예제 #1
/* Subroutine */ int dgeqrf_(integer *m, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *
	lda, doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *lwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k, ib, nb, nx, iws, nbmin, iinfo;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dlarfb_(char *, 
	     char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dlarft_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), xerbla_(char *, integer *);
    extern integer ilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *);
    integer ldwork, lwkopt;
    logical lquery;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DGEQRF computes a QR factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A: */
/*  A = Q * R. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  M       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0. */

/*  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. */
/*          On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array */
/*          contain the min(M,N)-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is */
/*          upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, */
/*          with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a */
/*          product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M). */

/*  TAU     (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) */
/*          The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  WORK    (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the array WORK.  LWORK >= max(1,N). */
/*          For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is */
/*          the optimal blocksize. */

/*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
/*          only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns */
/*          this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error */
/*          message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors */

/*     Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). */

/*  Each H(i) has the form */

/*     H(i) = I - tau * v * v' */

/*  where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with */
/*  v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i), */
/*  and tau in TAU(i). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input arguments */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    nb = ilaenv_(&c__1, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1);
    lwkopt = *n * nb;
    work[1] = (doublereal) lwkopt;
    lquery = *lwork == -1;
    if (*m < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*lwork < max(1,*n) && ! lquery) {
	*info = -7;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("DGEQRF", &i__1);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    k = min(*m,*n);
    if (k == 0) {
	work[1] = 1.;
	return 0;

    nbmin = 2;
    nx = 0;
    iws = *n;
    if (nb > 1 && nb < k) {

/*        Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. */

/* Computing MAX */
	i__1 = 0, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__3, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1);
	nx = max(i__1,i__2);
	if (nx < k) {

/*           Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. */

	    ldwork = *n;
	    iws = ldwork * nb;
	    if (*lwork < iws) {

/*              Not enough workspace to use optimal NB:  reduce NB and */
/*              determine the minimum value of NB. */

		nb = *lwork / ldwork;
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = 2, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__2, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &
		nbmin = max(i__1,i__2);

    if (nb >= nbmin && nb < k && nx < k) {

/*        Use blocked code initially */

	i__1 = k - nx;
	i__2 = nb;
	for (i__ = 1; i__2 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__2) {
/* Computing MIN */
	    i__3 = k - i__ + 1;
	    ib = min(i__3,nb);

/*           Compute the QR factorization of the current block */
/*           A(i:m,i:i+ib-1) */

	    i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    dgeqr2_(&i__3, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[
		    1], &iinfo);
	    if (i__ + ib <= *n) {

/*              Form the triangular factor of the block reflector */
/*              H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) */

		i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
		dlarft_("Forward", "Columnwise", &i__3, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * 
			a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[1], &ldwork);

/*              Apply H' to A(i:m,i+ib:n) from the left */

		i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
		i__4 = *n - i__ - ib + 1;
		dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__3, &
			i__4, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &work[1], &
			ldwork, &a[i__ + (i__ + ib) * a_dim1], lda, &work[ib 
			+ 1], &ldwork);
/* L10: */
    } else {
	i__ = 1;

/*     Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. */

    if (i__ <= k) {
	i__2 = *m - i__ + 1;
	i__1 = *n - i__ + 1;
	dgeqr2_(&i__2, &i__1, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[1]
, &iinfo);

    work[1] = (doublereal) iws;
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEQRF */

} /* dgeqrf_ */
예제 #2
/* Subroutine */ int dgeqpf_(integer *m, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *
	lda, integer *jpvt, doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *info)
/*  -- LAPACK test routine (version 2.0) --   
       Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,   
       Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University   
       March 31, 1993   


    DGEQPF computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of a   
    real M-by-N matrix A: A*P = Q*R.   


    M       (input) INTEGER   
            The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0.   

    N       (input) INTEGER   
            The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0   

    A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)   
            On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.   
            On exit, the upper triangle of the array contains the   
            min(M,N)-by-N upper triangular matrix R; the elements   
            below the diagonal, together with the array TAU,   
            represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of   
            min(m,n) elementary reflectors.   

    LDA     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M).   

    JPVT    (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)   
            On entry, if JPVT(i) .ne. 0, the i-th column of A is permuted 
            to the front of A*P (a leading column); if JPVT(i) = 0,   
            the i-th column of A is a free column.   
            On exit, if JPVT(i) = k, then the i-th column of A*P   
            was the k-th column of A.   

    TAU     (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N))   
            The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors.   

    WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (3*N)   

    INFO    (output) INTEGER   
            = 0:  successful exit   
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value   

    Further Details   

    The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors   

       Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(n)   

    Each H(i) has the form   

       H = I - tau * v * v'   

    where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with   
    v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i). 

    The matrix P is represented in jpvt as follows: If   
       jpvt(j) = i   
    then the jth column of P is the ith canonical unit vector.   


       Test the input arguments   

   Parameter adjustments   
       Function Body */
    /* Table of constant values */
    static integer c__1 = 1;
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;
    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);
    /* Local variables */
    static doublereal temp;
    extern doublereal dnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal temp2;
    static integer i, j;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlarf_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *);
    static integer itemp;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dswap_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    dorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer ma, mn;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlarfg_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, doublereal *);
    extern integer idamax_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int xerbla_(char *, integer *);
    static doublereal aii;
    static integer pvt;

#define JPVT(I) jpvt[(I)-1]
#define TAU(I) tau[(I)-1]
#define WORK(I) work[(I)-1]

#define A(I,J) a[(I)-1 + ((J)-1)* ( *lda)]

    *info = 0;
    if (*m < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
	*info = -4;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("DGEQPF", &i__1);
	return 0;

    mn = min(*m,*n);

/*     Move initial columns up front */

    itemp = 1;
    i__1 = *n;
    for (i = 1; i <= *n; ++i) {
	if (JPVT(i) != 0) {
	    if (i != itemp) {
		dswap_(m, &A(1,i), &c__1, &A(1,itemp), &
		JPVT(i) = JPVT(itemp);
		JPVT(itemp) = i;
	    } else {
		JPVT(i) = i;
	} else {
	    JPVT(i) = i;
/* L10: */

/*     Compute the QR factorization and update remaining columns */

    if (itemp > 0) {
	ma = min(itemp,*m);
	dgeqr2_(m, &ma, &A(1,1), lda, &TAU(1), &WORK(1), info);
	if (ma < *n) {
	    i__1 = *n - ma;
	    dorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", m, &i__1, &ma, &A(1,1), lda, &
		    TAU(1), &A(1,ma+1), lda, &WORK(1), info);

    if (itemp < mn) {

/*        Initialize partial column norms. The first n elements of   
          work store the exact column norms. */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i = itemp + 1; i <= *n; ++i) {
	    i__2 = *m - itemp;
	    WORK(i) = dnrm2_(&i__2, &A(itemp+1,i), &c__1);
	    WORK(*n + i) = WORK(i);
/* L20: */

/*        Compute factorization */

	i__1 = mn;
	for (i = itemp + 1; i <= mn; ++i) {

/*           Determine ith pivot column and swap if necessary */

	    i__2 = *n - i + 1;
	    pvt = i - 1 + idamax_(&i__2, &WORK(i), &c__1);

	    if (pvt != i) {
		dswap_(m, &A(1,pvt), &c__1, &A(1,i), &
		itemp = JPVT(pvt);
		JPVT(pvt) = JPVT(i);
		JPVT(i) = itemp;
		WORK(pvt) = WORK(i);
		WORK(*n + pvt) = WORK(*n + i);

/*           Generate elementary reflector H(i) */

	    if (i < *m) {
		i__2 = *m - i + 1;
		dlarfg_(&i__2, &A(i,i), &A(i+1,i), &
			c__1, &TAU(i));
	    } else {
		dlarfg_(&c__1, &A(*m,*m), &A(*m,*m), &
			c__1, &TAU(*m));

	    if (i < *n) {

/*              Apply H(i) to A(i:m,i+1:n) from the left */

		aii = A(i,i);
		A(i,i) = 1.;
		i__2 = *m - i + 1;
		i__3 = *n - i;
		dlarf_("LEFT", &i__2, &i__3, &A(i,i), &c__1, &TAU(
			i), &A(i,i+1), lda, &WORK((*n << 1) + 
		A(i,i) = aii;

/*           Update partial column norms */

	    i__2 = *n;
	    for (j = i + 1; j <= *n; ++j) {
		if (WORK(j) != 0.) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = (d__1 = A(i,j), abs(d__1)) / WORK(j);
		    temp = 1. - d__2 * d__2;
		    temp = max(temp,0.);
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = WORK(j) / WORK(*n + j);
		    temp2 = temp * .05 * (d__1 * d__1) + 1.;
		    if (temp2 == 1.) {
			if (*m - i > 0) {
			    i__3 = *m - i;
			    WORK(j) = dnrm2_(&i__3, &A(i+1,j), &
			    WORK(*n + j) = WORK(j);
			} else {
			    WORK(j) = 0.;
			    WORK(*n + j) = 0.;
		    } else {
			WORK(j) *= sqrt(temp);
/* L30: */

/* L40: */
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEQPF */

} /* dgeqpf_ */
예제 #3
파일: dqrt14.c 프로젝트: 3deggi/levmar-ndk
doublereal dqrt14_(char *trans, integer *m, integer *n, integer *nrhs, 
	doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *x, integer *ldx, doublereal *
	work, integer *lwork)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, x_dim1, x_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
    doublereal ret_val, d__1, d__2, d__3;

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, j;
    doublereal err;
    integer info;
    doublereal anrm;
    logical tpsd;
    doublereal xnrm;
    extern logical lsame_(char *, char *);
    doublereal rwork[1];
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgelq2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dgeqr2_(
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    extern doublereal dlamch_(char *), dlange_(char *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlascl_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *), dlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer 
	    *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    xerbla_(char *, integer *);
    integer ldwork;

/*  -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DQRT14 checks whether X is in the row space of A or A'.  It does so */
/*  by scaling both X and A such that their norms are in the range */
/*  [sqrt(eps), 1/sqrt(eps)], then computing a QR factorization of [A,X] */
/*  (if TRANS = 'T') or an LQ factorization of [A',X]' (if TRANS = 'N'), */
/*  and returning the norm of the trailing triangle, scaled by */
/*  MAX(M,N,NRHS)*eps. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  TRANS   (input) CHARACTER*1 */
/*          = 'N':  No transpose, check for X in the row space of A */
/*          = 'T':  Transpose, check for X in the row space of A'. */

/*  M       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of rows of the matrix A. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of columns of the matrix A. */

/*  NRHS    (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns */
/*          of X. */

/*  A       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          The M-by-N matrix A. */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A. */

/*  X       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) */
/*          If TRANS = 'N', the N-by-NRHS matrix X. */
/*          IF TRANS = 'T', the M-by-NRHS matrix X. */

