docstring InsetRef::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & op) const { docstring const & ref = getParam("reference"); InsetLabel const * il = buffer().insetLabel(ref); string const & cmd = params().getCmdName(); docstring display_string; if (il && !il->counterValue().empty()) { // Try to construct a label from the InsetLabel we reference. docstring const & value = il->counterValue(); if (cmd == "ref") display_string = value; else if (cmd == "vref") // normally, would be "ref on page #", but we have no pages display_string = value; else if (cmd == "pageref" || cmd == "vpageref") // normally would be "on page #", but we have no pages. display_string = translateIfPossible(from_ascii("elsewhere"), op.local_font->language()->lang()); else if (cmd == "eqref") display_string = '(' + value + ')'; else if (cmd == "formatted") display_string = il->prettyCounter(); else if (cmd == "nameref") // FIXME We don't really have the ability to handle these // properly in XHTML output yet (bug #8599). // It might not be that hard to do. We have the InsetLabel, // and we can presumably find its paragraph using the TOC. // We could then output the contents of the paragraph using // something? display_string = il->prettyCounter(); } else display_string = ref; // FIXME What we'd really like to do is to be able to output some // appropriate sort of text here. But to do that, we need to associate // some sort of counter with the label, and we don't have that yet. string const attr = "href=\"#" + html::cleanAttr(to_utf8(ref)) + "\""; xs << html::StartTag("a", attr); xs << display_string; xs << html::EndTag("a"); return docstring(); }
docstring InsetCaption::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & rp) const { if (rp.html_disable_captions) return docstring(); InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); string const & tag = il.htmltag(); string attr = il.htmlattr(); if (!type_.empty()) { string const our_class = "float-caption-" + type_; size_t const loc = attr.find("class='"); if (loc != string::npos) attr.insert(loc + 7, our_class + " "); else attr = attr + " class='" + our_class + "'"; } xs << html::StartTag(tag, attr); docstring def = getCaptionAsHTML(xs, rp); xs << html::EndTag(tag); return def; }
docstring InsetSpecialChar::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const { switch (kind_) { case HYPHENATION: break; case ALLOWBREAK: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "​"; break; case LIGATURE_BREAK: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "‌"; break; case END_OF_SENTENCE: xs << '.'; break; case LDOTS: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "…"; break; case MENU_SEPARATOR: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "⇒"; break; case SLASH: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "⁄"; break; case NOBREAKDASH: xs << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "‑"; break; case PHRASE_LYX: xs << "LyX"; break; case PHRASE_TEX: xs << "TeX"; break; case PHRASE_LATEX2E: xs << "LaTeX2" << XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << "ε"; break; case PHRASE_LATEX: xs << "LaTeX"; break; } return docstring(); }
docstring InsetPrintNomencl::xhtml(XHTMLStream &, OutputParams const &) const { return docstring(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *ai, *fname; char flamename[256]; char *prefix = args("prefix", ""); int first_frame = argi("begin", 0); int last_frame = argi("end", 0); int frame_time = argi("time", 0); int dtime = argi("dtime", 1); int do_fields = argi("fields", 0); int write_genome = argi("write_genome",0); double qs = argf("qs", 1.0); double ss = argf("ss", 1.0); char *format = getenv("format"); int verbose = argi("verbose", 1); int transparency = argi("transparency", 0); int bits = argi("bits", 33); int sub_batch_size = argi("sub_batch_size", 10000); int bpc = argi("bpc",8); int earlyclip = argi("earlyclip",0); int ftime, channels; unsigned char *image; flam3_genome *cps,center_cp; int i, ncps = 0; char *inf = getenv("in"); double