예제 #1
파일: gamesave.cpp 프로젝트: paud/d2x-xl
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load game 
// Loads all the relevant data for a level.
// If level != -1, it loads the filename with extension changed to .min
// Otherwise it loads the appropriate level mine.
// returns 0=everything ok, 1=old version, -1=error
int LoadMineDataCompiled (CFile& cf, int bFileInfo)
	int 	nStartOffset;

nStartOffset = cf.Tell ();
InitGameFileInfo ();
if (ReadGameFileInfo (cf, nStartOffset))
	return -1;
if (ReadLevelInfo (cf))
	return -1;
gameStates.render.bD2XLights = gameStates.app.bD2XLevel && (gameTopFileInfo.fileinfoVersion >= 34);
if (bFileInfo)
	return 0;

gameData.objs.nNextSignature = 0;
gameData.render.lights.nStatic = 0;
nGameSaveOrgRobots = 0;
nGameSavePlayers = 0;
if (ReadObjectInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadWallInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadDoorInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadTriggerInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadReactorInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadBotGenInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadEquipGenInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadLightDeltaIndexInfo (cf))
	return -1;
if (ReadLightDeltaInfo (cf))
	return -1;
ClearLightSubtracted ();
ResetObjects (gameFileInfo.objects.count);
CheckAndLinkObjects ();
ClearTransientObjects (1);		//1 means clear proximity bombs
CheckAndFixDoors ();
//gameData.walls.nOpenDoors = gameFileInfo.doors.count;
gameData.trigs.m_nTriggers = gameFileInfo.triggers.count;
gameData.walls.nWalls = gameFileInfo.walls.count;
CheckAndFixWalls ();
CheckAndFixTriggers ();
gameData.matCens.nBotCenters = gameFileInfo.botGen.count;
FixObjectSegs ();
#if DBG
dump_mine_info ();
if ((gameTopFileInfo.fileinfoVersion < GAME_VERSION) && 
	 ((gameTopFileInfo.fileinfoVersion != 25) || (GAME_VERSION != 26)))
	return 1;		//means old version
return 0;
예제 #2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load game 
// Loads all the relevant data for a level.
// If level != -1, it loads the filename with extension changed to .min
// Otherwise it loads the appropriate level mine.
// returns 0=everything ok, 1=old version, -1=error
int load_game_data(PHYSFS_file *LoadFile)
	int i,j;

	short game_top_fileinfo_version;
	int object_offset;
	int gs_num_objects;
	int trig_size;

	//===================== READ FILE INFO ========================

#if 0
	PHYSFS_read(LoadFile, &game_top_fileinfo, sizeof(game_top_fileinfo), 1);

	// Check signature
	if (PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile) != 0x6705)
		return -1;

	// Read and check version number
	game_top_fileinfo_version = PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile);
	if (game_top_fileinfo_version < GAME_COMPATIBLE_VERSION )
		return -1;

	// We skip some parts of the former game_top_fileinfo
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 31, SEEK_CUR);

	object_offset = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	gs_num_objects = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 8, SEEK_CUR);

	Num_walls = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 20, SEEK_CUR);

	Num_triggers = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 24, SEEK_CUR);

	trig_size = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	Assert(trig_size == sizeof(ControlCenterTriggers));
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);

	Num_robot_centers = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
	PHYSFSX_fseek(LoadFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);

	if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 31) //load mine filename
		// read newline-terminated string, not sure what version this changed.
	else if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 14) { //load mine filename
		// read null-terminated string
		char *p=Current_level_name;
		//must do read one char at a time, since no PHYSFSX_fgets()
		do *p = PHYSFSX_fgetc(LoadFile); while (*p++!=0);

	if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 19) {	//load pof names
		N_save_pof_names = PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile);
		if (N_save_pof_names != 0x614d && N_save_pof_names != 0x5547) { // "Ma"de w/DMB beta/"GU"ILE
			Assert(N_save_pof_names < MAX_POLYGON_MODELS);