/*  LDX     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array X. */

/*  WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array dimension (LWORK) */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
/*          length of workspace array required */
/*          If TRANS = 'N', LWORK >= (M+NRHS)*(N+2); */
/*          if TRANS = 'T', LWORK >= (N+NRHS)*(M+2). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Arrays .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;
    x_dim1 = *ldx;
    x_offset = 1 + x_dim1;
    x -= x_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    ret_val = 0.;
    if (lsame_(trans, "N")) {
	ldwork = *m + *nrhs;
	tpsd = FALSE_;
	if (*lwork < (*m + *nrhs) * (*n + 2)) {
	    xerbla_("DQRT14", &c__10);
	    return ret_val;
	} else if (*n <= 0 || *nrhs <= 0) {
	    return ret_val;
    } else if (lsame_(trans, "T")) {
	ldwork = *m;
	tpsd = TRUE_;
	if (*lwork < (*n + *nrhs) * (*m + 2)) {
	    xerbla_("DQRT14", &c__10);
	    return ret_val;
	} else if (*m <= 0 || *nrhs <= 0) {
	    return ret_val;
    } else {
	xerbla_("DQRT14", &c__1);
	return ret_val;

/*     Copy and scale A */

    dlacpy_("All", m, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &work[1], &ldwork);
    anrm = dlange_("M", m, n, &work[1], &ldwork, rwork);
    if (anrm != 0.) {
	dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &anrm, &c_b15, m, n, &work[1], &ldwork, &

/*     Copy X or X' into the right place and scale it */

    if (tpsd) {

/*        Copy X into columns n+1:n+nrhs of work */

	dlacpy_("All", m, nrhs, &x[x_offset], ldx, &work[*n * ldwork + 1], &
	xnrm = dlange_("M", m, nrhs, &work[*n * ldwork + 1], &ldwork, rwork);
	if (xnrm != 0.) {
	    dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &xnrm, &c_b15, m, nrhs, &work[*n * 
		    ldwork + 1], &ldwork, &info);
	i__1 = *n + *nrhs;
	anrm = dlange_("One-norm", m, &i__1, &work[1], &ldwork, rwork);

/*        Compute QR factorization of X */

	i__1 = *n + *nrhs;
/* Computing MIN */
	i__2 = *m, i__3 = *n + *nrhs;
	dgeqr2_(m, &i__1, &work[1], &ldwork, &work[ldwork * (*n + *nrhs) + 1], 
		 &work[ldwork * (*n + *nrhs) + min(i__2, i__3)+ 1], &info);

/*        Compute largest entry in upper triangle of */
/*        work(n+1:m,n+1:n+nrhs) */

	err = 0.;
	i__1 = *n + *nrhs;
	for (j = *n + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    i__2 = min(*m,j);
	    for (i__ = *n + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* Computing MAX */
		d__2 = err, d__3 = (d__1 = work[i__ + (j - 1) * *m], abs(d__1)
		err = max(d__2,d__3);
/* L10: */
/* L20: */

    } else {

/*        Copy X' into rows m+1:m+nrhs of work */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    i__2 = *nrhs;
	    for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
		work[*m + j + (i__ - 1) * ldwork] = x[i__ + j * x_dim1];
/* L30: */
/* L40: */

	xnrm = dlange_("M", nrhs, n, &work[*m + 1], &ldwork, rwork)
	if (xnrm != 0.) {
	    dlascl_("G", &c__0, &c__0, &xnrm, &c_b15, nrhs, n, &work[*m + 1], 
		    &ldwork, &info);

/*        Compute LQ factorization of work */

	dgelq2_(&ldwork, n, &work[1], &ldwork, &work[ldwork * *n + 1], &work[
		ldwork * (*n + 1) + 1], &info);

/*        Compute largest entry in lower triangle in */
/*        work(m+1:m+nrhs,m+1:n) */

	err = 0.;
	i__1 = *n;
	for (j = *m + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    i__2 = ldwork;
	    for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
/* Computing MAX */
		d__2 = err, d__3 = (d__1 = work[i__ + (j - 1) * ldwork], abs(
		err = max(d__2,d__3);
/* L50: */
/* L60: */


/* Computing MAX */
    i__1 = max(*m,*n);
    ret_val = err / ((doublereal) max(i__1,*nrhs) * dlamch_("Epsilon"));

    return ret_val;

/*     End of DQRT14 */

} /* dqrt14_ */
예제 #4
파일: derrqr.c 프로젝트: kstraube/hysim
/* Subroutine */ int derrqr_(char *path, integer *nunit)
    /* Builtin functions */
    integer s_wsle(cilist *), e_wsle(void);
    /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);

    /* Local variables */
    doublereal a[4]	/* was [2][2] */, b[2];
    integer i__, j;
    doublereal w[2], x[2], af[4]	/* was [2][2] */;
    integer info;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dorg2r_(
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dorm2r_(char *, char *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), alaesm_(char *, logical *, integer *), 
	    dgeqrf_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), chkxer_(char *, integer *, 
	     integer *, logical *, logical *), dgeqrs_(integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), 
	    dorgqr_(integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *), dormqr_(char *, 
	     char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	     doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    integer *);

    /* Fortran I/O blocks */
    static cilist io___1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

/*  -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DERRQR tests the error exits for the DOUBLE PRECISION routines */
/*  that use the QR decomposition of a general matrix. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  PATH    (input) CHARACTER*3 */
/*          The LAPACK path name for the routines to be tested. */

/*  NUNIT   (input) INTEGER */
/*          The unit number for output. */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Arrays .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Scalars in Common .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Common blocks .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

    infoc_1.nout = *nunit;
    io___1.ciunit = infoc_1.nout;

/*     Set the variables to innocuous values. */

    for (j = 1; j <= 2; ++j) {
	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 2; ++i__) {
	    a[i__ + (j << 1) - 3] = 1. / (doublereal) (i__ + j);
	    af[i__ + (j << 1) - 3] = 1. / (doublereal) (i__ + j);
/* L10: */
	b[j - 1] = 0.;
	w[j - 1] = 0.;
	x[j - 1] = 0.;
/* L20: */
    infoc_1.ok = TRUE_;

/*     Error exits for QR factorization */

/*     DGEQRF */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DGEQRF", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dgeqrf_(&c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, b, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dgeqrf_(&c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, b, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 4;
    dgeqrf_(&c__2, &c__1, a, &c__1, b, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 7;
    dgeqrf_(&c__1, &c__2, a, &c__1, b, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRF", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DGEQR2 */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DGEQR2", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dgeqr2_(&c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, b, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQR2", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dgeqr2_(&c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, b, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQR2", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 4;
    dgeqr2_(&c__2, &c__1, a, &c__1, b, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQR2", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DGEQRS */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DGEQRS", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dgeqrs_(&c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, b, &c__1, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dgeqrs_(&c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, b, &c__1, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dgeqrs_(&c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__2, x, b, &c__2, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dgeqrs_(&c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, x, b, &c__1, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dgeqrs_(&c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, b, &c__2, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 8;
    dgeqrs_(&c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__2, x, b, &c__1, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 10;
    dgeqrs_(&c__1, &c__1, &c__2, a, &c__1, x, b, &c__1, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DGEQRS", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DORGQR */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DORGQR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dorgqr_(&c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dorgqr_(&c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dorgqr_(&c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__2, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dorgqr_(&c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dorgqr_(&c__1, &c__1, &c__2, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dorgqr_(&c__2, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &c__2, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 8;
    dorgqr_(&c__2, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__2, x, w, &c__1, &info);
    chkxer_("DORGQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DORG2R */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DORG2R", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dorg2r_(&c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dorg2r_(&c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dorg2r_(&c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dorg2r_(&c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dorg2r_(&c__2, &c__1, &c__2, a, &c__2, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dorg2r_(&c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORG2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DORMQR */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DORMQR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dormqr_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dormqr_("L", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 4;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__0, &c__1, &c__1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dormqr_("R", "N", &c__1, &c__0, &c__1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 7;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__2, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 7;
    dormqr_("R", "N", &c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 10;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__2, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 12;
    dormqr_("L", "N", &c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 12;
    dormqr_("R", "N", &c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__2, w, &c__1, &
    chkxer_("DORMQR", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     DORM2R */

    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DORM2R", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    infoc_1.infot = 1;
    dorm2r_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 2;
    dorm2r_("L", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 3;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 4;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c__0, &c__1, &c__1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 5;
    dorm2r_("R", "N", &c__1, &c__0, &c__1, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 7;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__2, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 7;
    dorm2r_("R", "N", &c__1, &c__2, &c__0, a, &c__1, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &
    infoc_1.infot = 10;
    dorm2r_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__1, &c__0, a, &c__2, x, af, &c__1, w, &info);
    chkxer_("DORM2R", &infoc_1.infot, &infoc_1.nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &

/*     Print a summary line. */

    alaesm_(path, &infoc_1.ok, &infoc_1.nout);

    return 0;

/*     End of DERRQR */

} /* derrqr_ */
예제 #5
/* Subroutine */ int dggsvp_(char *jobu, char *jobv, char *jobq, integer *m, 
	integer *p, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *lda, doublereal *b, 
	integer *ldb, doublereal *tola, doublereal *tolb, integer *k, integer 
	*l, doublereal *u, integer *ldu, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, 
	doublereal *q, integer *ldq, integer *iwork, doublereal *tau, 
	doublereal *work, integer *info)
/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) --   
       Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,   
       Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University   
       September 30, 1994   


    DGGSVP computes orthogonal matrices U, V and Q such that   

                     N-K-L  K    L   
     U'*A*Q =     K ( 0    A12  A13 )  if M-K-L >= 0;   
                  L ( 0     0   A23 )   
              M-K-L ( 0     0    0  )   

                     N-K-L  K    L   
            =     K ( 0    A12  A13 )  if M-K-L < 0;   
                M-K ( 0     0   A23 )   

                   N-K-L  K    L   
     V'*B*Q =   L ( 0     0   B13 )   
              P-L ( 0     0    0  )   

    where the K-by-K matrix A12 and L-by-L matrix B13 are nonsingular   
    upper triangular; A23 is L-by-L upper triangular if M-K-L >= 0,   
    otherwise A23 is (M-K)-by-L upper trapezoidal.  K+L = the effective   
    numerical rank of the (M+P)-by-N matrix (A',B')'.  Z' denotes the   
    transpose of Z.   

    This decomposition is the preprocessing step for computing the   
    Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD), see subroutine   


    JOBU    (input) CHARACTER*1   
            = 'U':  Orthogonal matrix U is computed;   
            = 'N':  U is not computed.   

    JOBV    (input) CHARACTER*1   
            = 'V':  Orthogonal matrix V is computed;   
            = 'N':  V is not computed.   

