예제 #1
 * Open up the reserved area and throw an exception.  The reserved area
 * should only be needed to create and initialize the exception itself.
 * If we already opened it and we're continuing to overflow, abort the VM.
 * We have to leave the "reserved" area open until the "catch" handler has
 * finished doing its processing.  This is because the catch handler may
 * need to resolve classes, which requires calling into the class loader if
 * the classes aren't already in the "initiating loader" list.
void dvmHandleStackOverflow(Thread* self)
     * Can we make the reserved area available?
    if (self->stackOverflowed) {
         * Already did, nothing to do but bail.
        LOGE("DalvikVM: double-overflow of stack in threadid=%d; aborting\n",
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    /* open it up to the full range */
    LOGI("Stack overflow, expanding (%p to %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
        self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize);
    //dvmDumpThread(self, false);
    self->interpStackEnd = self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize;
    self->stackOverflowed = true;

     * If we were trying to throw an exception when the stack overflowed,
     * we will blow up when doing the class lookup on StackOverflowError
     * because of the pending exception.  So, we clear it and make it
     * the cause of the SOE.
    Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
    if (excep != NULL) {
        LOGW("Stack overflow while throwing exception\n");
    dvmThrowChainedException("Ljava/lang/StackOverflowError;", NULL, excep);
예제 #2
파일: Stack.cpp 프로젝트: nesl/CAreDroid
 * Reduce the available stack size.  By this point we should have finished
 * our overflow processing.
void dvmCleanupStackOverflow(Thread* self, const Object* exception)
    const u1* newStackEnd;


    if (exception->clazz != gDvm.exStackOverflowError) {
        /* exception caused during SOE, not the SOE itself */

    newStackEnd = (self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize)
    if ((u1*)self->interpSave.curFrame <= newStackEnd) {
        ALOGE("Can't shrink stack: curFrame is in reserved area (%p %p)",
            self->interpStackEnd, self->interpSave.curFrame);
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    self->interpStackEnd = newStackEnd;
    self->stackOverflowed = false;

    ALOGI("Shrank stack (to %p, curFrame is %p)", self->interpStackEnd,
 * static void crash()
 * Dump the current thread's interpreted stack and abort the VM.  Useful
 * for seeing both interpreted and native stack traces.
 * (Might want to restrict this to debuggable processes as a security
 * measure, or check SecurityManager.checkExit().)
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMDebug_crash(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)

    ALOGW("Crashing VM on request");
    dvmDumpThread(dvmThreadSelf(), false);
예제 #4
 * Track an object that was allocated internally and isn't yet part of the
 * VM root set.
 * We could do this per-thread or globally.  If it's global we don't have
 * to do the thread lookup but we do have to synchronize access to the list.
 * NOTE: "obj" is not a fully-formed object; in particular, obj->clazz will
 * usually be NULL since we're being called from dvmMalloc().
void dvmAddTrackedAlloc(Object* obj, Thread* self)
    if (self == NULL)
        self = dvmThreadSelf();

    assert(self != NULL);
    if (!dvmAddToReferenceTable(&self->internalLocalRefTable, obj)) {
        LOGE("threadid=%d: unable to add %p to internal ref table\n",
            self->threadId, obj);
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);
예제 #5
 * Open up the reserved area and throw an exception.  The reserved area
 * should only be needed to create and initialize the exception itself.
 * If we already opened it and we're continuing to overflow, abort the VM.
 * We have to leave the "reserved" area open until the "catch" handler has
 * finished doing its processing.  This is because the catch handler may
 * need to resolve classes, which requires calling into the class loader if
 * the classes aren't already in the "initiating loader" list.
void dvmHandleStackOverflow(Thread* self, const Method* method)
     * Can we make the reserved area available?
    if (self->stackOverflowed) {
         * Already did, nothing to do but bail.
        LOGE("DalvikVM: double-overflow of stack in threadid=%d; aborting\n",
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    /* open it up to the full range */
    LOGI("threadid=%d: stack overflow on call to %s.%s:%s\n",
        method->clazz->descriptor, method->name, method->shorty);
    StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
    LOGI("  method requires %d+%d+%d=%d bytes, fp is %p (%d left)\n",
        method->registersSize * 4, sizeof(StackSaveArea), method->outsSize * 4,
        (method->registersSize + method->outsSize) * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea),
        saveArea, (u1*) saveArea - self->interpStackEnd);
    LOGI("  expanding stack end (%p to %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
        self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize);
    //dvmDumpThread(self, false);
    self->interpStackEnd = self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize;
    self->stackOverflowed = true;

