void annealing(TSP *tsp) { Path p; int i, j, pathchg; int numOnPath, numNotOnPath; DTYPE pathlen; int n = tsp->n; double energyChange, T; pathlen = pathLength (tsp); for (T = T_INIT; T > FINAL_T; T *= COOLING) /* annealing schedule */ { pathchg = 0; for (j = 0; j < TRIES_PER_T; j++) { do { p[0] = unifRand (n); p[1] = unifRand (n); /* non-empty path */ if (p[0] == p[1]) p[1] = MOD(p[0]+1,n); numOnPath = MOD(p[1]-p[0],n) + 1; numNotOnPath = n - numOnPath; } while (numOnPath < 2 || numNotOnPath < 2); /* non-empty path */ if (RANDOM() % 2) /* threeWay */ { do { p[2] = MOD(unifRand (numNotOnPath)+p[1]+1,n); } while (p[0] == MOD(p[2]+1,n)); /* avoids a non-change */ energyChange = getThreeWayCost (tsp, p); if (energyChange < 0 || RREAL < exp(-energyChange/T) ) { pathchg++; pathlen += energyChange; doThreeWay (tsp, p); } } else /* path Reverse */ { energyChange = getReverseCost (tsp, p); if (energyChange < 0 || RREAL < exp(-energyChange/T)) { pathchg++; pathlen += energyChange; doReverse(tsp, p); } } // if the new length is better than best then save it as best if (pathlen < tsp->bestlen) { tsp->bestlen = pathlen; for (i=0; i<tsp->n; i++) tsp->border[i] = tsp->iorder[i]; } if (pathchg > IMPROVED_PATH_PER_T) break; /* finish early */ } DBG("T:%f L:%f B:%f C:%d", T, pathlen, tsp->bestlen, pathchg); if (pathchg == 0) break; /* if no change then quit */ } }
int F846302(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int ret=0; CAccTrans *pAccTrans=CAccTrans::getInstance(); // ret=pAccTrans->checkCfgUpdate(); // if(ret) // return ret; des2src(pAccTrans->trans.opercode,rPack->semp); pAccTrans->trans.transcode=TC_CARDOPENREV; ret=pAccTrans->InitTrans(); if(ret) return ret; TRANS& trans=pAccTrans->trans; char authrightflag=rPack->sstatus2[0]; des2src(trans.chkopercode,rPack->semp_no); if('1'==authrightflag) { ret=chk_oper_pwd(trans.chkopercode,rPack->scust_limit); if(ret) return ret; } ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *outPack = &(aPack.pack); ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); char oldaccdate[9]=""; des2src(oldaccdate,rPack->sdate3); int oldtermid=rPack->lwithdraw_flag; int oldtermseqno=rPack->lserial1; trans.dpscnt=rPack->lvol5; trans.paycnt=rPack->lvol6; trans.cardbefbal=rPack->lvol7; des2src(trans.cardphyid,rPack->sstation1); if(trans.dpscnt>1||trans.paycnt>0) return E_CARD_USED; if(strlen(oldaccdate)<1) return E_INPUTNULL_ACCDATE; if(oldtermid<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMID; if(oldtermseqno<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMSEQNO; SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL8,F_SDATE3,F_SEMP,F_LSERIAL1,F_SSTATION0,F_VSMESS,F_STIME3,0); ret=doReverse(oldaccdate,oldtermid,oldtermseqno,outPack->sstation0); if(ret) return ret; outPack->lvol0=pAccTrans->trans.cardno; outPack->lvol8=0; des2src(outPack->sdate3,pAccTrans->trans.accdate); des2src(outPack->stime3,pAccTrans->trans.acctime); des2src(outPack->semp,pAccTrans->trans.opercode); outPack->lserial1=pAccTrans->trans.termseqno; strcpy(outPack->vsmess,"开户冲正成功"); strcat(outPack->vsmess,pAccTrans->remark.c_str()); PutRow(handle,outPack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; }
List ReverseList (List L) { List newHead; doReverse (&L, &newHead); L->next = NULL; return newHead; }
void doReverse (List *L, List *newHead) { if (!(*L)->next) { *newHead = *L; return; } doReverse(&(*L)->next, newHead); (*L)->next->next = *L; return; }
