예제 #1
void takeDownSplash() {
	if(topWindow != NULL) {
		topWindow = 0;
void takeDownSplash() {
	if(shellHandle != 0) {
		splashHandle = 0;
		shellHandle = NULL;
예제 #3
void Connection::SyncMessageState::dispatchMessageAndResetDidScheduleDispatchMessagesForConnection(Connection* connection)
        MutexLocker locker(m_mutex);

예제 #4
void takeDownSplash() {
	if(shellHandle != 0) {
		if (image != NULL) {
		splashHandle = 0;
		shellHandle = NULL;
JavaResults* launchJavaVM( char* args[] )
	JavaResults* jvmResults = NULL;
  	pid_t   jvmProcess, finishedProcess = 0;
  	int     exitCode;
#endif /* MOZILLA_FIX */
	jvmProcess = fork();
  	if (jvmProcess == 0) 
    	/* Child process ... start the JVM */
      	execv(args[0], args);

      	/* The JVM would not start ... return error code to parent process. */
      	/* TODO, how to distinguish this as a launch problem to the other process? */

  	jvmResults = malloc(sizeof(JavaResults));
  	memset(jvmResults, 0, sizeof(JavaResults));
	/* If the JVM is still running, wait for it to terminate. */
	if (jvmProcess != 0)
		/* When attempting a file open, we need to spin the event loop
		 * for setAppWindowTimerProc to run.  When that succeeds or times out, 
		 * we can stop the event loop and just wait on the child process.
		if (openFilePath != NULL) {
			struct timespec sleepTime;
			sleepTime.tv_sec = 0;
			sleepTime.tv_nsec = 5e+8; // 500 milliseconds
			while(openFileTimeout > 0 && !windowPropertySet && (finishedProcess = waitpid(jvmProcess, &exitCode, WNOHANG)) == 0) {
				nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
		if (finishedProcess == 0)
			waitpid(jvmProcess, &exitCode, 0);
      	if (WIFEXITED(exitCode))
      		/* TODO, this should really be a runResult if we could distinguish the launch problem above */
			jvmResults->launchResult = WEXITSTATUS(exitCode);

	return jvmResults;
/* Create and Display the Splash Window */
int showSplash( const char* featureImage )
	GtkWidget *image;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	if (splashHandle != 0)
		return 0; /* already showing splash */
	if (featureImage == NULL)
		return -1;
	if (initialArgv == NULL)
		initialArgc = 0;
	if( initWindowSystem(&initialArgc, initialArgv, 1) != 0)
		return -1;
	shellHandle = gtk.gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	gtk.gtk_window_set_decorated((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), FALSE);
	gtk.g_signal_connect_data((gpointer)shellHandle, "destroy", (GtkSignalFunc)(gtk.gtk_widget_destroyed), &shellHandle, NULL, 0);
	pixbuf = gtk.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(featureImage, NULL);
	image = gtk.gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf);
	if (pixbuf) {
	gtk.gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)(shellHandle), image);
	if (getOfficialName() != NULL)
		gtk.gtk_window_set_title((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), getOfficialName());
	gtk.gtk_window_set_position((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
	gtk.gtk_window_resize((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf), gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf));
	splashHandle = (long)shellHandle;
	return 0;
예제 #7
/* Show the Splash Window
 * Open the bitmap, insert into the splash window and display it.
int showSplash( const _TCHAR* featureImage )
	static int splashing = 0;
    HBITMAP hBitmap = 0;
    BITMAP  bmp;
    HDC     hDC;
    int     depth;
    int     x, y;
    int     width, height;
    int     dpiX, scaledWidth, scaledHeight;

	if(splashing) {
		/*splash screen is already showing, do nothing */
		return 0;
	if (featureImage == NULL)
		return -1;
	/* if Java was started first and is calling back to show the splash, we might not
	 * have initialized the window system yet
	initWindowSystem(0, NULL, 1);
    /* Load the bitmap for the feature. */
    hDC = GetDC( NULL);
    depth = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, BITSPIXEL ) * GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PLANES);

