예제 #1
파일: ecdsa.c 프로젝트: Zengwn/strong-arm

/* Create random key pairs, sign random messages, and verify the signatures. */
START_TEST (test_random_sign)
	EC_POINT pubkey;
	FF_NUM privkey, hash, r, s;
	const FF_NUM max_hash = {0};	// Any 256-bit number
	for (int passes = 0; passes < 10; ++passes)
		ec_create_key (&privkey, &pubkey);
		ff_rand (&hash, &max_hash);
		ec_sign (&r, &s, &hash, &privkey);
		if (!ec_verify (&hash, &pubkey, &r, &s))
			printf ("ec_sign failed to create a signature that could be verified with ec_verify.");
			printf ("Private Key: ");
			print_ff (&privkey);
			printf ("\nPublic Key: 04");
			print_ff (&(pubkey.x));
			print_ff (&(pubkey.y));
			printf ("\nHash: ");
			print_ff (&hash);
			printf ("\nr: ");
			print_ff (&r);
			printf ("\ns: ");
			print_ff (&s);
			printf ("\n");
			return "ec_sign should create a signature that can be verified with ec_verify for all possible hash values.";
예제 #2
파일: ecdsa.c 프로젝트: Zengwn/strong-arm

/* Test corner cases */
START_TEST (test_sign_corner)
	EC_POINT pubkey;
	FF_NUM privkey = {0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000};
	const FF_NUM hash = {0};
	FF_NUM r, s;

	ec_mul (&pubkey, &privkey, &ec_G);
	ec_sign (&r, &s, &hash, &privkey);
	mu_assert (ec_verify (&hash, &pubkey, &r, &s), "ec_sign should create a signature that can be verified with ec_verify when the private key is 1.");

	ec_create_key (&privkey, &pubkey);
	ec_sign (&r, &s, &hash, &privkey);
	mu_assert (ec_verify (&hash, &pubkey, &r, &s), "ec_sign should create a signature that can be verified with ec_verify when the hash is 0.");

	ec_sign (&r, &s, &hash2, &privkey);
	mu_assert (ec_verify (&hash2, &pubkey, &r, &s), "ec_sign should create a signature that can be verified with ec_verify when the hash is 2^256-1.");
예제 #3
 * Performance testing of ECC signature generations and verifications
int main(void)
	elem_t rho;
	uint8_t b;

    unsigned char hash[PLA_HASH_LENGTH + 1];
    hash[PLA_HASH_LENGTH] = 0;
    unsigned char id_hash[PLA_HASH_LENGTH + 1];
    id_hash[PLA_HASH_LENGTH] = 0;

	unsigned char c = 'x';
	unsigned char c2 = 'y';
	int i;

	time_t initial, final;


	/* Some hashes */
    RIPEMD160(&c, 1, hash);
	RIPEMD160(&c2, 1, id_hash);

	/* Generate a new key */
	mpz_t tmp_sigma; mpz_init(tmp_sigma);
	mpz_t sigma; mpz_init(sigma);
	ec_keygen(&(e.y), tmp_sigma);
	ec_create_key(&rho, &b, &sigma, id_hash, &tmp_sigma);

	/* Test signing */
	ecselfsig_t sig;

	initial = time(&initial);
	for (i=0; i<COUNT; i++)
		ec_sign_self(&sig, hash, sigma);

	final = time(&final);