    JOBQ    (input) CHARACTER*1   
            = 'Q':  Orthogonal matrix Q is computed;   
            = 'N':  Q is not computed.   

    M       (input) INTEGER   
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.   

    P       (input) INTEGER   
            The number of rows of the matrix B.  P >= 0.   

    N       (input) INTEGER   
            The number of columns of the matrices A and B.  N >= 0.   

    A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N)   
            On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.   
            On exit, A contains the triangular (or trapezoidal) matrix   
            described in the Purpose section.   

    LDA     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M).   

    B       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,N)   
            On entry, the P-by-N matrix B.   
            On exit, B contains the triangular matrix described in   
            the Purpose section.   

    LDB     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,P).   

    TOLA    (input) DOUBLE PRECISION   
    TOLB    (input) DOUBLE PRECISION   
            TOLA and TOLB are the thresholds to determine the effective   
            numerical rank of matrix B and a subblock of A. Generally,   
            they are set to   
               TOLA = MAX(M,N)*norm(A)*MAZHEPS,   
               TOLB = MAX(P,N)*norm(B)*MAZHEPS.   
            The size of TOLA and TOLB may affect the size of backward   
            errors of the decomposition.   

    K       (output) INTEGER   
    L       (output) INTEGER   
            On exit, K and L specify the dimension of the subblocks   
            described in Purpose.   
            K + L = effective numerical rank of (A',B')'.   

    U       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU,M)   
            If JOBU = 'U', U contains the orthogonal matrix U.   
            If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced.   

    LDU     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array U. LDU >= max(1,M) if   
            JOBU = 'U'; LDU >= 1 otherwise.   

    V       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDV,M)   
            If JOBV = 'V', V contains the orthogonal matrix V.   
            If JOBV = 'N', V is not referenced.   

    LDV     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array V. LDV >= max(1,P) if   
            JOBV = 'V'; LDV >= 1 otherwise.   

    Q       (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDQ,N)   
            If JOBQ = 'Q', Q contains the orthogonal matrix Q.   
            If JOBQ = 'N', Q is not referenced.   

    LDQ     (input) INTEGER   
            The leading dimension of the array Q. LDQ >= max(1,N) if   
            JOBQ = 'Q'; LDQ >= 1 otherwise.   

    IWORK   (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (N)   

    TAU     (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)   

    WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (max(3*N,M,P))   

    INFO    (output) INTEGER   
            = 0:  successful exit   
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.   

    Further Details   

    The subroutine uses LAPACK subroutine DGEQPF for the QR factorization   
    with column pivoting to detect the effective numerical rank of the   
    a matrix. It may be replaced by a better rank determination strategy.   


       Test the input parameters   

       Parameter adjustments */
    /* Table of constant values */
    static doublereal c_b12 = 0.;
    static doublereal c_b22 = 1.;
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, q_dim1, q_offset, u_dim1, 
	    u_offset, v_dim1, v_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1;
    /* Local variables */
    static integer i__, j;
    extern logical lsame_(char *, char *);
    static logical wantq, wantu, wantv;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dgerq2_(
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dorg2r_(integer *, integer *, integer *,
	     doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    dorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dormr2_(char *, char *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dgeqpf_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    dlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dlaset_(char *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), xerbla_(char *, integer *), dlapmt_(logical *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *);
    static logical forwrd;
#define a_ref(a_1,a_2) a[(a_2)*a_dim1 + a_1]
#define b_ref(a_1,a_2) b[(a_2)*b_dim1 + a_1]
#define u_ref(a_1,a_2) u[(a_2)*u_dim1 + a_1]
#define v_ref(a_1,a_2) v[(a_2)*v_dim1 + a_1]

    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1 * 1;
    a -= a_offset;
    b_dim1 = *ldb;
    b_offset = 1 + b_dim1 * 1;
    b -= b_offset;
    u_dim1 = *ldu;
    u_offset = 1 + u_dim1 * 1;
    u -= u_offset;
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1 * 1;
    v -= v_offset;
    q_dim1 = *ldq;
    q_offset = 1 + q_dim1 * 1;
    q -= q_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    wantu = lsame_(jobu, "U");
    wantv = lsame_(jobv, "V");
    wantq = lsame_(jobq, "Q");
    forwrd = TRUE_;

    *info = 0;
    if (! (wantu || lsame_(jobu, "N"))) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (! (wantv || lsame_(jobv, "N"))) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (! (wantq || lsame_(jobq, "N"))) {
	*info = -3;
    } else if (*m < 0) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*p < 0) {
	*info = -5;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -6;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
	*info = -8;
    } else if (*ldb < max(1,*p)) {
	*info = -10;
    } else if (*ldu < 1 || wantu && *ldu < *m) {
	*info = -16;
    } else if (*ldv < 1 || wantv && *ldv < *p) {
	*info = -18;
    } else if (*ldq < 1 || wantq && *ldq < *n) {
	*info = -20;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("DGGSVP", &i__1);
	return 0;

/*     QR with column pivoting of B: B*P = V*( S11 S12 )   
                                             (  0   0  ) */

    i__1 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	iwork[i__] = 0;
/* L10: */
    dgeqpf_(p, n, &b[b_offset], ldb, &iwork[1], &tau[1], &work[1], info);

/*     Update A := A*P */

    dlapmt_(&forwrd, m, n, &a[a_offset], lda, &iwork[1]);

/*     Determine the effective rank of matrix B. */

    *l = 0;
    i__1 = min(*p,*n);
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	if ((d__1 = b_ref(i__, i__), abs(d__1)) > *tolb) {
/* L20: */

    if (wantv) {

/*        Copy the details of V, and form V. */

	dlaset_("Full", p, p, &c_b12, &c_b12, &v[v_offset], ldv);
	if (*p > 1) {
	    i__1 = *p - 1;
	    dlacpy_("Lower", &i__1, n, &b_ref(2, 1), ldb, &v_ref(2, 1), ldv);
	i__1 = min(*p,*n);
	dorg2r_(p, p, &i__1, &v[v_offset], ldv, &tau[1], &work[1], info);

/*     Clean up B */

    i__1 = *l - 1;
    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	i__2 = *l;
	for (i__ = j + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
	    b_ref(i__, j) = 0.;
/* L30: */
/* L40: */
    if (*p > *l) {
	i__1 = *p - *l;
	dlaset_("Full", &i__1, n, &c_b12, &c_b12, &b_ref(*l + 1, 1), ldb);

    if (wantq) {

/*        Set Q = I and Update Q := Q*P */

	dlaset_("Full", n, n, &c_b12, &c_b22, &q[q_offset], ldq);
	dlapmt_(&forwrd, n, n, &q[q_offset], ldq, &iwork[1]);

    if (*p >= *l && *n != *l) {

/*        RQ factorization of (S11 S12): ( S11 S12 ) = ( 0 S12 )*Z */

	dgerq2_(l, n, &b[b_offset], ldb, &tau[1], &work[1], info);

/*        Update A := A*Z' */

	dormr2_("Right", "Transpose", m, n, l, &b[b_offset], ldb, &tau[1], &a[
		a_offset], lda, &work[1], info);

	if (wantq) {

/*           Update Q := Q*Z' */

	    dormr2_("Right", "Transpose", n, n, l, &b[b_offset], ldb, &tau[1],
		     &q[q_offset], ldq, &work[1], info);

/*        Clean up B */

	i__1 = *n - *l;
	dlaset_("Full", l, &i__1, &c_b12, &c_b12, &b[b_offset], ldb);
	i__1 = *n;
	for (j = *n - *l + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    i__2 = *l;
	    for (i__ = j - *n + *l + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
		b_ref(i__, j) = 0.;
/* L50: */
/* L60: */


/*     Let              N-L     L   
                  A = ( A11    A12 ) M,   

       then the following does the complete QR decomposition of A11:   

                A11 = U*(  0  T12 )*P1'   
                        (  0   0  ) */

    i__1 = *n - *l;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	iwork[i__] = 0;
/* L70: */
    i__1 = *n - *l;
    dgeqpf_(m, &i__1, &a[a_offset], lda, &iwork[1], &tau[1], &work[1], info);

/*     Determine the effective rank of A11 */

    *k = 0;
/* Computing MIN */
    i__2 = *m, i__3 = *n - *l;
    i__1 = min(i__2,i__3);
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	if ((d__1 = a_ref(i__, i__), abs(d__1)) > *tola) {
/* L80: */

/*     Update A12 := U'*A12, where A12 = A( 1:M, N-L+1:N )   

   Computing MIN */
    i__2 = *m, i__3 = *n - *l;
    i__1 = min(i__2,i__3);
    dorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", m, l, &i__1, &a[a_offset], lda, &tau[1], &
	    a_ref(1, *n - *l + 1), lda, &work[1], info);

    if (wantu) {

/*        Copy the details of U, and form U */

	dlaset_("Full", m, m, &c_b12, &c_b12, &u[u_offset], ldu);
	if (*m > 1) {
	    i__1 = *m - 1;
	    i__2 = *n - *l;
	    dlacpy_("Lower", &i__1, &i__2, &a_ref(2, 1), lda, &u_ref(2, 1), 
/* Computing MIN */
	i__2 = *m, i__3 = *n - *l;
	i__1 = min(i__2,i__3);
	dorg2r_(m, m, &i__1, &u[u_offset], ldu, &tau[1], &work[1], info);

    if (wantq) {

/*        Update Q( 1:N, 1:N-L )  = Q( 1:N, 1:N-L )*P1 */

	i__1 = *n - *l;
	dlapmt_(&forwrd, n, &i__1, &q[q_offset], ldq, &iwork[1]);

/*     Clean up A: set the strictly lower triangular part of   
       A(1:K, 1:K) = 0, and A( K+1:M, 1:N-L ) = 0. */

    i__1 = *k - 1;
    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	i__2 = *k;
	for (i__ = j + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
	    a_ref(i__, j) = 0.;
/* L90: */
/* L100: */
    if (*m > *k) {
	i__1 = *m - *k;
	i__2 = *n - *l;
	dlaset_("Full", &i__1, &i__2, &c_b12, &c_b12, &a_ref(*k + 1, 1), lda);

    if (*n - *l > *k) {

/*        RQ factorization of ( T11 T12 ) = ( 0 T12 )*Z1 */

	i__1 = *n - *l;
	dgerq2_(k, &i__1, &a[a_offset], lda, &tau[1], &work[1], info);

	if (wantq) {

/*           Update Q( 1:N,1:N-L ) = Q( 1:N,1:N-L )*Z1' */

	    i__1 = *n - *l;
	    dormr2_("Right", "Transpose", n, &i__1, k, &a[a_offset], lda, &
		    tau[1], &q[q_offset], ldq, &work[1], info);

