->getFrame(tmp, _startFrame); allSequencesReady = allSequencesReady && _retrieved; freezedFrames.push_back(tmp); hasFrame.push_back(_retrieved); long frame = 0; frame += _startFrame; frameN.push_back(frame); } while (running && allSequencesReady) { vector<Mat> frame(_input.size()), frameOut(_input.size()); if (!freezed || key == Keys::n) { for( size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { hasFrame[i] = _input[i]->getFrame(frame[i], 1); freezedFrames[i] = frame[i]; frameN[i]++; } } else if (!freezed || key == Keys::p) { for( size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { if (frameN[i] > 0) { hasFrame[i] = _input[i]->getFrame(frame[i], -1); freezedFrames[i] = frame[i]; frameN[i]--; } } } else { for( size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { frame[i] = freezedFrames[i]; } } bool allSequencesFinished = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { allSequencesFinished = allSequencesFinished || hasFrame[i]; } if (allSequencesFinished) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { if (_process.size()) _process[i]->operator()(frameN[i], frame[i], frameOut[i]); if (_showOutput && !frameOut[i].empty()) cv::imshow(_windowName + to_string(i), frameOut[i]); if (_output.size()) _output[i]->writeFrame(frameOut[i]); } if (matching) { Mat tmp, moutput; matching->operator()(0, tmp, moutput); cv::imshow(_matchinName, moutput); } key = Keys::NONE; try { key = waitKey(1); } catch (...) { //... } if (key == Keys::ESC) { running = false; } if (key == Keys::SPACE || _pause) { _pause = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { freezedFrames[i] = frame[i]; } freezed = !freezed; } if (_kListener && _process.size() && key != Keys::NONE) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _input.size(); i++) { if (_activeWindow == i) _process[i]->keyboardInput(key); } } } else { break; } } destroyAllWindows(); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if (InitEngine() < 0) { cout << "init failed" << endl; return -1; } string image_path = "..\\image\\download_image\\test"; vector<string> image_list; get_image_list(image_path, image_list); int lv_cnt[5] = {0}, fail_cnt = 0; int lv_correct_cnt[5] = {0}; double totalTime = 0; for (vector<string>::iterator it = image_list.begin(); it != image_list.end(); ++it) { string img_file = image_path + "\\" + *it; Mat img = imread(img_file, 4); if (img.data == NULL) { DeleteFile(img_file.c_str()); continue; } double t = (double)getTickCount(); char code[4] = {0}; float conf[4] = {0}; int ret = RecognizeCode((char*)(img_file.c_str()), code, conf); t = (double)getTickCount() - t; totalTime += t; if (ret >= 0) { cout << "[" << ret << "]" << "\t" << *it << endl; cout << "\t" << code[0] << code[1] << code[2] << code[3]; cout << "\t" << "[" << conf[0] << " " << conf[1] << " " << conf[2] << " " << conf[3] << "]" << endl; char str[5]; str[0] = code[0];str[1] = code[1];str[2] = code[2];str[3] = code[3];str[4]='\0'; if (it->substr(6, 4) == string(str)) lv_correct_cnt[ret]++; else { //imshow("code", img); //waitKey(0); //destroyAllWindows(); } lv_cnt[ret]++; } else { cout << *it << " "; cout << "[" << ret << "]" << "\t" << "pass." << endl; //MoveFile(img_file.c_str(), (image_path + "\\@\\" + *it).c_str()); fail_cnt++; } imshow("code", img); waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); } cout << "FAIL: " << fail_cnt << endl; int total_cnt = 0, correct_cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { total_cnt += lv_cnt[i]; correct_cnt += lv_correct_cnt[i]; cout << "Lv[" << i << "]: " << lv_correct_cnt[i] << "/" << lv_cnt[i] << " = " << lv_correct_cnt[i]/(float)lv_cnt[i] << endl; } total_cnt += fail_cnt; cout << "TOTAL: " << correct_cnt << "/" << total_cnt << " = " << correct_cnt/(float)total_cnt << endl; cout << "Time : " << totalTime/(double)getTickFrequency()*1000. << "/" << total_cnt << " " << totalTime/(double)getTickFrequency()*1000./total_cnt << endl; if (ReleaseEngine() < 0) cout << "release failed" << endl; return 0; }
//Thread d'initialisation void *drawingAndParam(void * arg) { string winParametrage = "Thresholded"; string winDetected = "Parametrages"; char key; drawing = false; onDrawing = true; pthread_mutex_init(&mutexVideo, NULL); #if output_video == ov_remote_ffmpeg int errorcode = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, "tcp://", NULL, NULL); if (errorcode < 0) { cout << "ERREUR CAMERA DRONE!!!" << errorcode; return 0; } avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, NULL); av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, "tcp://", 0); pCodecCtx = pFormatCtx->streams[0]->codec; AVCodec *pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id); if (pCodec == NULL) { cout << "ERREUR avcodec_find_decoder!!!"; return 0; } if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL) < 0) { cout << "ERREUR avcodec_open2!!!"; return 0; } //pFrame = av_frame_alloc(); //pFrameBGR = av_frame_alloc(); pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); pFrameBGR = avcodec_alloc_frame(); bufferBGR = (uint8_t*)av_mallocz(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_BGR24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height) * sizeof(uint8_t)); avpicture_fill((AVPicture*)pFrameBGR, bufferBGR, PIX_FMT_BGR24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); pConvertCtx = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, PIX_FMT_BGR24, SWS_SPLINE, NULL, NULL, NULL); img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pCodecCtx->width, (pCodecCtx->height == 368) ? 360 : pCodecCtx->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); if (!img) { cout << "ERREUR PAS D'IMAGE!!!"; return 0; } pthread_t ii; pthread_create(&ii, NULL, getimg, NULL); #else VideoCapture cap(0); //capture video webcam #endif HH=179;LS=1;HS=255;LV=1;HV=255;LH=1; namedWindow(winDetected, CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); Mat frame; setMouseCallback(winDetected, MouseCallBack, NULL); while(true) { if(onDrawing) //Tant que l'utilisateur ne commence pas la sélection! { #if output_video != ov_remote_ffmpeg bool bSuccess = cap.read(frame); // Nouvelle capture if (!bSuccess) { cout << "Impossible de lire le flux video" << endl; break; } #else pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexVideo); memcpy(img->imageData, pFrameBGR->data[0], pCodecCtx->width * ((pCodecCtx->height == 368) ? 