int F846315(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int ret=0; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *outPack = &(aPack.pack); ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); char oldaccdate[9]=""; des2src(oldaccdate,rPack->sdate3); int oldtermid=rPack->lwithdraw_flag; int oldtermseqno=rPack->lserial1; char authrightflag=rPack->sstatus2[0]; if(strlen(oldaccdate)<1) return E_INPUTNULL_ACCDATE; if(oldtermid<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMID; if(oldtermseqno<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMSEQNO; if('1'==authrightflag) { ret=chk_oper_pwd(rPack->semp_no,rPack->scust_limit); if(ret) return ret; } CAccTrans *pAccTrans=CAccTrans::getInstance(); ret=pAccTrans->checkCfgUpdate(); if(ret) return ret; pAccTrans->clear(); GetCpackDataString(rPack,pAccTrans->cpackdata); pAccTrans->trans.transcode=TC_TRANSREV; ret=pAccTrans->addOperDtl(rPack->semp); if(ret) return ret; ret=doReverse(authrightflag,oldaccdate,oldtermid,oldtermseqno); if(ret) return ret; SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL8,F_SDATE3,F_SEMP,F_LSERIAL1,F_VSMESS,0); outPack->lvol0=pAccTrans->trans.cardno; outPack->lvol8=0; des2src(outPack->sdate3,pAccTrans->trans.accdate); des2src(outPack->semp,pAccTrans->trans.opercode); outPack->lserial1=pAccTrans->trans.termseqno; strcpy(outPack->vsmess,pAccTrans->remark.c_str()); PutRow(handle,outPack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0;
task main () { ubyte type; ubyte ID; ubyte state; ubyte value; string dataString; string tmpString; // initialise the port, etc RS485initLib(); StartTask(updateScreen); // Disconnect if already connected N2WDisconnect(); N2WchillOut(); wait1Msec(1000); if (!N2WCustomExist()) { StopTask(updateScreen); wait1Msec(50); eraseDisplay(); PlaySound(soundException); nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "ERROR"); nxtDisplayTextLine(3, "No custom profile"); nxtDisplayTextLine(4, "configured!!"); while(true) EndTimeSlice(); } N2WLoad(); wait1Msec(100); N2WConnect(true); connStatus = "connecting"; while (!N2WConnected()) wait1Msec(100); wait1Msec(1000); connStatus = "connected"; PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); wait1Msec(3000); N2WgetIP(IPaddress); wait1Msec(1000); // 123456789012345 dataStrings[0] = "Tch | Snr | Clr"; // on | 011 | 1" while (true) { if (N2WreadWS(type, ID, state, value)) { writeDebugStreamLine("btn: %d, state: %d", ID, state); switch (ID) { case 1: doStraight(state); break; case 3: doRight(state); break; case 4: doStop(state); break; case 5: doLeft(state); break; case 7: doReverse(state); break; case 9: doAction(state); break; case 11: handleColour(state); break; default: break; } } // All values are only updated when they've changed. // This cuts backs drastically on the number of messages // that have to be sent to the NXT2WIFI // Fetch the state of the Touch Sensor // This value is displayed by field 0 (in0) on the page currTouchState = SensorBoolean[TOUCH]; if (currTouchState != prevTouchState) { memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); data[0] = (currTouchState) ? '1' : '0'; N2WwriteWS(1, 0, data, 2); prevTouchState = currTouchState; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the currently detected colour. // This value is displayed by field 1 (in1) on the page currDetectedColour = SensorValue[COLOUR]; if (currDetectedColour != prevDetectedColour) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currDetectedColour); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 1, data, strlen(dataString)); prevDetectedColour = currDetectedColour; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the distance detected by the sonar sensor // This value is displayed by field 2 (in2) on the page currSonarDistance = SensorValue[SONAR]; if (currSonarDistance != prevSonarDistance) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currSonarDistance); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 2, data, strlen(dataString)); prevSonarDistance = currSonarDistance; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor A // This value is displayed by field 3 (in3) on the page currEncMotorA = nMotorEncoder[MOT_ACTION]; if (currEncMotorA != prevEncMotorA) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorA); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 3, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorA = currEncMotorA; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor B // This value is displayed by field 4 (in4) on the page //currEncMotorB = nMotorEncoder[MOT_LEFT]; if (currEncMotorB != prevEncMotorB) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorB); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 4, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorB = currEncMotorB; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor C // This value is displayed by field 5 (in5) on the page currEncMotorC = nMotorEncoder[MOT_RIGHT]; if (currEncMotorC != prevEncMotorC) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorC); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 5, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorC = currEncMotorC; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the current voltage level. The average one // works best, the other one jumps around too much. // This value is displayed by field 6 (in6) on the page currBatteryLevel = nAvgBatteryLevel; if (currBatteryLevel != prevBatteryLevel) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currBatteryLevel); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 6, data, strlen(dataString)); prevBatteryLevel = currBatteryLevel; N2WchillOut(); } sprintf(dataStrings[2], "A: %d", currEncMotorA); sprintf(dataStrings[3], "B: %d", currEncMotorB); sprintf(dataStrings[4], "C: %d", currEncMotorC); sprintf(tmpString, "%s | %3d", (currTouchState == 0) ? "off" : "on ", currSonarDistance); sprintf(dataStrings[1], "%s | %3d", tmpString, currDetectedColour); } }
int F950053(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int ret=0; CAccTrans *pAccTrans=CAccTrans::getInstance(); TRANS& trans=pAccTrans->trans; ret=pAccTrans->CheckCfgUpdate(); if(ret) return ret; int lastdevseqno=rPack->lvol4; char devphyid[31]=""; des2src(devphyid,rPack->sdate1); T_t_transdtl transdtl; memset(&transdtl,0,sizeof(transdtl)); ret=DB_t_transdtl_read_by_transdate_and_devphyid_and_devseqno(trans.transdate,devphyid,lastdevseqno,&transdtl); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"transdate[%s]devphyid[%s]devseqno[%d]",trans.transdate,devphyid,lastdevseqno); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) return 0; else return E_DB_TRANSDTL_R; } if(transdtl.revflag[0]=='1') { return 0; } ret=GetDevIdByDevPhyId(&(trans.termid),devphyid); if(ret) { return ret; } pAccTrans->GetTermSeqno(); if(transdtl.transcode==TC_POSDEPOSIT) pAccTrans->trans.transcode=TC_POSDEPOSITREV; else if(transdtl.transcode==TC_SHOPPOSDEPOSIT) pAccTrans->trans.transcode=TC_SHOPPOSDEPOSITREV; else return E_TRANSCODE_NOT_SAVING; ret=doReverse(transdtl.accdate,transdtl.termid,transdtl.termseqno); if(ret) return ret; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *outPack = &(aPack.pack); ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); SetCol(handle,0); SetCol(handle,F_LVOL5,F_LVOL10,F_LCERT_CODE,0); outPack->lvol5 = transdtl.cardno; outPack->lvol10 = (int)D4U5(transdtl.cardaftbal*100,0); outPack->lcert_code = transdtl.termseqno; // outPack->lvol0=pAccTrans->trans.cardno; // outPack->lvol8=D4U5(pAccTrans->trans.cardaftbal*100,0); // des2src(outPack->sdate3,pAccTrans->sysPara.sSettleDate); // des2src(outPack->semp,pAccTrans->trans.opercode); // outPack->lserial1=pAccTrans->trans.termseqno; sprintf(outPack->vsmess,"冲正金额%.2lf 卡余额%.2lf",trans.transamt,trans.cardaftbal); PutRow(handle,outPack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; }
task main () { ubyte type; ubyte ID; ubyte state; ubyte value; string dataString; string tmpString; // initialise the port, etc RS485initLib(); StartTask(updateScreen); // Disconnect if already connected N2WDisconnect(); N2WchillOut(); wait1Msec(1000); // enable DHCP N2WsetDHCP(true); wait1Msec(100); // Disable adhoc N2WsetAdHoc(false); wait1Msec(100); // Network Configuration N2WsetMask(""); wait1Msec(100); N2WsetGateway(""); wait1Msec(100); N2WsetDNS1(""); wait1Msec(100); N2WsetDNS2(""); wait1Msec(100); N2WsetNetbiosName("NXT2WIFI1"); wait1Msec(100); // SSID to connect to N2WsetSSID("test"); wait1Msec(100); // The passphrase to use N2WSecurityWPA2Passphrase("pwasde08"); wait1Msec(100); // Save this