/*        Clean up A */

	i__1 = *n - *l - *k;
	dlaset_("Full", k, &i__1, &c_b12, &c_b12, &a[a_offset], lda);
	i__1 = *n - *l;
	for (j = *n - *l - *k + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    i__2 = *k;
	    for (i__ = j - *n + *l + *k + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
		a_ref(i__, j) = 0.;
/* L110: */
/* L120: */


    if (*m > *k) {

/*        QR factorization of A( K+1:M,N-L+1:N ) */

	i__1 = *m - *k;
	dgeqr2_(&i__1, l, &a_ref(*k + 1, *n - *l + 1), lda, &tau[1], &work[1],

	if (wantu) {

/*           Update U(:,K+1:M) := U(:,K+1:M)*U1 */

	    i__1 = *m - *k;
/* Computing MIN */
	    i__3 = *m - *k;
	    i__2 = min(i__3,*l);
	    dorm2r_("Right", "No transpose", m, &i__1, &i__2, &a_ref(*k + 1, *
		    n - *l + 1), lda, &tau[1], &u_ref(1, *k + 1), ldu, &work[
		    1], info);

/*        Clean up */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (j = *n - *l + 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    i__2 = *m;
	    for (i__ = j - *n + *k + *l + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
		a_ref(i__, j) = 0.;
/* L130: */
/* L140: */


    return 0;

/*     End of DGGSVP */

} /* dggsvp_ */
예제 #6
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Subroutine */ int dseupd_(logical *rvec, char *howmny, logical *select, 
	doublereal *d__, doublereal *z__, integer *ldz, doublereal *sigma, 
	char *bmat, integer *n, char *which, integer *nev, doublereal *tol, 
	doublereal *resid, integer *ncv, doublereal *v, integer *ldv, integer 
	*iparam, integer *ipntr, doublereal *workd, doublereal *workl, 
	integer *lworkl, integer *info, ftnlen howmny_len, ftnlen bmat_len, 
	ftnlen which_len)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer v_dim1, v_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1;
    doublereal d__1, d__2, d__3;

    /* Builtin functions */
    integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    double pow_dd(doublereal *, doublereal *);

    /* Local variables */
    static integer j, k, ih, jj, iq, np, iw, ibd, ihb, ihd, ldh, ldq, irz;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dger_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static integer mode;
    static doublereal eps23;
    static integer ierr;
    static doublereal temp;
    static integer next;
    static char type__[6];
    static integer ritz;
    extern doublereal dnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal temp1;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *);
    static logical reord;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dcopy_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *);
    static integer nconv;
    static doublereal rnorm;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dvout_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, char *, ftnlen), ivout_(integer *, integer *, integer *
	    , integer *, char *, ftnlen), dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal bnorm2;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    extern doublereal dlamch_(char *, ftnlen);
    static integer bounds, msglvl, ishift, numcnv;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen), 
	    dsesrt_(char *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen), dsteqr_(char *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *,
	     integer *, ftnlen), dsortr_(char *, logical *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, ftnlen), dsgets_(integer *, char *, 
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
    static integer leftptr, rghtptr;

/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Include files for debugging and timing information | */
/*     %----------------------------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: debug.h   SID: 2.3   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | See debug.doc for documentation | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

/*     %------------------% */
/*     | Scalar Arguments | */
/*     %------------------% */

/*     %--------------------------------% */
/*     | See stat.doc for documentation | */
/*     %--------------------------------% */

/* \SCCS Information: @(#) */
/* FILE: stat.h   SID: 2.2   DATE OF SID: 11/16/95   RELEASE: 2 */

/*     %-----------------% */
/*     | Array Arguments | */
/*     %-----------------% */

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Parameters | */
/*     %------------% */

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | Local Scalars | */
/*     %---------------% */

/*     %----------------------% */
/*     | External Subroutines | */
/*     %----------------------% */

/*     %--------------------% */
/*     | External Functions | */
/*     %--------------------% */

/*     %---------------------% */
/*     | Intrinsic Functions | */
/*     %---------------------% */

/*     %-----------------------% */
/*     | Executable Statements | */
/*     %-----------------------% */

/*     %------------------------% */
/*     | Set default parameters | */
/*     %------------------------% */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    z_dim1 = *ldz;
    z_offset = 1 + z_dim1;
    z__ -= z_offset;
    v_dim1 = *ldv;
    v_offset = 1 + v_dim1;
    v -= v_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    msglvl = debug_1.mseupd;
    mode = iparam[7];
    nconv = iparam[5];
    *info = 0;

/*     %--------------% */
/*     | Quick return | */
/*     %--------------% */

    if (nconv == 0) {
	goto L9000;
    ierr = 0;

    if (nconv <= 0) {
	ierr = -14;
    if (*n <= 0) {
	ierr = -1;
    if (*nev <= 0) {
	ierr = -2;
    if (*ncv <= *nev || *ncv > *n) {
	ierr = -3;
    if (s_cmp(which, "LM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "SM", (
	    ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "LA", (ftnlen)2, (
	    ftnlen)2) != 0 && s_cmp(which, "SA", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0 &&
	     s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) != 0) {
	ierr = -5;
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat != 'I' && *(unsigned char *)bmat != 'G') {
	ierr = -6;
    if (*(unsigned char *)howmny != 'A' && *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'P' && 
	    *(unsigned char *)howmny != 'S' && *rvec) {
	ierr = -15;
    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {
	ierr = -16;

/* Computing 2nd power */
    i__1 = *ncv;
    if (*rvec && *lworkl < i__1 * i__1 + (*ncv << 3)) {
	ierr = -7;

    if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
	s_copy(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 3) {
	s_copy(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 4) {
	s_copy(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else if (mode == 5) {
	s_copy(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6);
    } else {
	ierr = -10;
    if (mode == 1 && *(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	ierr = -11;
    if (*nev == 1 && s_cmp(which, "BE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) {
	ierr = -12;

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Error Exit | */
/*     %------------% */

    if (ierr != 0) {
	*info = ierr;
	goto L9000;

/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Pointer into WORKL for address of H, RITZ, BOUNDS, Q  | */
/*     | etc... and the remaining workspace.                   | */
/*     | Also update pointer to be used on output.             | */
/*     | Memory is laid out as follows:                        | */
/*     | workl(1:2*ncv) := generated tridiagonal matrix H      | */
/*     |       The subdiagonal is stored in workl(2:ncv).      | */
/*     |       The dead spot is workl(1) but upon exiting      | */
/*     |       dsaupd  stores the B-norm of the last residual   | */
/*     |       vector in workl(1). We use this !!!             | */
/*     | workl(2*ncv+1:2*ncv+ncv) := ritz values               | */
/*     |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. | */
/*     | workl(3*ncv+1:3*ncv+ncv) := computed Ritz estimates   | */
/*     |       The wanted values are in the first NCONV spots. | */
/*     | NOTE: workl(1:4*ncv) is set by dsaupd  and is not      | */
/*     |       modified by dseupd .                             | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */

/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | The following is used and set by dseupd .              | */
/*     | workl(4*ncv+1:4*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  | */
/*     |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    | */
/*     |       the diagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the NCV   | */
/*     |       Ritz values of the original system. The first   | */
/*     |       NCONV spots have the wanted values. If MODE =   | */
/*     |       1 or 2 then will equal workl(2*ncv+1:3*ncv).    | */
/*     | workl(5*ncv+1:5*ncv+ncv) := used as workspace during  | */
/*     |       computation of the eigenvectors of H. Stores    | */
/*     |       the subdiagonal of H. Upon EXIT contains the    | */
/*     |       NCV corresponding Ritz estimates of the         | */
/*     |       original system. The first NCONV spots have the | */
/*     |       wanted values. If MODE = 1,2 then will equal    | */
/*     |       workl(3*ncv+1:4*ncv).                           | */
/*     | workl(6*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv) := orthogonal Q that is  | */
/*     |       the eigenvector matrix for H as returned by     | */
/*     |       dsteqr . Not referenced if RVEC = .False.        | */
/*     |       Ordering follows that of workl(4*ncv+1:5*ncv)   | */
/*     | workl(6*ncv+ncv*ncv+1:6*ncv+ncv*ncv+2*ncv) :=         | */
/*     |       Workspace. Needed by dsteqr  and by dseupd .      | */
/*     | GRAND total of NCV*(NCV+8) locations.                 | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------------% */

    ih = ipntr[5];
    ritz = ipntr[6];
    bounds = ipntr[7];
    ldh = *ncv;
    ldq = *ncv;
    ihd = bounds + ldh;
    ihb = ihd + ldh;
    iq = ihb + ldh;
    iw = iq + ldh * *ncv;
    next = iw + (*ncv << 1);
    ipntr[4] = next;
    ipntr[8] = ihd;
    ipntr[9] = ihb;
    ipntr[10] = iq;

/*     %----------------------------------------% */
/*     | irz points to the Ritz values computed | */
/*     |     by _seigt before exiting _saup2.   | */
/*     | ibd points to the Ritz estimates       | */
/*     |     computed by _seigt before exiting  | */
/*     |     _saup2.                            | */
/*     %----------------------------------------% */

    irz = ipntr[11] + *ncv;
    ibd = irz + *ncv;

/*     %---------------------------------% */
/*     | Set machine dependent constant. | */
/*     %---------------------------------% */

    eps23 = dlamch_("Epsilon-Machine", (ftnlen)15);
    eps23 = pow_dd(&eps23, &c_b21);

/*     %---------------------------------------% */
/*     | RNORM is B-norm of the RESID(1:N).    | */
/*     | BNORM2 is the 2 norm of B*RESID(1:N). | */
/*     | Upon exit of dsaupd  WORKD(1:N) has    | */
/*     | B*RESID(1:N).                         | */
/*     %---------------------------------------% */

    rnorm = workl[ih];
    if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'I') {
	bnorm2 = rnorm;
    } else if (*(unsigned char *)bmat == 'G') {
	bnorm2 = dnrm2_(n, &workd[1], &c__1);

    if (msglvl > 2) {
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irz], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd: "
		"Ritz values passed in from _SAUPD.", (ftnlen)42);
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ibd], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd: "
		"Ritz estimates passed in from _SAUPD.", (ftnlen)45);

    if (*rvec) {

	reord = FALSE_;

/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Use the temporary bounds array to store indices   | */
/*        | These will be used to mark the select array later | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[bounds + j - 1] = (doublereal) j;
	    select[j] = FALSE_;
/* L10: */

/*        %-------------------------------------% */
/*        | Select the wanted Ritz values.      | */
/*        | Sort the Ritz values so that the    | */
/*        | wanted ones appear at the tailing   | */
/*        | NEV positions of workl(irr) and     | */
/*        | workl(iri).  Move the corresponding | */
/*        | error estimates in workl(bound)     | */
/*        | accordingly.                        | */
/*        %-------------------------------------% */

	np = *ncv - *nev;
	ishift = 0;
	dsgets_(&ishift, which, nev, &np, &workl[irz], &workl[bounds], &workl[
		1], (ftnlen)2);

