/* v serves two purposes: * A pseudo stack base for the stack root. * Pointer to a guff structure, which packages some values needed * (arena and thr mostly) */ static void *setup(void *v, size_t s) { struct guff_s *guff; mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t leafpool; mps_pool_t tablepool; mps_fmt_t dylanfmt; mps_fmt_t dylanweakfmt; mps_ap_t leafap, exactap, weakap, bogusap; mps_root_t stack; mps_thr_t thr; guff = (struct guff_s *)v; (void)s; arena = guff->arena; thr = guff->thr; die(mps_root_create_reg(&stack, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thr, mps_stack_scan_ambig, v, 0), "Root Create\n"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&dylanfmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "Format Create\n"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&dylanweakfmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A_weak()), "Format Create (weak)\n"); die(mps_pool_create(&leafpool, arena, mps_class_lo(), dylanfmt), "Leaf Pool Create\n"); die(mps_pool_create(&tablepool, arena, mps_class_awl(), dylanweakfmt, dylan_weak_dependent), "Table Pool Create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&leafap, leafpool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "Leaf AP Create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&exactap, tablepool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "Exact AP Create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&weakap, tablepool, MPS_RANK_WEAK), "Weak AP Create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&bogusap, tablepool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "Bogus AP Create\n"); test(leafap, exactap, weakap, bogusap); mps_ap_destroy(bogusap); mps_ap_destroy(weakap); mps_ap_destroy(exactap); mps_ap_destroy(leafap); mps_pool_destroy(tablepool); mps_pool_destroy(leafpool); mps_fmt_destroy(dylanweakfmt); mps_fmt_destroy(dylanfmt); mps_root_destroy(stack); return NULL; }
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_fmt_t format; mps_root_t exactRoot, ambigRoot; size_t lastStep = 0, i, r; unsigned long objs; mps_ap_t busy_ap; mps_addr_t busy_init; const char *indent = " "; mps_chain_t chain; static mps_gen_param_s genParam = {1024, 0.2}; arena = (mps_arena_t)arg; (void)s; /* unused */ die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, 1, &genParam), "chain_create"); MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(args) { MPS_ARGS_ADD(args, MPS_KEY_FORMAT, format); MPS_ARGS_ADD(args, MPS_KEY_CHAIN, chain); MPS_ARGS_ADD(args, MPS_KEY_GEN, 0); die(mps_pool_create_k(&pool, arena, mps_class_amst(), args), "pool_create(amst)"); } MPS_ARGS_END(args); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate"); die(mps_ap_create(&busy_ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate 2"); for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i) exactRoots[i] = objNULL; for(i = 0; i < ambigRootsCOUNT; ++i) ambigRoots[i] = rnd_addr(); die(mps_root_create_table_masked(&exactRoot, arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, &exactRoots[0], exactRootsCOUNT, (mps_word_t)1), "root_create_table(exact)"); die(mps_root_create_table(&ambigRoot, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0, &ambigRoots[0], ambigRootsCOUNT), "root_create_table(ambig)"); puts(indent); /* create an ap, and leave it busy */ die(mps_reserve(&busy_init, busy_ap, 64), "mps_reserve busy"); objs = 0; while(totalSize < totalSizeMAX) { if (totalSize > lastStep + totalSizeSTEP) { lastStep = totalSize; printf("\nSize %"PRIuLONGEST" bytes, %"PRIuLONGEST" objects.\n", (ulongest_t)totalSize, (ulongest_t)objs); printf("%s", indent); (void)fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i) cdie(exactRoots[i] == objNULL || dylan_check(exactRoots[i]), "all roots check"); } r = (size_t)rnd(); if (r & 1) { i = (r >> 1) % exactRootsCOUNT; if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL) cdie(dylan_check(exactRoots[i]), "dying root check"); exactRoots[i] = make(); if (exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i] != objNULL) dylan_write(exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i], exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT); } else {