360 : pCodecCtx->height) * sizeof(uint8_t) * 3); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexVideo); frame = cv::cvarrToMat(img, true); #endif imshow(winDetected, frame); } if(!onDrawing && !drawing) //On affiche en direct la sélection de l'utilisateur { Mat tmpFrame=frame.clone(); rectangle(tmpFrame, rec, CV_RGB(51,156,204),1,8,0); imshow(winDetected, tmpFrame); } if(drawing) //L'utilisateur a fini de sélectionner { //cible Ball(1); namedWindow(winParametrage, CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); setMouseCallback(winDetected, NULL, NULL); rectangle(frame, rec, CV_RGB(51,156,204),2,8,0); imshow(winDetected, frame); Mat selection = frame(rec); Ball.setPicture(selection); while(key != 'q') { //Trackbar pour choix de la couleur createTrackbar("LowH", winParametrage, &LH, 179); //Hue (0 - 179) createTrackbar("HighH", winParametrage, &HH, 179); //Trackbar pour Saturation comparer au blanc createTrackbar("LowS", winParametrage, &LS, 255); //Saturation (0 - 255) createTrackbar("HighS", winParametrage, &HS, 255); //Trackbar pour la lumminosite comparer au noir createTrackbar("LowV", winParametrage, &LV, 255);//Value (0 - 255) createTrackbar("HighV", winParametrage, &HV, 255); Mat imgHSV; cvtColor(selection, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); //Passe de BGR a HSV Mat imgDetection; inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(LH, LS, LV), Scalar(HH, HS, HV), imgDetection); //Met en noir les parties non comprises dans l'intervalle de la couleur choisie par l'utilisateur //Retire les bruits erode(imgDetection, imgDetection, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5))); dilate(imgDetection, imgDetection, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5))); dilate(imgDetection, imgDetection, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5))); erode(imgDetection, imgDetection, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5))); imshow(winParametrage, imgDetection); //Calcul de la "distance" à la cible. On s'en sert comme seuil. Moments position; position = moments(imgDetection); Ball.lastdZone = position.m00; key = waitKey(10); } //Extraction des points d'intérêts de la sélection de l'utilisateur Mat graySelect; int minHessian = 800; cvtColor(selection, graySelect, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create(minHessian); vector<KeyPoint> KP; detector->detect(graySelect, KP); Mat KPimg; drawKeypoints(graySelect, KP, KPimg, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT); Mat desc; Ptr<SURF> extractor = SURF::create(); extractor->compute(graySelect, KP, desc); Ball.setimgGray(graySelect); Ball.setKP(KP); Ball.setDesc(desc); break; } key = waitKey(10); } //Fin de l'initiatlisation on ferme toutes les fenêtres et on passe au tracking destroyAllWindows(); #if output_video != ov_remote_ffmpeg cap.release(); #endif }
int process(VideoCapture& capture) { long captureTime; cout << "Press q or escape to quit!" << endl; CvFont infoFont; cvInitFont(&infoFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1); namedWindow(VIDEO_WINDOW_NAME, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); namedWindow(ERODE_PREVIEW_WIN_NAME, CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); resizeWindow(ERODE_PREVIEW_WIN_NAME, 320, 240); ControlsWindow* controlsWindow = new ControlsWindow(); if(fileExists(preferenceFileName)) { loadSettings(controlsWindow, (char*)preferenceFileName); } Mat frame; while (true) { capture >> frame; captureTime = (int)(getTickCount()/getTickFrequency())*1000; if (frame.empty()) break; int target_width = 320; int height = (target_width/capture.get(3 /*width*/)) * capture.get(4 /*height*/); resize(frame, frame, Size(target_width, height)); if (controlsWindow->getBlurDeviation() > 0) { GaussianBlur(frame, frame, Size(GAUSSIAN_KERNEL, GAUSSIAN_KERNEL), controlsWindow->getBlurDeviation()); } //Apply brightness and contrast frame.convertTo(frame, -1, controlsWindow->getContrast(), controlsWindow->getBrightness()); Mat maskedImage = thresholdImage(controlsWindow, frame); Mat erodedImage = erodeDilate(maskedImage, controlsWindow); Mat erodedImageBinary; cvtColor(erodedImage, erodedImageBinary, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); threshold(erodedImageBinary, erodedImageBinary, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); if(controlsWindow->getInvert()) { erodedImageBinary = 255 - erodedImageBinary; } cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params params; params.minDistBetweenBlobs = 50.0f; params.filterByInertia = false; params.filterByConvexity = false; params.filterByColor = true; params.filterByCircularity = false; params.filterByArea = true; params.minArea = 1000.0f; params.maxArea = 100000.0f; params.blobColor = 255; vector<KeyPoint> centers; vector<vector<Point>> contours; ModBlobDetector* blobDetector = new ModBlobDetector(params); vector<vector<Point>> contourHulls; vector<RotatedRect> contourRects; blobDetector->findBlobs(erodedImageBinary, erodedImageBinary, centers, contours); for(vector<Point> ctpts : contours) { vector<Point> hull; convexHull(ctpts, hull); contourHulls.push_back(hull); contourRects.push_back(minAreaRect(hull)); } #ifdef DEBUG_BLOBS drawContours(frame, contours, -1, Scalar(128,255,128), 2, CV_AA); drawContours(frame, contourHulls, -1, Scalar(255, 128,0), 2, CV_AA); int ptnum; for(KeyPoint pt : centers) { Scalar color(255, 0, 255); circle(frame, pt.pt, 5 , color, -1 /*filled*/, CV_AA); circle(frame, pt.pt, pt.size, color, 1, CV_AA); ptnum++; } #endif for(RotatedRect rr : contourRects) { Point2f points[4]; rr.points(points); float side1 = distance(points[0], points[1]); float side2 = distance(points[1], points[2]); float shortestSide = min(side1, side2); float longestSide = max(side1, side2); float aspectRatio = longestSide/shortestSide; int b = 0; bool isTape = objInfo.aspectRatio == 0 ? false : abs(objInfo.aspectRatio - aspectRatio) < 0.2*objInfo.aspectRatio; /* * TODO * Make a list of possible tape candidates * Use tape candidate with smallest difference in ratio to the real ratio as the tape */ if(isTape) { b = 255; string widthText = "Width (px): "; widthText.append(toString(longestSide)); string heightText = "Height (px): "; heightText.append(toString(shortestSide)); string rotText = "Rotation (deg): "; rotText.append(toString(abs((int)rr.angle))); string distText; if(camSettings.focalLength == -1) { distText = "Focal length not defined"; } else { float dist = objInfo.width * camSettings.focalLength / longestSide; distText = "Distance (cm): "; distText.append(toString(dist)); } putText(frame, widthText, Point(0, 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); putText(frame, heightText, Point(0, 40), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); putText(frame, rotText, Point(0, 60), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); putText(frame, distText, Point(0, 80), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); } rotated_rect(frame, rr, Scalar(b, 0, 255)); if(isTape)break; } if(objInfo.aspectRatio == 0) { putText(frame, "Invalid object info (object.xml)", Point(0, 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); } delete blobDetector; imshow(ERODE_PREVIEW_WIN_NAME, erodedImageBinary); imshow(VIDEO_WINDOW_NAME, frame); //int waitTime = max((int)(((1.0/framerate)*1000) // - ((int)(getTickCount()/getTickFrequency())*1000 - captureTime)) // , 1); char key = (char)waitKey(1); switch (key) { case 'q': case 'Q': case 27: //escape saveSettings(controlsWindow, (char*)preferenceFileName); return 0; default: break; } std::this_thread::yield(); } saveSettings(controlsWindow, (char*)preferenceFileName); delete(controlsWindow); destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }
void AerialCameraStitch::stitchCameraImages(){ cv::Stitcher imgstitcher = Stitcher::createDefault(true); vector< Mat > tmp_uav_cam_img; Mat out_stitch_img; Mat tmp_img1; Mat tmp_img2; Mat tmp_img3; Mat tmp_img1_; Mat tmp_img2_; Mat tmp_img3_; opt_pose = false; ROS_INFO_STREAM("STITCHING STARTED"); try{ destroyAllWindows(); tmp_img1 = uav1_cam_img; tmp_img2 = uav2_cam_img; tmp_img3 = uav3_cam_img; cv::resize(tmp_img1, tmp_img1_, cv::Size2i(tmp_img1.cols/2, tmp_img1.rows/2)); cv::resize(tmp_img2, tmp_img2_, cv::Size2i(tmp_img2.cols/2, tmp_img2.rows/2)); cv::resize(tmp_img3, tmp_img3_, cv::Size2i(tmp_img3.cols/2, tmp_img3.rows/2)); tmp_img1 = tmp_img1_; tmp_img2 = tmp_img2_; tmp_img3 = tmp_img3_; tmp_uav_cam_img.push_back(tmp_img1); tmp_uav_cam_img.push_back(tmp_img2); tmp_uav_cam_img.push_back(tmp_img3); ROS_INFO_STREAM("UAV 1 : "<<tmp_uav_cam_img[0].size()); ROS_INFO_STREAM("UAV 2 : "<<tmp_uav_cam_img[1].size()); ROS_INFO_STREAM("UAV 3 : "<<tmp_uav_cam_img[2].size()); unsigned long AAtime=0, BBtime=0; //check processing time AAtime = getTickCount(); //check processing time Stitcher::Status status = imgstitcher.stitch(tmp_uav_cam_img, out_stitch_img); BBtime = getTickCount(); //check processing time printf("Time Taken: %.2lf sec \n", (BBtime - AAtime)/getTickFrequency() ); //check processing time cv::Size out_size = out_stitch_img.size(); int out_row = out_size.height; int out_cols = out_size.width; if (status != Stitcher::OK || (out_row == 1 && out_cols == 1)) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("IMAGES DIDNT STITCH - Not Enough Common Features Detected : "<< out_stitch_img.size()); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Increasing height to optimum level, if possible"); opt_pose = true; uav_int_pose = uavpose_z + 5; ROS_INFO_STREAM("Optimal Height : " << uav_int_pose); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Translating ... "); }else{ ROS_INFO_STREAM("STITCHING RESULT: "<< out_size); ROS_INFO_STREAM("SUCCESSFUL "); namedWindow("Stitching Result", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow("Stitching Result", out_stitch_img); } }catch(cv::Exception& e){ const char* err_msg = e.what(); ROS_INFO_STREAM("SOMETHING WENT WRONG!!!"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("exception caught : " << err_msg); } waitKey(0); out_stitch_img.release(); tmp_img1.release(); tmp_img2.release(); tmp_img3.release(); tmp_img1_.release(); tmp_img2_.release(); tmp_img3_.release(); tmp_uav_cam_img[0].release(); tmp_uav_cam_img[1].release(); tmp_uav_cam_img[2].release(); }
int showImages (unsigned char *data, int n, int m, int nt) { Mat img_max_gauss, img_gauss_max, img_max_bm3d, img_max; Mat imgc_max_gauss, imgc_gauss_max, imgc_max_bm3d, imgc_max; Mat img_max_gauss_canny, img_gauss_max_canny, img_max_bm3d_canny, img_max_canny; Mat imgc_max_gauss_canny, imgc_gauss_max_canny, imgc_max_bm3d_canny, imgc_max_canny; Mat img_max_gauss_watershed, img_gauss_max_watershed, img_max_bm3d_watershed, img_max_watershed; img_max.create (n, m, CV_8UC1); img_max.setTo (0); img_gauss_max.create (n, m, CV_8UC1); img_gauss_max.setTo (0); for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) { /*Mat img (n, m, imgtype, data + i * n * m), grayImg; img = min (img, 400); double minVal, maxVal; minMaxLoc (img, &minVal, &maxVal); //find minimum and maximum intensities img.convertTo (img, CV_8U, 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal)); img_max = max (img, img_max); GaussianBlur (img, img, cv::Size (3, 3), 1.0, 1.0); img_gauss_max = max (img, img_gauss_max);*/ } GaussianBlur (img_max, img_max_gauss, cv::Size (3, 3), 1.0, 1.0); applyColorMap (img_max, imgc_max, COLORMAP_JET); applyColorMap (img_max_gauss, imgc_max_gauss, COLORMAP_JET); applyColorMap (img_gauss_max, imgc_gauss_max, COLORMAP_JET); //while (true) { //scanf ("%lf %lf", &lowThreshold, &uppThreshold); //do_canny (img_max, img_max_canny); //do_canny (img_gauss_max, img_gauss_max_canny); /*img_max_watershed.create (n, m, CV_32SC1); img_max_watershed.setTo (0);*/ //ex_watershed (imgc_max); //watershed (img_gauss_max, img_gauss_max_watershed); //GaussianBlur (img_max, img_max_gauss, cv::Size (9, 9), 1.0, 1.0); //do_canny (img_max_gauss, img_max_gauss_canny); //watershed (img_max_gauss, img_max_gauss_watershed); /* imshow ("0. bm3d 1. max 2. jet", imgc_max); imshow ("0. bm3d 1. max 2. gauss: 3. jet", imgc_max_gauss); imshow ("0. bm3d 1. gauss 2. max: ", imgc_gauss_max); */ // Canny view /* imshow ("1. max 2. canny", img_max_canny); imshow ("1. max 2. gauss 3. canny", img_max_gauss_canny); imshow ("1. gauss 2. max 3. canny ", img_gauss_max_canny); */ /*double minVal, maxVal; img_max_watershed += 1; minMaxLoc (img_max_watershed, &minVal, &maxVal); Mat imgc_watershed; img_max_watershed.convertTo (imgc_watershed, CV_8U, 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal));*/ //applyColorMap (imgc_watershed, imgc_watershed, COLORMAP_JET); // Watershed view //imshow ("1. max 2. watershed", imgc_watershed); /*imshow ("1. max 2. gauss 3. watershed", img_max_gauss_watershed); imshow ("1. gauss 2. max 3. watershed ", img_gauss_max_watershed);*/ //int key = waitKey (); //} //int x = (int)string (matfilename).find ('.'); //string file_name = string (matfilename).substr (0, x); //CreateDirectory (file_name.c_str (), 0); //CreateDirectory (, 0); //fs::create_directories ((file_name + "\\Max")); //string path = matfiledir + "\\" + file_name + "\\Max"; //file_name = ""; Mat img_thresh; //threshold (img_max, img_thresh, threshold_value, threshold_max_value, THRESH_TOZERO | CV_THRESH_OTSU); //imshow ("some", img_max); imshow ("max thr", img_thresh); //threshold (img_max_gauss, img_thresh, 0, threshold_max_value, THRESH_TOZERO | CV_THRESH_OTSU); imshow ("max gauss thr", img_thresh); //threshold (img_gauss_max, img_thresh, 0, threshold_max_value, THRESH_TOZERO | CV_THRESH_OTSU); imshow ("gauss max thr", img_thresh); /* imwrite (path + "\\" + "1_max__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max); imwrite (path + "\\" + "2_max_gauss__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max_gauss); imwrite (path + "\\" + "3_gauss_max__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_gauss_max); imwrite (path + "\\" + "1_max_jet__" + file_name + ".bmp", imgc_max); imwrite (path + "\\" + "2_max_gauss_jet__" + file_name + ".bmp", imgc_max_gauss); imwrite (path + "\\" + "3_gauss_max_jet__" + file_name + ".bmp", imgc_gauss_max); Mat img_max_thr, img_max_gauss_thr, img_gauss_max_thr; my_threshold (img_max, img_max_thr); my_threshold (img_max_gauss, img_max_gauss_thr); my_threshold (img_gauss_max, img_gauss_max_thr); imwrite (path + "\\" + "1_max_thr__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max_thr); imwrite (path + "\\" + "2_max_gauss_thr__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max_gauss_thr); imwrite (path + "\\" + "3_gauss_max_thr__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_gauss_max_thr); */ /*// Canny save imwrite (path + "\\" + "1_max_canny__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max_canny); imwrite (path + "\\" + "2_max_gauss_canny__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_max_gauss_canny); imwrite (path + "\\" + "3_gauss_max_canny__" + file_name + ".bmp", img_gauss_max_canny);*/ int key = waitKey (); destroyAllWindows (); return 0; }
int show_flow (unsigned char *data, int n, int m, int nt, int img_type, int type_size) { Point2f point; bool addRemovePt = false; VideoCapture cap; TermCriteria termcrit (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03); Size subPixWinSize (10, 10), winSize (31, 31); const int MAX_COUNT = 300; bool needToInit = false; bool nightMode = false; Mat gray, prevGray, image; vector<Point2f> points[2]; Mat img_max_gauss, img_gauss_max, img_max; Mat imgc_max_gauss, imgc_gauss_max, imgc_max, img_gauss_max_thr; img_max.create (n, m, CV_8UC1); img_max.setTo (0); img_gauss_max.create (n, m, CV_8UC1); img_gauss_max.setTo (0); for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) { Mat img (n, m, img_type, data + i * n * m * type_size); img = min (img, 400); double minVal, maxVal; minMaxLoc (img, &minVal, &maxVal); //find minimum and maximum intensities img.convertTo (img, CV_8U, 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal)); img_max = max (img, img_max); GaussianBlur (img, img, cv::Size (3, 3), 1.0, 1.0); img_gauss_max = max (img, img_gauss_max); } threshold (img_gauss_max, img_gauss_max_thr, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU); Mat img_gauss_max_thr_res; //resize (img_gauss_max_thr, img_gauss_max_thr_res, cv::Size (img_gauss_max_thr.cols * 3, img_gauss_max_thr.rows * 3), 0, 0, 0); Mat prev_gray, prev_img; //int x = (int)string (matfilename).find ('.'); //string file_name = string (matfilename).substr (0, x); //string path = matfiledir + "\\" + file_name + "\\flow"; //imwrite (path + "\\img_big\\img_gauss_max_thr_res" + +".bmp", img_gauss_max_thr_res); for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) { printf ("i : %d\n", i); /*Mat frame (n, m, imgtype, data + i * n * m * type_size); frame = min (frame, 100); double minVal, maxVal; minMaxLoc (frame, &minVal, &maxVal); frame.convertTo (frame, CV_8U, 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal)); GaussianBlur (frame, frame, cv::Size (3, 3), 1.0, 1.0); //Mat res_img; //resize (frame, res_img, cv::Size (frame.cols * 3, frame.rows * 3)); //res_img.copyTo (frame); Mat img, image; applyColorMap (frame, img, COLORMAP_JET); img.copyTo (image, img_gauss_max_thr);*/ //frame.copyTo (gray, img_gauss_max_thr); /*Mat img; bitwise_and (image, img_gauss_max_thr, img); image = img;*/ //cvtColor (image, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Mat flow, cflow; /*if (prev_gray.data != nullptr) { calcOpticalFlowFarneback (prev_gray, gray, flow, 0.5, 5, 10, 1, 5, 1.2, 0); //cvtColor (prev_img, cflow, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); prev_img.copyTo(cflow); draw_optical_flow (flow, cflow, 4, Scalar (0, 100, 0), Scalar (0, 0, 255)); //imshow ("Flow", cflow); //imshow ("gray", gray); //imshow ("prev_gray", prev_gray); char c = (char)waitKey (200); } gray.copyTo (prev_gray); image.copyTo (prev_img);*/ //char c = (char)waitKey (200); /* if (nightMode) image = Scalar::all (0); if (needToInit) { // automatic initialization goodFeaturesToTrack (gray, points[0], MAX_COUNT, 0.01, 10, Mat (), 3, 0, 0.04); cornerSubPix (gray, points[0], subPixWinSize, Size (-1, -1), termcrit); addRemovePt = false; } else if (!points[0].empty ()) { vector<uchar> status; vector<float> err; if (prevGray.empty ()) gray.copyTo (prevGray); calcOpticalFlowPyrLK (prevGray, gray, points[0], points[1], status, err); //, winSize,3, termcrit, 0, 0.001); size_t i, k; for (i = k = 0; i < points[1].size (); i++) { if (!status[i]) continue; points[1][k++] = points[1][i]; if (points->size() > i) { line (image, points[1][i], points[0][i], Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2); } circle (image, points[1][i], 2, Scalar (0, 0, 0), -1, 8); } points[1].resize (k); } if (addRemovePt && points[1].size () < (size_t)MAX_COUNT) { vector<Point2f> tmp; tmp.push_back (point); cornerSubPix (gray, tmp, winSize, cvSize (-1, -1), termcrit); points[1].push_back (tmp[0]); addRemovePt = false; } needToInit = false; imshow ("LK Demo", image); if (i == 0) char c = (char)waitKey ();*/ //imwrite (path + "\\img_big\\" + std::to_string (i) + ".bmp", image); //imwrite (path + "\\img_\\" + std::to_string (i) + ".bmp", img); /*char c = (char)waitKey (0); if (c == 27) break; switch (c) { case 'r': needToInit = true; break; case 'c': points[0].clear (); points[1].clear (); break;\ case 'n': nightMode = !nightMode; break; case 's': imwrite (path + "\\" + std::to_string (i) + ".bmp", prev_img); }*/ } destroyAllWindows (); return 0; }