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[irz], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seu"
		    "pd: Ritz values after calling _SGETS.", (ftnlen)41);
	    dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[bounds], &debug_1.ndigit, 
		    "_seupd: Ritz value indices after calling _SGETS.", (

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Record indices of the converged wanted Ritz values  | */
/*        | Mark the select array for possible reordering       | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	numcnv = 0;
	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
/* Computing MAX */
	    d__2 = eps23, d__3 = (d__1 = workl[irz + *ncv - j], abs(d__1));
	    temp1 = max(d__2,d__3);
	    jj = (integer) workl[bounds + *ncv - j];
	    if (numcnv < nconv && workl[ibd + jj - 1] <= *tol * temp1) {
		select[jj] = TRUE_;
		if (jj > *nev) {
		    reord = TRUE_;
/* L11: */

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Check the count (numcnv) of converged Ritz values with    | */
/*        | the number (nconv) reported by _saupd.  If these two      | */
/*        | are different then there has probably been an error       | */
/*        | caused by incorrect passing of the _saupd data.           | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    ivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &numcnv, &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd"
		    ": Number of specified eigenvalues", (ftnlen)39);
	    ivout_(&debug_1.logfil, &c__1, &nconv, &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd:"
		    " Number of \"converged\" eigenvalues", (ftnlen)41);

	if (numcnv != nconv) {
	    *info = -17;
	    goto L9000;

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Call LAPACK routine _steqr to compute the eigenvalues and | */
/*        | eigenvectors of the final symmetric tridiagonal matrix H. | */
/*        | Initialize the eigenvector matrix Q to the identity.      | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	dcopy_(&i__1, &workl[ih + 1], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	dcopy_(ncv, &workl[ih + ldh], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);

	dsteqr_("Identity", ncv, &workl[ihd], &workl[ihb], &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw], &ierr, (ftnlen)8);

	if (ierr != 0) {
	    *info = -8;
	    goto L9000;

	if (msglvl > 1) {
	    dcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv - 1], &ldq, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	    dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seu"
		    "pd: NCV Ritz values of the final H matrix", (ftnlen)45);
	    dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[iw], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seup"
		    "d: last row of the eigenvector matrix for H", (ftnlen)48);

	if (reord) {

/*           %---------------------------------------------% */
/*           | Reordered the eigenvalues and eigenvectors  | */
/*           | computed by _steqr so that the "converged"  | */
/*           | eigenvalues appear in the first NCONV       | */
/*           | positions of workl(ihd), and the associated | */
/*           | eigenvectors appear in the first NCONV      | */
/*           | columns.                                    | */
/*           %---------------------------------------------% */

	    leftptr = 1;
	    rghtptr = *ncv;

	    if (*ncv == 1) {
		goto L30;

	    if (select[leftptr]) {

/*              %-------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Search, from the left, for the first Ritz | */
/*              | value that has not converged.             | */
/*              %-------------------------------------------% */


	    } else if (! select[rghtptr]) {

/*              %----------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Search, from the right, the first Ritz value | */
/*              | that has converged.                          | */
/*              %----------------------------------------------% */


	    } else {

/*              %----------------------------------------------% */
/*              | Swap the Ritz value on the left that has not | */
/*              | converged with the Ritz value on the right   | */
/*              | that has converged.  Swap the associated     | */
/*              | eigenvector of the tridiagonal matrix H as   | */
/*              | well.                                        | */
/*              %----------------------------------------------% */

		temp = workl[ihd + leftptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + leftptr - 1] = workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1];
		workl[ihd + rghtptr - 1] = temp;
		dcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1, &workl[
			iw], &c__1);
		dcopy_(ncv, &workl[iq + *ncv * (rghtptr - 1)], &c__1, &workl[
			iq + *ncv * (leftptr - 1)], &c__1);
		dcopy_(ncv, &workl[iw], &c__1, &workl[iq + *ncv * (rghtptr - 
			1)], &c__1);


	    if (leftptr < rghtptr) {
		goto L20;


	if (msglvl > 2) {
	    dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, ncv, &workl[ihd], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seu"
		    "pd: The eigenvalues of H--reordered", (ftnlen)39);

/*        %----------------------------------------% */
/*        | Load the converged Ritz values into D. | */
/*        %----------------------------------------% */

	dcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Ritz vectors not required. Load Ritz values into D. | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	dcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	dcopy_(ncv, &workl[ritz], &c__1, &workl[ihd], &c__1);


/*     %------------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Transform the Ritz values and possibly vectors and corresponding | */
/*     | Ritz estimates of OP to those of A*x=lambda*B*x. The Ritz values | */
/*     | (and corresponding data) are returned in ascending order.        | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------------------------% */

    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Ascending sort of wanted Ritz values, vectors and error | */
/*        | bounds. Not necessary if only Ritz values are desired.  | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------------------% */

	if (*rvec) {
	    dsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq, (
	} else {
	    dcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);

    } else {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Make a copy of all the Ritz values.                      | */
/*        | *  Transform the Ritz values back to the original system.   | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'SHIFTI' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = 1/theta + sigma                        | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'BUCKLE' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = sigma * theta / ( theta - 1 )          | */
/*        |    For TYPE = 'CAYLEY' the transformation is                | */
/*        |             lambda = sigma * (theta + 1) / (theta - 1 )     | */
/*        |    where the theta are the Ritz values returned by dsaupd .  | */
/*        | NOTES:                                                      | */
/*        | *The Ritz vectors are not affected by the transformation.   | */
/*        |  They are only reordered.                                   | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	dcopy_(ncv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1);
	if (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = 1. / workl[ihd + k - 1] + *sigma;
/* L40: */
	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * workl[ihd + k - 1] / (workl[ihd 
			+ k - 1] - 1.);
/* L50: */
	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {
	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihd + k - 1] = *sigma * (workl[ihd + k - 1] + 1.) / (
			workl[ihd + k - 1] - 1.);
/* L60: */

/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Store the wanted NCONV lambda values into D.             | */
/*        | *  Sort the NCONV wanted lambda in WORKL(IHD:IHD+NCONV-1)   | */
/*        |    into ascending order and apply sort to the NCONV theta   | */
/*        |    values in the transformed system. We will need this to   | */
/*        |    compute Ritz estimates in the original system.           | */
/*        | *  Finally sort the lambda`s into ascending order and apply | */
/*        |    to Ritz vectors if wanted. Else just sort lambda`s into  | */
/*        |    ascending order.                                         | */
/*        | NOTES:                                                      | */
/*        | *workl(iw:iw+ncv-1) contain the theta ordered so that they  | */
/*        |  match the ordering of the lambda. We`ll use them again for | */
/*        |  Ritz vector purification.                                  | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------------------% */

	dcopy_(&nconv, &workl[ihd], &c__1, &d__[1], &c__1);
	dsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &workl[ihd], &workl[iw], (ftnlen)2);
	if (*rvec) {
	    dsesrt_("LA", rvec, &nconv, &d__[1], ncv, &workl[iq], &ldq, (
	} else {
	    dcopy_(ncv, &workl[bounds], &c__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    d__1 = bnorm2 / rnorm;
	    dscal_(ncv, &d__1, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	    dsortr_("LA", &c_true, &nconv, &d__[1], &workl[ihb], (ftnlen)2);


/*     %------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Compute the Ritz vectors. Transform the wanted | */
/*     | eigenvectors of the symmetric tridiagonal H by | */
/*     | the Lanczos basis matrix V.                    | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'A') {

/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Compute the QR factorization of the matrix representing  | */
/*        | the wanted invariant subspace located in the first NCONV | */
/*        | columns of workl(iq,ldq).                                | */
/*        %----------------------------------------------------------% */

	dgeqr2_(ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &workl[iw + *ncv], &workl[ihb],

/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | * Postmultiply V by Q.                                 | */
/*        | * Copy the first NCONV columns of VQ into Z.           | */
/*        | The N by NCONV matrix Z is now a matrix representation | */
/*        | of the approximate invariant subspace associated with  | */
/*        | the Ritz values in workl(ihd).                         | */
/*        %--------------------------------------------------------% */

	dorm2r_("Right", "Notranspose", n, ncv, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw + *ncv], &v[v_offset], ldv, &workd[*n + 1], &ierr, (
		ftnlen)5, (ftnlen)11);
	dlacpy_("All", n, &nconv, &v[v_offset], ldv, &z__[z_offset], ldz, (

/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | In order to compute the Ritz estimates for the Ritz | */
/*        | values in both systems, need the last row of the    | */
/*        | eigenvector matrix. Remember, it`s in factored form | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------------% */

	i__1 = *ncv - 1;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = 0.;
/* L65: */
	workl[ihb + *ncv - 1] = 1.;
	dorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", ncv, &c__1, &nconv, &workl[iq], &ldq, &
		workl[iw + *ncv], &workl[ihb], ncv, &temp, &ierr, (ftnlen)4, (

    } else if (*rvec && *(unsigned char *)howmny == 'S') {

/*     Not yet implemented. See remark 2 above. */


    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 && *rvec) {

	i__1 = *ncv;
	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
	    workl[ihb + j - 1] = rnorm * (d__1 = workl[ihb + j - 1], abs(d__1)
/* L70: */

    } else if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && *rvec) {

/*        %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*        | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the theta.       | */
/*        |    If RVEC = .true. then compute Ritz estimates | */
/*        |               of the theta.                     | */
/*        |    If RVEC = .false. then copy Ritz estimates   | */
/*        |              as computed by dsaupd .             | */
/*        | *  Determine Ritz estimates of the lambda.      | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------------% */

	dscal_(ncv, &bnorm2, &workl[ihb], &c__1);
	if (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1];
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(d__1)) / 
			(d__2 * d__2);
/* L80: */

	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		d__2 = workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.;
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = *sigma * (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1], abs(
			d__1)) / (d__2 * d__2);
/* L90: */

	} else if (s_cmp(type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	    i__1 = *ncv;
	    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
		workl[ihb + k - 1] = (d__1 = workl[ihb + k - 1] / workl[iw + 
			k - 1] * (workl[iw + k - 1] - 1.), abs(d__1));
/* L100: */



    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0 && msglvl > 1) {
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd: U"
		"ntransformed converged Ritz values", (ftnlen)43);
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seup"
		"d: Ritz estimates of the untransformed Ritz values", (ftnlen)
    } else if (msglvl > 1) {
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &d__[1], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seupd: C"
		"onverged Ritz values", (ftnlen)29);
	dvout_(&debug_1.logfil, &nconv, &workl[ihb], &debug_1.ndigit, "_seup"
		"d: Associated Ritz estimates", (ftnlen)33);

