예제 #1
파일: solver.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
int solver_gauss(void *A, void *B)
{ void *X;

  if(dim1(A) != dim1(B)) return 0;
  { static int **Y;
    if(-1 == dim2(B)){
      if(NULL == Y) return 0;
      cp(B,Y[1]); cp(Y,X);
    }else cp(B,X);
  if(siz(A) == sizeof(float) && siz(B) == sizeof(float)){
    float **a,*api,s,**x,*b,bpi;
#include "solver/fb.c"
  }else if(siz(A) == sizeof(float) && siz(B) == sizeof(double)){
    float **a,*api;double s,**x,*b,bpi;
#include "solver/fb.c"
  }else if(siz(A) == sizeof(double) && siz(B) == sizeof(float)){
    double **a,*api,s;float **x,*b,bpi;
#include "solver/fb.c"
  }else	if(siz(A) == sizeof(double) && siz(B) == sizeof(double)){
    double **a,*api,s,**x,*b,bpi;
#include "solver/fb.c"
  }else{ fprintf(stderr,"solver_gauss: not supported\n"); exit(1);}
  return 0;
예제 #2
inline TR TrX(const T1& rho1, arma::uvec sys, arma::uword dim = 2) {
  const auto& p = as_Mat(rho1);

  bool checkV = true;
  if (p.n_cols == 1)
    checkV = false;

  if (p.n_elem == 0)
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::ZERO_SIZE);

  if (checkV)
    if (p.n_rows != p.n_cols)
      throw Exception("qic::TrX",

  if (dim == 0)
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::INVALID_DIMS);

  arma::uword n =
    static_cast<arma::uword>(std::llround(std::log(p.n_rows) / std::log(dim)));

  arma::uvec dim2(n);
  return TrX(p, std::move(sys), std::move(dim2));
예제 #3
파일: matprop.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
int matprop_halfbw(void *A)
  if(dim2(A) != dim1(A)||dim2(A) < 1||dim1(A) < 1||siz(A) < 1) return 0;
  if(siz(A) == sizeof(float)){
    static float **a; 
    a = (float **)A;
#include "matprop/halfbw.c"
  if(siz(A) == sizeof(double)){
    static double **a; 
    a = (double **)A;
#include "matprop/halfbw.c"
  return 0;
예제 #4
template<class T> std::string Data::Matrix<T>::print( const std::string & label , const int nrow , const int ncol) const
  int arow =  nrow == 0 || nrow > dim1() ? dim1() : nrow ; 
  int acol =  ncol == 0 || ncol > dim2() ? dim2() : ncol ;

  std::stringstream ss;
  if ( label != "" ) ss << label << "\n";

  for (int r=0;r<arow;r++)
      ss << " [" ;
      for (int c=0;c<acol;c++)
	ss << " " << (*this)(r,c) ;
      ss << " ]\n";
  return ss.str();
예제 #5
파일: solver.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
static int *LU(void *A)
{ if(dim2(A) == dim1(A))
    if(siz(A) == sizeof(float)){ float nrm,**a,aik,*apk,*ai,apkk;
#include "solver/LU.c"
    }else if(siz(A) == sizeof(double)){ double nrm,**a,aik,*apk,*ai,apkk;
#include "solver/LU.c"
  return NULL;
예제 #6
파일: solver.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
int solver_inv(void *A)
{ if(dim2(A) == dim1(A)) 
    if(siz(A) == sizeof(float)){ static float **a,**e;
#include "solver/inv.c"    
    }else if(siz(A) == sizeof(double)){ static double **a,**e;
#include "solver/inv.c"    
    }else{ fprintf(stderr,"solver_inv: not supported\n"); exit(1);}
  return 0;
예제 #7
파일: ary.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
void femlib_ary2(void** v, long m_1, long n_1, size_t o)
  if(*v == NULL){ new_ary2(v,m_1,n_1,o); return;}
  if(m_1==dim2(*v)+1 && n_1==dim1(*v)+1) return;

  if(m_1!=0 && n_1!=0) new_ary2(v,m_1,n_1,o); 
예제 #8
파일: ary.c 프로젝트: naruto2/estiva
static void del_ary2(void** v)
  dim* r;
  char** a;
  long i, m;

  a = *v;
  m = dim2(a);
  for(i=0;i<=m;i++) free(a[i]);

  r = *v;

  *v = NULL;
예제 #9
// out_map was initialized to 0 already
int segment1(image *in_image, image *out_map, int min_dist_th)
	int n_bands = in_image->num_of_bands;
	int n_lines = in_image->num_of_lines;
	int n_cols = in_image->num_of_samples;
	int n_seg = 0; // number of segments, first segment is named 1, second 2, and so on
	float pel_dist, min_dist;  // measurement of the distance between two pixels

	imgpel **map = (imgpel **) dim2 (n_lines, n_cols, sizeof(imgpel));