void* camera(void* arg) { //pFormatCtx=(AVFormatContext *)arg; char key; drawing=false; Ball.roll = Ball.pitch = Ball.gaz = Ball.yaw = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&mutexVideo, NULL); liste.suivant=NULL; #if output_video == ov_remote_ffmpeg pthread_t ii; pthread_create(&ii, NULL, getimg, NULL); #else VideoCapture cap(0); //capture video webcam #endif #if output_video != ov_remote_ffmpeg if (!cap.isOpened()) { cout << "Impossible de lire le flux de la camera" << endl; return NULL; } Mat frame; cap >> frame; fSize.width = frame.cols; fSize.height = frame.rows; #endif // Initialise les fenetres namedWindow(winDetected, 1); namedWindow(winOutputVideo, 1); //Creer une image noir de taille de notre image tmp Mat imgLines = Mat::zeros(fSize.height, fSize.width, CV_8UC3); while (true) { #if output_video != ov_remote_ffmpeg bool bSuccess = cap.read(imgOriginal); // Nouvelle capture if (!bSuccess) { cout << "Impossible de lire le flux video" << endl; break; } #else pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexVideo); memcpy(img->imageData, pFrameBGR->data[0], pCodecCtx->width * ((pCodecCtx->height == 368) ? 360 : pCodecCtx->height) * sizeof(uint8_t) * 3); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexVideo); imgOriginal = cv::cvarrToMat(img, true); #endif pthread_t mtId,ocId; //Appel aux threads de tracking pthread_create(&mtId, NULL, &matchTemplate, NULL); pthread_create(&ocId, NULL, &opencv, NULL); pthread_join(mtId,NULL); pthread_join(ocId,NULL); //Fonction permettant d'interpreter les résultats des deux tracking Ball.setRealPos(); // Genere la fenetre de repere imgLines.setTo(Scalar(255, 255, 255)); drawCross(imgLines, fSize.width / 2, fSize.height / 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255)); drawCross(imgLines, posX, posY, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); imgOriginal = imgOriginal & imgLines; // Croise les resultats à la fenetre de sortie // // Affichage des fenetre // imshow(winDetected, imgDetection); //Pour montrer l image avec le masque //imshow(winRepere, imgLines); //Pour montrer la fenetre de repere imshow(winOutputVideo, imgOriginal); //Image d origine string Action = "Mouvement a effectuer : "; ObjCoord tmp = Ball.getRealPos(); cout << "x " << tmp.Xcoord << " y " << tmp.Ycoord << " z " << tmp.Zcoord << endl; /* if(tmp.Zcoord == -1){ Action += "Recule, "; Ball.pitch = 0.05f; } else if(tmp.Zcoord == 1){ Action += "Avance, "; Ball.pitch = -0.05f; } else { Ball.pitch = 0; } */ if (tmp.Xcoord <= 35.0 && tmp.Xcoord != 0) { Ball.yaw = -0.2f; Action += "Gauche ("+ to_string(Ball.yaw)+"%), "; } else if (tmp.Xcoord >= 65.0) { Ball.yaw = 0.2f; Action += "Droite ("+ to_string(Ball.yaw)+"%), "; } else { Ball.yaw = 0; } if (tmp.Ycoord >= 65.0) { Action += "Descendre"; Ball.gaz = -0.2f; } else if (tmp.Ycoord <= 35.0 && tmp.Ycoord != 0) { Action += "Monter"; Ball.gaz = 0.2f; } else { Ball.gaz = 0; } /*if(Ball.pitch != 0) { Ball.roll = Ball.yaw / 2; Ball.yaw = 0; }*/ if(tmp.Xcoord == 0 && tmp.Ycoord == 0 && tmp.Zcoord == 0) { Ball.roll = Ball.pitch = Ball.gaz = Ball.yaw = 0; } if(Ball.pitch == 0) AtCmd::sendMovement(0, Ball.roll, Ball.pitch, Ball.gaz, Ball.yaw); else AtCmd::sendMovement(3, Ball.roll, Ball.pitch, Ball.gaz, Ball.yaw); //cout << Action << endl; key=waitKey(10); if(key == 10) { enVol=true; key=-1; } else if (key != -1) //Attends qu'une touche soit presser pour quitter { break; } } stopTracking=true; destroyAllWindows(); return NULL; }
void MainWindow::decrypt() { FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!f) { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Error", "No image file is loaded!!"); return; } isEncryption = false; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, "Password", "Please enter your password for decryption", QLineEdit::Password, QString()); string pwd = string((const char *)text.toLocal8Bit()); MD5 md5(pwd); key = md5.getDigest(); AES aes(key); unsigned char info[16] = ""; fseek(f, -16, SEEK_END); fread(info, 1, 16, f); // verify key and info aes.InvCipher(info); if (memcmp(info+8, "SEAcret", 7)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Error", "Incorrect password or there is no secret in the image"); return; } int buf_size[2]; memcpy(buf_size, info, sizeof(int)*2); fseek(f, -16-buf_size[0]-buf_size[1], SEEK_END); unsigned char *temp; vector<unsigned char> mask_buf(buf_size[0]); vector<unsigned char> secret_buf(buf_size[1]); fread(&mask_buf[0], 1, buf_size[0], f); fread(&secret_buf[0], 1, buf_size[1], f); fclose(f); for (int i = 0; i < buf_size[0]; i+=16) { temp = &mask_buf[0]+i; aes.InvCipher(temp); } Mat mask = imdecode((Mat)mask_buf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); mask = mask > 128; for (int i = 0; i < buf_size[1]; i+=16) { temp = &secret_buf[0]+i; aes.InvCipher(temp); } Mat secret = imdecode((Mat)secret_buf, 1); _dst = imread(filename, 1); secret.copyTo(_dst, mask); imshow("Result", _dst); waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { cout << "Usage: " << endl; cout << "ACCV2009.exe Folder imfn1 imfn2" << endl; return -1; } string folder = argv[1]; string imfn1 = argv[2]; string imfn2 = argv[3]; string outfolder = "../output"; _mkdir(outfolder.c_str()); Mat im1 = imread(folder + imfn1 + ".png", 1); Mat im2 = imread(folder + imfn2 + ".png", 1); int width = im1.cols; int height = im1.rows; //颜色空间转换 Mat im1_H, im1_S, im1_I; Mat im2_H, im2_S, im2_I; //CvtColorBGR2HSI(im1, im1_H, im1_S, im1_I); //CvtColorBGR2HSI(im2, im2_H, im2_S, im2_I); cv_CvtColorBGR2HSI(im1, im1_H, im1_S, im1_I); cv_CvtColorBGR2HSI(im2, im2_H, im2_S, im2_I); int sigmaS = 5; float sigmaR = 10; int minR = 800; vector<int> labels1(0), labels2(0); //#define RQ_DEBUG #ifdef RQ_DEBUG int regionum1, regionum2; DoMeanShift(im1, sigmaS, sigmaR, minR, labels1, regionum1); DoMeanShift(im2, sigmaS, sigmaR, minR, labels2, regionum2); cout << endl; saveLabels(labels1, width, height, outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn1 + ".txt"); saveLabels(labels2, width, height, outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn2 + ".txt"); #else int regionum1, regionum2; readLabels(outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn1 + ".txt", width, height, labels1, regionum1); readLabels(outfolder+"/labels_" + imfn2 + ".txt", width, height, labels2, regionum2); #endif string siftmatchfn = folder + "matches_sift.txt"; vector<Point2f> features1(0), features2(0); ReadSiftMatches(siftmatchfn, features1, features2); vector<vector<Point2f>> matches1(0), matches2(0); vector<vector<Point2f>> pixelTable2(0); ComputeRegionMatches(labels2, regionum2, width, features1, features2, matches1, matches2); cout << "all regions have matches." << endl << endl; //显示每个区域的matches : 显示一次就好 vector<float> DeltaH(0), DeltaS(0), DeltaI(0); RegionDeltaColor(im1_H, im2_H, matches1, matches2, DeltaH); RegionDeltaColor(im1_S, im2_S, matches1, matches2, DeltaS); RegionDeltaColor(im1_I, im2_I, matches1, matches2, DeltaI); Mat new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I; CorrectColor(im2_H, labels2, DeltaH, new_im2_H); CorrectColor(im2_S, labels2, DeltaS, new_im2_S); CorrectColor(im2_I, labels2, DeltaI, new_im2_I); Mat new_im2; //CvtColorHSI2BGR(new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I, new_im2); cv_CVtColorHSI2BGR(new_im2_H, new_im2_S, new_im2_I, new_im2); cout << "done." << endl; imshow("new im2", new_im2); waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); string savefn = outfolder + "/accv2009_" + imfn2 + ".png"; cout << "save " << savefn << endl; imwrite(savefn, new_im2); }