/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | Ritz vector purification step. Formally perform | */
/*     | one of inverse subspace iteration. Only used    | */
/*     | for MODE = 3,4,5. See reference 7               | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------------% */

    if (*rvec && (s_cmp(type__, "SHIFTI", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0 || s_cmp(
	    type__, "CAYLEY", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0)) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / workl[iw + k];
/* L110: */

    } else if (*rvec && s_cmp(type__, "BUCKLE", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) {

	i__1 = nconv - 1;
	for (k = 0; k <= i__1; ++k) {
	    workl[iw + k] = workl[iq + k * ldq + *ncv - 1] / (workl[iw + k] - 
/* L120: */


    if (s_cmp(type__, "REGULR", (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0) {
	dger_(n, &nconv, &c_b110, &resid[1], &c__1, &workl[iw], &c__1, &z__[
		z_offset], ldz);


    return 0;

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | End of dseupd | */
/*     %---------------% */

} /* dseupd_ */
예제 #7
파일: dgeqrf.c 프로젝트: 3deggi/levmar-ndk
/* Subroutine */ int dgeqrf_(integer *m, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *
	lda, doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *lwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6;
    real r__1;

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, j, k, ib, nb, nt, nx, iws;
    extern doublereal sceil_(real *);
    integer nbmin, iinfo;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dlarfb_(char *, 
	     char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dlarft_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal 
	    *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), xerbla_(char *, integer *);
    extern integer ilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *);
    integer lbwork, llwork, lwkopt;
    logical lquery;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.1) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     March 2008 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DGEQRF computes a QR factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A: */
/*  A = Q * R. */

/*  This is the left-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  M       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0. */

/*  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. */
/*          On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array */
/*          contain the min(M,N)-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is */
/*          upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, */
/*          with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a */
/*          product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M). */

/*  TAU     (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) */
/*          The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  WORK    (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK)) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */

/*          The dimension of the array WORK. The dimension can be divided into three parts. */

/*          1) The part for the triangular factor T. If the very last T is not bigger */
/*             than any of the rest, then this part is NB x ceiling(K/NB), otherwise, */
/*             NB x (K-NT), where K = min(M,N) and NT is the dimension of the very last T */

/*          2) The part for the very last T when T is bigger than any of the rest T. */
/*             The size of this part is NT x NT, where NT = K - ceiling ((K-NX)/NB) x NB, */
/*             where K = min(M,N), NX is calculated by */
/*                   NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'DGEQRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) */

/*          3) The part for dlarfb is of size max((N-M)*K, (N-M)*NB, K*NB, NB*NB) */

/*          So LWORK = part1 + part2 + part3 */

/*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
/*          only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns */
/*          this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error */
/*          message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors */

/*     Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). */

/*  Each H(i) has the form */

/*     H(i) = I - tau * v * v' */

/*  where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with */
/*  v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i), */
/*  and tau in TAU(i). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */
    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    nbmin = 2;
    nx = 0;
    iws = *n;
    k = min(*m,*n);
    nb = ilaenv_(&c__1, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1);
    if (nb > 1 && nb < k) {

/*        Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. */

/* Computing MAX */
	i__1 = 0, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__3, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1);
	nx = max(i__1,i__2);

/*     Get NT, the size of the very last T, which is the left-over from in-between K-NX and K to K, eg.: */

/*            NB=3     2NB=6       K=10 */
/*            |        |           | */
/*      1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10 */
/*                  |     \________/ */
/*               K-NX=5      NT=4 */

/*     So here 4 x 4 is the last T stored in the workspace */

    r__1 = (real) (k - nx) / (real) nb;
    nt = k - sceil_(&r__1) * nb;

/*     optimal workspace = space for dlarfb + space for normal T's + space for the last T */

/* Computing MAX */
/* Computing MAX */
    i__3 = (*n - *m) * k, i__4 = (*n - *m) * nb;
/* Computing MAX */
    i__5 = k * nb, i__6 = nb * nb;
    i__1 = max(i__3,i__4), i__2 = max(i__5,i__6);
    llwork = max(i__1,i__2);
    r__1 = (real) llwork / (real) nb;
    llwork = sceil_(&r__1);
    if (nt > nb) {
	lbwork = k - nt;

/*         Optimal workspace for dlarfb = MAX(1,N)*NT */

	lwkopt = (lbwork + llwork) * nb;
	work[1] = (doublereal) (lwkopt + nt * nt);
    } else {
	r__1 = (real) k / (real) nb;
	lbwork = sceil_(&r__1) * nb;
	lwkopt = (lbwork + llwork - nb) * nb;
	work[1] = (doublereal) lwkopt;

/*     Test the input arguments */

    lquery = *lwork == -1;
    if (*m < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
	*info = -4;
    } else if (*lwork < max(1,*n) && ! lquery) {
	*info = -7;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("DGEQRF", &i__1);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Quick return if possible */

    if (k == 0) {
	work[1] = 1.;
	return 0;

    if (nb > 1 && nb < k) {
	if (nx < k) {

/*           Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. */

	    if (nt <= nb) {
		iws = (lbwork + llwork - nb) * nb;
	    } else {
		iws = (lbwork + llwork) * nb + nt * nt;
	    if (*lwork < iws) {

/*              Not enough workspace to use optimal NB:  reduce NB and */
/*              determine the minimum value of NB. */

		if (nt <= nb) {
		    nb = *lwork / (llwork + (lbwork - nb));
		} else {
		    nb = (*lwork - nt * nt) / (lbwork + llwork);
/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = 2, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__2, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &
		nbmin = max(i__1,i__2);

    if (nb >= nbmin && nb < k && nx < k) {

/*        Use blocked code initially */

	i__1 = k - nx;
	i__2 = nb;
	for (i__ = 1; i__2 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__2) {
/* Computing MIN */
	    i__3 = k - i__ + 1;
	    ib = min(i__3,nb);

/*           Update the current column using old T's */

	    i__3 = i__ - nb;
	    i__4 = nb;
	    for (j = 1; i__4 < 0 ? j >= i__3 : j <= i__3; j += i__4) {

/*              Apply H' to A(J:M,I:I+IB-1) from the left */

		i__5 = *m - j + 1;
		dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__5, &
			ib, &nb, &a[j + j * a_dim1], lda, &work[j], &lbwork, &
			a[j + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * nb + nt * nt 
			+ 1], &ib);
/* L20: */

/*           Compute the QR factorization of the current block */
/*           A(I:M,I:I+IB-1) */

	    i__4 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    dgeqr2_(&i__4, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[
		    lbwork * nb + nt * nt + 1], &iinfo);
	    if (i__ + ib <= *n) {

/*              Form the triangular factor of the block reflector */
/*              H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) */

		i__4 = *m - i__ + 1;
		dlarft_("Forward", "Columnwise", &i__4, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * 
			a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[i__], &lbwork);

/* L10: */
    } else {
	i__ = 1;

/*     Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. */

    if (i__ <= k) {
	if (i__ != 1) {
	    i__2 = i__ - nb;
	    i__1 = nb;
	    for (j = 1; i__1 < 0 ? j >= i__2 : j <= i__2; j += i__1) {

/*                Apply H' to A(J:M,I:K) from the left */

		i__4 = *m - j + 1;
		i__3 = k - i__ + 1;
		i__5 = k - i__ + 1;
		dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__4, &
			i__3, &nb, &a[j + j * a_dim1], lda, &work[j], &lbwork, 
			 &a[j + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * nb + nt * 
			nt + 1], &i__5);
/* L30: */
	    i__1 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    i__2 = k - i__ + 1;
	    dgeqr2_(&i__1, &i__2, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &
		    work[lbwork * nb + nt * nt + 1], &iinfo);
	} else {

/*        Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. */

	    i__1 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    i__2 = *n - i__ + 1;
	    dgeqr2_(&i__1, &i__2, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &
		    work[1], &iinfo);

/*     Apply update to the column M+1:N when N > M */

    if (*m < *n && i__ != 1) {

/*         Form the last triangular factor of the block reflector */
/*         H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) */

	if (nt <= nb) {
	    i__1 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    i__2 = k - i__ + 1;
	    dlarft_("Forward", "Columnwise", &i__1, &i__2, &a[i__ + i__ * 
		    a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[i__], &lbwork);
	} else {
	    i__1 = *m - i__ + 1;
	    i__2 = k - i__ + 1;
	    dlarft_("Forward", "Columnwise", &i__1, &i__2, &a[i__ + i__ * 
		    a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[lbwork * nb + 1], &nt);

/*         Apply H' to A(1:M,M+1:N) from the left */

	i__1 = k - nx;
	i__2 = nb;
	for (j = 1; i__2 < 0 ? j >= i__1 : j <= i__1; j += i__2) {
/* Computing MIN */
	    i__4 = k - j + 1;
	    ib = min(i__4,nb);
	    i__4 = *m - j + 1;
	    i__3 = *n - *m;
	    i__5 = *n - *m;
	    dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__4, &
		    i__3, &ib, &a[j + j * a_dim1], lda, &work[j], &lbwork, &a[
		    j + (*m + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * nb + nt * nt 
		    + 1], &i__5);
/* L40: */
	if (nt <= nb) {
	    i__2 = *m - j + 1;
	    i__1 = *n - *m;
	    i__4 = k - j + 1;
	    i__3 = *n - *m;
	    dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__2, &
		    i__1, &i__4, &a[j + j * a_dim1], lda, &work[j], &lbwork, &
		    a[j + (*m + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * nb + nt * 
		    nt + 1], &i__3);
	} else {
	    i__2 = *m - j + 1;
	    i__1 = *n - *m;
	    i__4 = k - j + 1;
	    i__3 = *n - *m;
	    dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__2, &
		    i__1, &i__4, &a[j + j * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * nb + 
		    1], &nt, &a[j + (*m + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &work[lbwork * 
		    nb + nt * nt + 1], &i__3);
    work[1] = (doublereal) iws;
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEQRF */

} /* dgeqrf_ */
예제 #8
파일: dchktz.c 프로젝트: 3deggi/levmar-ndk
/* Subroutine */ int dchktz_(logical *dotype, integer *nm, integer *mval, 
	integer *nn, integer *nval, doublereal *thresh, logical *tsterr, 
	doublereal *a, doublereal *copya, doublereal *s, doublereal *copys, 
	doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *nout)
    /* Initialized data */

    static integer iseedy[4] = { 1988,1989,1990,1991 };

    /* Format strings */
    static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 M =\002,i5,\002, N =\002,i5,\002, type"
	    " \002,i2,\002, test \002,i2,\002, ratio =\002,g12.5)";

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
    doublereal d__1;

    /* Builtin functions */
    /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void);

