예제 #1
/* Default implementation of tile_rectangle */
gx_default_tile_rectangle(gx_device *dev, register const gx_bitmap *tile,
  int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1,
  int px, int py)
{	/* Fill the rectangle in chunks */
	int width = tile->size.x;
	int height = tile->size.y;
	int raster = tile->raster;
	int rwidth = tile->rep_width;
	int irx = ((rwidth & (rwidth - 1)) == 0 ?	/* power of 2 */
		(x + px) & (rwidth - 1) :
		(x + px) % rwidth);
	int ry = (y + py) % tile->rep_height;
	int icw = width - irx;
	int ch = height - ry;
	byte *row = tile->data + ry * raster;
#define d_proc_mono (dev->procs->copy_mono)
#define d_proc_color (dev->procs->copy_color)
#define d_color_halftone\
		(color0 == gx_no_color_index && color1 == gx_no_color_index)
	int color_halftone;
#define get_color_info()\
  if ( (color_halftone = d_color_halftone) ) proc_color = d_proc_color;\
  else proc_mono = d_proc_mono
	int code;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug['t'] )
   {	int ptx, pty;
	const byte *ptp = tile->data;
	dprintf3("[t]tile %dx%d raster=%d;",
		tile->size.x, tile->size.y, tile->raster);
	dprintf6(" x,y=%d,%d w,h=%d,%d p=%d,%d\n",
		x, y, w, h, px, py);
	for ( pty = 0; pty < tile->size.y; pty++ )
	   {	dprintf("   ");
		for ( ptx = 0; ptx < tile->raster; ptx++ )
			dprintf1("%3x", *ptp++);
#define real_copy_tile(srcx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
  code =\
    (color_halftone ?\
     (*proc_color)(dev, row, srcx, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, tx, ty, tw, th) :\
     (*proc_mono)(dev, row, srcx, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, tx, ty, tw, th, color0, color1));\
  if ( code < 0 ) return_error(code)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
  if ( gs_debug['t'] )\
	dprintf5("   copy sx=%d x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d\n",\
		 sx, tx, ty, tw, th);\
  real_copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)
#define copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
  real_copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)
	if ( icw >= w )
	   {	/* Narrow operation */
		int ey, fey, cy;
		if ( ch >= h )
		   {	/* Just one (partial) tile to transfer. */
#define color_halftone d_color_halftone
#define proc_color d_proc_color
#define proc_mono d_proc_mono
			copy_tile(irx, x, y, w, h);
#undef proc_mono
#undef proc_color
#undef color_halftone
			return 0;
		ey = y + h;
		fey = ey - height;
		copy_tile(irx, x, y, w, ch);
		cy = y + ch;
		row = tile->data;
		   {	ch = (cy > fey ? ey - cy : height);
			copy_tile(irx, x, cy, w, ch);
		while ( (cy += ch) < ey );
		return 0;
	if ( ch >= h )
	   {	/* Shallow operation */
		int ex = x + w;
		int fex = ex - width;
		int cx = x + icw;
		copy_tile(irx, x, y, icw, h);
		while ( cx <= fex )
		   {	copy_tile(0, cx, y, width, h);
			cx += width;
		if ( cx < ex )
		   {	copy_tile(0, cx, y, ex - cx, h);
	   {	/* Full operation */
		int ex = x + w, ey = y + h;
		int fex = ex - width, fey = ey - height;
		int cx, cy;
		for ( cy = y; ; )
		   {	copy_tile(irx, x, cy, icw, ch);
			cx = x + icw;
			while ( cx <= fex )
			   {	copy_tile(0, cx, cy, width, ch);
				cx += width;
			if ( cx < ex )
			   {	copy_tile(0, cx, cy, ex - cx, ch);
			if ( (cy += ch) >= ey ) break;
			ch = (cy > fey ? ey - cy : height);
			row = tile->data;
#undef copy_tile
#undef real_copy_tile
	return 0;
예제 #2
/* Render a character. */
static int
x_render_char(gx_xfont * xf, gx_xglyph xg, gx_device * dev,
	      int xo, int yo, gx_color_index color, int required)
    x_xfont *xxf = (x_xfont *) xf;
    char chr = (char)xg;
    gs_point wxy;
    gs_int_rect bbox;
    int x, y, w, h;
    int code;

    if (dev->dname == gs_x11_device.dname && !((gx_device_X *)dev)->is_buffered) {
	gx_device_X *xdev = (gx_device_X *)dev;

	code = (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics) (xf, xg, 0, &wxy, &bbox);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	/* Buffer text for more efficient X interaction. */
	if (xdev->text.item_count == MAX_TEXT_ITEMS ||
	    xdev->text.char_count == MAX_TEXT_CHARS ||
	    (IN_TEXT(xdev) &&
	     (yo != xdev->text.origin.y || color != xdev->fore_color ||
	      xxf->font->fid != xdev->fid))
	    ) {
	    xdev->text.item_count = xdev->text.char_count = 0;
	if (xdev->text.item_count == 0) {
	    X_SET_FILL_STYLE(xdev, FillSolid);
	    X_SET_FORE_COLOR(xdev, color);
	    X_SET_FUNCTION(xdev, GXcopy);
	    xdev->text.origin.x = xdev->text.x = xo;
	    xdev->text.origin.y = yo;
	    xdev->text.items[0].font = xdev->fid = xxf->font->fid;
	 * The following is wrong for rotated text, but it doesn't matter,
	 * because the next call of x_render_char will have a different Y.
	    int index = xdev->text.item_count;
	    XTextItem *item = &xdev->text.items[index];
	    char *pchar = &xdev->text.chars[xdev->text.char_count++];
	    int delta = xo - xdev->text.x;

