예제 #1
static int dt_circle_get_points(dt_develop_t *dev, float x, float y, float radius, float **points, int *points_count)
  float wd = dev->preview_pipe->iwidth;
  float ht = dev->preview_pipe->iheight;

  //how many points do we need ?
  float r = radius*MIN(wd,ht);
  int l = (int) (2.0*M_PI*r);

  //buffer allocations
  *points = malloc(2*(l+1)*sizeof(float));
  *points_count = l+1;

  //now we set the points
  (*points)[0] = x*wd;
  (*points)[1] = y*ht;
  for (int i=1; i<l+1; i++)
    float alpha = (i-1)*2.0*M_PI/(float) l;
    (*points)[i*2] = (*points)[0] + r*cosf(alpha);
    (*points)[i*2+1] = (*points)[1] + r*sinf(alpha);

  //and we transform them with all distorted modules
  if (dt_dev_distort_transform(dev,*points,l+1)) return 1;

  //if we failed, then free all and return
  *points = NULL;
  *points_count = 0;
  return 0;
예제 #2
파일: ellipse.c 프로젝트: CarVac/darktable
static int dt_ellipse_get_points(dt_develop_t *dev, float xx, float yy, float radius_a, float radius_b,
                                 float rotation, float **points, int *points_count)
  const float wd = dev->preview_pipe->iwidth;
  const float ht = dev->preview_pipe->iheight;
  const float v1 = (rotation / 180.0f) * M_PI;
  const float v2 = (rotation - 90.0f) / 180.0f * M_PI;
  float a, b, v;

  if(radius_a >= radius_b)
    a = radius_a * MIN(wd, ht);
    b = radius_b * MIN(wd, ht);
    v = v1;
    a = radius_b * MIN(wd, ht);
    b = radius_a * MIN(wd, ht);
    v = v2;

  const float sinv = sinf(v);
  const float cosv = cosf(v);

  // how many points do we need? we only take every nth point and rely on interpolation (only affecting GUI
  // anyhow)
  const int n = 10;
  const float lambda = (a - b) / (a + b);
  const int l = MAX(
      100, (int)((M_PI * (a + b)
                  * (1.0f + (3.0f * lambda * lambda) / (10.0f + sqrtf(4.0f - 3.0f * lambda * lambda)))) / n));

  // buffer allocations
  *points = calloc(2 * (l + 5), sizeof(float));
  *points_count = l + 5;

  // now we set the points
  const float x = (*points)[0] = xx * wd;
  const float y = (*points)[1] = yy * ht;

  (*points)[2] = x + a * cos(v);
  (*points)[3] = y + a * sin(v);
  (*points)[4] = x - a * cos(v);
  (*points)[5] = y - a * sin(v);

  (*points)[6] = x + b * cos(v - M_PI / 2.0f);
  (*points)[7] = y + b * sin(v - M_PI / 2.0f);
  (*points)[8] = x - b * cos(v - M_PI / 2.0f);
  (*points)[9] = y - b * sin(v - M_PI / 2.0f);

  for(int i = 5; i < l + 5; i++)
    float alpha = (i - 5) * 2.0 * M_PI / (float)l;
    (*points)[i * 2] = x + a * cosf(alpha) * cosv - b * sinf(alpha) * sinv;
    (*points)[i * 2 + 1] = y + a * cosf(alpha) * sinv + b * sinf(alpha) * cosv;

  // and we transform them with all distorted modules
  if(dt_dev_distort_transform(dev, *points, l + 5)) return 1;

  // if we failed, then free all and return
  *points = NULL;
  *points_count = 0;
  return 0;
예제 #3
static int dt_gradient_get_points(dt_develop_t *dev, float x, float y, float rotation, float **points, int *points_count)
  *points = NULL;
  *points_count = 0;

  const float wd = dev->preview_pipe->iwidth;
  const float ht = dev->preview_pipe->iheight;
  const float distance = 0.1f*fminf(wd, ht);

  const float xmax = wd - 1.0f;
  const float ymax = ht - 1.0f;

  const float v = (-rotation/180.0f)*M_PI;
  const float cosv = cos(v);
  const float sinv = sin(v);
  const float offset = sinv * x*wd - cosv * y*ht;

  // find intercept points of straight line and image borders
  int intercept_count = 0;
  float intercept[4];
  int l;
  float delta_x, delta_y;

  if(sinv == 0.0f)
    float is = -offset/cosv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= ymax)
      intercept[0] = 0;
      intercept[1] = is;
      intercept[2] = xmax;
      intercept[3] = is;
      intercept_count = 2;
  else if(cosv == 0.0f)
    float is = offset/sinv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= xmax)
      intercept[0] = is;
      intercept[1] = 0;
      intercept[2] = is;
      intercept[3] = ymax;
      intercept_count = 2;
    float is = -offset/cosv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= ymax)
      intercept[0] = 0;
      intercept[1] = is;
    is = (xmax*sinv - offset)/cosv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= ymax)
      intercept[intercept_count*2] = xmax;
      intercept[intercept_count*2+1] = is;
    is = offset/sinv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= xmax && intercept_count < 2)
      intercept[intercept_count*2] = is;
      intercept[intercept_count*2+1] = 0;
    is = (ymax*cosv + offset)/sinv;
    if(is >= 0.0f && is <= xmax && intercept_count < 2)
      intercept[intercept_count*2] = is;
      intercept[intercept_count*2+1] = ymax;

  //how many points do we need ?
  if(intercept_count != 2)
    l = 0;
    delta_x = delta_y = 0.0f;
    l = (int)ceilf(sqrt((intercept[2]-intercept[0])*(intercept[2]-intercept[0])+(intercept[3]-intercept[1])*(intercept[3]-intercept[1])));
    delta_x = (intercept[2]-intercept[0] != 0.0f) ? (intercept[2] - intercept[0])/l : 0.0f;
    delta_y = (intercept[3]-intercept[1] != 0.0f) ? (intercept[3] - intercept[1])/l : 0.0f;

  //buffer allocations
  *points = malloc(2*(l+3)*sizeof(float));
  if(*points == NULL) return 0;
  *points_count = l+3;

  //we set the anchor point
  (*points)[0] = x*wd;
  (*points)[1] = y*ht;

  //we set the pivot points
  const float v1 = (-(rotation-90.0f)/180.0f)*M_PI;
  const float x1 = x*wd + distance * cos(v1);
  const float y1 = y*ht + distance * sin(v1);
  (*points)[2] = x1;
  (*points)[3] = y1;
  const float v2 = (-(rotation+90.0f)/180.0f)*M_PI;
  const float x2 = x*wd + distance * cos(v2);
  const float y2 = y*ht + distance * sin(v2);
  (*points)[4] = x2;
  (*points)[5] = y2;
  //we set the line point
  float xx = intercept[0];
  float yy = intercept[1];
  for (int i=3; i<l+3; i++)
    (*points)[i*2] = xx;
    (*points)[i*2+1] = yy;
    xx += delta_x;
    yy += delta_y;

  //and we transform them with all distorted modules
  if (dt_dev_distort_transform(dev, *points, l+3)) return 1;

  //if we failed, then free all and return
  *points = NULL;
  *points_count = 0;
  return 0;