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k, m, n, im, in, lda;
    doublereal eps;
    integer mode, info;
    char path[3];
    integer nrun;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int alahd_(integer *, char *);
    integer nfail, iseed[4], imode;
    extern doublereal dqrt12_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer mnmin;
    extern doublereal drzt01_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *
, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), drzt02_(
	    integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dtzt01_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	     integer *), dtzt02_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *
, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    integer nerrs, lwork;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern doublereal dlamch_(char *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlaord_(char *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *), dlacpy_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    dlaset_(char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), alasum_(char *, integer *, 
	    integer *, integer *, integer *), dlatms_(integer *, 
	    integer *, char *, integer *, char *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, char *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), derrtz_(char *, integer *), dtzrqf_(integer *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    doublereal result[6];
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dtzrzf_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
	    integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *);

    /* Fortran I/O blocks */
    static cilist io___21 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 };

/*  -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1.1) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     January 2007 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DCHKTZ tests DTZRQF and STZRZF. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  DOTYPE  (input) LOGICAL array, dimension (NTYPES) */
/*          The matrix types to be used for testing.  Matrices of type j */
/*          (for 1 <= j <= NTYPES) are used for testing if DOTYPE(j) = */
/*          .TRUE.; if DOTYPE(j) = .FALSE., then type j is not used. */

/*  NM      (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of values of M contained in the vector MVAL. */

/*  MVAL    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (NM) */
/*          The values of the matrix row dimension M. */

/*  NN      (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of values of N contained in the vector NVAL. */

/*  NVAL    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */
/*          The values of the matrix column dimension N. */

/*          The threshold value for the test ratios.  A result is */
/*          included in the output file if RESULT >= THRESH.  To have */
/*          every test ratio printed, use THRESH = 0. */

/*  TSTERR  (input) LOGICAL */
/*          Flag that indicates whether error exits are to be tested. */

/*  A       (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX*NMAX) */
/*          where MMAX is the maximum value of M in MVAL and NMAX is the */
/*          maximum value of N in NVAL. */

/*  COPYA   (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX*NMAX) */

/*  S       (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension */
/*                      (min(MMAX,NMAX)) */

/*  COPYS   (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension */
/*                      (min(MMAX,NMAX)) */

/*  TAU     (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (MMAX) */

/*  WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension */
/*                      (MMAX*NMAX + 4*NMAX + MMAX) */

/*  NOUT    (input) INTEGER */
/*          The unit number for output. */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Arrays .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Scalars in Common .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Common blocks .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Data statements .. */
    /* Parameter adjustments */

    /* Function Body */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Initialize constants and the random number seed. */

    s_copy(path, "Double precision", (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)16);
    s_copy(path + 1, "TZ", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2);
    nrun = 0;
    nfail = 0;
    nerrs = 0;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) {
	iseed[i__ - 1] = iseedy[i__ - 1];
/* L10: */
    eps = dlamch_("Epsilon");

/*     Test the error exits */

    if (*tsterr) {
	derrtz_(path, nout);
    infoc_1.infot = 0;

    i__1 = *nm;
    for (im = 1; im <= i__1; ++im) {

/*        Do for each value of M in MVAL. */

	m = mval[im];
	lda = max(1,m);

	i__2 = *nn;
	for (in = 1; in <= i__2; ++in) {

/*           Do for each value of N in NVAL for which M .LE. N. */

	    n = nval[in];
	    mnmin = min(m,n);
/* Computing MAX */
	    i__3 = 1, i__4 = n * n + (m << 2) + n, i__3 = max(i__3,i__4), 
		    i__4 = m * n + (mnmin << 1) + (n << 2);
	    lwork = max(i__3,i__4);

	    if (m <= n) {
		for (imode = 1; imode <= 3; ++imode) {
		    if (! dotype[imode]) {
			goto L50;

/*                 Do for each type of singular value distribution. */
/*                    0:  zero matrix */
/*                    1:  one small singular value */
/*                    2:  exponential distribution */

		    mode = imode - 1;

/*                 Test DTZRQF */

/*                 Generate test matrix of size m by n using */
/*                 singular value distribution indicated by `mode'. */

		    if (mode == 0) {
			dlaset_("Full", &m, &n, &c_b10, &c_b10, &a[1], &lda);
			i__3 = mnmin;
			for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
			    copys[i__] = 0.;
/* L20: */
		    } else {
			d__1 = 1. / eps;
			dlatms_(&m, &n, "Uniform", iseed, "Nonsymmetric", &
				copys[1], &imode, &d__1, &c_b15, &m, &n, 
				"No packing", &a[1], &lda, &work[1], &info);
			dgeqr2_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &work[1], &work[mnmin + 
				1], &info);
			i__3 = m - 1;
			dlaset_("Lower", &i__3, &n, &c_b10, &c_b10, &a[2], &
			dlaord_("Decreasing", &mnmin, &copys[1], &c__1);

/*                 Save A and its singular values */

		    dlacpy_("All", &m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &copya[1], &lda);

/*                 Call DTZRQF to reduce the upper trapezoidal matrix to */
/*                 upper triangular form. */

		    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTZRQF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6);
		    dtzrqf_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &tau[1], &info);

/*                 Compute norm(svd(a) - svd(r)) */

		    result[0] = dqrt12_(&m, &m, &a[1], &lda, &copys[1], &work[
			    1], &lwork);

/*                 Compute norm( A - R*Q ) */

		    result[1] = dtzt01_(&m, &n, &copya[1], &a[1], &lda, &tau[
			    1], &work[1], &lwork);

/*                 Compute norm(Q'*Q - I). */

		    result[2] = dtzt02_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &tau[1], &work[1]
, &lwork);

/*                 Test DTZRZF */

/*                 Generate test matrix of size m by n using */
/*                 singular value distribution indicated by `mode'. */

		    if (mode == 0) {
			dlaset_("Full", &m, &n, &c_b10, &c_b10, &a[1], &lda);
			i__3 = mnmin;
			for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
			    copys[i__] = 0.;
/* L30: */
		    } else {
			d__1 = 1. / eps;
			dlatms_(&m, &n, "Uniform", iseed, "Nonsymmetric", &
				copys[1], &imode, &d__1, &c_b15, &m, &n, 
				"No packing", &a[1], &lda, &work[1], &info);
			dgeqr2_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &work[1], &work[mnmin + 
				1], &info);
			i__3 = m - 1;
			dlaset_("Lower", &i__3, &n, &c_b10, &c_b10, &a[2], &
			dlaord_("Decreasing", &mnmin, &copys[1], &c__1);

/*                 Save A and its singular values */

		    dlacpy_("All", &m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &copya[1], &lda);

/*                 Call DTZRZF to reduce the upper trapezoidal matrix to */
/*                 upper triangular form. */

		    s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, "DTZRZF", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6);
		    dtzrzf_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &tau[1], &work[1], &lwork, &

/*                 Compute norm(svd(a) - svd(r)) */

		    result[3] = dqrt12_(&m, &m, &a[1], &lda, &copys[1], &work[
			    1], &lwork);

/*                 Compute norm( A - R*Q ) */

		    result[4] = drzt01_(&m, &n, &copya[1], &a[1], &lda, &tau[
			    1], &work[1], &lwork);

/*                 Compute norm(Q'*Q - I). */

		    result[5] = drzt02_(&m, &n, &a[1], &lda, &tau[1], &work[1]
, &lwork);

/*                 Print information about the tests that did not pass */
/*                 the threshold. */

		    for (k = 1; k <= 6; ++k) {
			if (result[k - 1] >= *thresh) {
			    if (nfail == 0 && nerrs == 0) {
				alahd_(nout, path);
			    io___21.ciunit = *nout;
			    do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer))
			    do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer))
			    do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&imode, (ftnlen)sizeof(
			    do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer))
			    do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&result[k - 1], (ftnlen)
/* L40: */
		    nrun += 6;
/* L60: */
/* L70: */

/*     Print a summary of the results. */

    alasum_(path, nout, &nfail, &nrun, &nerrs);

/*     End if DCHKTZ */

    return 0;
} /* dchktz_ */
예제 #9
파일: dgeqrf.c 프로젝트: 151706061/ITK
/* Subroutine */ int dgeqrf_(integer *m, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *
        lda, doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *lwork, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;

    /* Local variables */
    integer i__, k, ib, nb, nx, iws, nbmin, iinfo;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
            integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), dlarfb_(char *,
             char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
            doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
            integer *, doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen, 
            ftnlen), dlarft_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, doublereal 
            *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen, 
            ftnlen), xerbla_(char *, integer *, ftnlen);
    extern integer ilaenv_(integer *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, 
            integer *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
    integer ldwork, lwkopt;
    logical lquery;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., */
/*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University */
/*     June 30, 1999 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*<       INTEGER            INFO, LDA, LWORK, M, N >*/
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*<       DOUBLE PRECISION   A( LDA, * ), TAU( * ), WORK( * ) >*/
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  DGEQRF computes a QR factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A: */
/*  A = Q * R. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  M       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0. */

/*  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. */
/*          On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array */
/*          contain the min(M,N)-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is */
/*          upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal, */
/*          with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a */
/*          product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M). */

/*  TAU     (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) */
/*          The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). */

/*  WORK    (workspace/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
/*          The dimension of the array WORK.  LWORK >= max(1,N). */
/*          For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is */
/*          the optimal blocksize. */

/*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
/*          only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns */
/*          this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error */
/*          message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors */

/*     Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n). */

/*  Each H(i) has the form */

/*     H(i) = I - tau * v * v' */

/*  where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with */
/*  v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i), */
/*  and tau in TAU(i). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*<       LOGICAL            LQUERY >*/
/*<    >*/
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*<       EXTERNAL           DGEQR2, DLARFB, DLARFT, XERBLA >*/
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*<       INTRINSIC          MAX, MIN >*/
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*<       INTEGER            ILAENV >*/
/*<       EXTERNAL           ILAENV >*/
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input arguments */

/*<       INFO = 0 >*/
    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
/*<       NB = ILAENV( 1, 'DGEQRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) >*/
    nb = ilaenv_(&c__1, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)
/*<       LWKOPT = N*NB >*/
    lwkopt = *n * nb;
/*<       WORK( 1 ) = LWKOPT >*/
    work[1] = (doublereal) lwkopt;
/*<       LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 ) >*/
    lquery = *lwork == -1;
/*<       IF( M.LT.0 ) THEN >*/
    if (*m < 0) {
/*<          INFO = -1 >*/
        *info = -1;
/*<       ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN >*/
    } else if (*n < 0) {
/*<          INFO = -2 >*/
        *info = -2;
/*<       ELSE IF( LDA.LT.MAX( 1, M ) ) THEN >*/
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
/*<          INFO = -4 >*/
        *info = -4;
/*<       ELSE IF( LWORK.LT.MAX( 1, N ) .AND. .NOT.LQUERY ) THEN >*/
    } else if (*lwork < max(1,*n) && ! lquery) {
/*<          INFO = -7 >*/
        *info = -7;
/*<       END IF >*/
/*<       IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN >*/
    if (*info != 0) {
/*<          CALL XERBLA( 'DGEQRF', -INFO ) >*/
        i__1 = -(*info);
        xerbla_("DGEQRF", &i__1, (ftnlen)6);
/*<          RETURN >*/
        return 0;
/*<       ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN >*/
    } else if (lquery) {
/*<          RETURN >*/
        return 0;
/*<       END IF >*/

