예제 #1
 * Verifies a ecdsa signature.
 * For a description of this algorithm see
 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_DSA#Signature_verification_algorithm
 * input:
 *  x: x coordinate of the public key (32 bytes)
 *  y: y coordinate of the public key (32 bytes)
 *  e: hash to verify the signature of (32 bytes)
 *  r: r value of the signature (32 bytes)
 *  s: s value of the signature (32 bytes)
 * return:
 *  0: signature is ok
 *  -1: signature check failed the signature is invalid
int ecc_ecdsa_validate(const uint32_t *x, const uint32_t *y, const uint32_t *e, const uint32_t *r, const uint32_t *s)
	uint32_t w[8];
	uint32_t tmp[16];
	uint32_t u1[9];
	uint32_t u2[9];
	uint32_t tmp1_x[8];
	uint32_t tmp1_y[8];
	uint32_t tmp2_x[8];
	uint32_t tmp2_y[8];
	uint32_t tmp3_x[8];
	uint32_t tmp3_y[8];

	// 3. Calculate w = s^{-1} \pmod{n}
	fieldInv(s, ecc_order_m, ecc_order_r, w);

	// 4. Calculate u_1 = zw \pmod{n}
	fieldMult(e, w, tmp, arrayLength);
	fieldModO(tmp, u1, 16);

	// 4. Calculate u_2 = rw \pmod{n}
	fieldMult(r, w, tmp, arrayLength);
	fieldModO(tmp, u2, 16);

	// 5. Calculate the curve point (x_1, y_1) = u_1 * G + u_2 * Q_A.
	// tmp1 = u_1 * G
	ecc_ec_mult(ecc_g_point_x, ecc_g_point_y, u1, tmp1_x, tmp1_y);

	// tmp2 = u_2 * Q_A
	ecc_ec_mult(x, y, u2, tmp2_x, tmp2_y);

	// tmp3 = tmp1 + tmp2
	ec_add(tmp1_x, tmp1_y, tmp2_x, tmp2_y, tmp3_x, tmp3_y);
	// TODO: this u_1 * G + u_2 * Q_A  could be optimiced with Straus's algorithm.

	return isSame(tmp3_x, r, arrayLength) ? 0 : -1;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if(argc < 2)
	    printf("Usage: secp256r1mult K\n");
    str2hex((void*)sk, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
    ecc_ec_mult(ecc_g_point_x, ecc_g_point_y, sk, pkx, pky);
    fieldModO(pkx, pkx, 8);
    //Print256((unsigned char *)pkx);
    Print256_nbo((unsigned char *)pkx);
    return 0;
예제 #3
 * Calculate the ecdsa signature.
 * For a description of this algorithm see
 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_DSA#Signature_generation_algorithm
 * input:
 *  d: private key on the curve secp256r1 (32 bytes)
 *  e: hash to sign (32 bytes)
 *  k: random data, this must be changed for every signature (32 bytes)
 * output:
 *  r: r value of the signature (36 bytes)
 *  s: s value of the signature (36 bytes)
 * return:
 *   0: everything is ok
 *  -1: can not create signature, try again with different k.
int ecc_ecdsa_sign(const uint32_t *d, const uint32_t *e, const uint32_t *k, uint32_t *r, uint32_t *s)
	uint32_t tmp1[16];
	uint32_t tmp2[9];
	uint32_t tmp3[9];

	if (isZero(k))
		return -1;

	// 4. Calculate the curve point (x_1, y_1) = k * G.
	ecc_ec_mult(ecc_g_point_x, ecc_g_point_y, k, r, tmp1);

	// 5. Calculate r = x_1 \pmod{n}.
	fieldModO(r, r, 8);

	// 5. If r = 0, go back to step 3.
	if (isZero(r))
		return -1;

	// 6. Calculate s = k^{-1}(z + r d_A) \pmod{n}.
	// 6. r * d
	fieldMult(r, d, tmp1, arrayLength);
	fieldModO(tmp1, tmp2, 16);

	// 6. z + (r d)
	tmp1[8] = add(e, tmp2, tmp1, 8);
	fieldModO(tmp1, tmp3, 9);

	// 6. k^{-1}
	fieldInv(k, ecc_order_m, ecc_order_r, tmp2);

	// 6. (k^{-1}) (z + (r d))
	fieldMult(tmp2, tmp3, tmp1, arrayLength);
	fieldModO(tmp1, s, 16);

	// 6. If s = 0, go back to step 3.
	if (isZero(s))
		return -1;

	return 0;