/* Returns whether the comments in a component matches the specified string */
static gboolean
matches_comment (ECalComponent *comp,
                 const gchar *str)
	GSList *list;
	gboolean matches;

	e_cal_component_get_comment_list (comp, &list);
	matches = matches_text_list (list, str);
	e_cal_component_free_text_list (list);

	return matches;
예제 #2
static void
do_save_calendar_rdf (FormatHandler *handler,
                      ESourceSelector *selector,
                      ECalClientSourceType type,
                      gchar *dest_uri)

	 * According to some documentation about CSV, newlines 'are' allowed
	 * in CSV-files. But you 'do' have to put the value between quotes.
	 * The helper 'string_needsquotes' will check for that
	 * http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm
	 * http://www.creativyst.com/cgi-bin/Prod/15/eg/csv2xml.pl

	ESource *primary_source;
	EClient *source_client;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GSList *objects = NULL;
	gchar *temp = NULL;
	GOutputStream *stream;

	if (!dest_uri)

	/* open source client */
	primary_source = e_source_selector_ref_primary_selection (selector);
	source_client = e_cal_client_connect_sync (
		primary_source, type, NULL, &error);
	g_object_unref (primary_source);

	/* Sanity check. */
	g_return_if_fail (
		((source_client != NULL) && (error == NULL)) ||
		((source_client == NULL) && (error != NULL)));

	if (source_client == NULL) {
		display_error_message (
			gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector)),
		g_error_free (error);

	stream = open_for_writing (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector))), dest_uri, &error);

	if (stream && e_cal_client_get_object_list_as_comps_sync (E_CAL_CLIENT (source_client), "#t", &objects, NULL, NULL)) {
		GSList *iter;

		xmlBufferPtr buffer = xmlBufferCreate ();
		xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc ((xmlChar *) "1.0");
		xmlNodePtr fnode;

		doc->children = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, (const guchar *)"rdf:RDF", NULL);
		xmlSetProp (doc->children, (const guchar *)"xmlns:rdf", (const guchar *)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
		xmlSetProp (doc->children, (const guchar *)"xmlns", (const guchar *)"http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical#");

		fnode = xmlNewChild (doc->children, NULL, (const guchar *)"Vcalendar", NULL);

		/* Should Evolution publicise these? */
		xmlSetProp (fnode, (const guchar *)"xmlns:x-wr", (const guchar *)"http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/prod/Apple_Comp_628d9d8459c556fa#");
		xmlSetProp (fnode, (const guchar *)"xmlns:x-lic", (const guchar *)"http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/prod/Apple_Comp_628d9d8459c556fa#");

		/* Not sure if it's correct like this */
		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"prodid", (const guchar *)"-//" PACKAGE_STRING "//iCal 1.0//EN");

		/* Assuming GREGORIAN is the only supported calendar scale */
		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"calscale", (const guchar *)"GREGORIAN");

		temp = calendar_config_get_timezone ();
		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"x-wr:timezone", (guchar *) temp);
		g_free (temp);

		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"method", (const guchar *)"PUBLISH");

		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"x-wr:relcalid", (guchar *) e_source_get_uid (primary_source));

		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"x-wr:calname", (guchar *) e_source_get_display_name (primary_source));

		/* Version of this RDF-format */
		xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"version", (const guchar *)"2.0");

		for (iter = objects; iter; iter = iter->next) {
			ECalComponent *comp = iter->data;
			const gchar *temp_constchar;
			gchar *tmp_str = NULL;
			GSList *temp_list;
			ECalComponentDateTime temp_dt;
			struct icaltimetype *temp_time;
			gint *temp_int;
			ECalComponentText temp_comptext;
			xmlNodePtr c_node = xmlNewChild (fnode, NULL, (const guchar *)"component", NULL);
			xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewChild (c_node, NULL, (const guchar *)"Vevent", NULL);

			/* Getting the stuff */
			e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &temp_constchar);
			tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ("#%s", temp_constchar);
			xmlSetProp (node, (const guchar *)"about", (guchar *) tmp_str);
			g_free (tmp_str);
			add_string_to_rdf (node, "uid",temp_constchar);

			e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &temp_comptext);
			add_string_to_rdf (node, "summary", temp_comptext.value);

			e_cal_component_get_description_list (comp, &temp_list);
			add_list_to_rdf (node, "description", temp_list, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_categories_list (comp, &temp_list);
			add_list_to_rdf (node, "categories", temp_list, CONSTCHAR);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_categories_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_comment_list (comp, &temp_list);
			add_list_to_rdf (node, "comment", temp_list, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);