/*     Quick return if possible */

/*<       K = MIN( M, N ) >*/
    k = min(*m,*n);
/*<       IF( K.EQ.0 ) THEN >*/
    if (k == 0) {
/*<          WORK( 1 ) = 1 >*/
        work[1] = 1.;
/*<          RETURN >*/
        return 0;
/*<       END IF >*/

/*<       NBMIN = 2 >*/
    nbmin = 2;
/*<       NX = 0 >*/
    nx = 0;
/*<       IWS = N >*/
    iws = *n;
/*<       IF( NB.GT.1 .AND. NB.LT.K ) THEN >*/
    if (nb > 1 && nb < k) {

/*        Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code. */

/*<          NX = MAX( 0, ILAENV( 3, 'DGEQRF', ' ', M, N, -1, -1 ) ) >*/
/* Computing MAX */
        i__1 = 0, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__3, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &c_n1, (
                ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);
        nx = max(i__1,i__2);
/*<          IF( NX.LT.K ) THEN >*/
        if (nx < k) {

/*           Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code. */

/*<             LDWORK = N >*/
            ldwork = *n;
/*<             IWS = LDWORK*NB >*/
            iws = ldwork * nb;
/*<             IF( LWORK.LT.IWS ) THEN >*/
            if (*lwork < iws) {

/*              Not enough workspace to use optimal NB:  reduce NB and */
/*              determine the minimum value of NB. */

/*<                NB = LWORK / LDWORK >*/
                nb = *lwork / ldwork;
/*<    >*/
/* Computing MAX */
                i__1 = 2, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__2, "DGEQRF", " ", m, n, &c_n1, &
                        c_n1, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)1);
                nbmin = max(i__1,i__2);
/*<             END IF >*/
/*<          END IF >*/
/*<       END IF >*/

/*<       IF( NB.GE.NBMIN .AND. NB.LT.K .AND. NX.LT.K ) THEN >*/
    if (nb >= nbmin && nb < k && nx < k) {

/*        Use blocked code initially */

/*<          DO 10 I = 1, K - NX, NB >*/
        i__1 = k - nx;
        i__2 = nb;
        for (i__ = 1; i__2 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__2) {
/*<             IB = MIN( K-I+1, NB ) >*/
/* Computing MIN */
            i__3 = k - i__ + 1;
            ib = min(i__3,nb);

/*           Compute the QR factorization of the current block */
/*           A(i:m,i:i+ib-1) */

/*<    >*/
            i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
            dgeqr2_(&i__3, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[
                    1], &iinfo);
/*<             IF( I+IB.LE.N ) THEN >*/
            if (i__ + ib <= *n) {

/*              Form the triangular factor of the block reflector */
/*              H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1) */

/*<    >*/
                i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
                dlarft_("Forward", "Columnwise", &i__3, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * 
                        a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[1], &ldwork, (ftnlen)7,

/*              Apply H' to A(i:m,i+ib:n) from the left */

/*<    >*/
                i__3 = *m - i__ + 1;
                i__4 = *n - i__ - ib + 1;
                dlarfb_("Left", "Transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &i__3, &
                        i__4, &ib, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &work[1], &
                        ldwork, &a[i__ + (i__ + ib) * a_dim1], lda, &work[ib 
                        + 1], &ldwork, (ftnlen)4, (ftnlen)9, (ftnlen)7, (
/*<             END IF >*/
/*<    10    CONTINUE >*/
/* L10: */
/*<       ELSE >*/
    } else {
/*<          I = 1 >*/
        i__ = 1;
/*<       END IF >*/

/*     Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block. */

/*<    >*/
    if (i__ <= k) {
        i__2 = *m - i__ + 1;
        i__1 = *n - i__ + 1;
        dgeqr2_(&i__2, &i__1, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &tau[i__], &work[1]
                , &iinfo);

/*<       WORK( 1 ) = IWS >*/
    work[1] = (doublereal) iws;
/*<       RETURN >*/
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEQRF */

/*<       END >*/
} /* dgeqrf_ */
예제 #10
/* Subroutine */ int dgeqpf_(integer *m, integer *n, doublereal *a, integer *
	lda, integer *jpvt, doublereal *tau, doublereal *work, integer *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
    doublereal d__1, d__2;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i__, j, ma, mn;
    static doublereal aii;
    static integer pvt;
    static doublereal temp;
    extern doublereal dnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    static doublereal temp2;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dlarf_(char *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, ftnlen);
    static integer itemp;
    extern /* Subroutine */ int dswap_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *), dgeqr2_(integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *), 
	    dorm2r_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
	    doublereal *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen), dlarfg_(integer *, 
	    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *);
    extern integer idamax_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
    extern /* Subroutine */ int xerbla_(char *, integer *, ftnlen);

/*  -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.0) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., */
/*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University */
/*     March 31, 1993 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  This routine is deprecated and has been replaced by routine DGEQP3. */

/*  DGEQPF computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of a */
/*  real M-by-N matrix A: A*P = Q*R. */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  M       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0. */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The number of columns of the matrix A. N >= 0 */

/*  A       (input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          On entry, the M-by-N matrix A. */
/*          On exit, the upper triangle of the array contains the */
/*          min(M,N)-by-N upper triangular matrix R; the elements */
/*          below the diagonal, together with the array TAU, */
/*          represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of */
/*          min(m,n) elementary reflectors. */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). */

/*  JPVT    (input/output) INTEGER array, dimension (N) */
/*          On entry, if JPVT(i) .ne. 0, the i-th column of A is permuted */
/*          to the front of A*P (a leading column); if JPVT(i) = 0, */
/*          the i-th column of A is a free column. */
/*          On exit, if JPVT(i) = k, then the i-th column of A*P */
/*          was the k-th column of A. */

/*  TAU     (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (min(M,N)) */
/*          The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors. */

/*  WORK    (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (3*N) */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors */

/*     Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(n) */

/*  Each H(i) has the form */

/*     H = I - tau * v * v' */

/*  where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with */
/*  v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i). */

/*  The matrix P is represented in jpvt as follows: If */
/*     jpvt(j) = i */
/*  then the jth column of P is the ith canonical unit vector. */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input arguments */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
    if (*m < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*lda < max(1,*m)) {
	*info = -4;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("DGEQPF", &i__1, (ftnlen)6);
	return 0;

    mn = min(*m,*n);

/*     Move initial columns up front */

    itemp = 1;
    i__1 = *n;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	if (jpvt[i__] != 0) {
	    if (i__ != itemp) {
		dswap_(m, &a[i__ * a_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &a[itemp * a_dim1 + 1],
		jpvt[i__] = jpvt[itemp];
		jpvt[itemp] = i__;
	    } else {
		jpvt[i__] = i__;
	} else {
	    jpvt[i__] = i__;
/* L10: */

/*     Compute the QR factorization and update remaining columns */

    if (itemp > 0) {
	ma = min(itemp,*m);
	dgeqr2_(m, &ma, &a[a_offset], lda, &tau[1], &work[1], info);
	if (ma < *n) {
	    i__1 = *n - ma;
	    dorm2r_("Left", "Transpose", m, &i__1, &ma, &a[a_offset], lda, &
		    tau[1], &a[(ma + 1) * a_dim1 + 1], lda, &work[1], info, (
		    ftnlen)4, (ftnlen)9);

    if (itemp < mn) {

/*        Initialize partial column norms. The first n elements of */
/*        work store the exact column norms. */

	i__1 = *n;
	for (i__ = itemp + 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	    i__2 = *m - itemp;
	    work[i__] = dnrm2_(&i__2, &a[itemp + 1 + i__ * a_dim1], &c__1);
	    work[*n + i__] = work[i__];
/* L20: */

/*        Compute factorization */

	i__1 = mn;
	for (i__ = itemp + 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {

/*           Determine ith pivot column and swap if necessary */

	    i__2 = *n - i__ + 1;
	    pvt = i__ - 1 + idamax_(&i__2, &work[i__], &c__1);

	    if (pvt != i__) {
		dswap_(m, &a[pvt * a_dim1 + 1], &c__1, &a[i__ * a_dim1 + 1], &
		itemp = jpvt[pvt];
		jpvt[pvt] = jpvt[i__];
		jpvt[i__] = itemp;
		work[pvt] = work[i__];
		work[*n + pvt] = work[*n + i__];

/*           Generate elementary reflector H(i) */

	    if (i__ < *m) {
		i__2 = *m - i__ + 1;
		dlarfg_(&i__2, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], &a[i__ + 1 + i__ * 
			a_dim1], &c__1, &tau[i__]);
	    } else {
		dlarfg_(&c__1, &a[*m + *m * a_dim1], &a[*m + *m * a_dim1], &
			c__1, &tau[*m]);

	    if (i__ < *n) {

/*              Apply H(i) to A(i:m,i+1:n) from the left */

		aii = a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1];
		a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1] = 1.;
		i__2 = *m - i__ + 1;
		i__3 = *n - i__;
		dlarf_("LEFT", &i__2, &i__3, &a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1], &c__1, &
			tau[i__], &a[i__ + (i__ + 1) * a_dim1], lda, &work[(*
			n << 1) + 1], (ftnlen)4);
		a[i__ + i__ * a_dim1] = aii;

/*           Update partial column norms */

	    i__2 = *n;
	    for (j = i__ + 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
		if (work[j] != 0.) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__2 = (d__1 = a[i__ + j * a_dim1], abs(d__1)) / work[j];
		    temp = 1. - d__2 * d__2;
		    temp = max(temp,0.);
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 = work[j] / work[*n + j];
		    temp2 = temp * .05 * (d__1 * d__1) + 1.;
		    if (temp2 == 1.) {
			if (*m - i__ > 0) {
			    i__3 = *m - i__;
			    work[j] = dnrm2_(&i__3, &a[i__ + 1 + j * a_dim1], 
			    work[*n + j] = work[j];
			} else {
			    work[j] = 0.;
			    work[*n + j] = 0.;
		    } else {
			work[j] *= sqrt(temp);
/* L30: */

/* L40: */
    return 0;

/*     End of DGEQPF */

} /* dgeqpf_ */