void memories_initialization(void) { struct ebi_cs_config cs_config; struct ebi_sdram_config sdram_config; memset(&cs_config, 0, sizeof(struct ebi_cs_config)); memset(&sdram_config, 0, sizeof(struct ebi_sdram_config)); /* * Configure the EBI port with 12 address lines, no address latches or * low pin count, and set it in SDRAM mode with 3-port EBI port. */ ebi_setup_port(12, 0, 0, EBI_PORT_3PORT | EBI_PORT_SDRAM); /* * Configure the EBI chip select for an 8 MB SDRAM located at * \ref BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE. */ ebi_cs_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_MODE_SDRAM_gc); ebi_cs_set_address_size(&cs_config, EBI_CS_ASPACE_8MB_gc); ebi_cs_set_base_address(&cs_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); /* Configure the EBI chip select to be in SDRAM mode. */ ebi_sdram_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_SDMODE_NORMAL_gc); /* Setup the number of SDRAM rows and columns. */ ebi_sdram_set_row_bits(&sdram_config, 12); ebi_sdram_set_col_bits(&sdram_config, 10); /* Further, setup the SDRAM timing. */ ebi_sdram_set_cas_latency(&sdram_config, 3); ebi_sdram_set_mode_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_MRDLY_2CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_cycle_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCYCDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_precharge_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_RPDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_write_recovery_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_WRDLY_1CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_self_refresh_to_active_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ESRDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_col_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCOLDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_refresh_period(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_REFRESH); ebi_sdram_set_initialization_delay(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_INITDLY); /* Write SDRAM configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_sdram_write_config(&sdram_config); /* Write the chip select configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_cs_write_config(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); ebi_enable_cs(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); do { /* Wait for SDRAM to initialize. */ } while (!ebi_sdram_is_ready()); }
int main(void) { int data; int index=0; char buffer[100]; Config32MHzClock(); CLK.PSCTRL = 0x00; // no division on peripheral clock UsartInit(); UsartWriteString("\r\n\r\nBOOT: Starting...\r\n"); //Analog Mux PORTF.DIR = 0b11111111; //Output PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN6_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm | PIN7_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN5_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN0_bm | PIN1_bm | PIN2_bm | PIN3_bm; //PORTF.OUTSET = PIN1_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN6_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN5_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN7_bm; //WR UsartWriteString("BOOT: Analog Mux configured...\r\n"); //ADC PORTQ.DIR = 0b1111; //Output PORTQ.OUTCLR = PIN1_bm | PIN3_bm; //PWRDWN pins PORTQ.OUTSET = PIN0_bm | PIN2_bm; //ENCODE pins //Reading Values PORTD.DIR = 0b00000000; //Input PORTE.DIR = 0b00000000; //Input UsartWriteString("BOOT: ADC configured...\r\n"); //TFT LCD TFT_init(); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); TSLCDFillRect(0,TS_SIZE_X-1,0,TS_SIZE_Y-1,TS_COL_BLUE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); /* TSLCDFillRect(0,TS_SIZE_X-1,0,70,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDSetFontColor(TS_COL_BLUE); TSLCDPrintStr(2,6,"Testing ELT240320TP with AVR",TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(20,80,90,130,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(30,90,100,140,TS_COL_YELLOW,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(20,80,160,200,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(30,90,170,210,TS_COL_RED,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(195,205,71,TS_SIZE_Y-1,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,60,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,50,TS_COL_BLUE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,40,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,30,TS_COL_RED,TS_MODE_NORMAL); */ UsartWriteString("BOOT: TFT LCD configured...\r\n"); //Timing Lines //INT0: breakoutbar6 / A0 / frame //INT1: slicebin0 / A1 / pixel PORTA.INTCTRL = (PORTA.INTCTRL & ~PORT_INT0LVL_gm ) | PORT_INT0LVL_LO_gc; PORTA.INTCTRL = (PORTA.INTCTRL & ~PORT_INT1LVL_gm ) | PORT_INT1LVL_LO_gc; //Detect rising edge only PORTA.PIN0CTRL |= 0x01; PORTA.PIN0CTRL &= ~0x06; PORTA.PIN1CTRL |= 0x01; PORTA.PIN1CTRL &= ~0x06; PORTA.INT0MASK = PIN0_bm; PORTA.INT1MASK = PIN1_bm; UsartWriteString("BOOT: Interrupts configured...\r\n"); //EBI/SDRAM ebi_setup_port(12, 0, 0, EBI_PORT_3PORT | EBI_PORT_SDRAM); /* * Configure the EBI chip select for an 8 MB SDRAM located at * \ref BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE. */ ebi_cs_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_MODE_SDRAM_gc); ebi_cs_set_address_size(&cs_config, EBI_CS_ASPACE_8MB_gc); ebi_cs_set_base_address(&cs_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); /* Configure the EBI chip select to be in SDRAM mode. */ ebi_sdram_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_SDMODE_NORMAL_gc); /* Setup the number of SDRAM rows and columns. */ ebi_sdram_set_row_bits(&sdram_config, 12); ebi_sdram_set_col_bits(&sdram_config, 10); /* Further, setup the SDRAM timing. */ ebi_sdram_set_cas_latency(&sdram_config, 3); ebi_sdram_set_mode_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_MRDLY_2CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_cycle_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCYCDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_precharge_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_RPDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_write_recovery_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_WRDLY_1CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_self_refresh_to_active_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ESRDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_col_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCOLDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_refresh_period(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_REFRESH); ebi_sdram_set_initialization_delay(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_INITDLY); /* Write SDRAM configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_sdram_write_config(&sdram_config); /* Write the chip select configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_cs_write_config(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); ebi_enable_cs(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM configured...