profile to the custom profile N2WSave(); wait1Msec(500); // Load the custom profile N2WLoad(); wait1Msec(100); N2WConnect(true); connStatus = "connecting"; while (!N2WConnected()) wait1Msec(100); wait1Msec(1000); connStatus = "connected"; PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); wait1Msec(3000); N2WgetIP(IPaddress); wait1Msec(1000); // 123456789012345 dataStrings[0] = "Tch | Snr | Clr"; // on | 011 | 1" while (true) { if (N2WreadWS(type, ID, state, value)) { writeDebugStreamLine("btn: %d, state: %d", ID, state); switch (ID) { case 1: doStraight(state); break; case 3: doRight(state); break; case 4: doStop(state); break; case 5: doLeft(state); break; case 7: doReverse(state); break; case 9: doAction(state); break; case 11: handleColour(state); break; default: break; } } // All values are only updated when they've changed. // This cuts backs drastically on the number of messages // that have to be sent to the NXT2WIFI // Fetch the state of the Touch Sensor // This value is displayed by field 0 (in0) on the page currTouchState = SensorValue[TOUCH]; if (currTouchState != prevTouchState) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currTouchState); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 0, data, strlen(&data)); prevTouchState = currTouchState; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the currently detected colour. // This value is displayed by field 1 (in1) on the page currDetectedColour = SensorValue[COLOUR]; if (currDetectedColour != prevDetectedColour) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currDetectedColour); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 1, data, strlen(dataString)); prevDetectedColour = currDetectedColour; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the distance detected by the sonar sensor // This value is displayed by field 2 (in2) on the page currSonarDistance = SensorValue[SONAR]; if (currSonarDistance != prevSonarDistance) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currSonarDistance); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 2, data, strlen(dataString)); prevSonarDistance = currSonarDistance; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor A // This value is displayed by field 3 (in3) on the page currEncMotorA = nMotorEncoder[MOT_ACTION]; if (currEncMotorA != prevEncMotorA) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorA); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 3, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorA = currEncMotorA; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor B // This value is displayed by field 4 (in4) on the page currEncMotorB = nMotorEncoder[MOT_LEFT]; if (currEncMotorB != prevEncMotorB) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorB); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 4, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorB = currEncMotorB; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the tacho count for motor C // This value is displayed by field 5 (in5) on the page currEncMotorC = nMotorEncoder[MOT_RIGHT]; if (currEncMotorC != prevEncMotorC) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currEncMotorC); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 5, data, strlen(dataString)); prevEncMotorC = currEncMotorC; N2WchillOut(); } // Fetch the current voltage level. The average one // works best, the other one jumps around too much. // This value is displayed by field 6 (in6) on the page currBatteryLevel = nAvgBatteryLevel; if (currBatteryLevel != prevBatteryLevel) { sprintf(dataString, "%d", currBatteryLevel); memcpy(data, dataString, strlen(dataString)); N2WwriteWS(1, 6, data, strlen(dataString)); prevBatteryLevel = currBatteryLevel; N2WchillOut(); } sprintf(dataStrings[2], "A: %d", currEncMotorA); sprintf(dataStrings[3], "B: %d", currEncMotorB); sprintf(dataStrings[4], "C: %d", currEncMotorC); sprintf(tmpString, "%s | %3d", (currTouchState == 0) ? "off" : "on ", currSonarDistance); sprintf(dataStrings[1], "%s | %3d", tmpString, currDetectedColour); } }