			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_completed (comp, &temp_time);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "completed", temp_time);
			if (temp_time)
				e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);

			e_cal_component_get_created (comp, &temp_time);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "created", temp_time);
			if (temp_time)
				e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);

			e_cal_component_get_contact_list (comp, &temp_list);
			add_list_to_rdf (node, "contact", temp_list, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &temp_dt);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "dtstart", temp_dt.value ? temp_dt.value : NULL);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &temp_dt);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "dtend", temp_dt.value ? temp_dt.value : NULL);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_due (comp, &temp_dt);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "due", temp_dt.value ? temp_dt.value : NULL);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_percent (comp, &temp_int);
			add_nummeric_to_rdf (node, "percentComplete", temp_int);

			e_cal_component_get_priority (comp, &temp_int);
			add_nummeric_to_rdf (node, "priority", temp_int);

			e_cal_component_get_url (comp, &temp_constchar);
			add_string_to_rdf (node, "URL", temp_constchar);

			if (e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp)) {
				e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &temp_list);
				add_list_to_rdf (node, "attendee", temp_list, ECALCOMPONENTATTENDEE);
				if (temp_list)
					e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_location (comp, &temp_constchar);
			add_string_to_rdf (node, "location", temp_constchar);

			e_cal_component_get_last_modified (comp, &temp_time);
			add_time_to_rdf (node, "lastModified",temp_time);

			/* Important note!
			 * The documentation is not requiring this!
			 * if (temp_time) e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);
			 * Please uncomment and fix documentation if untrue
			 * http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/developer-doc/libecal/ECalComponent.html
			 *	#e-cal-component-get-last-modified

		/* I used a buffer rather than xmlDocDump: I want gio support */
		xmlNodeDump (buffer, doc, doc->children, 2, 1);

		g_output_stream_write_all (stream, xmlBufferContent (buffer), xmlBufferLength (buffer), NULL, NULL, &error);
		g_output_stream_close (stream, NULL, NULL);

		e_cal_client_free_ecalcomp_slist (objects);

		xmlBufferFree (buffer);
		xmlFreeDoc (doc);

	if (stream)
		g_object_unref (stream);

	g_object_unref (source_client);

	if (error != NULL) {
		display_error_message (
			gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector)),
		g_error_free (error);
예제 #3
static void
do_save_calendar_csv (FormatHandler *handler,
                      ESourceSelector *selector,
                      ECalClientSourceType type,
                      gchar *dest_uri)

	 * According to some documentation about CSV, newlines 'are' allowed
	 * in CSV-files. But you 'do' have to put the value between quotes.
	 * The helper 'string_needsquotes' will check for that
	 * http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm
	 * http://www.creativyst.com/cgi-bin/Prod/15/eg/csv2xml.pl

	ESource *primary_source;
	EClient *source_client;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GSList *objects = NULL;
	GOutputStream *stream;
	GString *line = NULL;
	CsvConfig *config = NULL;
	CsvPluginData *d = handler->data;
	const gchar *tmp = NULL;

	if (!dest_uri)

	/* open source client */
	primary_source = e_source_selector_ref_primary_selection (selector);
	source_client = e_cal_client_connect_sync (
		primary_source, type, NULL, &error);
	g_object_unref (primary_source);

	/* Sanity check. */
	g_return_if_fail (
		((source_client != NULL) && (error == NULL)) ||
		((source_client == NULL) && (error != NULL)));

	if (source_client == NULL) {
		display_error_message (
			gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector)),
		g_error_free (error);

	config = g_new (CsvConfig, 1);

	tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (d->delimiter_entry));
	config->delimiter = userstring_to_systemstring (tmp ? tmp:", ");
	tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (d->newline_entry));
	config->newline = userstring_to_systemstring (tmp ? tmp:"\\n");
	tmp = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (d->quote_entry));
	config->quote = userstring_to_systemstring (tmp ? tmp:"\"");
	config->header = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (
		GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (d->header_check));

	stream = open_for_writing (
		GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector))),
		dest_uri, &error);

	if (stream && e_cal_client_get_object_list_as_comps_sync (E_CAL_CLIENT (source_client), "#t", &objects, NULL, NULL)) {
		GSList *iter;

		if (config->header) {

			gint i = 0;

