예제 #1
dfb_font_destroy( CoreFont *font )
     int i;

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( font, CoreFont );

     D_MAGIC_CLEAR( font );

     pthread_mutex_lock( &font->lock );

     dfb_state_set_destination( &font->state, NULL );
     dfb_state_set_source( &font->state, NULL );

     dfb_state_destroy( &font->state );

     direct_tree_destroy( font->glyph_infos );

     if (font->surfaces) {
          for (i = 0; i < font->rows; i++)
               dfb_surface_unref( font->surfaces[i] );

          D_FREE( font->surfaces );

     pthread_mutex_unlock( &font->lock );
     pthread_mutex_destroy( &font->lock );

     D_FREE( font );
예제 #2
          DFBResult ret;

          /* Initialise the graphics state used for rendering */
          dfb_state_init( &state, core_dfb );

          /* Create a client to use the task manager if enabled */
          ret = CoreGraphicsStateClient_Init( &client, &state );
          if (ret) {
               dfb_state_destroy( &state );
예제 #3
파일: primary.c 프로젝트: kuii/dfbNEON
static DFBResult
DisplaySurface( DFBX11                *x11,
                X11LayerData          *lds,
                VdpPresentationQueue   queue,
                CoreSurfaceBufferLock *lock )
     DirectResult                        ret;
     DFBX11Shared                       *shared = x11->shared;
     DFBX11CallPresentationQueueDisplay  display;

     display.presentation_queue         = queue;
     display.clip_width                 = 0;
     display.clip_height                = 0;
     display.earliest_presentation_time = 0;

     if (lock &&
         lds->config.dest.x == 0 && lds->config.dest.y == 0 &&
         lds->config.dest.w == shared->screen_size.w &&
         lds->config.dest.h == shared->screen_size.h)
          display.surface = (VdpOutputSurface) (unsigned long) lock->handle;
     else {
          CardState    state;
          DFBRectangle rect;

          dfb_state_init( &state, x11->core );

          state.destination = shared->vdp_core_surface;
          state.source      = lock ? lock->buffer->surface : NULL;
          state.clip.x1     = 0;
          state.clip.y1     = 0;
          state.clip.x2     = shared->screen_size.w - 1;
          state.clip.y2     = shared->screen_size.h - 1;

          rect.x = 0;
          rect.y = 0;
          rect.w = shared->screen_size.w;
          rect.h = shared->screen_size.h;

          dfb_gfxcard_fillrectangles( &rect, 1, &state );

          if (lock)
               dfb_gfxcard_stretchblit( &lds->config.source, &lds->config.dest, &state );


          state.destination = NULL;
          state.source      = NULL;

          dfb_state_destroy( &state );

          display.surface = shared->vdp_surface;

     ret = fusion_call_execute2( &x11->shared->call, FCEF_ONEWAY,
                                 X11_VDPAU_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_DISPLAY, &display, sizeof(display), NULL );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DirectFB/X11/VDPAU: fusion_call_execute2() failed!\n" );
          return ret;

     return DFB_OK;
예제 #4
      CoreGraphicsStateClient_Deinit( &client );
      dfb_state_destroy( &state );
static DFBResult
IDirectFBImageProvider_WebP_RenderTo( IDirectFBImageProvider *thiz,
                                      IDirectFBSurface       *destination,
                                      const DFBRectangle     *dest_rect )
     DFBResult               ret;

     DFBRegion               clip;
     CoreSurface            *dst_surface;
     CardState               state;

     CoreSurfaceBufferLock   lock;

     IDirectFBSurface_data  *dst_data;
     DIRenderCallbackResult  cb_result = DIRCR_OK;

     DFBRectangle           src_rect;
     DFBRectangle           rect;

     DIRECT_INTERFACE_GET_DATA( IDirectFBImageProvider_WebP )

     if (!destination)
          return DFB_INVARG;

     dst_data = destination->priv;
     if (!dst_data || !dst_data->surface)
          return DFB_DESTROYED;

     dst_surface = dst_data->surface;

     if (dest_rect) {
          if (dest_rect->w < 1 || dest_rect->h < 1)
               return DFB_INVARG;

          rect = *dest_rect;
          rect.x += dst_data->area.wanted.x;
          rect.y += dst_data->area.wanted.y;
     else {
          rect = dst_data->area.wanted;

     dfb_region_from_rectangle( &clip, &dst_data->area.current );
     if (!dfb_rectangle_region_intersects( &rect, &clip ))
          return DFB_OK;

     ret = dfb_surface_create_simple( data->base.core, data->width, data->height, data->pixelformat,
                                      DSCS_RGB, DSCAPS_NONE, CSTF_NONE,
                                      0, NULL, &data->decode_surface );
     if (ret) {
          D_ERROR( "Failed to create surface : '%s'\n", DirectResultString(ret) );
          goto error;

     ret = dfb_surface_lock_buffer( data->decode_surface, CSBR_BACK, CSAID_CPU, CSAF_WRITE, &lock );
     if (ret) {
          D_ERROR( "Failed to lock the surface : '%s'\n", DirectResultString(ret) );
          goto error;

     ret = WebP_decode_image( data, &lock );
     if (ret) {
          D_ERROR( "Failed to decode the image : '%s'\n", DirectResultString(ret) );
          goto error;

     dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( data->decode_surface, &lock );

     dfb_state_init( &state, data->base.core );

     state.modified |= SMF_CLIP;

     state.clip =  DFB_REGION_INIT_FROM_RECTANGLE_VALS( rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h );
     src_rect = (DFBRectangle){0, 0, data->width, data->height};

     dfb_state_set_source( &state, data->decode_surface );
     dfb_state_set_destination( &state, dst_surface );

     dfb_gfxcard_batchstretchblit( &src_rect, &rect, 1, &state );

     data->serial = &state.serial;

     dfb_state_set_source(&state, NULL);
     dfb_state_set_destination(&state, NULL);


     if (data->base.render_callback) {
          DFBRectangle r = { 0, 0, data->width, data->height };
          cb_result=data->base.render_callback( &r, data->base.render_callback_context );

     if (cb_result == DIRCR_OK) {
          data->base.buffer->Release( data->base.buffer );
          data->base.buffer = NULL;

     return DFB_OK;

     if (data->decode_surface && lock.pitch)
          dfb_surface_unlock_buffer( data->decode_surface, &lock );

     dfb_surface_unref( data->decode_surface );

     data->base.buffer->Release( data->base.buffer );
     data->base.buffer = NULL;

     return ret;