Vision::~Vision() { destroyAllWindows(); Vision::m_instance = NULL; CloseFlyCapCamera(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Build color lookup table for depth display Mat colorLut = Mat(cv::Size(256, 1), CV_8UC3); for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) colorLut.at<Vec3b>(i) = (i==0) ? Vec3b(0, 0, 0) : HSV2RGB(i/256.0f, 1, 1); // Open Dense3D Dense3DMTInstance dense3d; if(!Dense3DOpen(&dense3d)) { printf("Could not open Dense3DMT library\n"); return 1; } DUOInstance duo = GetDUOInstance(dense3d); char tmp[260]; GetDUODeviceName(duo,tmp); printf("DUO Device Name: '%s'\n", tmp); GetDUOSerialNumber(duo, tmp); printf("DUO Serial Number: %s\n", tmp); GetDUOFirmwareVersion(duo, tmp); printf("DUO Firmware Version: v%s\n", tmp); GetDUOFirmwareBuild(duo, tmp); printf("DUO Firmware Build: %s\n", tmp); printf("DUOLib Version: v%s\n", GetDUOLibVersion()); printf("Dense3DMT Version: v%s\n", Dense3DGetLibVersion()); // Set the Dense3D license (visit https://duo3d.com/account) if(!SetDense3DLicense(dense3d, "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX")) // <-- Put your Dense3D license { printf("Invalid or missing Dense3D license. To get your license visit https://duo3d.com/account\n"); // Close Dense3D library Dense3DClose(dense3d); return 1; } // Set the image size if(!SetDense3DImageInfo(dense3d, WIDTH, HEIGHT, FPS)) { printf("Invalid image size\n"); // Close Dense3D library Dense3DClose(dense3d); return 1; } // Set Dense3D parameters Dense3DParams params; params.scale = 0; params.mode = 0; params.numDisparities = 2; params.sadWindowSize = 6; params.preFilterCap = 28; params.uniqenessRatio = 27; params.speckleWindowSize = 52; params.speckleRange = 14; if(!SetDense3Params(dense3d, params)) { printf("GetDense3Params error\n"); // Close Dense3D library Dense3DClose(dense3d); return 1; } // Queue used to receive Dense3D frames Dense3DFrameQueue d3dq; // Start DUO capture and Dense3D processing if(!Dense3DStart(dense3d, [](const PDense3DFrame pFrameData, void *pUserData) { D3DFrame frame; Size frameSize(pFrameData->duoFrame->width, pFrameData->duoFrame->height); frame.leftImg = Mat(frameSize, CV_8U, pFrameData->duoFrame->leftData); frame.rightImg = Mat(frameSize, CV_8U, pFrameData->duoFrame->rightData); frame.disparity = Mat(frameSize, CV_32F, pFrameData->disparityData); frame.depth = Mat(frameSize, CV_32FC3, pFrameData->depthData); ((Dense3DFrameQueue*)pUserData)->push(frame); }, &d3dq)) { printf("Dense3DStart error\n"); // Close Dense3D library Dense3DClose(dense3d); return 1; } // Set exposure, LED brightness and camera orientation SetDUOExposure(duo, 85); SetDUOLedPWM(duo, 28); SetDUOVFlip(duo, true); // Run capture loop until <Esc> key is pressed while((cvWaitKey(1) & 0xff) != 27) { D3DFrame d3DFrame; if(!d3dq.pop(d3DFrame)) continue; Mat disp8; d3DFrame.disparity.convertTo(disp8, CV_8UC1, 255.0/(params.numDisparities*16)); Mat rgbBDisparity; cvtColor(disp8, rgbBDisparity, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); LUT(rgbBDisparity, colorLut, rgbBDisparity); // Display images imshow("Left Image", d3DFrame.leftImg); imshow("Right Image", d3DFrame.rightImg); imshow("Disparity Image", rgbBDisparity); } destroyAllWindows(); Dense3DStop(dense3d); Dense3DClose(dense3d); return 0; }
AerialCameraStitch::~AerialCameraStitch(){ destroyAllWindows(); }
Chroma_processing::~Chroma_processing() { //destroy GUI windows destroyAllWindows(); }
unsigned test(CClassifier * cl, CCaptcha * captcha) { char captcha_predict[nic]; unsigned u, v, max_area_ind; double area, max_area; Mat img = (* captcha)(); Size size = img.size(); Mat kernel(3, 3, CV_64FC1); Mat blr, median, filter, lpl, sum, temp, nimg, thr; vector<Mat> ch; vector<vector<Point> > cnt; kernel.at<double>(0, 0) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(0, 1) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(0, 2) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(1, 0) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(1, 1) = 2; kernel.at<double>(1, 2) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(2, 0) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(2, 1) = -0.1; kernel.at<double>(2, 2) = -0.1; medianBlur(img, median, 5); filter2D(median, filter, -1, kernel); Laplacian(filter, lpl, CV_32F, 5); threshold(lpl, thr, 150, 255, THRESH_BINARY); split(thr, ch); add(ch[0], ch[1], temp, noArray()); add(temp, ch[2], sum, noArray(), CV_8U); for(u = 0; u < nic; u++) { try { Mat nimg = sum(Range(0, size.height), Range(u * size.width / nic, (u + 1) * size.width / nic)).clone(); Mat tnimg = nimg.clone(); temp = nimg.clone(); Mat vc = vec(nimg); captcha_predict[u] = captcha->alphabet(cl->predict(vc)); printf("%c\n", captcha_predict[u]); Mat cnt_img(size.height, size.width / nic, CV_8UC1); findContours(temp, cnt, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS); for(v = 0, max_area = 0; v < cnt.size(); v++) { area = contourArea(cnt[v]); if(area > max_area) { max_area = area; max_area_ind = v; } } vector<vector<Point> > approx_cnt; approx_cnt.push_back(vector<Point>()); approxPolyDP(cnt[max_area_ind], approx_cnt[0], 2, true); rectangle(cnt_img, Point(0, 0), Point(size.width, size.height), Scalar::all(0), CV_FILLED); drawContours(cnt_img, approx_cnt, -1, Scalar::all(255)); namedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("nimg", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("median", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("filter", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("laplacian", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("thres", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("sum", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); namedWindow("cnt_img", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); imshow("img", img); imshow("nimg", tnimg); imshow("median", median); imshow("filter", filter); imshow("laplacian", lpl); imshow("thres", thr); imshow("sum", sum); imshow("cnt_img", cnt_img); waitKey(); destroyAllWindows(); } catch(...) { ; } } return captcha->check(captcha_predict); }