pixel_aspect = argf("pixel_aspect", 1.0); int num_threads = argi("nthreads",0); FILE *in,*fp,*genfp; flam3_frame f; flam3_img_comments fpc; stat_struct stats,stats2; char badval_string[64]; char numiter_string[64]; char rtime_string[64]; #ifdef WIN32 char *slashloc; char exepath[256]; char palpath[256]; memset(exepath,0,256); memset(palpath,0,256); slashloc = strrchr(argv[0],'\\'); if (NULL==slashloc) { sprintf(palpath,"flam3_palettes=flam3-palettes.xml"); } else { strncpy(exepath,argv[0],slashloc-argv[0]+1); sprintf(palpath,"flam3_palettes=%sflam3-palettes.xml",exepath); } putenv(palpath); #endif memset(¢er_cp,0, sizeof(flam3_genome)); if (1 != argc) { docstring(); exit(0); } /* Init random number generators */ flam3_init_frame(&f); flam3_srandom(); /* Set the number of threads */ if (num_threads==0) { num_threads = flam3_count_nthreads(); if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr,"Automatically detected %d core(s)...\n",num_threads); } else{ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Manually specified %d thread(s)...\n",num_threads); } if (getenv("frame")) { if (getenv("time")) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot specify both time and frame.\n"); exit(1); } if (getenv("begin") || getenv("end")) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot specify both frame and begin or end.\n"); exit(1); } first_frame = last_frame = atoi(getenv("frame")); } if (getenv("time")) { if (getenv("begin") || getenv("end")) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot specify both time and begin or end.\n"); exit(1); } first_frame = last_frame = frame_time; } if (NULL == format) format = "png"; if (strcmp(format, "jpg") && strcmp(format, "ppm") && strcmp(format, "png")) { fprintf(stderr, "format must be either jpg, ppm, or png, not %s.\n", format); exit(1); } if (pixel_aspect <= 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "pixel aspect ratio must be positive, not %g.\n", pixel_aspect); exit(1); } if (inf) in = fopen(inf, "rb"); else in = stdin; if (NULL == in) { perror(inf); exit(1); } cps = flam3_parse_from_file(in, inf, flam3_defaults_on, &ncps); if (inf) fclose(in); if (NULL == cps) { fprintf(stderr," error reading genomes.\n"); exit(1); } if (0 == ncps) { fprintf(stderr, "error: no genomes.\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < ncps; i++) { cps[i].sample_density *= qs; cps[i].height = (int)(cps[i].height * ss); cps[i].width = (int)(cps[i].width * ss); cps[i].pixels_per_unit *= ss; if (cps[i].height<=0 || cps[i].width<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"output image has dimension <=0, aborting.\n"); exit(1); } if (i > 0 && cps[i].time <= cps[i-1].time) { fprintf(stderr, "error: control points must be sorted by time, but %g <= %g, index %d.\n", cps[i].time, cps[i-1].time, i); exit(1); } if ((cps[i].width != cps[0].width) || (cps[i].height != cps[0].height)) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: flame %d at time %g size mismatch. " "(%d,%d) should be (%d,%d).\n", i, cps[i].time, cps[i].width, cps[i].height, cps[0].width, cps[0].height); cps[i].width = cps[0].width; cps[i].height = cps[0].height; } } if (!getenv("time") && !getenv("frame")) { if (!getenv("begin")) { first_frame = (int) cps[0].time; } if (!getenv("end")) { last_frame = (int) cps[ncps-1].time - 1; if (last_frame < first_frame) last_frame = first_frame; } } channels = strcmp(format, "png") ? 3 : 4; /* Check for 16-bit-per-channel processing */ if ( (16 == bpc) && (strcmp(format,"png") != 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"Support for 16 bpc images is only present for the png format.\n"); exit(1); } else if (bpc != 8 && bpc != 16) { fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected bpc specified (%d)\n",bpc); exit(1); } // f.temporal_filter_radius = argf("blur", 0.5); f.pixel_aspect_ratio = pixel_aspect; f.genomes = cps; f.ngenomes = ncps; f.verbose = verbose; f.bits = bits; f.progress = 0; f.earlyclip = earlyclip; f.nthreads = num_threads; f.sub_batch_size = sub_batch_size; if (16==bpc) f.bytes_per_channel = 2; else f.bytes_per_channel = 1; image = (void *) calloc((size_t)channels * (size_t)cps[0].width * (size_t)cps[0].height * f.bytes_per_channel, sizeof(char)); if (dtime < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "dtime must be positive, not %d.