예제 #1
 * \brief Update the saved CSEQ information in dialog from SIP message
 * \param dlg updated dialog
 * \param req SIP request
 * \param dir direction of request, must DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM or DLG_DIR_DOWNSTREAM
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on failure
static inline int update_cseqs(struct dlg_cell *dlg, struct sip_msg *req,
        unsigned int dir, str *to_tag) {
    if ((!req->cseq && parse_headers(req, HDR_CSEQ_F, 0) < 0) || !req->cseq ||
            !req->cseq->parsed) {
        LM_ERR("bad sip message or missing CSeq hdr :-/\n");
        return -1;

    if (dir == DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM) {
        return dlg_update_cseq(dlg, DLG_CALLEE_LEG, &((get_cseq(req))->number), to_tag);
    } else if (dir == DLG_DIR_DOWNSTREAM) {
        return dlg_update_cseq(dlg, DLG_CALLER_LEG, &((get_cseq(req))->number), to_tag);
    } else {
        LM_CRIT("dir is not set!\n");
        return -1;
예제 #2
/* update inv_cseq field if update_field=1
 * else update r_cseq */
static inline int update_cseqs(struct dlg_cell *dlg, struct sip_msg *req,
											unsigned int leg, int update_field)
	if ( (!req->cseq && parse_headers(req,HDR_CSEQ_F,0)<0) || !req->cseq ||
	!req->cseq->parsed) {
		LM_ERR("bad sip message or missing CSeq hdr :-/\n");
		return -1;

	return dlg_update_cseq(dlg, leg, &((get_cseq(req))->number),update_field);
예제 #3
 * \brief Function that is registered as TM callback and called on replies
 * Function that is registered as TM callback and called on replies. It
 * parses the reply and set the appropriate event. This is then used to
 * update the dialog state, run eventual dialog callbacks and save or
 * update the necessary informations about the dialog.
 * \see next_state_dlg
 * \param t transaction, unused
 * \param type type of the entered callback
 * \param param saved dialog structure in the callback
static void dlg_onreply(struct cell* t, int type, struct tmcb_params *param) {
    struct dlg_cell *dlg;
    struct dlg_cell_out *dlg_out = 0;

    int new_state, old_state, unref, event;
    str to_tag, to_uri;
    struct sip_msg *req = param->req;
    struct sip_msg *rpl = param->rpl;
    struct dlg_entry_out* dlg_entry_out = 0;

    if (t && t->fwded_totags)
        LM_DBG("ONREPLY CALL_BACK from TM received and type is [%i] and TO is [%.*s]\n", type, t->fwded_totags->tag.len, t->fwded_totags->tag.s);
        LM_DBG("ONREPLY CALL_BACK from TM received and type is [%i]\n", type);

    dlg = (struct dlg_cell *) (*param->param);
    if (shutdown_done || dlg == 0)

    if (t) {
        dlg->transaction = t;

    LM_DBG("DLG dialogid is entry:id [%i:%i]\n", dlg->h_entry, dlg->h_id);

    if (type == TMCB_RESPONSE_FWDED) {
        // The state does not change, but the msg is mutable in this callback
        LM_DBG("TMCB_RESPONSE_FWDED from TM received");
        run_dlg_callbacks(DLGCB_RESPONSE_FWDED, dlg, req, rpl, DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM, 0);

    if (type == TMCB_RESPONSE_OUT) {

    if (type == TMCB_RESPONSE_READY) {
        if (rpl == FAKED_REPLY) {
            LM_DBG("Faked reply\n");

        // get to tag
        LM_DBG("Extracting to-tag from reply");
        if (!rpl->to && ((parse_headers(rpl, HDR_TO_F, 0) < 0) || !rpl->to)) {
            LM_ERR("bad reply or missing TO hdr :-/\n");
            to_tag.s = 0;
            to_tag.len = 0;
        } else {
            //populate to uri for this branch.
            to_uri = get_to(rpl)->uri;

            to_tag = get_to(rpl)->tag_value;
            if (to_tag.s == 0 || to_tag.len == 0) {
                LM_ERR("missing TAG param in TO hdr :-/\n");
                to_tag.s = 0;
                to_tag.len = 0;
                //Here we assume that the transaction module timer will remove any early dialogs