	//===================== READ PLAYER INFO ==========================

	//===================== READ OBJECT INFO ==========================

	Gamesave_num_org_robots = 0;
	Gamesave_num_players = 0;

	if (object_offset > -1) {
		if (PHYSFSX_fseek( LoadFile, object_offset, SEEK_SET ))
			Error( "Error seeking to object_offset in gamesave.c" );

		for (i = 0; i < gs_num_objects; i++) {

			read_object(&Objects[i], LoadFile, game_top_fileinfo_version);

			Objects[i].signature = obj_get_signature();
			verify_object( &Objects[i] );


	//===================== READ WALL INFO ============================

	for (i = 0; i < Num_walls; i++) {
		if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 20)
			wall_read(&Walls[i], LoadFile); // v20 walls and up.
		else if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 17) {
			v19_wall w;
			v19_wall_read(&w, LoadFile);
			Walls[i].segnum	        = w.segnum;
			Walls[i].sidenum	= w.sidenum;
			Walls[i].linked_wall	= w.linked_wall;
			Walls[i].type		= w.type;
			Walls[i].flags		= w.flags;
			Walls[i].hps		= w.hps;
			Walls[i].trigger	= w.trigger;
			Walls[i].clip_num	= convert_wclip(w.clip_num);
			Walls[i].keys		= w.keys;
			Walls[i].state		= WALL_DOOR_CLOSED;
		} else {
			v16_wall w;
			v16_wall_read(&w, LoadFile);
			Walls[i].segnum = Walls[i].sidenum = Walls[i].linked_wall = -1;
			Walls[i].type		= w.type;
			Walls[i].flags		= w.flags;
			Walls[i].hps		= w.hps;
			Walls[i].trigger	= w.trigger;
			Walls[i].clip_num	= convert_wclip(w.clip_num);
			Walls[i].keys		= w.keys;

#if 0
	//===================== READ DOOR INFO ============================

	if (game_fileinfo.doors_offset > -1)
		if (!PHYSFSX_fseek( LoadFile, game_fileinfo.doors_offset,SEEK_SET ))	{

			for (i=0;i<game_fileinfo.doors_howmany;i++) {

				if (game_top_fileinfo_version >= 20)
					active_door_read(&ActiveDoors[i], LoadFile); // version 20 and up
				else {
					v19_door d;
					int p;

					v19_door_read(&d, LoadFile);

					ActiveDoors[i].n_parts = d.n_parts;

					for (p=0;p<d.n_parts;p++) {
						int cseg,cside;

						cseg = Segments[d.seg[p]].children[d.side[p]];
						cside = find_connect_side(&Segments[d.seg[p]],&Segments[cseg]);

						ActiveDoors[i].front_wallnum[p] = Segments[d.seg[p]].sides[d.side[p]].wall_num;
						ActiveDoors[i].back_wallnum[p] = Segments[cseg].sides[cside].wall_num;

#endif // 0

	//==================== READ TRIGGER INFO ==========================

	for (i = 0; i < Num_triggers; i++)
		if (game_top_fileinfo_version <= 25)
			trigger_read(&Triggers[i], LoadFile);
		else {
			int type;
			switch ((type = PHYSFSX_readByte(LoadFile)))
				case 0: // door
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS;
				case 2: // matcen
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_MATCEN;
				case 3: // exit
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_EXIT;
				case 4: // secret exit
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT;
				case 5: // illusion off
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF;
				case 6: // illusion on
					Triggers[i].type = 0;
					Triggers[i].flags = TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON;
					con_printf(CON_URGENT,"Warning: unsupported trigger type %d (%d)\n", type, i);
			if (PHYSFSX_readByte(LoadFile) & 2)	// one shot
				Triggers[i].flags |= TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT;
			Triggers[i].num_links = PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile);
			Triggers[i].value = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
			Triggers[i].time = PHYSFSX_readInt(LoadFile);
			for (j=0; j<MAX_WALLS_PER_LINK; j++ )	
				Triggers[i].seg[j] = PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile);
			for (j=0; j<MAX_WALLS_PER_LINK; j++ )
				Triggers[i].side[j] = PHYSFSX_readShort(LoadFile);