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s) { unsigned i; /* index */ mps_ap_t ap; mps_fmt_t fmt; mps_chain_t chain; mps_pool_t amc; mps_res_t e; mps_root_t mps_root[2]; mps_addr_t nullref = NULL; int state[rootCOUNT]; mps_arena_t arena; void *p = NULL; mps_message_t message; arena = (mps_arena_t)arg; (void)s; die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create\n"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain), "pool_create amc\n"); die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[0], arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, root, (size_t)rootCOUNT), "root_create\n"); die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[1], arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, &p, (size_t)1), "root_create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, mps_rank_exact()), "ap_create\n"); /* Make registered-for-finalization objects. */ /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.alloc> */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { do { MPS_RESERVE_BLOCK(e, p, ap, vectorSIZE); die(e, "MPS_RES_OK"); die(dylan_init(p, vectorSIZE, &nullref, 1), "dylan_init"); } while (!mps_commit(ap, p, vectorSIZE)); /* store index in vector's slot */ ((mps_word_t *)p)[vectorSLOT] = dylan_int(i); die(mps_finalize(arena, &p), "finalize\n"); root[i] = p; state[i] = rootSTATE; } p = NULL; mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.churn> */ while (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT) { /* Perhaps cause (minor) collection */ churn(ap); /* Maybe make some objects ready-to-finalize */ /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.drop> */ for (i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { if (root[i] != NULL && state[i] == rootSTATE) { if (rnd() % finalizationRATE == 0) { /* for this object, either... */ if (rnd() % 2 == 0) { /* ...definalize it, or */ die(mps_definalize(arena, &root[i]), "definalize\n"); state[i] = deadSTATE; } else { /* ...expect it to be finalized soon */ state[i] = finalizableSTATE; } /* Drop the root reference to it; this makes it */ /* non-E-reachable: so either dead, or ready-to-finalize. */ root[i] = NULL; } } } /* Test any finalized objects, and perhaps resurrect some */ while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { mps_word_t *obj; mps_word_t objind; mps_addr_t objaddr; /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.message> */ cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization()), "get"); cdie(0 == mps_message_clock(arena, message), "message clock should be 0 (unset) for finalization messages"); mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message); obj = objaddr; objind = dylan_int_int(obj[vectorSLOT]); printf("Finalizing: object %lu at %p\n", objind, objaddr); /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.final.check> */ cdie(root[objind] == NULL, "finalized live"); cdie(state[objind] == finalizableSTATE, "finalized dead"); state[objind] = finalizedSTATE; /* sometimes resurrect */ if (rnd() % 2 == 0) root[objind] = objaddr; mps_message_discard(arena, message); } } /* @@@@ <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.nofinal.check> missing */ mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_root_destroy(mps_root[1]); mps_root_destroy(mps_root[0]); mps_pool_destroy(amc); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(fmt); return NULL; }
static void *testscriptB(void *arg, size_t s) { trampDataStruct trampData; mps_arena_t arena; mps_thr_t thr; const char *script; mps_fmt_t fmt; mps_chain_t chain; mps_pool_t amc; mps_root_t root_table; mps_ap_t ap; mps_root_t root_stackreg; size_t i; int N = myrootCOUNT - 1; void *stack_starts_here; /* stack scanning starts here */ Insist(s == sizeof(trampDataStruct)); trampData = *(trampDataStruct*)arg; arena = trampData.arena; thr = trampData.thr; script = trampData.script; die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain), "pool_create amc"); for(i = 0; i < myrootCOUNT; ++i) { myroot[i] = NULL; } die(mps_root_create_table(&root_table, arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, myroot, (size_t)myrootCOUNT), "root_create"); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, mps_rank_exact()), "ap_create"); /* root_stackreg: stack & registers are ambiguous roots = mutator's workspace */ die(mps_root_create_reg(&root_stackreg, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0, thr, mps_stack_scan_ambig, &stack_starts_here, 0), "root_stackreg"); /* Make myrootCOUNT registered-for-finalization objects. */ /* Each is a dylan vector with 2 slots, inited to: (index, NULL) */ for(i = 0; i < myrootCOUNT; ++i) { mps_word_t v; mps_addr_t v_ref; die(make_dylan_vector(&v, ap, 2), "make_dylan_vector"); DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(v, 0) = DYLAN_INT(i); DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(v, 1) = (mps_word_t)NULL; v_ref = (mps_addr_t)v; die(mps_finalize(arena, &v_ref), "finalize"); myroot[i] = (void*)v; state[i] = rootSTATE; } /* .keep-alive: Create some additional inter-object references. * * 1 and N-1 don't die until myroot refs to both have been nulled. * * 2 and 3 don't die until myroot refs to both have been nulled. * * We do this to check that reachability via non-root refs prevents * finalization. */ /* Leave 0 and N containing NULL refs */ /* Make 1 and N-1 refer to each other */ DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(myroot[1] , 1) = (mps_word_t)myroot[N-1]; DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(myroot[N-1], 1) = (mps_word_t)myroot[1]; /* Make 2 and 3 refer to each other */ DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(myroot[2], 1) = (mps_word_t)myroot[3]; DYLAN_VECTOR_SLOT(myroot[3], 1) = (mps_word_t)myroot[2]; /* Stop stack scanning, otherwise stack or register dross from */ /* these setup functions can cause unwanted object retention, */ /* which would mean we don't get the finalization messages we */ /* expect. */ mps_root_destroy(root_stackreg); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_gc_start()); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_gc()); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); testscriptC(arena, script); mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_root_destroy(root_table); mps_pool_destroy(amc); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(fmt); return NULL; }
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_fmt_t fmt; mps_chain_t chain; mps_pool_t amc; mps_root_t mps_root[2]; mps_ap_t ap; mps_res_t e; int i; mps_addr_t nullref = NULL; void *p = NULL; int N = rootCOUNT - 1; arena = (mps_arena_t)arg; (void)s; die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create\n"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain), "pool_create amc\n"); die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[0], arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, (mps_rm_t)0, root, (size_t)rootCOUNT), "root_create\n"); die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root[1], arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, (mps_rm_t)0, &p, (size_t)1), "root_create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "ap_create\n"); /* Make registered-for-finalization objects. */ /* <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.alloc> */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { do { MPS_RESERVE_BLOCK(e, p, ap, vectorSIZE(2)); die(e, "MPS_RES_OK"); die(dylan_init(p, vectorSIZE(2), &nullref, 1), "dylan_init"); } while (!mps_commit(ap, p, vectorSIZE(2))); /* set vector's slots */ ((mps_word_t *)p)[vectorSLOT(0)] = dylan_int(i); ((mps_word_t *)p)[vectorSLOT(1)] = (mps_word_t)NULL; die(mps_finalize(arena, &p), "finalize\n"); root[i] = p; state[i] = rootSTATE; } p = NULL; mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); mps_arena_collect(arena); report(arena, 0); /* make 0 and N finalizable */ root[0] = NULL; state[0] = finalizableSTATE; root[N] = NULL; state[N] = finalizableSTATE; mps_arena_collect(arena); report(arena, 2); /* make 1 and N-1 refer to each other and finalizable */ ((mps_word_t *)root[1])[vectorSLOT(1)] = (mps_word_t)root[N-1]; ((mps_word_t *)root[N-1])[vectorSLOT(1)] = (mps_word_t)root[1]; root[1] = NULL; state[1] = finalizableSTATE; root[N-1] = NULL; state[N-1] = finalizableSTATE; mps_arena_collect(arena); report(arena, 2); mps_arena_collect(arena); report(arena, 0); /* @@@@ <design/poolmrg/#test.promise.ut.nofinal.check> missing */ mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_root_destroy(mps_root[1]); mps_root_destroy(mps_root[0]); mps_pool_destroy(amc); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(fmt); return NULL; }