void saveExperiment(Mat &verticesFloatingPoint, Mat &depthMapFloatingPoint,Mat &colorMap, Mat &confMap, Mat &uvMap, Mat &RGBuvmap) { char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX]; GetCurrentDir(cCurrentPath, sizeof(cCurrentPath)); string working_path(cCurrentPath); working_path+=+"\\data\\"; HandSegm::DepthNode *dep = HandSegm::DepthNode::getInstance(); if(new_experiment) { name_dir.push_back(createDirs()); new_experiment = false; } imshow("rgbuvmap",RGBuvmap); imshow("dep->getDepthMapFloatingPoint()",depthMapFloatingPoint); imshow("dep->getConfMap()",confMap); if(waitKey(1) == 's' || s_already_pressed == true) { if(!s_already_pressed) { cout << "Recording..." << endl; } s_already_pressed = true; vec_verticesFloatingPointArray.push_back(verticesFloatingPoint); vec_colorMap.push_back(colorMap); vec_confMap.push_back(confMap); vec_uvMap.push_back(uvMap); vec_RGBuvmap.push_back(RGBuvmap); frameCounter++; } if(frameCounter == nFramesPerExperiment) { cout << "Recording done." << endl; frameCounter = 0; s_already_pressed = false; experimentCounter++; new_experiment = true; destroyAllWindows(); } if(name_dir.back() == "e") { destroyAllWindows(); cout << "Recording complete." << endl; cout << "Saving " << experimentCounter << "experiments to disk..." << endl; for(int i=0;i<experimentCounter;i++) { cout<<"Saving experiment `" << name_dir[i] << "`" << endl; for(int j=0;j<nFramesPerExperiment;j++) { saveToFile<float>(vec_verticesFloatingPointArray[i*nFramesPerExperiment+j], working_path+"\\"+name_dir[i]+verticesFloatingPoint_str+"\\", j); saveToFile<int16_t>(vec_colorMap[i*nFramesPerExperiment+j], working_path+name_dir[i]+colorMap_str+"\\", j); saveToFile<int16_t>(vec_confMap[i*nFramesPerExperiment+j], working_path+name_dir[i]+confidenceMap_str+"\\", j); saveToFile<float>(vec_uvMap[i*nFramesPerExperiment+j], working_path+name_dir[i]+uvMap_str+"\\", j); std::ostringstream oss; oss << j << ".png"; imwrite( working_path+name_dir[i]+RGBuvMap_str+"\\"+oss.str(),vec_RGBuvmap[i*nFramesPerExperiment+j]); cout<< std::setprecision(3) << ((float)j/(float)nFramesPerExperiment)*100<<"%"<<endl; } } cout << "Saving complete." << endl; Sleep(1000); exit( 0 ); } }
void main() { const string SRC_WIN_NAME = "Ôͼ"; const string MED_WIN_NAME = "Ä£ºýͼ"; const string DST_WIN_NAME = "¸´Ôͼ"; const string SRC_NAME = "../../ImageRestore/images/flower.jpg";/*be_grdient.jpg*/ Mat srcImage = imread(SRC_NAME, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); Mat medImage, dstImage1, dstImage2, dstImage3, psf; imageInit(srcImage, srcImage); imshow("Ôͼ",srcImage); cout << "depth=" << srcImage.depth() << endl; fftShow(srcImage); //Mat A = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 3, 2, 1, 4.5, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3); //float d=A.at<float>(1,1); //float e = A.at<float>(1,2); //calWeight(srcImage, medImage); //cout << medImage<< endl; //normalize(medImage, medImage, 1, 0, NORM_MINMAX); //medImage=Mat_<uchar>(medImage); //genaratePsf(psf,15, 40); // // filter2D(srcImage, medImage, -1, psf); //cepstral(medImage,dstImage1); //double angle = directionDiffAngle(medImage); //cout << " angle=" << angle << endl; //imshow("µ¹Æ×", dstImage1); //wnrFilter2(medImage, psf, dstImage1); //inverseFilter(medImage, psf, dstImage1); // deconvRL3(medImage, psf, dstImage1, 20); //double t1 = (double)getTickCount(); //deconvRL4(medImage, psf, dstImage3, 20); //t1 = ((double)getTickCount() - t1) / getTickFrequency(); //double t2 = (double)getTickCount(); //deconvRL5(medImage, psf, dstImage2,20); //t2 = ((double)getTickCount() - t2) / getTickFrequency(); ////imwrite("lenal25a40.bmp", medImage); ////imwrite("lenal15a40_wnr2.bmp", dstImage2); //deconvRL3(medImage, psf, dstImage3, 20); ////double PSNR1 = calPSNR(dstImage2, srcImage); //double GMG1 = calGMG(srcImage); //double GMG2 = calGMG(medImage); //double GMG3 = calGMG(dstImage1); //double GMG4 = calGMG(dstImage2); //double con1 = calContrast(srcImage); //double con2 = calContrast(medImage); //double con3 = calContrast(dstImage1); //double con4 = calContrast(dstImage2); //double nsr1 = estimatek(srcImage); //double nsr2 = estimatek(medImage); //double nsr3 = estimatek(dstImage1); //double nsr4 = estimatek(dstImage2); ////double PSNR3 = calPSNR(dstImage3, srcImage); //// // ////cout << "t=" <<t2 << endl; //// //cout << "GMG1=" << GMG1 << endl; //cout << "GMG2=" << GMG2 << endl; //cout << "GMG3=" << GMG3 << endl; //cout << "GMG4=" << GMG4 << endl; //cout << "con1=" << con1 << endl; //cout << "con2=" << con2 << endl; //cout << "con3=" << con3 << endl; //cout << "con4=" << con4 << endl; //cout << "nsr1=" << nsr1 << endl; //cout << "nsr2=" << nsr2 << endl; //cout << "nsr3=" << nsr3 << endl; //cout << "nsr4=" << nsr4 << endl; ////imshow("Ä£ºýºË", psf); // ////namedWindow("Ä£ºýºË1", 0); //imshow(SRC_WIN_NAME, srcImage); //imshow(MED_WIN_NAME, medImage); //imshow("wnr+edgetaper", dstImage1); //imshow("RL5+edgetaper", dstImage2); //imshow("RL3+edgetaper", dstImage3); // imshow("extend", dstImage3); waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); }
/// Calibrates the extrinsic parameters of the setup and saves it to an XML file /// Press'r' to retreive chessboard corners /// 's' to save and exit /// 'c' to exit without saving /// In: inputCapture1: video feed of camera 1 /// inputCapture2: video feed of camera 2 void CalibrateEnvironment(VideoCapture& inputCapture1, VideoCapture& inputCapture2) { Size boardSize; boardSize.width = BOARD_WIDTH; boardSize.height = BOARD_HEIGHT; const string fileName1 = "CameraIntrinsics1.xml"; const string fileName2 = "CameraIntrinsics2.xml"; cerr << "Attempting to open configuration files" << endl; FileStorage fs1(fileName1, FileStorage::READ); FileStorage fs2(fileName2, FileStorage::READ); Mat cameraMatrix1, cameraMatrix2; Mat distCoeffs1, distCoeffs2; fs1["Camera_Matrix"] >> cameraMatrix1; fs1["Distortion_Coefficients"] >> distCoeffs1; fs2["Camera_Matrix"] >> cameraMatrix2; fs2["Distortion_Coefficients"] >> distCoeffs2; if (cameraMatrix1.data == NULL || distCoeffs1.data == NULL || cameraMatrix2.data == NULL || distCoeffs2.data == NULL) { cerr << "Could not load camera intrinsics\n" << endl; } else{ cerr << "Loaded intrinsics\n" << endl; cerr << "Camera Matrix1: " << cameraMatrix1 << endl; cerr << "Camera Matrix2: " << cameraMatrix2 << endl; } Mat translation; Mat image1, image2; Mat mapX1, mapX2, mapY1, mapY2; inputCapture1.read(image1); Size