\n", dtime); exit(1); } for (ftime = first_frame; ftime <= last_frame; ftime += dtime) { f.time = (double) ftime; if (verbose && ((last_frame-first_frame)/dtime) >= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "time = %d/%d/%d\n", ftime, last_frame, dtime); } if (do_fields) { if (flam3_render(&f, image, flam3_field_even, channels, transparency,&stats)) { fprintf(stderr,"error rendering image: aborting.\n"); exit(1); } f.time += 0.5; if (flam3_render(&f, image, flam3_field_odd, channels, transparency,&stats2)) { fprintf(stderr,"error rendering image: aborting.\n"); exit(1); } stats.badvals+=stats2.badvals; stats.render_seconds+=stats2.render_seconds; stats.num_iters+=stats2.num_iters; } else { if (flam3_render(&f, image, flam3_field_both, channels, transparency,&stats)) { fprintf(stderr,"error rendering image: aborting.\n"); exit(1); } } if (getenv("out")) fname = getenv("out"); else { fname = malloc(strlen(prefix) + 20); sprintf(fname, "%s%05d.%s", prefix, ftime, format); } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "writing %s...", fname); if (write_genome) { sprintf(flamename,"%s.flam3",fname); /* get center genome */ flam3_interpolate(f.genomes, f.ngenomes, f.time, 0, ¢er_cp); /* write it out */ genfp = fopen(flamename,"w"); if (NULL == genfp) { perror(flamename); exit(1); } flam3_print(genfp, ¢er_cp, NULL, flam3_print_edits); fclose(genfp); } fp = fopen(fname, "wb"); if (NULL == fp) { perror(fname); exit(1); } /* Get center cp for embedding in png file */ flam3_interpolate(f.genomes, f.ngenomes, f.time, 0, ¢er_cp); /* Convert to string */ fpc.genome = flam3_print_to_string(¢er_cp); sprintf(badval_string, "%g",stats.badvals/(double)stats.num_iters); fpc.badvals = badval_string; sprintf(numiter_string,"%g",(double)stats.num_iters); fpc.numiters = numiter_string; sprintf(rtime_string,"%d",stats.render_seconds); fpc.rtime = rtime_string; if (!strcmp(format, "png")) { write_png(fp, image, cps[0].width, cps[0].height, &fpc, f.bytes_per_channel); } else if (!strcmp(format, "jpg")) { write_jpeg(fp, image, cps[0].width, cps[0].height, &fpc); } else { int size = 3 * cps[0].width * cps[0].height; fprintf(fp, "P6\n"); fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n255\n", cps[0].width, cps[0].height); if (size != fwrite(image, 1, size, fp)) { perror(fname); } } /* Free string */ free(fpc.genome); clear_cp(¢er_cp,0); fclose(fp); if (!getenv("out")) free(fname); } for (i = 0; i < ncps; i++) { xmlFreeDoc(cps[i].edits); clear_cp(&cps[i],0); } free(cps); free(image); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "done.\n"); fflush(stderr); return 0; }
docstring Inset::completionPrefix(Cursor const &) const { return docstring(); }
InsetName(string const & n = string(), docstring const & dn = docstring()) : name(n), display_name(dn) {}
docstring Inset::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const { xs << "[[Inset: " << from_ascii(insetName(lyxCode())) << "]]"; return docstring(); }
docstring InsetTOC::xhtml(XHTMLStream &, OutputParams const & op) const { Layout const & lay = buffer().params().documentClass().htmlTOCLayout(); string const & tocclass = lay.defaultCSSClass(); string const tocattr = "class='tochead " + tocclass + "'"; // we'll use our own stream, because we are going to defer everything. // that's how we deal with the fact that we're probably inside a standard // paragraph, and we don't want to be. odocstringstream ods; XHTMLStream xs(ods); Toc const & toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("tableofcontents"); if (toc.empty()) return docstring(); xs << html::StartTag("div", "class='toc'"); // Title of TOC Language const * lang = buffer().params().language; static string