예제 #1
int main(void)
	e_mutex_t *mutex;
	volatile unsigned *po;
	unsigned time_p;
	unsigned time_c;
	int i;
	unsigned *box;
	unsigned *box1;
	// Define the address of mutex
	mutex = (int *)0x00004000;
	// Define the address of counter
	po = (int *)0x00006000;
	// Define the mailbox
	box = (int *)0x00006200;
	box1 = (int *)0x00006300;
	// Initialize the counter to 0
	*po = 0;
	// Initialize the mutex in core (0,0)
	e_mutex_init(0, 0, mutex, MUTEXATTR_NULL);
	// Start counting 
	e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
	time_p = e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);

	// Wait to get the key
	e_mutex_lock(0, 0, mutex);
	// Add 1 to counter
	po[0] = po[0] + 1;
	// Release the key
	e_mutex_unlock(0, 0, mutex);

	while(po[0] != 16) {};
	// Return the value of counter
	time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

	*box = time_p - time_c;
	*box1 = po[0];
return 0;
예제 #2
int main(void)
	e_mutex_t *mutex;
	volatile unsigned *po;
	unsigned time_p;
	unsigned time_c;
	unsigned clk_hardcode;
	int i;
	unsigned *box;
	unsigned *box1;
	clk_hardcode = 19118172;
	mutex = (int *)0x00004000;
	po = (int *)0x00006000;
	box = (int *)0x00006200;
	box1 = (int *)0x00006300;
	*po = 0;
	//for (i=0; i<16; i++)
	//	((unsigned *) 0x6200)[i] = 0xdeadbeef;
	// Initialize the mutex in core (0,0)
	e_mutex_init(0, 0, mutex, MUTEXATTR_NULL);
	// Start counting 
	e_ctimer_set(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_MAX) ;
	e_ctimer_start(E_CTIMER_0, E_CTIMER_CLK);
	time_p = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

	// Wait to get the key
	e_mutex_lock(0, 0, mutex);
	// Add 1 to counter
	po[0] = po[0] + 1;
	// Release the key
	e_mutex_unlock(0, 0, mutex);

	while(po[0] != 16) {};
	// Return the value of counter
	time_c = e_ctimer_get(E_CTIMER_0);

	*box = time_p - time_c;
	*box1 = po[0];
return 0;