예제 #1
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	char *name;
	char *newpwd;
	char *cp;

#ifndef USE_PAM
	const struct spwd *sp;
	struct spwd newsp;

	const struct passwd *pw;
	struct passwd newpw;
#endif				/* !USE_PAM */

	int errors = 0;
	int line = 0;

	Prog = Basename (argv[0]);

	(void) setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	(void) bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	(void) textdomain (PACKAGE);

	process_flags (argc, argv);

	OPENLOG ("chpasswd");

	check_perms ();

#ifndef USE_PAM
	is_shadow_pwd = spw_file_present ();

	open_files ();

	 * Read each line, separating the user name from the password. The
	 * password entry for each user will be looked up in the appropriate
	 * file (shadow or passwd) and the password changed. For shadow
	 * files the last change date is set directly, for passwd files the
	 * last change date is set in the age only if aging information is
	 * present.
	while (fgets (buf, (int) sizeof buf, stdin) != (char *) 0) {
		cp = strrchr (buf, '\n');
		if (NULL != cp) {
			*cp = '\0';
		} else {
			if (feof (stdin) == 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: line too long\n"),
				         Prog, line);

		 * The username is the first field. It is separated from the
		 * password with a ":" character which is replaced with a
		 * NUL to give the new password. The new password will then
		 * be encrypted in the normal fashion with a new salt
		 * generated, unless the '-e' is given, in which case it is
		 * assumed to already be encrypted.

		name = buf;
		cp = strchr (name, ':');
		if (NULL != cp) {
			*cp = '\0';
		} else {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: missing new password\n"),
			         Prog, line);
		newpwd = cp;

#ifdef USE_PAM
		if (do_pam_passwd_non_interractive ("chpasswd", name, newpwd) != 0) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: (line %d, user %s) password not changed\n"),
			         Prog, line, name);
#else				/* !USE_PAM */
		if (   !eflg
		    && (   (NULL == crypt_method)
		        || (0 != strcmp (crypt_method, "NONE")))) {
			void *arg = NULL;
			if (md5flg) {
				crypt_method = "MD5";
			} else if (crypt_method != NULL) {
				if (sflg) {
					arg = &sha_rounds;
			} else {
				crypt_method = NULL;
			cp = pw_encrypt (newpwd,
			                 crypt_make_salt(crypt_method, arg));

		 * Get the password file entry for this user. The user must
		 * already exist.
		pw = pw_locate (name);
		if (NULL == pw) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: user '%s' does not exist\n"), Prog,
			         line, name);
		if (is_shadow_pwd) {
			sp = spw_locate (name);
		} else {
			sp = NULL;

		 * The freshly encrypted new password is merged into the
		 * user's password file entry and the last password change
		 * date is set to the current date.
		if (NULL != sp) {
			newsp = *sp;
			newsp.sp_pwdp = cp;
			newsp.sp_lstchg = (long) time ((time_t *)NULL) / SCALE;
			if (0 == newsp.sp_lstchg) {
				/* Better disable aging than requiring a
				 * password change */
				newsp.sp_lstchg = -1;
		} else {
			newpw = *pw;
			newpw.pw_passwd = cp;

		 * The updated password file entry is then put back and will
		 * be written to the password file later, after all the
		 * other entries have been updated as well.
		if (NULL != sp) {
			if (spw_update (&newsp) == 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: failed to prepare the new %s entry '%s'\n"),
				         Prog, line, spw_dbname (), newsp.sp_namp);
		} else {
			if (pw_update (&newpw) == 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: failed to prepare the new %s entry '%s'\n"),
				         Prog, line, pw_dbname (), newpw.pw_name);
#endif				/* !USE_PAM */

	 * Any detected errors will cause the entire set of changes to be
	 * aborted. Unlocking the password file will cause all of the
	 * changes to be ignored. Otherwise the file is closed, causing the
	 * changes to be written out all at once, and then unlocked
	 * afterwards.
	 * With PAM, it is not possible to delay the update of the
	 * password database.
	if (0 != errors) {
#ifndef USE_PAM
		fprintf (stderr,
		         _("%s: error detected, changes ignored\n"), Prog);
		fail_exit (1);

#ifndef USE_PAM
	/* Save the changes */
	close_files ();

	nscd_flush_cache ("passwd");

	return (0);
예제 #2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
	char *fields[8];
	int nfields;
	char *cp;
	const struct passwd *pw;
	struct passwd newpw;
	int errors = 0;
	int line = 0;
	uid_t uid;
	gid_t gid;
#ifdef USE_PAM
	int *lines = NULL;
	char **usernames = NULL;
	char **passwords = NULL;
	unsigned int nusers = 0;
#endif				/* USE_PAM */

	Prog = Basename (argv[0]);

	(void) setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
	(void) bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
	(void) textdomain (PACKAGE);

	/* FIXME: will not work with an input file */
	process_root_flag ("-R", argc, argv);

	OPENLOG ("newusers");

	process_flags (argc, argv);

	check_perms ();

	is_shadow = spw_file_present ();

	is_shadow_grp = sgr_file_present ();

	open_files ();