        LM_DBG("Got to-tag from response: %.*s \n", to_tag.len, to_tag.s);

    if (type == TMCB_DESTROY)
        event = DLG_EVENT_TDEL;
    else if (param->code < 200)
        event = DLG_EVENT_RPL1xx;
    else if (param->code < 300)
        event = DLG_EVENT_RPL2xx;
        event = DLG_EVENT_RPL3xx;

    LM_DBG("Calling next_state_dlg and event is %i\n", event);
    next_state_dlg(dlg, event, &old_state, &new_state, &unref, &to_tag);

    if (type == TMCB_RESPONSE_READY) {
        LM_DBG("Checking if there is an existing dialog_out entry with same to-tag");

        dlg_entry_out = &dlg->dlg_entry_out;

        dlg_out = dlg_entry_out->first;

        LM_DBG("Scanning dlg_entry_out list for dlg_out");
        while (dlg_out) {
            //Check if there is an already dialog_out entry with same To-tag
            if (dlg_out->to_tag.len == to_tag.len &&
                    memcmp(dlg_out->to_tag.s, to_tag.s, dlg_out->to_tag.len) == 0) {
                //Found a dialog_out entry with same to_tag!
                LM_DBG("Found dlg_out for to-tag: %.*s\n", dlg_out->to_tag.len, dlg_out->to_tag.s);
            dlg_out = dlg_out->next;

        if (!dlg_out) {
            LM_DBG("No dlg_out entry found - creating a new dialog_out entry on dialog [%p]\n", dlg);
            dlg_out = build_new_dlg_out(dlg, &to_uri, &to_tag);

            link_dlg_out(dlg, dlg_out, 0);

            /* save callee's cseq, caller cseq, callee contact and callee record route*/
            if (populate_leg_info(dlg, rpl, t, DLG_CALLEE_LEG, &to_tag) != 0) {
                LM_ERR("could not add further info to the dlg out\n");

            if (!dlg_out) {
                LM_ERR("failed to create new dialog out structure\n");
                //TODO do something on this error!

        } else {
            //This dlg_out already exists, update cseq and contact if present

            LM_DBG("dlg_out entry found - updating cseq's for dialog out [%p] for to-tag [%.*s] \n", dlg_out, dlg_out->to_tag.len, dlg_out->to_tag.s);

            if ((!rpl->cseq && parse_headers(rpl, HDR_CSEQ_F, 0) < 0) || !rpl->cseq ||
                    !rpl->cseq->parsed) {
                LM_ERR("bad sip message or missing CSeq hdr :-/\n");
            dlg_update_cseq(dlg, DLG_CALLEE_LEG, &((get_cseq(rpl))->number), &(dlg_out->to_tag));

            /* extract the contact address to update if present*/
            if (!rpl->contact && (parse_headers(rpl, HDR_CONTACT_F, 0) < 0 || !rpl->contact)) {
                LM_ERR("Can not update callee contact: bad sip message or missing Contact hdr\n");
            else if (parse_contact(rpl->contact) < 0 ||
                    ((contact_body_t *) rpl->contact->parsed)->contacts == NULL ||
                    ((contact_body_t *) rpl->contact->parsed)->contacts->next != NULL) {
                LM_ERR("Can not update callee contact: bad Contact HDR\n");
                str contact;
                contact = ((contact_body_t *) rpl->contact->parsed)->contacts->uri;
                dlg_update_contact(dlg, DLG_CALLEE_LEG, &contact, &(dlg_out->to_tag));


    if (new_state == DLG_STATE_EARLY) {
        run_dlg_callbacks(DLGCB_EARLY, dlg, req, rpl, DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM, 0);

    LM_DBG("new state is %i and old state is %i\n", new_state, old_state);

    if ((new_state == DLG_STATE_CONFIRMED) && (event == DLG_EVENT_RPL2xx)) {
        LM_DBG("dialog %p confirmed \n", dlg);
        //Remove all the other entries in dialog_out for the same dialog after TM expires the transaction
        //(not before in order to absorb late in-early-dialog requests).

