예제 #1
// drops the read lock on an image struct
  dt_image_cache_t *cache,
  const dt_image_t *img)
  if(!img || img->id <= 0) return;
  // just force the dt_image_t struct to make sure it has been locked before.
  dt_cache_read_release(&cache->cache, img->id);
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *arg[])
  dt_cache_t cache;
  // dt_cache_init(&cache, 110000, 16, 64, 100000);
  // really hammer it, make quota insanely low:
  dt_cache_init(&cache, 110000, 16, 64, 100);
  dt_cache_set_allocate_callback(&cache, alloc_dummy, NULL);

#ifdef _OPENMP
#  pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(guided) shared(cache, stderr) num_threads(16)
  for(int k=0;k<100000;k++)
    void *data = (void *)(long int)k;
    const int size = 0;//dt_cache_size(&cache);
    const int con1 = dt_cache_contains(&cache, k);
    const int val1 = (int)(long int)dt_cache_read_get(&cache, k);
    const int val2 = (int)(long int)dt_cache_read_get(&cache, k);
    // fprintf(stderr, "\rinserted number %d, size %d, value %d - %d, contains %d - %d", k, size, val1, val2, con1, con2);
    const int con2 = dt_cache_contains(&cache, k);
    assert (con1 == 0);
    assert (con2 == 1);
    assert (val2 == k);
    dt_cache_read_release(&cache, k);
    dt_cache_read_release(&cache, k);
  // fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "[passed] inserting 100000 entries concurrently\n");

  const int size = dt_cache_size(&cache);
  const int lru_cnt   = lru_check_consistency(&cache);
  const int lru_cnt_r = lru_check_consistency_reverse(&cache);
  // fprintf(stderr, "lru list contains %d|%d/%d entries\n", lru_cnt, lru_cnt_r, size);
  assert(size == lru_cnt);
  assert(lru_cnt_r == lru_cnt);
  fprintf(stderr, "[passed] cache lru consistency after removals, have %d entries left.\n", size);

예제 #3
  dt_mipmap_cache_t *cache,
  dt_mipmap_buffer_t *buf)
  if(buf->size == DT_MIPMAP_NONE) return;
  assert(buf->imgid > 0);
  assert(buf->size >= DT_MIPMAP_0);
  assert(buf->size <  DT_MIPMAP_NONE);
  dt_cache_read_release(&cache->mip[buf->size].cache, get_key(buf->imgid, buf->size));
  buf->size = DT_MIPMAP_NONE;
  buf->buf  = NULL;
예제 #4
  dt_mipmap_cache_t *cache,
  dt_mipmap_buffer_t *buf,
  const uint32_t imgid,
  const dt_mipmap_size_t mip,
  const dt_mipmap_get_flags_t flags)
  const uint32_t key = get_key(imgid, mip);
  if(flags == DT_MIPMAP_TESTLOCK)
    // simple case: only get and lock if it's there.
    struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc* dsc = (struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc*)dt_cache_read_testget(&cache->mip[mip].cache, key);
      buf->width  = dsc->width;
      buf->height = dsc->height;
      buf->imgid  = imgid;
      buf->size   = mip;
      // skip to next 8-byte alignment, for sse buffers.
      buf->buf    = (uint8_t *)(dsc+1);
      // set to NULL if failed.
      buf->width = buf->height = 0;
      buf->imgid = 0;
      buf->size  = DT_MIPMAP_NONE;
      buf->buf   = NULL;
  else if(flags == DT_MIPMAP_PREFETCH)
    // and opposite: prefetch without locking
    if(mip > DT_MIPMAP_FULL || mip < DT_MIPMAP_0) return;
    dt_job_t j;
    dt_image_load_job_init(&j, imgid, mip);
    // if the job already exists, make it high-priority, if not, add it:
    if(dt_control_revive_job(darktable.control, &j) < 0)
      dt_control_add_job(darktable.control, &j);
  else if(flags == DT_MIPMAP_BLOCKING)
    // simple case: blocking get
    struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc* dsc = (struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc*)dt_cache_read_get(&cache->mip[mip].cache, key);
      // should never happen for anything but full images which have been moved.
      assert(mip == DT_MIPMAP_FULL || mip == DT_MIPMAP_F);
      // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache get] no data in cache for imgid %u size %d!\n", imgid, mip);
      // sorry guys, no image for you :(
      buf->width = buf->height = 0;
      buf->imgid = 0;
      buf->size  = DT_MIPMAP_NONE;
      buf->buf   = NULL;
      // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache get] found data in cache for imgid %u size %d\n", imgid, mip);
      // uninitialized?
      //assert(dsc->flags & DT_MIPMAP_BUFFER_DSC_FLAG_GENERATE || dsc->size == 0);
        __sync_fetch_and_add (&(cache->mip[mip].stats_fetches), 1);
        // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache get] now initializing buffer for img %u mip %d!\n", imgid, mip);
        // we're write locked here, as requested by the alloc callback.
        // now fill it with data:
        if(mip == DT_MIPMAP_FULL)
          // load the image:
          // make sure we access the r/w lock as shortly as possible!
          dt_image_t buffered_image;
          const dt_image_t *cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
          buffered_image = *cimg;
          // dt_image_t *img = dt_image_cache_write_get(darktable.image_cache, cimg);
          // dt_image_cache_write_release(darktable.image_cache, img, DT_IMAGE_CACHE_RELAXED);
          dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, cimg);