toctitle = N_("Table of Contents"); docstring title = lang ? translateIfPossible(from_ascii(toctitle), lang->code()) : translateIfPossible(from_ascii(toctitle)); xs << html::StartTag("div", tocattr) << title << html::EndTag("div"); // Output of TOC Toc::const_iterator it = toc.begin(); Toc::const_iterator const en = toc.end(); int lastdepth = 0; for (; it != en; ++it) { // First, we need to manage increases and decreases of depth int const depth = it->depth(); // Ignore stuff above the tocdepth if (depth > buffer().params().tocdepth) continue; if (depth > lastdepth) {; // open as many tags as we need to open to get to this level // this includes the tag for the current level for (int i = lastdepth + 1; i <= depth; ++i) { stringstream attr; attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << i << "'"; xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()); } lastdepth = depth; } else if (depth < lastdepth) { // close as many as we have to close to get back to this level // this includes closing the last tag at this level for (int i = lastdepth; i >= depth; --i) xs << html::EndTag("div"); // now open our tag stringstream attr; attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << depth << "'"; xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()); lastdepth = depth; } else { // no change of level, so close and open xs << html::EndTag("div"); stringstream attr; attr << "class='lyxtoc-" << depth << "'"; xs << html::StartTag("div", attr.str()); } // Now output TOC info for this entry Paragraph const & par = it->dit().innerParagraph(); // First the label, if there is one docstring const & label = par.params().labelString(); if (!label.empty()) xs << label << " "; // Now the content of the TOC entry, taken from the paragraph itself OutputParams ours = op; ours.for_toc = true; Font const dummy; par.simpleLyXHTMLOnePar(buffer(), xs, ours, dummy); xs << " "; // Now a link to that paragraph string const parattr = "href='#" + par.magicLabel() + "' class='tocarrow'"; xs << html::StartTag("a", parattr); // FIXME XHTML // There ought to be a simple way to customize this. // Maybe if we had an InsetLayout for TOC... xs << XHTMLStream::NextRaw() << ">"; xs << html::EndTag("a"); } for (int i = lastdepth; i > 0; --i) xs << html::EndTag("div"); xs << html::EndTag("div"); return ods.str(); }
void InsetMathString::write(WriteStream & os) const { if (!os.latex() || os.lockedMode()) { os << (os.asciiOnly() ? escape(str_) : str_); return; } docstring::const_iterator cit = str_.begin(); docstring::const_iterator end = str_.end(); // We may already be inside an \ensuremath command. bool in_forced_mode = os.pendingBrace(); // We will take care of matching braces. os.pendingBrace(false); while (cit != end) { bool mathmode = in_forced_mode ? os.textMode() : !os.textMode(); char_type const c = *cit; docstring command(1, c); try { bool termination = false; if (isASCII(c) || Encodings::latexMathChar(c, mathmode, os.encoding(), command, termination)) { if (os.textMode()) { if (in_forced_mode) { // we were inside \lyxmathsym os << '}'; os.textMode(false); in_forced_mode = false; } if (!isASCII(c) && os.textMode()) { os << "\\ensuremath{"; os.textMode(false); in_forced_mode = true; } } else if (isASCII(c) && in_forced_mode) { // we were inside \ensuremath os << '}'; os.textMode(true); in_forced_mode = false; } } else if (!os.textMode()) { if (in_forced_mode) { // we were inside \ensuremath os << '}'; in_forced_mode = false; } else { os << "\\lyxmathsym{"; in_forced_mode = true; } os.textMode(true); } os << command; // We may need a space if the command contains a macro // and the last char is ASCII. if (termination) os.pendingSpace(true); } catch (EncodingException const & e) { switch (os.output()) { case WriteStream::wsDryrun: { os << "<" << _("LyX Warning: ") << _("uncodable character") << " '"; os << docstring(1, e.failed_char); os << "'>"; break; } case WriteStream::wsPreview: { // indicate the encoding error by a boxed '?' os << "{\\fboxsep=1pt\\fbox{?}}"; LYXERR0("Uncodable character" << " '" << docstring(1, e.failed_char) << "'"); break; } case WriteStream::wsDefault: default: // throw again throw(e); } } ++cit; } if (in_forced_mode && os.textMode()) { // We have to care for closing \lyxmathsym os << '}'; os.textMode(false); } else { os.pendingBrace(in_forced_mode); } }