     * If we were trying to throw an exception when the stack overflowed,
     * we will blow up when doing the class lookup on StackOverflowError
     * because of the pending exception.  So, we clear it and make it
     * the cause of the SOE.
    Object* excep = dvmGetException(self);
    if (excep != NULL) {
        LOGW("Stack overflow while throwing exception\n");
        NULL, excep);
예제 #6
파일: dexspy.cpp 프로젝트: MiCode/Xposed
// work-around to get a reference wrapper to an object so that it can be used
// for certain calls to the JNI environment. almost verbatim copy from Jni.cpp
static jobject dexspyAddLocalReference(::Thread* self, Object* obj) {
    if (obj == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    IndirectRefTable* pRefTable = &self->jniLocalRefTable;
    void* curFrame = self->interpSave.curFrame;
    u4 cookie = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(curFrame)->xtra.localRefCookie;
    jobject jobj = (jobject) pRefTable->add(cookie, obj);
    if (UNLIKELY(jobj == NULL)) {
        pRefTable->dump("JNI local");
        ALOGE("Failed adding to JNI local ref table (has %zd entries)", pRefTable->capacity());
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);
        dvmAbort();     // spec says call FatalError; this is equivalent
    if (UNLIKELY(gDvmJni.workAroundAppJniBugs)) {
        // Hand out direct pointers to support broken old apps.
        return reinterpret_cast<jobject>(obj);
    return jobj;
예제 #7
 * Reduce the available stack size.  By this point we should have finished
 * our overflow processing.
void dvmCleanupStackOverflow(Thread* self)
    const u1* newStackEnd;


    newStackEnd = (self->interpStackStart - self->interpStackSize)
    if ((u1*)self->curFrame <= newStackEnd) {
        LOGE("Can't shrink stack: curFrame is in reserved area (%p %p)\n",
            self->interpStackEnd, self->curFrame);
        dvmDumpThread(self, false);

    self->interpStackEnd = newStackEnd;
    self->stackOverflowed = false;

    LOGI("Shrank stack (to %p, curFrame is %p)\n", self->interpStackEnd,
예제 #8
/* Try as hard as possible to allocate some memory.
static void *tryMalloc(size_t size)
    void *ptr;

    /* Don't try too hard if there's no way the allocation is
     * going to succeed.  We have to collect SoftReferences before
     * throwing an OOME, though.
    if (size >= gDvm.heapGrowthLimit) {
        ALOGW("%zd byte allocation exceeds the %zd byte maximum heap size",
             size, gDvm.heapGrowthLimit);
        ptr = NULL;
        goto collect_soft_refs;

//TODO: figure out better heuristics
//    There will be a lot of churn if someone allocates a bunch of
//    big objects in a row, and we hit the frag case each time.
//    A full GC for each.
//    Maybe we grow the heap in bigger leaps
//    Maybe we skip the GC if the size is large and we did one recently
//      (number of allocations ago) (watch for thread effects)
//    DeflateTest allocs a bunch of ~128k buffers w/in 0-5 allocs of each other
//      (or, at least, there are only 0-5 objects swept each time)

    ptr = dvmHeapSourceAlloc(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        return ptr;

     * The allocation failed.  If the GC is running, block until it
     * completes and retry.
    if (gDvm.gcHeap->gcRunning) {
         * The GC is concurrently tracing the heap.  Release the heap
         * lock, wait for the GC to complete, and retrying allocating.
        ptr = dvmHeapSourceAlloc(size);
        if (ptr != NULL) {
            return ptr;
     * Another failure.  Our thread was starved or there may be too
     * many live objects.  Try a foreground GC.  This will have no
     * effect if the concurrent GC is already running.
    ptr = dvmHeapSourceAlloc(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        return ptr;

    /* Even that didn't work;  this is an exceptional state.
     * Try harder, growing the heap if necessary.
    ptr = dvmHeapSourceAllocAndGrow(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        size_t newHeapSize;

        newHeapSize = dvmHeapSourceGetIdealFootprint();
//TODO: may want to grow a little bit more so that the amount of free
//      space is equal to the old free space + the utilization slop for
//      the new allocation.
        LOGI_HEAP("Grow heap (frag case) to "
                "%zu.%03zuMB for %zu-byte allocation",
                FRACTIONAL_MB(newHeapSize), size);
        return ptr;

    /* Most allocations should have succeeded by now, so the heap
     * is really full, really fragmented, or the requested size is
     * really big.  Do another GC, collecting SoftReferences this
     * time.  The VM spec requires that all SoftReferences have
     * been collected and cleared before throwing an OOME.
//TODO: wait for the finalizers from the previous GC to finish
    LOGI_HEAP("Forcing collection of SoftReferences for %zu-byte allocation",
    ptr = dvmHeapSourceAllocAndGrow(size);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
        return ptr;
//TODO: maybe wait for finalizers and try one last time

    LOGE_HEAP("Out of memory on a %zd-byte allocation.", size);
//TODO: tell the HeapSource to dump its state
    dvmDumpThread(dvmThreadSelf(), false);

    return NULL;