imageSize = image1.size(); bool rotationCalibrated = false; while(inputCapture1.isOpened() && inputCapture2.isOpened()) { inputCapture1.read(image1); inputCapture2.read(image2); if (rotationCalibrated) { Mat t1 = image1.clone(); Mat t2 = image2.clone(); remap(t1, image1, mapX1, mapY1, INTER_LINEAR); remap(t2, image2, mapX2, mapY2, INTER_LINEAR); t1.release(); t2.release(); } char c = waitKey(15); if (c == 'c') { cerr << "Cancelling..." << endl; return; } else if(c == 's' && rotationCalibrated) { cerr << "Saving..." << endl; const string fileName = "EnvironmentCalibration.xml"; FileStorage fs(fileName, FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "Camera_Matrix_1" << getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, imageSize, 1,imageSize, 0); fs << "Camera_Matrix_2" << getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, 1, imageSize, 0); fs << "Mapping_X_1" << mapX1; fs << "Mapping_Y_1" << mapY1; fs << "Mapping_X_2" << mapX2; fs << "Mapping_Y_2" << mapY2; fs << "Translation" << translation; cerr << "Exiting..." << endl; destroyAllWindows(); return; } else if(c == 's' && !rotationCalibrated) { cerr << "Exiting..." << endl; destroyAllWindows(); return; } else if (c == 'r') { BoardSettings s; s.boardSize.width = BOARD_WIDTH; s.boardSize.height = BOARD_HEIGHT; s.cornerNum = s.boardSize.width * s.boardSize.height; s.squareSize = (float)SQUARE_SIZE; vector<Point3f> objectPoints; vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints1, imagePoints2; if (RetrieveChessboardCorners(imagePoints1, imagePoints2, s, inputCapture1, inputCapture2, ITERATIONS)) { vector<vector<Point3f> > objectPoints(1); CalcBoardCornerPositions(s.boardSize, s.squareSize, objectPoints[0]); objectPoints.resize(imagePoints1.size(),objectPoints[0]); Mat R, T, E, F; Mat rmat1, rmat2, rvec; double rms = stereoCalibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2, cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, R, T, E, F, TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.01), CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC); cerr << "Original translation: " << T << endl; cerr << "Reprojection error reported by camera: " << rms << endl; // convert to rotation vector and then remove 90 degree offset Rodrigues(R, rvec); rvec.at<double>(1,0) -= 1.570796327; // equal rotation applied to each image...not necessarily needed rvec = rvec/2; Rodrigues(rvec, rmat1); invert(rmat1,rmat2); initUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, rmat1, getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, imageSize, 1,imageSize, 0), imageSize, CV_32FC1, mapX1, mapY1); initUndistortRectifyMap(cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, rmat2, getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, 1, imageSize, 0), imageSize, CV_32FC1, mapX2, mapY2); // reproject points in camera 1 since its rotation has been changed // need to find the translation between cameras based on the new camera 1 orientation for (int i = 0; i < imagePoints1.size(); i++) { Mat pointsMat1 = Mat(imagePoints1[i]); Mat pointsMat2 = Mat(imagePoints2[i]); undistortPoints(pointsMat1, imagePoints1[i], cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, rmat1,getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, imageSize, 1, imageSize, 0)); undistortPoints(pointsMat2, imagePoints2[i], cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, rmat2,getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, 1, imageSize, 0)); pointsMat1.release(); pointsMat2.release(); } Mat temp1, temp2; R.release(); T.release(); E.release(); F.release(); // TODO: remove this // CalcBoardCornerPositions(s.boardSize, s.squareSize, objectPoints[0]); // objectPoints.resize(imagePoints1.size(),objectPoints[0]); stereoCalibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2, cameraMatrix1, distCoeffs1, cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2, imageSize, R, T, E, F, TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.01), CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC); // need to alter translation matrix so // [0] = distance in X direction (right from perspective of camera 1 is positive) // [1] = distance in Y direction (away from camera 1 is positive) // [2] = distance in Z direction (up is positive) translation = T; double temp = -translation.at<double>(0,0); translation.at<double>(0,0) = translation.at<double>(2,0); translation.at<double>(2,0) = temp; cerr << "Translation reproj: " << translation << endl; Rodrigues(R, rvec); cerr << "Reprojected rvec: " << rvec << endl; imagePoints1.clear(); imagePoints2.clear(); rvec.release(); rmat1.release(); rmat2.release(); R.release(); T.release(); E.release(); F.release(); rotationCalibrated = true; } } imshow("Image View1", image1); imshow("Image View2", image2); } }
void KinectDataMan::ShowColorDepth() { // init kinect and connect if( m_cvhelper.IsInitialized() ) return; m_cvhelper.SetColorFrameResolution(color_reso); m_cvhelper.SetDepthFrameResolution(depth_reso); HRESULT hr; // Get number of Kinect sensors int sensorCount = 0; hr = NuiGetSensorCount(&sensorCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { return; } // If no sensors, update status bar to report failure and return if (sensorCount == 0) { cerr<<"No kinect"<<endl; } // Iterate through Kinect sensors until one is successfully initialized for (int i = 0; i < sensorCount; ++i) { INuiSensor* sensor = NULL; hr = NuiCreateSensorByIndex(i, &sensor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_cvhelper.Initialize(sensor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Report success cerr<<"Kinect initialized"<<endl; break; } else { // Uninitialize KinectHelper to show that Kinect is not ready m_cvhelper.UnInitialize(); return; } } } DWORD width, height; m_cvhelper.GetColorFrameSize(&width, &height); Size colorsz(width, height); Mat cimg(colorsz, m_cvhelper.COLOR_TYPE); m_cvhelper.GetDepthFrameSize(&width, &height); Size depthsz(width, height); Mat dimg(depthsz, m_cvhelper.DEPTH_RGB_TYPE); // start processing while(true) { // get color frame if( SUCCEEDED(m_cvhelper.UpdateColorFrame()) ) { HRESULT hr = m_cvhelper.GetColorImage(&cimg); if(FAILED(hr)) break; imshow("color", cimg); if( waitKey(10) == 'q' ) break; } if( SUCCEEDED(m_cvhelper.UpdateDepthFrame()) ) { HRESULT hr = m_cvhelper.GetDepthImageAsArgb(&dimg); if(FAILED(hr)) break; imshow("depth", dimg); if( waitKey(10) == 'q' ) break; } } destroyAllWindows(); }
Depth_processing::~Depth_processing() { //destroy GUI windows destroyAllWindows(); }