			static const gchar *labels[] = {
				 N_("Description List"),
				 N_("Categories List"),
				 N_("Comment List"),
				 N_("Contact List"),
				 N_("percent Done"),
				 N_("Attendees List"),

			line = g_string_new ("");
			for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (labels); i++) {
				if (i > 0)
					g_string_append (line, config->delimiter);
				g_string_append (line, _(labels[i]));

			g_string_append (line, config->newline);

			g_output_stream_write_all (
				stream, line->str, line->len,
			g_string_free (line, TRUE);

		for (iter = objects; iter; iter = iter->next) {
			ECalComponent *comp = iter->data;
			gchar *delimiter_temp = NULL;
			const gchar *temp_constchar;
			GSList *temp_list;
			ECalComponentDateTime temp_dt;
			struct icaltimetype *temp_time;
			gint *temp_int;
			ECalComponentText temp_comptext;

			line = g_string_new ("");

			/* Getting the stuff */
			e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &temp_constchar);
			line = add_string_to_csv (line, temp_constchar, config);

			e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &temp_comptext);
			line = add_string_to_csv (
				line, temp_comptext.value, config);

			e_cal_component_get_description_list (comp, &temp_list);
			line = add_list_to_csv (
				line, temp_list, config, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_categories_list (comp, &temp_list);
			line = add_list_to_csv (
				line, temp_list, config, CONSTCHAR);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_categories_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_comment_list (comp, &temp_list);
			line = add_list_to_csv (
				line, temp_list, config, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_completed (comp, &temp_time);
			line = add_time_to_csv (line, temp_time, config);
			if (temp_time)
				e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);

			e_cal_component_get_created (comp, &temp_time);
			line = add_time_to_csv (line, temp_time, config);
			if (temp_time)
				e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);

			e_cal_component_get_contact_list (comp, &temp_list);
			line = add_list_to_csv (
				line, temp_list, config, ECALCOMPONENTTEXT);
			if (temp_list)
				e_cal_component_free_text_list (temp_list);

			e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &temp_dt);
			line = add_time_to_csv (
				line, temp_dt.value ?
				temp_dt.value : NULL, config);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &temp_dt);
			line = add_time_to_csv (
				line, temp_dt.value ?
				temp_dt.value : NULL, config);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_due (comp, &temp_dt);
			line = add_time_to_csv (
				line, temp_dt.value ?
				temp_dt.value : NULL, config);
			e_cal_component_free_datetime (&temp_dt);

			e_cal_component_get_percent (comp, &temp_int);
			line = add_nummeric_to_csv (line, temp_int, config);

			e_cal_component_get_priority (comp, &temp_int);
			line = add_nummeric_to_csv (line, temp_int, config);

			e_cal_component_get_url (comp, &temp_constchar);
			line = add_string_to_csv (line, temp_constchar, config);

			if (e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp)) {
				e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &temp_list);
				line = add_list_to_csv (
					line, temp_list, config,
				if (temp_list)
					e_cal_component_free_attendee_list (temp_list);
			} else {
				line = add_list_to_csv (
					line, NULL, config,

			e_cal_component_get_location (comp, &temp_constchar);
			line = add_string_to_csv (line, temp_constchar, config);

			e_cal_component_get_last_modified (comp, &temp_time);

			/* Append a newline (record delimiter) */
			delimiter_temp = config->delimiter;
			config->delimiter = config->newline;

			line = add_time_to_csv (line, temp_time, config);

			/* And restore for the next record */
			config->delimiter = delimiter_temp;

			/* Important note!
			 * The documentation is not requiring this!
			 * if (temp_time)
			 *     e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype (temp_time);
			 * Please uncomment and fix documentation if untrue
			 * http://www.gnome.org/projects/evolution/
			 *	developer-doc/libecal/ECalComponent.html
			 *	#e-cal-component-get-last-modified
			g_output_stream_write_all (
				stream, line->str, line->len,
				NULL, NULL, &error);

			/* It's written, so we can free it */
			g_string_free (line, TRUE);

		g_output_stream_close (stream, NULL, NULL);

		e_cal_client_free_ecalcomp_slist (objects);

	if (stream)
		g_object_unref (stream);

	g_object_unref (source_client);

	g_free (config->delimiter);
	g_free (config->quote);
	g_free (config->newline);
	g_free (config);

	if (error != NULL) {
		display_error_message (
			gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (selector)),
		g_error_free (error);