예제 #1
파일: MPC.cpp 프로젝트: jyamu/qmc
  if (VlongSpline)
  if (DensitySpline)
예제 #2
  int Mx=20, My=27, Mz=23;
  NUgrid *x_grid = create_center_grid (-3.0, 4.0,  7.5, Mx);
  NUgrid *y_grid = create_center_grid (-1.0, 9.0,  3.5, My);
  NUgrid *z_grid = create_center_grid (-1.8, 2.0,  2.8, Mz);
  double data[Mx*My*Mz];
  for (int ix=0; ix<Mx; ix++)
    for (int iy=0; iy<My; iy++)
      for (int iz=0; iz<Mz; iz++)
	data[(ix*My+iy)*Mz+iz] = -1.0+2.0*drand48();
  BCtype_d xBC, yBC, zBC;
//   xBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
//   yBC.lCode = PERIODIC;
  xBC.lCode = PERIODIC;  xBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
  yBC.lCode = PERIODIC;  yBC.rCode = PERIODIC;
  zBC.lCode = PERIODIC;  zBC.rCode = PERIODIC;

  NUBspline_3d_d *spline = create_NUBspline_3d_d (x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, xBC, yBC, zBC, data);
  int xFine = 200, yFine = 200, zFine=200;
  FILE *fout = fopen ("3d_d.dat", "w");
  double xi = x_grid->start;  double xf = x_grid->end;
  double yi = y_grid->start;  double yf = y_grid->end;
  double zi = z_grid->start;  double zf = z_grid->end;
  for (int ix=0; ix<xFine; ix++) {
    double x = xi+ (double)ix/(double)(xFine)*(xf-xi);
    for (int iy=0; iy<yFine; iy++) {
      double y = yi + (double)iy/(double)(yFine)*(yf-yi);
      for (int iz=0; iz<zFine; iz++) {
	double z = zi + (double)iz/(double)(zFine)*(zf-zi);
	double val, grad[3], hess[9];
	eval_NUBspline_3d_d_vgh (spline, x, y, z, &val, grad, hess);
	fprintf (fout, "%1.16e ", val);
    fprintf (fout, "\n");
  fclose (fout);
  fprintf (stderr, "spline->sp_code = %d\n", spline->sp_code);
  destroy_Bspline (spline);
예제 #3
파일: Mbspvel3.c 프로젝트: 1014511134/src
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int nz, nx, ny, ic, nc;
    float dz, oz, dx, ox, dy, oy;
    size_t i, n, sz;
    float *buf = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_SSE
    unsigned char pad[64];
    sf_file velz, velx = NULL, theta = NULL, phi = NULL, eta = NULL, out;
    bool verb;
    Ugrid z_grid, x_grid, y_grid;
    BCtype_s zBC, xBC, yBC;
    multi_UBspline_3d_s *velspline = NULL;

    sf_init (argc, argv);

    velz = sf_input ("in");
    /* Vertical velocity */
    out = sf_output ("out");
    /* Spline coefficients */

    /* Spatial dimensions */
    if (!sf_histint (velz, "n1", &nz)) sf_error ("No n1= in input");
    if (!sf_histint (velz, "n2", &nx)) sf_error ("No n2= in input");
    if (!sf_histint (velz, "n3", &ny)) sf_error ("No n3= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "d1", &dz)) sf_error ("No d1= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "o1", &oz)) oz = 0.0;
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "d2", &dx)) sf_error ("No d2= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "o2", &ox)) ox = 0.0;
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "d3", &dy)) sf_error ("No d3= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat (velz, "o3", &oy)) oy = 0.0;

    if (!sf_getbool ("verb", &verb)) verb = false;
    /* verbosity flag */

    n = (size_t)nz*(size_t)nx*(size_t)ny;
    buf = sf_floatalloc (n);
    nc = 1;

    if (sf_getstring ("vx")) {
        /* Horizontal velocity */
        velx = sf_input ("vx");
    if (sf_getstring ("eta")) {
        /* Anellipticity */
        if (NULL == velx)
            sf_error ("Need vx=, if eta= is given");
        eta = sf_input ("eta");
    } else if (velx)
        sf_error ("Need eta=, if vx= is given");
    if (sf_getstring ("theta")) {
        /* Tilt angle elevation */
        if (NULL == velx)
            sf_error ("Need vx=, if theta= is given");
        theta = sf_input ("theta");
    if (sf_getstring ("phi")) {
        /* Tilt angle azimuth */
        if (NULL == theta)
            sf_error ("Need theta=, if phi= is given");
        phi = sf_input ("phi");

    z_grid.start = oz; z_grid.end = oz + (nz - 1)*dz; z_grid.num = nz;
    x_grid.start = ox; x_grid.end = ox + (nx - 1)*dx; x_grid.num = nx;
    y_grid.start = oy; y_grid.end = oy + (ny - 1)*dy; y_grid.num = ny;
    zBC.lCode = zBC.rCode = NATURAL;
    xBC.lCode = xBC.rCode = NATURAL;
    yBC.lCode = yBC.rCode = NATURAL;
    velspline = create_multi_UBspline_3d_s (y_grid, x_grid, z_grid, yBC, xBC, zBC, nc); 