void InsetListings::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { string param_string = params().params(); // NOTE: I use {} to quote text, which is an experimental feature // of the listings package (see page 25 of the manual) bool const isInline = params().isInline(); // get the paragraphs. We can not output them directly to given odocstream // because we can not yet determine the delimiter character of \lstinline docstring code; docstring uncodable; ParagraphList::const_iterator par = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator end = paragraphs().end(); bool encoding_switched = false; Encoding const * const save_enc = runparams.encoding; if (!runparams.isFullUnicode() && !runparams.encoding->hasFixedWidth()) { // We need to switch to a singlebyte encoding, since the // listings package cannot deal with multi-byte-encoded // glyphs (not needed with full-unicode aware backends // such as XeTeX). Language const * const outer_language = (runparams.local_font != 0) ? runparams.local_font->language() : buffer().params().language; // We try if there's a singlebyte encoding for the current // language; if not, fall back to latin1. Encoding const * const lstenc = (outer_language->encoding()->hasFixedWidth()) ? outer_language->encoding() : encodings.fromLyXName("iso8859-1"); switchEncoding(os.os(), buffer().params(), runparams, *lstenc, true); runparams.encoding = lstenc; encoding_switched = true; } while (par != end) { pos_type siz = par->size(); bool captionline = false; for (pos_type i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { if (i == 0 && par->isInset(i) && i + 1 == siz) captionline = true; // ignore all struck out text and (caption) insets if (par->isDeleted(i) || par->isInset(i)) continue; char_type c = par->getChar(i); // we can only output characters covered by the current // encoding! try { if (runparams.encoding->encodable(c)) code += c; else if (runparams.dryrun) { code += "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("uncodable character") + " '"; code += docstring(1, c); code += "'>"; } else uncodable += c; } catch (EncodingException & /* e */) { if (runparams.dryrun) { code += "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("uncodable character") + " '"; code += docstring(1, c); code += "'>"; } else uncodable += c; } } ++par; // for the inline case, if there are multiple paragraphs // they are simply joined. Otherwise, expect latex errors. if (par != end && !isInline && !captionline) code += "\n"; } if (isInline) { char const * delimiter = lstinline_delimiters; for (; delimiter != '\0'; ++delimiter) if (!contains(code, *delimiter)) break; // This code piece contains all possible special character? !!! // Replace ! with a warning message and use ! as delimiter. if (*delimiter == '\0') { docstring delim_error = "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("no more lstline delimiters available") + ">"; code = subst(code, from_ascii("!"), delim_error); delimiter = lstinline_delimiters; if (!runparams.dryrun) { // FIXME: warning should be passed to the error dialog frontend::Alert::warning(_("Running out of delimiters"), _("For inline program listings, one character must be reserved\n" "as a delimiter. One of the listings, however, uses all available\n" "characters, so none is left for delimiting purposes.