	//================ READ CONTROL CENTER TRIGGER INFO ===============

	control_center_triggers_read_n(&ControlCenterTriggers, 1, LoadFile);

	//================ READ MATERIALOGRIFIZATIONATORS INFO ===============

	for (i = 0; i < Num_robot_centers; i++) {
		matcen_info_read(&RobotCenters[i], LoadFile, game_top_fileinfo_version);
		//	Set links in RobotCenters to Station array
		for (j = 0; j <= Highest_segment_index; j++)
			if (Segments[j].special == SEGMENT_IS_ROBOTMAKER)
				if (Segments[j].matcen_num == i)
					RobotCenters[i].fuelcen_num = Segments[j].value;

	//========================= UPDATE VARIABLES ======================


	for (i=0; i<MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
		Objects[i].next = Objects[i].prev = -1;
		if (Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE) {
			int objsegnum = Objects[i].segnum;

			if (objsegnum > Highest_segment_index)		//bogus object
				Objects[i].type = OBJ_NONE;
			else {
				Objects[i].segnum = -1;			//avoid Assert()

	clear_transient_objects(1);		//1 means clear proximity bombs

	// Make sure non-transparent doors are set correctly.
	for (i=0; i< Num_segments; i++)
		for (j=0;j<MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT;j++) {
			side	*sidep = &Segments[i].sides[j];
			if ((sidep->wall_num != -1) && (Walls[sidep->wall_num].clip_num != -1)) {
				if (WallAnims[Walls[sidep->wall_num].clip_num].flags & WCF_TMAP1) {
					sidep->tmap_num = WallAnims[Walls[sidep->wall_num].clip_num].frames[0];
					sidep->tmap_num2 = 0;


#if 0
	Num_open_doors = game_fileinfo.doors_howmany;
#endif // 0
	Num_open_doors = 0;

	//go through all walls, killing references to invalid triggers
	for (i=0;i<Num_walls;i++)
		if (Walls[i].trigger >= Num_triggers) {
			Walls[i].trigger = -1;	//kill trigger

	//go through all triggers, killing unused ones
	for (i=0;i<Num_triggers;) {
		int w;

		//	Find which wall this trigger is connected to.
		for (w=0; w<Num_walls; w++)
			if (Walls[w].trigger == i)

	#ifdef EDITOR
		if (w == Num_walls) {

	//	MK, 10/17/95: Make walls point back at the triggers that control them.
	//	Go through all triggers, stuffing controlling_trigger field in Walls.
		int t;

		for (t=0; t<Num_triggers; t++) {
			int	l;
			for (l=0; l<Triggers[t].num_links; l++) {
				int	seg_num;

				seg_num = Triggers[t].seg[l];

				//check to see that if a trigger requires a wall that it has one,
				//and if it requires a matcen that it has one

				if (Triggers[t].type == TRIGGER_MATCEN) {
					if (Segments[seg_num].special != SEGMENT_IS_ROBOTMAKER)
						Int3();		//matcen trigger doesn't point to matcen

	//fix old wall structs
	if (game_top_fileinfo_version < 17) {
		int segnum,sidenum,wallnum;

		for (segnum=0; segnum<=Highest_segment_index; segnum++)
			for (sidenum=0;sidenum<6;sidenum++)
				if ((wallnum=Segments[segnum].sides[sidenum].wall_num) != -1) {
					Walls[wallnum].segnum = segnum;
					Walls[wallnum].sidenum = sidenum;

	#ifndef NDEBUG
		int	sidenum;
		for (sidenum=0; sidenum<6; sidenum++) {
			int	wallnum = Segments[Highest_segment_index].sides[sidenum].wall_num;
			if (wallnum != -1)
				if ((Walls[wallnum].segnum != Highest_segment_index) || (Walls[wallnum].sidenum != sidenum))
					Int3();	//	Error.  Bogus walls in this segment.
								// Consult Yuan or Mike.



	#ifndef NDEBUG

	if (game_top_fileinfo_version < GAME_VERSION)
		return 1;		//means old version
		return 0;