    /* Read data and compute spline coefficients */
    if (verb)
        sf_warning ("Processing V_z");
    sf_floatread (buf, n, velz);
    if (1 == nc) {
        /* Isotropic case - convert velocity to slowness */
        if (verb)
            sf_warning ("Converting to slowness for isotropic case");
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf[i] = 1.0/buf[i];
    } else {
        /* Convert to V_z^2 */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf[i] *= buf[i];
    ic = 0;
    set_multi_UBspline_3d_s (velspline, ic, buf);
    if (velx) {
        if (verb)
            sf_warning ("Processing V_x");
        buf2 = sf_floatalloc (n);
        sf_floatread (buf2, n, velx);
        sf_fileclose (velx);
        /* Convert to V_x^2 */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf2[i] *= buf2[i];
        set_multi_UBspline_3d_s (velspline, ic, buf2);
        /* Convert to (V_z*V_x)^2 */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf[i] *= buf2[i];
    if (eta) {
        if (verb)
            sf_warning ("Processing Eta");
        sf_floatread (buf2, n, eta);
        sf_fileclose (eta);
        /* Convert to -8*eta/(1 + 2*eta)*(V_z*V_x)^2 */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            buf2[i] = -8.0*buf2[i]/(1.0 + 2.0*buf2[i]);
            buf2[i] *= buf[i];
        set_multi_UBspline_3d_s (velspline, ic, buf2);
    if (theta) {
        if (verb)
            sf_warning ("Processing Theta");
        sf_floatread (buf, n, theta);
        sf_fileclose (theta);
        /* Convert to radians */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf[i] = buf[i]*SF_PI/180.0;
        set_multi_UBspline_3d_s (velspline, ic, buf);
    if (phi) {
        if (verb)
            sf_warning ("Processing Phi");
        sf_floatread (buf, n, phi);
        sf_fileclose (phi);
        /* Convert to radians */
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            buf[i] = buf[i]*SF_PI/180.0;
        set_multi_UBspline_3d_s (velspline, ic, buf);

    if (buf2)
        free (buf2);
    free (buf);

    sz = (size_t)sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s) +
#ifdef HAVE_SSE
    if (sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s) % 64)
        sz += 64 - (sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s) % 64);
    /* Make output a 1-D file of coefficients */
    sf_unshiftdim2 (velz, out, 1);
    /* Set up output */
    sf_settype (out, SF_UCHAR);
    sf_putlargeint (out, "n1", sz);
    sf_putfloat (out, "o1", 0.0);
    sf_putfloat (out, "d1", 1.0);
    sf_putstring (out, "label1", "Spline coefficients");
    sf_putstring (out, "unit1", "");
    sf_putstring (out, "label2", "");
    sf_putstring (out, "unit2", "");

    sf_putint (out, "Nz", nz);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Oz", oz);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Dz", dz);
    sf_putint (out, "Nx", nx);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Ox", ox);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Dx", dx);
    sf_putint (out, "Ny", ny);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Oy", oy);
    sf_putfloat (out, "Dy", dy);

    sf_putint (out, "Nc", nc);
    sf_putstring (out, "splines", "y");

    if (verb) {
        sf_warning ("Number of spline coefficients: %lu",
        sf_warning ("Writing spline coefficients");

    sf_ucharwrite ((unsigned char*)velspline, (size_t)sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s), out);
#ifdef HAVE_SSE
    if (sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s) % 64)
        sf_ucharwrite (pad, (size_t)(64 - (sizeof(multi_UBspline_3d_s) % 64)), out);
    sf_ucharwrite ((unsigned char*)velspline->coefs, (size_t)velspline->nc, out);
    destroy_Bspline (velspline);

    return 0;
예제 #4
 static void destroy(interpT *spline){
   delete spline;
예제 #5
파일: VHXC.cpp 프로젝트: digideskio/qmcpack
  if (VSpline)
예제 #6
    if (m_d->spline) {