예제 #1
// store all information required for static allocation in
// proxies_static_allocation_data
// also store new proxy scheduler
void resource_manager::preprocess_static_allocation(
    std::size_t min_punits, std::size_t max_punits)
    proxies_map_type::iterator it;

    for (proxies_map_type::iterator it = proxies_.begin();
            it != proxies_.end(); ++it)
        proxy_data& p = (*it).second;
        static_allocation_data st;
        st.proxy_ = p.proxy_;

        // ask executor for its policies
        error_code ec1(lightweight);
        st.min_proxy_cores_ =
            p.proxy_->get_policy_element(detail::min_concurrency, ec1);
        if (ec1) st.min_proxy_cores_ = 1;
        st.max_proxy_cores_ =
            p.proxy_->get_policy_element(detail::max_concurrency, ec1);
        if (ec1) st.max_proxy_cores_ = get_os_thread_count();

        st.num_borrowed_cores_ = 0;
        st.num_owned_cores_ = 0;

        for (coreids_type coreids : p.core_ids_)
            if (punits_[coreids.first].use_count_ > 1)
            if (punits_[coreids.first].use_count_ == 1)

            allocation_data_map_type::value_type((*it).first , st));

    std::size_t cookie = next_cookie_ + 1;

    static_allocation_data st;
    st.min_proxy_cores_ = min_punits;
    st.max_proxy_cores_ = max_punits;
    st.adjusted_desired_ = static_cast<double>(max_punits);
    st.num_cores_stolen_ = 0;
        allocation_data_map_type::value_type(cookie , st));
예제 #2
// Request an initial resource allocation
std::size_t resource_manager::initial_allocation(
    detail::manage_executor* proxy, error_code& ec)
    if (nullptr == proxy) {
        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                      "manage_executor pointer is a nullptr");
        return std::size_t(-1);

    // ask executor for its policies
    error_code ec1(lightweight);
    std::size_t min_punits =
        proxy->get_policy_element(detail::min_concurrency, ec1);
    if (ec1) min_punits = 1;
    std::size_t max_punits =
        proxy->get_policy_element(detail::max_concurrency, ec1);
    if (ec1) max_punits = get_os_thread_count();

    // lock the resource manager from this point on
    std::lock_guard<mutex_type> l(mtx_);

    // allocate initial resources for the given executor
    std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > cores =
        allocate_virt_cores(proxy, min_punits, max_punits, ec);
    if (ec) return std::size_t(-1);

    // attach the given proxy to this resource manager
    std::size_t cookie = ++next_cookie_;
                        cookie, proxy_data(proxy, std::move(cores))));

    if (&ec != &throws)
        ec = make_success_code();
    return cookie;
예제 #3
    threads::thread_state_ex_enum suspend(
        util::steady_time_point const& abs_time,
        util::thread_description const& description, error_code& ec)
        // schedule a thread waking us up at_time
        threads::thread_self& self = threads::get_self();
        threads::thread_id_type id = threads::get_self_id();

        // handle interruption, if needed
        threads::interruption_point(id, ec);
        if (ec) return threads::wait_unknown;

        // let the thread manager do other things while waiting
        threads::thread_state_ex_enum statex = threads::wait_unknown;

            // verify that there are no more registered locks for this OS-thread
            detail::reset_lco_description desc(id, description, ec);
            detail::reset_backtrace bt(id, ec);
            threads::thread_id_type timer_id = threads::set_thread_state(id,
                abs_time, threads::pending, threads::wait_timeout,
                threads::thread_priority_boost, ec);
            if (ec) return threads::wait_unknown;

            // suspend the HPX-thread
            statex = self.yield(threads::suspended);

            if (statex != threads::wait_timeout)
                error_code ec1(lightweight);    // do not throw
                    threads::pending, threads::wait_abort,
                    threads::thread_priority_boost, ec1);

        // handle interruption, if needed
        threads::interruption_point(id, ec);
        if (ec) return threads::wait_unknown;

        // handle interrupt and abort
        if (statex == threads::wait_abort) {
            std::ostringstream strm;
            strm << "thread(" << threads::get_self_id() << ", "
                  << threads::get_thread_description(id)
                  << ") aborted (yield returned wait_abort)";
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, yield_aborted, "suspend_at",

        if (&ec != &throws)
            ec = make_success_code();

        return statex;