	    *pchar = chr;
	    if (index > 0 && delta == 0) {
		/* Continue the same item. */
	    } else {
		/* Start a new item. */
		item->chars = pchar;
		item->nchars = 1;
		item->delta = delta;
		if (index > 0)
		    item->font = None;
	    xdev->text.x = xo + wxy.x;
	if (xdev->bpixmap != (Pixmap) 0) {
	    x = xo + bbox.p.x;
	    y = yo + bbox.p.y;
	    w = bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x;
	    h = bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y;
	    fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
	    x_update_add(xdev, x, y, w, h);
	return 0;
    } else if (!required)
	return -1;		/* too hard */
    else {
	/* Display on an intermediate bitmap, then copy the bits. */
	gx_device_X *xdev = xxf->xdev;
	int wbm, raster;
	int i;
	XImage *xim;
	Pixmap xpm;
	GC fgc;
	byte *bits;

	dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono)) = dev_proc(dev, copy_mono);

	code = (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics) (xf, xg, 0, &wxy, &bbox);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	w = bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x;
	h = bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y;
	wbm = ROUND_UP(w, align_bitmap_mod * 8);
	raster = wbm >> 3;
	bits = (byte *) gs_malloc(xdev->memory, h, raster, "x_render_char");
	if (bits == 0)
	    return gs_error_limitcheck;
	xpm = XCreatePixmap(xdev->dpy, xdev->win, w, h, 1);
	fgc = XCreateGC(xdev->dpy, xpm, None, NULL);
	XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, fgc, 0);
	XFillRectangle(xdev->dpy, xpm, fgc, 0, 0, w, h);
	XSetForeground(xdev->dpy, fgc, 1);
	XSetFont(xdev->dpy, fgc, xxf->font->fid);
	XDrawString(xdev->dpy, xpm, fgc, -bbox.p.x, -bbox.p.y, &chr, 1);
	xim = XGetImage(xdev->dpy, xpm, 0, 0, w, h, 1, ZPixmap);
	i = 0;
	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
	    char b = 0;

	    for (x = 0; x < wbm; x++) {
		b = b << 1;
		if (x < w)
		    b += XGetPixel(xim, x, y);
		if ((x & 7) == 7)
		    bits[i++] = b;
	code = (*copy_mono) (dev, bits, 0, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
			     xo + bbox.p.x, yo + bbox.p.y, w, h,
			     gx_no_color_index, color);
	gs_free(xdev->memory, (char *)bits, h, raster, "x_render_char");
	XFreePixmap(xdev->dpy, xpm);
	XFreeGC(xdev->dpy, fgc);
	return (code < 0 ? code : 0);
예제 #3
/* Render a character. */
win_render_char(gx_xfont * xf, gx_xglyph xg, gx_device * dev,
		int xo, int yo, gx_color_index color, int required)
    char chr = (char)xg;
    int code;

#ifdef NOTUSED			/* we don't own any windows so we can no longer do this */
    if (dev->dname == gs_mswin_device.dname &&
	wdev->hdctext != NULL && !wxf->invert_y
	) {			/* Display the character directly */
	HDC hdc = wdev->hdctext;
	PALETTEENTRY *pal = &wdev->limgpalette->palPalEntry[color];

	if ((code = win_select_font(hdc, wxf)) < 0)
	    return code;
	SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(pal->peRed, pal->peGreen, pal->peBlue));
	SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
	TextOut(hdc, xo, yo - wxf->y_offset, &chr, 1);
    } else
    if (!required)
	code = -1;		/* too hard */
    else {			/* Display on an intermediate bitmap, then copy the bits. */
	gs_point wxy;
	gs_int_rect bbox;
	int w, h, wbm, raster;
	gx_device_win *fdev = wxf->dev;
	byte *bits;

	code = (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics) (xf, xg, 0,
						  &wxy, &bbox);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	w = bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x;
	h = bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y;
	wbm = ROUND_UP(w, align_bitmap_mod * 8);
	raster = wbm >> 3;
	bits = gs_malloc(dev->memory, h, raster, "win_render_char");
	if (bits == 0)
	    return gs_error_limitcheck;
	hbm = CreateBitmap(wbm, h, 1, 1, NULL);
	if (hbm == NULL) {
	    code = gs_error_limitcheck;
	} else {
	    HDC hdcwin = win_get_dc(fdev);
	    HDC hdcbit = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcwin);

	    dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy_mono)) =
		dev_proc(dev, copy_mono);
	    int y = yo - wxf->y_offset;

	    SetMapMode(hdcbit, GetMapMode(hdcwin));
	    win_select_font(hdcbit, wxf);
	    SelectObject(hdcbit, hbm);
	    PatBlt(hdcbit, 0, 0, wbm, h, rop_write_0s);
	    SetTextColor(hdcbit, 0xffffffL);	/* 1 */
	    SetBkMode(hdcbit, TRANSPARENT);
	    TextOut(hdcbit, 0, 0, &chr, 1);
	    GetBitmapBits(hbm, (DWORD) raster * h, bits);
	    win_release_dc(fdev, hdcwin);
	    if (!wxf->invert_y)
		code = (*copy_mono) (dev, bits, 0,
				     raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
				     xo, y, w, h,
				     gx_no_color_index, color);
	    else {		/* Copy scan lines in reverse order. */
		int i;

		y += h - 1;
		for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
		    (*copy_mono) (dev, bits + i * raster,
				  0, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
				  xo, y - i, w, 1,
				  gx_no_color_index, color);
	gs_free(dev->memory, bits, h, raster, "win_render_char");
    return (code < 0 ? code : 0);