          char filename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
          gboolean from_cache = TRUE;
          dt_image_full_path(buffered_image.id, filename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN, &from_cache);

          dt_mipmap_cache_allocator_t a = (dt_mipmap_cache_allocator_t)&dsc;
          struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc* prvdsc = dsc;
          dt_imageio_retval_t ret = dt_imageio_open(&buffered_image, filename, a);
          if(dsc != prvdsc)
            // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache] realloc %p\n", data);
            // write back to cache, too.
            // in case something went wrong, still keep the buffer and return it to the hashtable
            // so we don't produce mem leaks or unnecessary mem fragmentation.
            dt_cache_realloc(&cache->mip[mip].cache, key, 1, (void*)dsc);
          if(ret != DT_IMAGEIO_OK)
            // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap read get] error loading image: %d\n", ret);
            // we can only return a zero dimension buffer if the buffer has been allocated.
            // in case dsc couldn't be allocated and points to the static buffer, it contains
            // a dead image already.
            if((void *)dsc != (void *)dt_mipmap_cache_static_dead_image) dsc->width = dsc->height = 0;
            // swap back new image data:
            cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
            dt_image_t *img = dt_image_cache_write_get(darktable.image_cache, cimg);
            *img = buffered_image;
            // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap read get] initializing full buffer img %u with %u %u -> %d %d (%p)\n", imgid, data[0], data[1], img->width, img->height, data);
            // don't write xmp for this (we only changed db stuff):
            dt_image_cache_write_release(darktable.image_cache, img, DT_IMAGE_CACHE_RELAXED);
            dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, img);
        else if(mip == DT_MIPMAP_F)
          _init_f((float *)(dsc+1), &dsc->width, &dsc->height, imgid);
          // 8-bit thumbs, possibly need to be compressed:
            // get per-thread temporary storage without malloc from a separate cache:
            const int key = dt_control_get_threadid();
            // const void *cbuf =
            dt_cache_read_get(&cache->scratchmem.cache, key);
            uint8_t *scratchmem = (uint8_t *)dt_cache_write_get(&cache->scratchmem.cache, key);
            _init_8(scratchmem, &dsc->width, &dsc->height, imgid, mip);
            buf->width  = dsc->width;
            buf->height = dsc->height;
            buf->imgid  = imgid;
            buf->size   = mip;
            buf->buf = (uint8_t *)(dsc+1);
            dt_mipmap_cache_compress(buf, scratchmem);
            dt_cache_write_release(&cache->scratchmem.cache, key);
            dt_cache_read_release(&cache->scratchmem.cache, key);
            _init_8((uint8_t *)(dsc+1), &dsc->width, &dsc->height, imgid, mip);
        dsc->flags &= ~DT_MIPMAP_BUFFER_DSC_FLAG_GENERATE;
        // drop the write lock
        dt_cache_write_release(&cache->mip[mip].cache, key);
        /* raise signal that mipmaps has been flushed to cache */
        dt_control_signal_raise(darktable.signals, DT_SIGNAL_DEVELOP_MIPMAP_UPDATED);
      buf->width  = dsc->width;
      buf->height = dsc->height;
      buf->imgid  = imgid;
      buf->size   = mip;
      buf->buf = (uint8_t *)(dsc+1);
      if(dsc->width == 0 || dsc->height == 0)
        // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache get] got a zero-sized image for img %u mip %d!\n", imgid, mip);
        if(mip < DT_MIPMAP_F)       dead_image_8(buf);
        else if(mip == DT_MIPMAP_F) dead_image_f(buf);
        else buf->buf = NULL; // full images with NULL buffer have to be handled, indicates `missing image'
  else if(flags == DT_MIPMAP_BEST_EFFORT)
    __sync_fetch_and_add (&(cache->mip[mip].stats_requests), 1);
    // best-effort, might also return NULL.
    // never decrease mip level for float buffer or full image:
    dt_mipmap_size_t min_mip = (mip >= DT_MIPMAP_F) ? mip : DT_MIPMAP_0;
    for(int k=mip; k>=min_mip && k>=0; k--)
      // already loaded?
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_get(cache, buf, imgid, k, DT_MIPMAP_TESTLOCK);
      if(buf->buf && buf->width > 0 && buf->height > 0)
        if(mip != k) __sync_fetch_and_add (&(cache->mip[k].stats_standin), 1);
      // didn't succeed the first time? prefetch for later!
      if(mip == k)
        __sync_fetch_and_add (&(cache->mip[mip].stats_near_match), 1);
        dt_mipmap_cache_read_get(cache, buf, imgid, mip, DT_MIPMAP_PREFETCH);
    __sync_fetch_and_add (&(cache->mip[mip].stats_misses), 1);
    // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap cache get] image not found in cache: imgid %u mip %d!\n", imgid, mip);
    // nothing found :(
    buf->buf   = NULL;
    buf->imgid = 0;
    buf->size  = DT_MIPMAP_NONE;
    buf->width = buf->height = 0;
예제 #5
static int
dt_mipmap_cache_deserialize(dt_mipmap_cache_t *cache)
  int32_t rd = 0;
  const dt_mipmap_size_t mip = DT_MIPMAP_2;
  uint8_t *blob = NULL;
  FILE *f = NULL;
  int file_width[mip+1], file_height[mip+1];