\n" "For the time being, I have replaced '!' by a warning, but you\n" "must investigate!")); } } if (param_string.empty()) os << "\\lstinline" << *delimiter; else os << "\\lstinline[" << from_utf8(param_string) << "]" << *delimiter; os << code << *delimiter; } else { OutputParams rp = runparams; rp.moving_arg = true; docstring const caption = getCaption(rp); if (param_string.empty() && caption.empty()) os << breakln << "\\begin{lstlisting}\n"; else { os << breakln << "\\begin{lstlisting}["; if (!caption.empty()) { os << "caption={" << caption << '}'; if (!param_string.empty()) os << ','; } os << from_utf8(param_string) << "]\n"; } os << code << breakln << "\\end{lstlisting}\n"; } if (encoding_switched){ // Switch back switchEncoding(os.os(), buffer().params(), runparams, *save_enc, true); runparams.encoding = save_enc; } if (!uncodable.empty()) { // issue a warning about omitted characters // FIXME: should be passed to the error dialog frontend::Alert::warning(_("Uncodable characters in listings inset"), bformat(_("The following characters in one of the program listings are\n" "not representable in the current encoding and have been omitted:\n%1$s."), uncodable)); } }
docstring const AppleSpellChecker::error() { return docstring(); }
void Parser::tokenize_one() { catInit(); char_type c; if (!is_.get(c)) return; switch (catcode(c)) { case catSpace: { docstring s(1, c); while (is_.get(c) && catcode(c) == catSpace) s += c; if (catcode(c) != catSpace) is_.putback(c); push_back(Token(s, catSpace)); break; } case catNewline: { ++lineno_; docstring s(1, getNewline(is_, c)); while (is_.get(c) && catcode(c) == catNewline) { ++lineno_; s += getNewline(is_, c); } if (catcode(c) != catNewline) is_.putback(c); push_back(Token(s, catNewline)); break; } case catComment: { // We don't treat "%\n" combinations here specially because // we want to preserve them in the preamble docstring s; while (is_.get(c) && catcode(c) != catNewline) s += c; // handle possible DOS line ending if (catcode(c) == catNewline) c = getNewline(is_, c); // Note: The '%' at the beginning and the '\n' at the end // of the comment are not stored. ++lineno_; push_back(Token(s, catComment)); break; } case catEscape: { is_.get(c); if (!is_) { error("unexpected end of input"); } else { docstring s(1, c); if (catcode(c) == catLetter) { // collect letters while (is_.get(c) && catcode(c) == catLetter) s += c; if (catcode(c) != catLetter) is_.putback(c); } push_back(Token(s, catEscape)); } break; } case catIgnore: { cerr << "ignoring a char: " << c << "\n"; break; } default: push_back(Token(docstring(1, c), catcode(c))); } //cerr << tokens_.back(); }
docstring InsetArgument::xhtml(XHTMLStream &, OutputParams const &) const { return docstring(); }
docstring const EnchantChecker::error() { return docstring(); }
docstring Inset::toolTip(BufferView const &, int, int) const { return docstring(); }
void writePlaintextParagraph(Buffer const & buf, Paragraph const & par, odocstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams, bool & ref_printed) { int ltype = 0; depth_type ltype_depth = 0; depth_type depth = par.params().depth(); // First write the layout string const tmp = to_utf8(par.layout().name()); if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "itemize") == 0) { ltype = 1; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "enumerate") == 0) { ltype = 2; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (contains(ascii_lowercase(tmp), "ection")) { ltype = 3; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (contains(ascii_lowercase(tmp), "aragraph")) { ltype = 4; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "description") == 0) { ltype = 5; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "abstract") == 0) { ltype = 6; ltype_depth = 0; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "bibliography") == 0) { ltype = 7; ltype_depth = 0; } else { ltype = 0; ltype_depth = 0; } /* the labelwidthstring used in lists */ /* noindent ? */ /* what about the alignment */ // runparams.linelen == 0 is special and means we don't have paragraph breaks string::size_type currlinelen = 0; os << docstring(depth * 2, ' '); currlinelen += depth * 2; //-- // we should probably change to the paragraph language in the // support/ (if possible) so that strings are output in // the correct language! (20012712 Jug) //-- switch (ltype) { case 0: // Standard