//! Do any setup necessary for a connection here
bool cXsensUsbPort::configure()
    // Perform hardware scan
    int mtCount = scanHardware();
    std::cout << mtCount << " Xsens Devices Found" << std::endl;

    // Check for successful detection
    if (mtCount == 0)
        std::cout << "No XSens devices found" << std::endl;
        return false;

    // Set device to user input settings
    mResult = mImu.gotoConfig();
    if (mResult != XRV_OK)
        std::cout << "Error: XSens device could not open config." << std::endl;
        return false;

    mSampleFrequency = mImu.getSampleFrequency();

    // set the device output mode for the device(s)
    CmtDeviceMode deviceMode(mOutputMode, mSettings, mSampleFrequency);
    mResult = mImu.setDeviceMode(deviceMode,true,mDeviceId);
    if (mResult != XRV_OK)
        std::cout << "Error: XSens device could not set device mode." << std::endl;
        return false;

    // start receiving data
    mResult = mImu.gotoMeasurement();
    if (mResult != XRV_OK)
        std::cout << "Error: XSens device could not return to measurement." << std::endl;
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #2
void ofxXsens::connect()
    try {
        // Scan for connected devices
        ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Scanning for devices...";
        XsPortInfoArray portInfoArray = XsScanner::scanPorts();

        // Find an MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
        mtPort = portInfoArray.begin();
        while (mtPort != portInfoArray.end() && !mtPort->deviceId().isMtix() && !mtPort->deviceId().isMtMk4()) {++mtPort;}
        if (mtPort == portInfoArray.end())
            throw std::runtime_error("No MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device found. Aborting.");
        ofLogNotice("ofXsens") << "Found a device with id: " << mtPort->deviceId().toString().toStdString() << " @ port: " << mtPort->portName().toStdString() << ", baudrate: " << mtPort->baudrate();

        // Open the port with the detected device
        ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Opening port..." << std::endl;
        if (!control->openPort(mtPort->portName().toStdString(), mtPort->baudrate()))
            throw std::runtime_error("Could not open port. Aborting.");
			// Get the device object
			XsDevice* device = control->device(mtPort->deviceId());
			assert(device != 0);

			// Print information about detected MTi / MTx / MTmk4 device
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Device: " << device->productCode().toStdString() << " opened." << std::endl;

			//Attach callback handler to device

			// Put the device in configuration mode
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Putting device into configuration mode..." << std::endl;
			if (!device->gotoConfig()) // Put the device into configuration mode before configuring the device
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into configuration mode. Aborting.");

			// Configure the device. Note the differences between MTix and MTmk4
			ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "Configuring the device..." << std::endl;
			if (device->deviceId().isMtix())
				ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "isMtix..." << std::endl;
				XsOutputMode outputMode = XOM_Orientation; // output orientation data
				XsOutputSettings outputSettings = XOS_OrientationMode_Quaternion; // output orientation data as quaternion
				XsDeviceMode deviceMode(100); // make a device mode with update rate: 100 Hz

				// set the device configuration
				if (!device->setDeviceMode(deviceMode))
					throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmki device. Aborting.");
				bSensorConnected = true;
			else if (device->deviceId().isMtMk4())
				ofLogNotice("ofxXsens") << "isMtMk4..." << std::endl;
				XsOutputConfiguration quat(XDI_Quaternion, 0);
				//XsOutputConfiguration gpssol(XDI_GpsSol, 0);
				XsOutputConfiguration latlong(XDI_LatLon, 0);
				XsOutputConfigurationArray configArray;
				if (!device->setOutputConfiguration(configArray))

					throw std::runtime_error("Could not configure MTmk4 device. Aborting.");
				bSensorConnected = true;
				throw std::runtime_error("Unknown device while configuring. Aborting.");

			// Put the device in measurement mode
			std::cout << "Putting device into measurement mode..." << std::endl;
			if (!device->gotoMeasurement())
				throw std::runtime_error("Could not put device into measurement mode. Aborting.");
		catch (std::runtime_error const & error)
			std::cout << error.what() << std::endl;
		catch (...)
			ofLogError("ofxXsens") << "An unknown fatal error has occured. Aborting." << std::endl;
    catch (runtime_error const & error)
        ofLogError("ofxXsens") << error.what();
    catch (...)
        ofLogError("ofxXsens") << "An unknown fatal error has occured.";