예제 #1
static inline Bool
exchangebufs(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr a, DRI2BufferPtr b)
	msm_pixmap_exchange(draw2pix(dri2draw(pDraw, a)),
			draw2pix(dri2draw(pDraw, b)));
	exchange(a->name, b->name);
	return TRUE;
static inline Bool
exchangebufs(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr a, DRI2BufferPtr b)
	PixmapPtr aPix = draw2pix(dri2draw(pDraw, a));
	PixmapPtr bPix = draw2pix(dri2draw(pDraw, b));

	ARMSOCPixmapExchange(aPix, bPix);
	exchange(a->name, b->name);
	return TRUE;
예제 #3
static inline Bool
canexchange(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr a, DRI2BufferPtr b)
	DrawablePtr da = dri2draw(pDraw, a);
	DrawablePtr db = dri2draw(pDraw, b);

	return DRI2CanFlip(pDraw) &&
			(da->width == db->width) &&
			(da->height == db->height) &&
			(da->depth == db->depth);
예제 #4
static void
MSMDRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion,
		DRI2BufferPtr pDstBuffer, DRI2BufferPtr pSrcBuffer)
	ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
	ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen);
	DrawablePtr pSrcDraw = dri2draw(pDraw, pSrcBuffer);
	DrawablePtr pDstDraw = dri2draw(pDraw, pDstBuffer);
	RegionPtr pCopyClip;
	GCPtr pGC;

	DEBUG_MSG("pDraw=%p, pDstBuffer=%p (%p), pSrcBuffer=%p (%p)",
			pDraw, pDstBuffer, pSrcDraw, pSrcBuffer, pDstDraw);

	/* hack.. since we don't have proper fencing / kernel synchronization
	 * we can get in a scenario where we get many frames ahead of the gpu,
	 * with queued up cmd sequence like: render -> blit -> render -> blit ..
	 * This hack makes sure the previous blit has completed.
	MSMPtr pMsm = MSMPTR(pScrn);
	MSMDRI2BufferPtr buf = MSMBUF(pDstBuffer);
	pMsm->pExa->PrepareAccess(buf->pPixmap, 0);
	pMsm->pExa->FinishAccess(buf->pPixmap, 0);

	pGC = GetScratchGC(pDstDraw->depth, pScreen);
	if (!pGC) {

	pCopyClip = REGION_CREATE(pScreen, NULL, 0);
	RegionCopy(pCopyClip, pRegion);
	(*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, CT_REGION, pCopyClip, 0);
	ValidateGC(pDstDraw, pGC);

	/* If the dst is the framebuffer, and we had a way to
	 * schedule a deferred blit synchronized w/ vsync, that
	 * would be a nice thing to do utilize here to avoid
	 * tearing..  when we have sync object support for GEM
	 * buffers, I think we could do something more clever
	 * here.

	pGC->ops->CopyArea(pSrcDraw, pDstDraw, pGC,
			0, 0, pDraw->width, pDraw->height, 0, 0);


static void
ARMSOCDRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion,
		DRI2BufferPtr pDstBuffer, DRI2BufferPtr pSrcBuffer)
	ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
	ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86ScreenToScrn(pScreen);
	DrawablePtr pSrcDraw = dri2draw(pDraw, pSrcBuffer);
	DrawablePtr pDstDraw = dri2draw(pDraw, pDstBuffer);
	RegionPtr pCopyClip;
	GCPtr pGC;

	DEBUG_MSG("pDraw=%p, pDstBuffer=%p (%p), pSrcBuffer=%p (%p)",
			pDraw, pDstBuffer, pSrcDraw, pSrcBuffer, pDstDraw);

	pGC = GetScratchGC(pDstDraw->depth, pScreen);
	if (!pGC)

	pCopyClip = REGION_CREATE(pScreen, NULL, 0);
	RegionCopy(pCopyClip, pRegion);
	(*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, CT_REGION, pCopyClip, 0);
	ValidateGC(pDstDraw, pGC);

	/* If the dst is the framebuffer, and we had a way to
	 * schedule a deferred blit synchronized w/ vsync, that
	 * would be a nice thing to do utilize here to avoid
	 * tearing..  when we have sync object support for GEM
	 * buffers, I think we could do something more clever
	 * here.

	pGC->ops->CopyArea(pSrcDraw, pDstDraw, pGC,
			0, 0, pDraw->width, pDraw->height, 0, 0);