case 4: // (Sub)Paragraph case 5: // Description break; case 6: // Abstract if (runparams.linelen > 0) { os << buf.B_("Abstract") << "\n\n"; currlinelen = 0; } else { docstring const abst = buf.B_("Abstract: "); os << abst; currlinelen += abst.length(); } break; case 7: // Bibliography if (!ref_printed) { if (runparams.linelen > 0) { os << buf.B_("References") << "\n\n"; currlinelen = 0; } else { docstring const refs = buf.B_("References: "); os << refs; currlinelen += refs.length(); } ref_printed = true; } break; default: { docstring const label = par.params().labelString(); if (!label.empty()) { os << label << ' '; currlinelen += label.length() + 1; } break; } } if (currlinelen == 0) { pair<int, docstring> p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); os << p.second; currlinelen += p.first; } docstring word; for (pos_type i = 0; i < par.size(); ++i) { // deleted characters don't make much sense in plain text output if (par.isDeleted(i)) continue; char_type c = par.getUChar(buf.params(), i); if (par.isInset(i) || c == ' ') { if (runparams.linelen > 0 && currlinelen + word.length() > runparams.linelen) { os << '\n'; pair<int, docstring> p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); os << p.second; currlinelen = p.first; } os << word; currlinelen += word.length(); word.erase(); } if (par.isInset(i)) { OutputParams rp = runparams; rp.depth = par.params().depth(); int len = par.getInset(i)->plaintext(os, rp); if (len >= Inset::PLAINTEXT_NEWLINE) currlinelen = len - Inset::PLAINTEXT_NEWLINE; else currlinelen += len; continue; } switch (c) { case ' ': os << ' '; currlinelen++; break; case '\0': LYXERR(Debug::INFO, "writePlaintextFile: NUL char in structure."); break; default: word += c; break; } } // currlinelen may be greater than runparams.linelen! // => check whether word is empty and do nothing in this case if (!word.empty()) { if (runparams.linelen > 0 && currlinelen + word.length() > runparams.linelen) { os << '\n'; pair<int, docstring> p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); os << p.second; currlinelen = p.first; } os << word; } }
docstring InsetCitation::complexLabel(bool for_xhtml) const { Buffer const & buf = buffer(); // Only start the process off after the buffer is loaded from file. if (!buf.isFullyLoaded()) return docstring(); BiblioInfo const & biblist = buf.masterBibInfo(); if (biblist.empty()) return docstring(); // the natbib citation-styles // CITET: author (year) // CITEP: (author,year) // CITEALT: author year // CITEALP: author, year // CITEAUTHOR: author // CITEYEAR: year // CITEYEARPAR: (year) // jurabib supports these plus // CITE: author/<before field> CiteEngine const engine = buffer().params().citeEngine(); // We don't currently use the full or forceUCase fields. string cite_type = asValidLatexCommand(getCmdName(), engine); if (cite_type[0] == 'C') // If we were going to use them, this would mean ForceUCase cite_type = string(1, 'c') + cite_type.substr(1); if (cite_type[cite_type.size() - 1] == '*') // and this would mean FULL cite_type = cite_type.substr(0, cite_type.size() - 1); docstring const & before = getParam("before"); docstring before_str; if (!before.empty()) { // In CITET and CITEALT mode, the "before" string is // attached to the label associated with each and every key. // In CITEP, CITEALP and CITEYEARPAR mode, it is attached // to the front of the whole only. // In other modes, it is not used at all. if (cite_type == "citet" || cite_type == "citealt" || cite_type == "citep" || cite_type == "citealp" || cite_type == "citeyearpar") before_str = before + ' '; // In CITE (jurabib), the "before" string is used to attach // the annotator (of legal texts) to the author(s) of the // first reference. else if (cite_type == "cite") before_str = '/' + before; } docstring const & after = getParam("after"); docstring after_str; // The "after" key is appended only to the end of the whole. if (cite_type == "nocite") after_str = " (" + _("not cited") + ')'; else if (!after.empty()) { after_str = ", " + after; } // One day, these might be tunable (as they are in BibTeX). char op, cp; // opening and closing parenthesis. const char * sep; // punctuation mark separating citation entries. if (engine == ENGINE_BASIC) { op = '['; cp = ']'; sep = ","; } else { op = '('; cp = ')'; sep = ";"; } docstring const op_str = ' ' + docstring(1, op); docstring const cp_str = docstring(1, cp) + ' '; docstring const sep_str = from_ascii(sep) + ' '; docstring label; vector<docstring> keys = getVectorFromString(getParam("key")); vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); vector<docstring>::const_iterator end = keys.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { // get the bibdata corresponding to the key docstring const author = biblist.getAbbreviatedAuthor(*it); docstring const year = biblist.getYear(*it, for_xhtml); docstring const citenum = for_xhtml ? biblist.getCiteNumber(*it) : *it; if (author.empty() || year.empty()) // We can't construct a "complex" label without that info. // So fail safely. return docstring(); // authors1/<before>; ... ; // authors_last, <after> if (cite_type == "cite") { if (engine == ENGINE_BASIC) { label += wrapCitation(*it, citenum, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } else if (engine == ENGINE_JURABIB) { if (it == keys.begin()) label += wrapCitation(*it, author, for_xhtml) + before_str + sep_str; else label += wrapCitation(*it, author, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } } // nocite else if (cite_type == "nocite") { label += *it + sep_str; } // (authors1 (<before> year); ... ; // authors_last (<before> year, <after>) else if (cite_type == "citet") { switch (engine) { case ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR: label += author + op_str + before_str + wrapCitation(*it, year, for_xhtml) + cp + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL: label += author + op_str + before_str + wrapCitation(*it, citenum, for_xhtml) + cp + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_JURABIB: label += before_str + author + op_str + wrapCitation(*it, year, for_xhtml) + cp + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_BASIC: break; } } // author, year; author, year; ... else if (cite_type == "citep" || cite_type == "citealp") { if (engine == ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL) { label += wrapCitation(*it, citenum, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } else { label += wrapCitation(*it, author + ", " + year, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } } // (authors1 <before> year; // authors_last <before> year, <after>) else if (cite_type == "citealt") { switch (engine) { case ENGINE_NATBIB_AUTHORYEAR: label += author + ' ' + before_str + wrapCitation(*it, year, for_xhtml) + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL: label += author + ' ' + before_str + '#' + wrapCitation(*it, citenum, for_xhtml) + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_JURABIB: label += before_str + wrapCitation(*it, author + ' ' + year, for_xhtml) + sep_str; break; case ENGINE_BASIC: break; } } // author; author; ... else if (cite_type == "citeauthor") { label += wrapCitation(*it, author, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } // year; year; ... else if (cite_type == "citeyear" || cite_type == "citeyearpar") { label += wrapCitation(*it, year, for_xhtml) + sep_str; } } label = rtrim(rtrim(label), sep); if (!after_str.empty()) { if (cite_type == "citet") { // insert "after" before last ')' label.insert(label.size() - 1, after_str); } else { bool const add = !(engine == ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL && (cite_type == "citeauthor" || cite_type == "citeyear")); if (add) label += after_str; } } if (!before_str.empty() && (cite_type == "citep" || cite_type == "citealp" || cite_type == "citeyearpar")) { label = before_str + label; } if (cite_type == "citep" || cite_type == "citeyearpar" || (cite_type == "cite" && engine == ENGINE_BASIC) ) label = op + label + cp; return label; }