  gchar dbfilename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  if (dt_mipmap_cache_get_filename(dbfilename, sizeof(dbfilename)))
    fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] could not retrieve cache filename; not deserializing\n");
    return 1;
  if (!strcmp(dbfilename, ":memory:"))
    // fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] library is in memory; not deserializing\n");
    return 0;

  // drop any old cache if the database is new. in that case newly imported images will probably mapped to old thumbnails
  if(dt_database_is_new(darktable.db) && g_file_test(dbfilename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
    fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] database is new, dropping old cache `%s'\n", dbfilename);
    goto read_finalize;

  f = fopen(dbfilename, "rb");
    if (errno == ENOENT)
      fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] cache is empty, file `%s' doesn't exist\n", dbfilename);
      fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] failed to open the cache from `%s'\n", dbfilename);
    goto read_finalize;

  // read version info:
  int32_t magic_file = 0;
  rd = fread(&magic_file, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
  if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
  if(magic_file == DT_MIPMAP_CACHE_FILE_MAGIC + 22)
    // same format, but compression was broken in 22 and below
  else if(magic_file != magic)
    if(magic_file > DT_MIPMAP_CACHE_FILE_MAGIC && magic_file < magic)
      fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] cache version too old, dropping `%s' cache\n", dbfilename);
      fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] invalid cache file, dropping `%s' cache\n", dbfilename);
    goto read_finalize;

  // also read compression type and yell out on missmatch.
  int32_t compression = -1;
  rd = fread(&compression, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
  if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
  if(compression != cache->compression_type)
    fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] cache is %s, but settings say we should use %s, dropping `%s' cache\n",
            compression == 0 ? "uncompressed" : (compression == 1 ? "low quality compressed" : "high quality compressed"),
            cache->compression_type == 0 ? "no compression" : (cache->compression_type == 1 ? "low quality compression" : "high quality compression"),
    goto read_finalize;
  if(compression && (magic_file == DT_MIPMAP_CACHE_FILE_MAGIC + 22))
    // compression is enabled and we have the affected version. can't read that.
    fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] dropping compressed cache v22 to regenerate mips without artifacts.\n");
    goto read_finalize;

  for (int i=0; i<=mip; i++)
    rd = fread(&file_width[i], sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
    if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
    rd = fread(&file_height[i], sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
    if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
    if(file_width[i]  != cache->mip[i].max_width ||
        file_height[i] != cache->mip[i].max_height)
      fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] cache settings changed, dropping `%s' cache\n", dbfilename);
      goto read_finalize;

  if(cache->compression_type) blob = NULL;
  else blob = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*file_width[mip]*file_height[mip]);

    int level = 0;
    rd = fread(&level, sizeof(int), 1, f);
    if (level > mip) break;

    int32_t key = 0;
    rd = fread(&key, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
    if(rd != 1) break; // first value is break only, goes to eof.
    int32_t length = 0;
    rd = fread(&length, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
    if(rd != 1) goto read_error;

    uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)dt_cache_read_get(&cache->mip[level].cache, key);
    struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc* dsc = (struct dt_mipmap_buffer_dsc*)data;
        int32_t wd, ht;
        rd = fread(&wd, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
        if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
        rd = fread(&ht, sizeof(int32_t), 1, f);
        if(rd != 1) goto read_error;
        dsc->width = wd;
        dsc->height = ht;
        if(length != compressed_buffer_size(cache->compression_type, wd, ht)) goto read_error;
        // directly read from disk into cache:
        rd = fread(data + sizeof(*dsc), 1, length, f);
        if(rd != length) goto read_error;
        // jpg too large?
        if(length > sizeof(uint32_t)*file_width[mip]*file_height[mip]) goto read_error;
        rd = fread(blob, sizeof(uint8_t), length, f);
        if(rd != length) goto read_error;
        // no compression, the image is still compressed on disk, as jpg
        dt_imageio_jpeg_t jpg;
        if(dt_imageio_jpeg_decompress_header(blob, length, &jpg) ||
            (jpg.width > file_width[level] || jpg.height > file_height[level]) ||
            dt_imageio_jpeg_decompress(&jpg, data+sizeof(*dsc)))
          fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] failed to decompress thumbnail for image %d!\n", get_imgid(key));
        dsc->width = jpg.width;
        dsc->height = jpg.height;
      // these come write locked in case idata[3] == 1, so release that!
      dt_cache_write_release(&cache->mip[level].cache, key);
    dt_cache_read_release(&cache->mip[level].cache, key);

  return 0;

  fprintf(stderr, "[mipmap_cache] failed to recover the cache from `%s'\n", dbfilename);
  if(f) fclose(f);
  return 1;