\r\n"); do { // Wait for SDRAM to initialize. } while (!ebi_sdram_is_ready()); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM ready...\r\n"); status_code_t retval = ebi_test_data_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); if (retval == STATUS_OK) { UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM data bus test completed...\r\n"); } else { UsartWriteString("BOOT: WARNING: SDRAM data bus test failed...\r\n"); } retval = ebi_test_addr_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE,BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_SIZE); if (retval == STATUS_OK) { UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM address bus test completed...\r\n"); } else { UsartWriteString("BOOT: WARNING: SDRAM address bus test failed...\r\n"); } //_delay_ms(1); //SD Card testing UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card testing...\r\n"); //_delay_ms(1); FRESULT f_err_code; static FATFS FATFS_Obj; UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: initializing disk...\r\n"); disk_initialize(0); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: mounting disk...\r\n"); f_err_code = f_mount(0, &FATFS_Obj); if (f_err_code == FR_OK) { FIL fil_obj; int test_number = 5; UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: opening file...\r\n"); f_open(&fil_obj, "asplfc.txt", FA_WRITE); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: writing file...\r\n"); int out = f_printf(&fil_obj, "moo %d", test_number); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: closing file...\r\n"); f_close(&fil_obj); } else { UsartWriteLine("BOOT: WARNING: No SD card found..."); } //PORTQ.OUTCLR = PIN2_bm | PIN4_bm; UsartWriteString("\n\rASP LFC firmware -- v0.1\r\n"); UsartWriteString("> "); while(1) { data=UsartReadChar(); // read char // check for carriage return and try to match/execute command if((data == '\r')||(index==sizeof(buffer))) { //PORTF.OUT ^= (1<<0); // switch LED buffer[index]=0; // null terminate index=0; // reset buffer index UsartWriteString("\n\r"); // echo newline ParseCommand(buffer); // attempt to parse command UsartWriteString("> "); } else if(data==8) // backspace character { if(index>0) index--; // backup one character UsartWriteChar(data); } else { buffer[index++]=data; UsartWriteChar(data); }; // UsartWriteChar(data); // write char // _delay_ms(100); // PORTF.OUT ^= (1<<0); // toggle LED }; };
/** * \brief Main function. */ int main(void) { status_code_t retval; /* * Initialize the device by setting up the board, system clock and * sleep manager. */ board_init(); sysclk_init(); sleepmgr_init(); /* * Configure the EBI port with 12 address lines, no address latches or * low pin count, and set it in SDRAM mode with 3-port EBI port. */ ebi_setup_port(12, 0, 0, EBI_PORT_3PORT | EBI_PORT_SDRAM); /* * Configure the EBI chip select for an 8 MB SDRAM located at * \ref BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE. */ ebi_cs_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_MODE_SDRAM_gc); ebi_cs_set_address_size(&cs_config, EBI_CS_ASPACE_8MB_gc); ebi_cs_set_base_address(&cs_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); /* Configure the EBI chip select to be in SDRAM mode. */ ebi_sdram_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_SDMODE_NORMAL_gc); /* Setup the number of SDRAM rows and columns. */ ebi_sdram_set_row_bits(&sdram_config, 12); ebi_sdram_set_col_bits(&sdram_config, 10); /* Further, setup the SDRAM timing. */ ebi_sdram_set_cas_latency(&sdram_config, 3); ebi_sdram_set_mode_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_MRDLY_2CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_cycle_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCYCDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_precharge_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_RPDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_write_recovery_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_WRDLY_1CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_self_refresh_to_active_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ESRDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_col_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCOLDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_refresh_period(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_REFRESH); ebi_sdram_set_initialization_delay(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_INITDLY); /* Write SDRAM configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_sdram_write_config(&sdram_config); /* Write the chip select configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_cs_write_config(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); ebi_enable_cs(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); /* Enable LED0: EBI is configured and enabled. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED0_GPIO); do { // Wait for SDRAM to initialize. } while (!ebi_sdram_is_ready()); /* Enable LED1: SDRAM is ready. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED1_GPIO); retval = ebi_test_data_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); if (retval) { goto out; } /* Enable LED2: data bus test completed successfully. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED2_GPIO); retval = ebi_test_addr_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_SIZE); if (retval) { goto out; } /* Enable LED3: address bus test completed successfully. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED3_GPIO); retval = ebi_test_data_integrity((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_SIZE); if (retval) { goto out; } /* Enable LED4: data integrity test completed successfully. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED4_GPIO); out: /* Enable LED7: example application has completed. */ gpio_set_pin_low(LED7_GPIO); for (;;) { sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); } }