	 * Read each line. The line has the same format as a password file
	 * entry, except that certain fields are not constrained to be
	 * numerical values. If a group ID is entered which does not already
	 * exist, an attempt is made to allocate the same group ID as the
	 * numerical user ID. Should that fail, the next available group ID
	 * over 100 is allocated. The pw_gid field will be updated with that
	 * value.
	while (fgets (buf, (int) sizeof buf, stdin) != (char *) 0) {
		cp = strrchr (buf, '\n');
		if (NULL != cp) {
			*cp = '\0';
		} else {
			if (feof (stdin) == 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: line too long\n"),
				         Prog, line);

		 * Break the string into fields and screw around with them.
		 * There MUST be 7 colon separated fields, although the
		 * values aren't that particular.
		for (cp = buf, nfields = 0; nfields < 7; nfields++) {
			fields[nfields] = cp;
			cp = strchr (cp, ':');
			if (NULL != cp) {
				*cp = '\0';
			} else {
		if (nfields != 6) {
			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: line %d: invalid line\n"),
			         Prog, line);

		 * First check if we have to create or update an user
		pw = pw_locate (fields[0]);
		/* local, no need for xgetpwnam */
		if (   (NULL == pw)
		    && (getpwnam (fields[0]) != NULL)) {
			fprintf (stderr, _("%s: cannot update the entry of user %s (not in the passwd database)\n"), Prog, fields[0]);

		if (   (NULL == pw)
		    && (get_user_id (fields[2], &uid) != 0)) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: can't create user\n"),
			         Prog, line);

		 * Processed is the group name. A new group will be
		 * created if the group name is non-numeric and does not
		 * already exist. If the group name is a number (which is not
		 * an existing GID), a group with the same name as the user
		 * will be created, with the given GID. The given or created
		 * group will be the primary group of the user. If
		 * there is no named group to be a member of, the UID will
		 * be figured out and that value will be a candidate for a
		 * new group, if that group ID exists, a whole new group ID
		 * will be made up.
		if (   (NULL == pw)
		    && (add_group (fields[0], fields[3], &gid, uid) != 0)) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: can't create group\n"),
			         Prog, line);

		 * Now we work on the user ID. It has to be specified either
		 * as a numerical value, or left blank. If it is a numerical
		 * value, that value will be used, otherwise the next
		 * available user ID is computed and used. After this there
		 * will at least be a (struct passwd) for the user.
		if (   (NULL == pw)
		    && (add_user (fields[0], uid, gid) != 0)) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: can't create user\n"),
			         Prog, line);

		 * The password, gecos field, directory, and shell fields
		 * all come next.
		pw = pw_locate (fields[0]);
		if (NULL == pw) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: user '%s' does not exist in %s\n"),
			         Prog, line, fields[0], pw_dbname ());
		newpw = *pw;

#ifdef USE_PAM
		/* keep the list of user/password for later update by PAM */
		lines     = realloc (lines,     sizeof (lines[0])     * nusers);
		usernames = realloc (usernames, sizeof (usernames[0]) * nusers);
		passwords = realloc (passwords, sizeof (passwords[0]) * nusers);
		lines[nusers-1]     = line;
		usernames[nusers-1] = strdup (fields[0]);
		passwords[nusers-1] = strdup (fields[1]);
#endif				/* USE_PAM */
		if (add_passwd (&newpw, fields[1]) != 0) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: can't update password\n"),
			         Prog, line);
		if ('\0' != fields[4][0]) {
			newpw.pw_gecos = fields[4];

		if ('\0' != fields[5][0]) {
			newpw.pw_dir = fields[5];

		if ('\0' != fields[6][0]) {
			newpw.pw_shell = fields[6];

		if (   ('\0' != fields[5][0])
		    && (access (newpw.pw_dir, F_OK) != 0)) {
/* FIXME: should check for directory */
			mode_t msk = 0777 & ~getdef_num ("UMASK",
			if (mkdir (newpw.pw_dir, msk) != 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: mkdir %s failed: %s\n"),
				         Prog, line, newpw.pw_dir,
				         strerror (errno));
			} else if (chown (newpw.pw_dir,
			                  newpw.pw_gid) != 0) {
				fprintf (stderr,
				         _("%s: line %d: chown %s failed: %s\n"),
				         Prog, line, newpw.pw_dir,
				         strerror (errno));

		 * Update the password entry with the new changes made.
		if (pw_update (&newpw) == 0) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: line %d: can't update entry\n"),
			         Prog, line);

	 * Any detected errors will cause the entire set of changes to be
	 * aborted. Unlocking the password file will cause all of the
	 * changes to be ignored. Otherwise the file is closed, causing the
	 * changes to be written out all at once, and then unlocked
	 * afterwards.
	if (0 != errors) {
		fprintf (stderr,
		         _("%s: error detected, changes ignored\n"), Prog);
		fail_exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	close_files ();

	nscd_flush_cache ("passwd");
	nscd_flush_cache ("group");

#ifdef USE_PAM
	unsigned int i;
	/* Now update the passwords using PAM */
	for (i = 0; i < nusers; i++) {
		if (do_pam_passwd_non_interractive ("newusers", usernames[i], passwords[i]) != 0) {
			fprintf (stderr,
			         _("%s: (line %d, user %s) password not changed\n"),
			         Prog, lines[i], usernames[i]);
#endif				/* USE_PAM */

	return ((0 == errors) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);