	for(int y=0; y<n_lines; y++)
		for(int x=0; x<n_cols; x++)
			if(map[y][x] == 0) // non-segmented pixel, check its eight neighbors for a potential merge; if no merge, start a new segment
				min_dist = (float) LARGE_FLOAT;
				for(int j=y-1; j<=y+1; j++)
					for(int i=x-1; i<=x+1; i++)
						if(j>=0 && j<n_lines && i>=0 && i<n_cols && (j!=y || i!=x) && (map[j][i]>0))
							pel_dist = 0;
							for(int k=0; k<n_bands; k++) 
								pel_dist += ((in_image->IMG[k][y][x] - in_image->IMG[k][j][i]) * (in_image->IMG[k][y][x] - in_image->IMG[k][j][i]));
							if(pel_dist < min_dist)
								min_dist = pel_dist;
								map[y][x] = map[j][i];
				if (min_dist > min_dist_th * n_bands)
					n_seg += 1;
					map[y][x] = (imgpel) n_seg;

	for(int y=0; y<n_lines; y++)
		for(int x=0; x<n_cols; x++)
			int boundary_flag = 0;
			for(int j=y-1; j<=y+1; j++)
				for(int i=x-1; i<=x+1; i++)
					int jj = clip(0, n_lines-1, j);
					int ii = clip(0, n_cols-1, i);
					if(map[jj][ii] != map[y][x])	boundary_flag = 1;		
			for(int k=0; k<n_bands; k++)
				out_map->IMG[k][y][x] = ((boundary_flag==1) ? 0xFFFF : in_image->IMG[k][y][x]);

	free2((char **)map);

	return n_seg;
예제 #10
TR discord3_reg(const T1& rho1, arma::uword nodal, arma::uvec dim) {
  const auto& rho = as_Mat(rho1);
  arma::uword party_no = dim.n_elem;
  arma::uword dim1 = arma::prod(dim);

  if (rho.n_elem == 0)
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", Exception::type::ZERO_SIZE);

  if (rho.n_rows != rho.n_cols)
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", Exception::type::MATRIX_NOT_SQUARE);

  if (any(dim == 0))
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", Exception::type::INVALID_DIMS);

  if (dim1 != rho.n_rows)
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", Exception::type::DIMS_MISMATCH_MATRIX);

  if (nodal <= 0 || nodal > party_no)
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", "Invalid measured party index");

  if (dim(nodal - 1) != 3)
    throw Exception("qic::discord3_reg", "Measured party is not qutrit");

  arma::uvec party = arma::zeros<arma::uvec>(party_no);
  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < party_no; ++i) party.at(i) = i + 1;

  arma::uvec rest = party;
  rest.shed_row(nodal - 1);

  auto rho_A = TrX(rho, rest, dim);
  auto rho_B = TrX(rho, {nodal}, dim);

  auto S_A = entropy(rho_A);
  auto S_B = entropy(rho_B);
  auto S_A_B = entropy(rho);
  auto I1 = S_A + S_B - S_A_B;

  dim1 /= 3;
  arma::uword dim2(1);
  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < nodal - 1; ++i) dim2 *= dim.at(i);
  arma::uword dim3(1);
  for (arma::uword i = nodal; i < party_no; ++i) dim3 *= dim.at(i);

  arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > eye2 =
    arma::eye<arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > >(dim1, dim1);
  arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > eye3 =
    arma::eye<arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > >(dim2, dim2);
  arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > eye4 =
    arma::eye<arma::Mat<trait::pT<T1> > >(dim3, dim3);

  typename arma::Col<trait::pT<T1> >::template fixed<3> disc;

  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > proj1 =
      SPM<trait::pT<T1> >::get_instance().proj3.at(0, i + 1);

    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > proj2 =
      SPM<trait::pT<T1> >::get_instance().proj3.at(1, i + 1);

    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > proj3 =
      SPM<trait::pT<T1> >::get_instance().proj3.at(2, i + 1);

    if (nodal == 1) {
      proj1 = kron(proj1, eye2);
      proj2 = kron(proj2, eye2);
      proj3 = kron(proj3, eye2);
    } else if (party_no == nodal) {
      proj1 = kron(eye2, proj1);
      proj2 = kron(eye2, proj2);
      proj3 = kron(eye2, proj3);
    } else {
      proj1 = kron(kron(eye3, proj1), eye4);
      proj2 = kron(kron(eye3, proj2), eye4);
      proj3 = kron(kron(eye3, proj3), eye4);

    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > rho_1 = (proj1 * rho * proj1);
    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > rho_2 = (proj2 * rho * proj2);
    arma::Mat<std::complex<trait::pT<T1> > > rho_3 = (proj3 * rho * proj3);

    trait::pT<T1> p1 = std::real(arma::trace(rho_1));
    trait::pT<T1> p2 = std::real(arma::trace(rho_2));
    trait::pT<T1> p3 = std::real(arma::trace(rho_3));

    trait::pT<T1> S_max = 0.0;
    if (p1 > _precision::eps<trait::pT<T1> >::value) {
      rho_1 /= p1;
      S_max += p1 * entropy(rho_1);
    if (p2 > _precision::eps<trait::pT<T1> >::value) {
      rho_2 /= p2;
      S_max += p2 * entropy(rho_2);
    if (p3 > _precision::eps<trait::pT<T1> >::value) {
      rho_3 /= p3;
      S_max += p3 * entropy(rho_3);
    disc.at(i) = I1 - (S_B - S_max);

  return disc;
    // return minor dimension
    size_type dim2() const 
	return dim2(orientation());