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_root_t exactRoot, ambigRoot, singleRoot, fmtRoot; unsigned long i; /* Leave arena clamped until we have allocated this many objects. is 0 when arena has not been clamped. */ unsigned long clamp_until = 0; size_t j; mps_word_t collections; mps_pool_t mv; mps_addr_t alloced_obj; size_t asize = 32; /* size of alloced obj */ mps_addr_t obj; mps_ld_s ld; mps_alloc_pattern_t ramp = mps_alloc_pattern_ramp(); size_t rampCount = 0; mps_res_t res; arena = (mps_arena_t)arg; testlib_unused(s); die(dylan_fmt(&format, arena), "fmt_create"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&mv, arena, mps_class_mv(), 0x10000, 32, 0x10000), "pool_create(mv)"); pool_create_v_test(arena, format, chain); /* creates amc pool */ ap_create_v_test(amcpool); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amcpool), "ap_create"); for(j = 0; j < exactRootsCOUNT; ++j) { exactRoots[j] = objNULL; } for(j = 0; j < ambigRootsCOUNT; ++j) { ambigRoots[j] = (mps_addr_t)rnd(); } die(mps_root_create_table_masked(&exactRoot, arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, (mps_rm_t)0, &exactRoots[0], exactRootsCOUNT, (mps_word_t)1), "root_create_table(exact)"); die(mps_root_create_table(&ambigRoot, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, (mps_rm_t)0, &ambigRoots[0], ambigRootsCOUNT), "root_create_table(ambig)"); obj = objNULL; die(mps_root_create(&singleRoot, arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, (mps_rm_t)0, &root_single, &obj, 0), "root_create(single)"); /* test non-inlined reserve/commit */ obj = make_no_inline(); die(mps_alloc(&alloced_obj, mv, asize), "mps_alloc"); die(dylan_init(alloced_obj, asize, exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT), "dylan_init(alloced_obj)"); die(mps_root_create_fmt(&fmtRoot, arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, (mps_rm_t)0, dylan_fmt_A()->scan, alloced_obj, (mps_addr_t)(((char*)alloced_obj)+asize)), "root_create_fmt"); mps_ld_reset(&ld, arena); mps_ld_add(&ld, arena, obj); if (mps_ld_isstale(&ld, arena, obj)) { mps_ld_reset(&ld, arena); mps_ld_add(&ld, arena, obj); } collections = mps_collections(arena); for(i = 0; i < OBJECTS; ++i) { unsigned c; size_t r; c = mps_collections(arena); if(collections != c) { collections = c; printf("\nCollection %u, %lu objects.\n", c, i); for(r = 0; r < exactRootsCOUNT; ++r) { cdie(exactRoots[r] == objNULL || dylan_check(exactRoots[r]), "all roots check"); } if(collections == 1) { mps_arena_clamp(arena); clamp_until = i + 10000; } if(collections % 6 == 0) { mps_arena_expose(arena); mps_arena_release(arena); } if(collections % 6 == 3) { mps_arena_unsafe_expose_remember_protection(arena); mps_arena_unsafe_restore_protection(arena); mps_arena_release(arena); } if(collections % 6 == 4) { mps_arena_unsafe_expose_remember_protection(arena); mps_arena_release(arena); } if(collections % 3 == 2) { mps_arena_park(arena); mps_arena_release(arena); } } if(clamp_until && i >= clamp_until) { mps_arena_release(arena); clamp_until = 0; } if (rnd() % patternFREQ == 0) { switch(rnd() % 4) { case 0: case 1: die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, ramp), "alloc_pattern_begin"); ++rampCount; break; case 2: res = mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(ap, ramp); cdie(rampCount > 0 ? res == MPS_RES_OK : res == MPS_RES_FAIL, "alloc_pattern_end"); if (rampCount > 0) { --rampCount; } break; case 3: die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_reset(ap), "alloc_pattern_reset"); rampCount = 0; break; } } if (rnd() & 1) { exactRoots[rnd() % exactRootsCOUNT] = make(); } else { ambigRoots[rnd() % ambigRootsCOUNT] = make(); } r = rnd() % exactRootsCOUNT; if (exactRoots[r] != objNULL) { cdie(dylan_check(exactRoots[r]), "random root check"); } } arena_commit_test(arena); reservoir_test(arena); alignmentTest(arena); die(mps_arena_collect(arena), "collect"); mps_free(mv, alloced_obj, 32); alloc_v_test(mv); mps_pool_destroy(mv); mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_root_destroy(fmtRoot); mps_root_destroy(singleRoot); mps_root_destroy(exactRoot); mps_root_destroy(ambigRoot); mps_pool_destroy(amcpool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); return NULL; }