        //remove all other dlg_out objects
        if (dlg_out) {
            if (d_tmb.register_tmcb(req, NULL, TMCB_DESTROY, unlink_dlgouts_from_cb, (void*) dlg, NULL) < 0) {
                LM_ERR("failed to register deletion delay function\n");
                LM_DBG("Removing all other DLGs");
                dlg_remove_dlg_out(dlg_out, dlg, 0);
            } else {
                //mark the outs for deletion
                dlg_remove_dlg_out(dlg_out, dlg, 1);

        } else {
            LM_ERR("There is no dlg_out structure - this is bad\n");
            //TODO: add error handling here

        /* set start time */
        dlg->start_ts = (unsigned int) (time(0));

        /* save the settings to the database,
         * if realtime saving mode configured- save dialog now
         * else: the next time the timer will fire the update*/
        dlg->dflags |= DLG_FLAG_NEW;

        if (0 != insert_dlg_timer(&dlg->tl, dlg->lifetime)) {
            LM_CRIT("Unable to insert dlg %p [%u:%u] on event %d [%d->%d] "
                    "with clid '%.*s' and tags '%.*s' \n",
                    dlg, dlg->h_entry, dlg->h_id, event, old_state, new_state,
                    dlg->callid.len, dlg->callid.s,
                    dlg->from_tag.len, dlg->from_tag.s);

        } else {
            ref_dlg(dlg, 1);

        run_dlg_callbacks(DLGCB_CONFIRMED, dlg, req, rpl, DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM, 0);

        if (unref) unref_dlg(dlg, unref);

        //This is a concurrently confirmed call
        LM_DBG("This is a concurrently confirmed call.");
        //Create a new Dialog ID token “X”
        //Not sure how to do this so just going to use existing Did and add an X character to it
        str new_did;
        create_concurrent_did(dlg, &new_did);

        //assign new did to the created or updated dialog_out entry.
        update_dlg_out_did(dlg_out, &new_did);

        //Then, duplicate the dialog_in entry and set its Dialog ID value to new_did
        //for now rather just create new dlg structure with the correct params - this should be fixed if future use requires

        struct dlg_cell *new_dlg = 0;
        new_dlg = build_new_dlg(&(dlg->callid) /*callid*/,
                &(dlg->from_uri) /*from uri*/,
                &(dlg->req_uri) /*r-uri*/);

        //assign new did to dlg_in
        update_dlg_did(new_dlg, &new_did);

        if (new_dlg == 0) {
            LM_ERR("failed to create new dialog\n");

        //link the new_dlg with dlg_out object
        link_dlg_out(new_dlg, dlg_out, 0);


    if (old_state != DLG_STATE_DELETED && new_state == DLG_STATE_DELETED) {
        LM_DBG("dialog %p failed (negative reply)\n", dlg);
        /* dialog setup not completed (3456XX) */
        run_dlg_callbacks(DLGCB_FAILED, dlg, req, rpl, DLG_DIR_UPSTREAM, 0);
        /* do unref */
        if (unref)
            unref_dlg(dlg, unref);


    if (unref) unref_dlg(dlg, unref);

예제 #4
 * replicates the remote update of an ongoing dialog locally
 * by reading the relevant information using the Binary Packet Interface
int dlg_replicated_update(void)
	struct dlg_cell *dlg;
	str call_id, from_tag, to_tag, from_uri, to_uri, vars, profiles;
	unsigned int dir, dst_leg;
	int timeout, h_entry;
	str st;
	struct dlg_entry *d_entry;


	LM_DBG("replicated update for ['%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s']\n",
	call_id.len, call_id.s, from_tag.len, from_tag.s, to_tag.len, to_tag.s,
	from_uri.len, from_uri.s, to_uri.len, to_uri.s);

	dlg = get_dlg(&call_id, &from_tag, &to_tag, &dir, &dst_leg);

	h_entry = dlg_hash(&call_id);
	d_entry = &d_table->entries[h_entry];

	dlg_lock(d_table, d_entry);

	if (!dlg) {
		/* TODO: change to LM_DBG */
		LM_ERR("dialog not found, building new\n");

		dlg = build_new_dlg(&call_id, &from_uri, &to_uri, &from_tag);
		if (!dlg) {
			LM_ERR("Failed to create replicated dialog!\n");
			goto error;

		return dlg_replicated_create(dlg, &from_tag, &to_tag, 0);



	if (dlg_update_cseq(dlg, DLG_CALLER_LEG, &st, 0) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to update caller cseq\n");
		goto error;

	if (dlg_update_cseq(dlg, callee_idx(dlg), &st, 0) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to update callee cseq\n");
		goto error;



	timeout -= time(0);
	LM_DBG("Received updated timeout of %d for dialog %.*s\n",timeout,call_id.len,call_id.s);