    /* fetch screen DPI and round it to 100% multiples, 
    this implementation needs to be kept in sync with org.eclipse.swt.internal.DPIUtil#setDeviceZoom(int) */
	dpiX = GetDeviceCaps ( hDC, LOGPIXELSX );
	dpiX = ((int)((dpiX + 24) / 96 )) * 96;

    ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
    if (featureImage != NULL)
    	hBitmap = LoadImage(NULL, featureImage, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);

    /* If the bitmap could not be found, return an error. */
    if (hBitmap == 0)
	GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp);

	/* reload scaled up image when zoom > 100% */
    if (dpiX > 96) {
    	/* calculate scaled-up bounds */
    	scaledWidth = dpiX * bmp.bmWidth / 96;
        scaledHeight = dpiX * bmp.bmHeight / 96;

		hBitmap = LoadImage(NULL, featureImage, IMAGE_BITMAP, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, LR_LOADFROMFILE);

		/* If the bitmap could not be found, return an error. */
		if (hBitmap == 0)

		GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp);

    /* figure out position */
    width = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN);
    height = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN);
    x = (width - bmp.bmWidth) / 2;
    y = (height - bmp.bmHeight) / 2;

	/* Centre the splash window and display it. */
    SetWindowPos (topWindow, 0, x, y, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
    SendMessage( topWindow, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) hBitmap );
    ShowWindow( topWindow, SW_SHOW );
    BringWindowToTop( topWindow );
	splashing = 1;
    /* Process messages */
	return 0;
예제 #8
/* Create and Display the Splash Window */
int showSplash( const char* featureImage )
	GtkAdjustment* vadj, *hadj;
	int width, height;
	guint handlerId;
	GtkWidget* vboxHandle, * scrolledHandle, * handle;

	if (splashHandle != 0)
		return 0; /* already showing splash */
	if (featureImage == NULL)
		return -1;
	if (initialArgv == NULL)
		initialArgc = 0;
	if( initWindowSystem(&initialArgc, initialArgv, 1) != 0)
		return -1;
	shellHandle = gtk.gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	gtk.gtk_window_set_decorated((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), FALSE);
	gtk.gtk_signal_connect((GtkObject*)shellHandle, "destroy", (GtkSignalFunc)(gtk.gtk_widget_destroyed), &shellHandle);
	vboxHandle = gtk.gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
	if(vboxHandle == 0)
		return -1;
	vadj = (GtkAdjustment*)gtk.gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 100, 1, 10, 10);
	hadj = (GtkAdjustment*)gtk.gtk_adjustment_new(0, 0, 100, 1, 10, 10);
	if (vadj == 0 || hadj == 0) 
		return -1;
	scrolledHandle = gtk.gtk_scrolled_window_new(hadj, vadj);
	gtk.gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)(vboxHandle), scrolledHandle);
	gtk.gtk_box_set_child_packing((GtkBox*)(vboxHandle), scrolledHandle, TRUE, TRUE, 0, GTK_PACK_END);
	gtk.gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy((GtkScrolledWindow*)(scrolledHandle), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_NEVER);

	handle = gtk.gtk_fixed_new();
	gtk.gtk_fixed_set_has_window((GtkFixed*)(handle), TRUE);
	((GtkObject*)handle)->flags |= GTK_CAN_FOCUS;	/*GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(handle, GTK_CAN_FOCUS);*/
	/* avoid gtk_scrolled_window_add warning */
	handlerId = gtk.g_log_set_handler("Gtk", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, &log_handler, NULL);
	gtk.gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)(scrolledHandle), handle);
	gtk.g_log_remove_handler("Gtk", handlerId);
	gtk.gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)(shellHandle), vboxHandle);
	pixbuf = gtk.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(featureImage, NULL);
	image = gtk.gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf);
	gtk.gtk_signal_connect((GtkObject*)(image), "destroy", (GtkSignalFunc)(gtk.gtk_widget_destroyed), &image);
	gtk.gtk_container_add((GtkContainer*)(handle), image);
	width  = gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf);
	height = gtk.gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf);
	gtk.gtk_window_set_position((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
	if (getOfficialName() != NULL)
		gtk.gtk_window_set_title((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), getOfficialName());
	gtk.gtk_window_resize((GtkWindow*)(shellHandle), width, height);
	splashHandle = (long)shellHandle;
	return 0;