static void *test(void *arg, size_t s) { mps_ap_t ap; mps_fmt_t fmt; mps_chain_t chain; mps_word_t finals; mps_pool_t amc; mps_root_t mps_root; mps_arena_t arena; mps_message_t message; size_t i; arena = (mps_arena_t)arg; (void)s; die(mps_fmt_create_A(&fmt, arena, dylan_fmt_A()), "fmt_create\n"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&amc, arena, mps_class_amc(), fmt, chain), "pool_create amc\n"); die(mps_root_create_table(&mps_root, arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, root, (size_t)rootCOUNT), "root_create\n"); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, amc, mps_rank_exact()), "ap_create\n"); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); mps_arena_park(arena); object_count = 0; printf("Making some finalized trees of objects.\n"); /* make some trees */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { root[i] = (void *)make_numbered_tree(maxtreeDEPTH, ap); register_numbered_tree((mps_word_t)root[i], arena); } mps_arena_unsafe_expose_remember_protection(arena); mps_arena_unsafe_restore_protection(arena); printf("Losing all pointers to the trees.\n"); /* clean out the roots */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { root[i] = 0; } finals = 0; while ((finals < object_count) && (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT)) { mps_word_t final_this_time = 0; printf("Collecting..."); (void)fflush(stdout); die(mps_arena_collect(arena), "collect"); printf(" Done.\n"); while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { mps_word_t obj; mps_addr_t objaddr; cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization()), "get"); mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message); obj = (mps_word_t)objaddr; mps_message_discard(arena, message); ++ final_this_time; testlib_unused(obj); } finals += final_this_time; printf("%"PRIuLONGEST" objects finalized: total %"PRIuLONGEST " of %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)final_this_time, (ulongest_t)finals, (ulongest_t)object_count); } object_count = 0; printf("Making some indirectly finalized trees of objects.\n"); /* make some trees */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { root[i] = (void *)make_indirect_tree(maxtreeDEPTH, ap); register_indirect_tree((mps_word_t)root[i], arena); } printf("Losing all pointers to the trees.\n"); /* clean out the roots */ for(i = 0; i < rootCOUNT; ++i) { root[i] = 0; } finals = 0; while ((finals < object_count) && (mps_collections(arena) < collectionCOUNT)) { mps_word_t final_this_time = 0; printf("Collecting..."); (void)fflush(stdout); die(mps_arena_collect(arena), "collect"); printf(" Done.\n"); while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { mps_word_t obj; mps_addr_t objaddr; cdie(mps_message_get(&message, arena, mps_message_type_finalization()), "get"); mps_message_finalization_ref(&objaddr, arena, message); obj = (mps_word_t)objaddr; mps_message_discard(arena, message); ++ final_this_time; testlib_unused(obj); } finals += final_this_time; printf("%"PRIuLONGEST" objects finalized: total %"PRIuLONGEST " of %"PRIuLONGEST"\n", (ulongest_t)final_this_time, (ulongest_t)finals, (ulongest_t)object_count); } mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_root_destroy(mps_root); mps_pool_destroy(amc); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(fmt); return NULL; }
mps_res_t EnsureHeaderWeakFormat(mps_fmt_t *mps_fmt_o, mps_arena_t arena) { dylan_format = dylan_fmt_A(); return mps_fmt_create_auto_header(mps_fmt_o, arena, &HeaderWeakFormat); }