	if (dlg->lifetime != timeout) {
		dlg->lifetime = timeout;
		if (update_dlg_timer(&dlg->tl, dlg->lifetime) == -1)
			LM_ERR("failed to update dialog lifetime!\n");

	unref_dlg_unsafe(dlg, 1, d_entry);

	if (vars.s && vars.len != 0)
		read_dialog_vars(vars.s, vars.len, dlg);

	dlg_unlock(d_table, d_entry);

	if (profiles.s && profiles.len != 0)
		read_dialog_profiles(profiles.s, profiles.len, dlg, 1, 1);

	return 0;

	dlg_unlock(d_table, d_entry);
	return -1;
예제 #5
 * replicates the remote update of an ongoing dialog locally
 * by reading the relevant information using the Binary Packet Interface
int dlg_replicated_update(bin_packet_t *packet)
	struct dlg_cell *dlg;
	str call_id, from_tag, to_tag, from_uri, to_uri, vars, profiles;
	unsigned int dir, dst_leg;
	int timeout, h_entry;
	str st;
	struct dlg_entry *d_entry;
	int rcv_flags, save_new_flag;

	bin_pop_str(packet, &call_id);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &from_tag);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &to_tag);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &from_uri);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &to_uri);

	LM_DBG("replicated update for ['%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s' '%.*s']\n",
		call_id.len, call_id.s, from_tag.len, from_tag.s, to_tag.len, to_tag.s,
		from_uri.len, from_uri.s, to_uri.len, to_uri.s);

	dlg = get_dlg(&call_id, &from_tag, &to_tag, &dir, &dst_leg);

	h_entry = dlg_hash(&call_id);
	d_entry = &d_table->entries[h_entry];

	dlg_lock(d_table, d_entry);

	if (!dlg) {
		LM_DBG("dialog not found, building new\n");

		dlg = build_new_dlg(&call_id, &from_uri, &to_uri, &from_tag);
		if (!dlg) {
			LM_ERR("Failed to create replicated dialog!\n");
			goto error;

		return dlg_replicated_create(packet ,dlg, &from_tag, &to_tag, 0);

	bin_skip_int(packet, 2);
	bin_pop_int(packet, &dlg->state);

	bin_skip_str(packet, 2);

	bin_pop_str(packet, &st);
	if (dlg_update_cseq(dlg, DLG_CALLER_LEG, &st, 0) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to update caller cseq\n");
		goto error;

	bin_pop_str(packet, &st);
	if (dlg_update_cseq(dlg, callee_idx(dlg), &st, 0) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to update callee cseq\n");
		goto error;

	bin_skip_str(packet, 6);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &vars);
	bin_pop_str(packet, &profiles);
	bin_pop_int(packet, &dlg->user_flags);
	bin_pop_int(packet, &dlg->mod_flags);

	bin_pop_int(packet, &rcv_flags);
	/* make sure an update received immediately after a create can't
	 * incorrectly erase the DLG_FLAG_NEW before locally writing to DB */
	save_new_flag = dlg->flags & DLG_FLAG_NEW;
	dlg->flags = rcv_flags;
	dlg->flags |= ((save_new_flag ? DLG_FLAG_NEW : 0) | DLG_FLAG_CHANGED);

	bin_pop_int(packet, &timeout);
	bin_skip_int(packet, 2);

	timeout -= time(0);
	LM_DBG("Received updated timeout of %d for dialog %.*s\n",
		timeout, call_id.len, call_id.s);

	if (dlg->lifetime != timeout) {
		dlg->lifetime = timeout;
		switch (update_dlg_timer(&dlg->tl, dlg->lifetime) ) {
		case -1:
			LM_ERR("failed to update dialog lifetime!\n");
			/* continue */
		case 0:
			/* timeout value was updated */
		case 1:
			/* dlg inserted in timer list with new expire (reference it)*/

	unref_dlg_unsafe(dlg, 1, d_entry);

	if (vars.s && vars.len != 0)
		read_dialog_vars(vars.s, vars.len, dlg);

	dlg->flags |= DLG_FLAG_VP_CHANGED;

	dlg_unlock(d_table, d_entry);

	if (profiles.s && profiles.len != 0)
		read_dialog_profiles(profiles.s, profiles.len, dlg, 1, 1);

	return 0;

	dlg_unlock(d_table, d_entry);
	return -1;