void TSP::annealing() { Path p; size_t numOnPath, numNotOnPath; double pathCost(dist.pathCost(iorder)); const double T_INIT = 100.0; const double FINAL_T = 0.1; const double COOLING = 0.9; /* to lower down T (< 1) */ const size_t TRIES_PER_T(500 * n); const size_t IMPROVED_PATH_PER_T = 60 * n; /* annealing schedule */ for (double T = T_INIT; FINAL_T < T; T *= COOLING) { size_t pathchg = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < TRIES_PER_T; j++) { do { p[0] = rand(n); p[1] = rand(n); /* non-empty path */ if (p[0] == p[1]) p[1] = MOD(p[0] + 1, n); numOnPath = MOD(p[1] - p[0], n) + 1; numNotOnPath = n - numOnPath; } while (numOnPath < 2 || numNotOnPath < 2); /* non-empty path */ if (rand(2)) { /* threeWay */ do { p[2] = MOD(rand(numNotOnPath) + p[1] + 1, n); } while (p[0] == MOD(p[2] + 1, n)); /* avoids a non-change */ auto energyChange = getThreeWayCost(p); // if (energyChange < 0 || RREAL < exp(-energyChange / T) ) if (energyChange < 0 || std::rand() < exp(-energyChange / static_cast<double>(T)) ) { pathchg++; pathCost += energyChange; doThreeWay(p); } } else { /* path Reverse */ auto energyChange = getReverseCost(p); if (energyChange < 0 || std::rand() < exp(-energyChange / static_cast<double>(T)) ) { pathchg++; pathCost += energyChange; doReverse(p); } } // if the new length is better than best then save it as best update(iorder); #if 0 if (pathlen < tsp->bestlen) { tsp->bestlen = pathlen; for (i=0; i<tsp->n; i++) tsp->border[i] = tsp->iorder[i]; } #endif if (pathchg > IMPROVED_PATH_PER_T) break; /* finish early */ } // PGR_DBG("T:%f L:%f B:%f C:%d", T, pathlen, tsp->bestlen, pathchg); if (pathchg == 0) break; /* if no change then quit */ } }
int F846317(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int ret=0; char oldaccdate[9]=""; des2src(oldaccdate,rPack->sdate3); int oldtermid=rPack->lwithdraw_flag; int oldtermseqno=rPack->lserial1; CAccTrans *pAccTrans=CAccTrans::getInstance(); TRANS& trans=pAccTrans->trans; des2src(pAccTrans->trans.opercode,rPack->semp); pAccTrans->trans.transcode=TC_POSDRAWREV; des2src(trans.refno,rPack->sphone3); if(14==strlen(trans.refno)) { trans.termid=rPack->lwithdraw_flag; T_t_refno tRefno; memset(&tRefno,0,sizeof(tRefno)); ret=DB_t_refno_read_by_refno(trans.refno,&tRefno); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) return 0; else return E_DB_REFNO_R; } if(strncmp(tRefno.mac,rPack->saddr,8)!=0) { ERRTIP("交易参考号MAC校验错误"); return E_COMMON_ERR; } if(RS_SUCC!=tRefno.status) { return E_TRANS_REVERSED; } des2src(oldaccdate,tRefno.accdate); oldtermid=tRefno.termid; oldtermseqno=tRefno.termseqno; } else { des2src(trans.chkopercode,rPack->semp_no); ret=chk_oper_pwd(trans.chkopercode,rPack->scust_limit); if(ret) return ret; } if(strlen(oldaccdate)<1) return E_INPUTNULL_ACCDATE; if(oldtermid<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMID; if(oldtermseqno<1) return E_INPUTNULL_TERMSEQNO; ret=pAccTrans->InitTrans(); if(ret) return ret; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *outPack = &(aPack.pack); ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL8,F_SDATE3,F_SEMP,F_LSERIAL1,F_SSTATION0,F_VSMESS,F_STIME3,0); trans.cardflag=1; trans.usecardflag=1; trans.cardno = rPack->lvol0; pAccTrans->SetCardCntAndCardBal(rPack->lvol5,rPack->lvol6,rPack->lvol7); trans.aftdpscnt++; ret=doReverse(oldaccdate,oldtermid,oldtermseqno); if(ret) return ret; ret=SaveCardTransInfo(); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"SaveCardTransInfo ret=%d",ret); } outPack->lvol0=pAccTrans->trans.cardno; outPack->lvol8=D4U5(pAccTrans->trans.cardaftbal*100,0); des2src(outPack->sdate3,pAccTrans->trans.accdate); des2src(outPack->stime3,pAccTrans->trans.acctime); des2src(outPack->semp,pAccTrans->trans.opercode); outPack->lserial1=pAccTrans->trans.termseqno; sprintf(outPack->vsmess,"冲正金额%.2lf 卡余额%.2lf元",pAccTrans->trans.transamt,pAccTrans->trans.cardaftbal); PutRow(handle,outPack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; }