bool handleNumInput(bContext *C, NumInput *n, const wmEvent *event) { const char *utf8_buf = NULL; char ascii[2] = {'\0', '\0'}; bool updated = false; short idx = n->idx, idx_max = n->idx_max; short dir = STRCUR_DIR_NEXT, mode = STRCUR_JUMP_NONE; int cur; double val; switch (event->type) { case EVT_MODAL_MAP: if (ELEM(event->val, NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_UP, NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_DOWN)) { n->val[idx] += (event->val == NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_UP) ? n->val_inc[idx] : -n->val_inc[idx]; value_to_editstr(n, idx); n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; updated = true; } else { /* might be a char too... */ utf8_buf = event->utf8_buf; ascii[0] = event->ascii; } break; case BACKSPACEKEY: /* Part specific to backspace... */ if (!(n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED)) { copy_v3_v3(n->val, n->val_org); n->val_flag[0] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->val_flag[1] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->val_flag[2] &= ~NUM_EDITED; updated = true; break; } else if (event->shift || !n->str[0]) { n->val[idx] = n->val_org[idx]; n->val_flag[idx] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->str[0] = '\0'; n->str_cur = 0; updated = true; break; } /* Else, common behavior with DELKEY, only difference is remove char(s) before/after the cursor. */ dir = STRCUR_DIR_PREV; /* fall-through */ case DELKEY: if ((n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED) && n->str[0]) { int t_cur = cur = n->str_cur; if (event->ctrl) { mode = STRCUR_JUMP_DELIM; } BLI_str_cursor_step_utf8(n->str, strlen(n->str), &t_cur, dir, mode, true); if (t_cur != cur) { if (t_cur < cur) { SWAP(int, t_cur, cur); n->str_cur = cur; } memmove(&n->str[cur], &n->str[t_cur], strlen(&n->str[t_cur]) + 1); /* +1 for trailing '\0'. */ updated = true; } } else { return false; } break; case LEFTARROWKEY: dir = STRCUR_DIR_PREV; /* fall-through */ case RIGHTARROWKEY: cur = n->str_cur; if (event->ctrl) { mode = STRCUR_JUMP_DELIM; } BLI_str_cursor_step_utf8(n->str, strlen(n->str), &cur, dir, mode, true); if (cur != n->str_cur) { n->str_cur = cur; return true; } return false; case HOMEKEY: if (n->str[0]) { n->str_cur = 0; return true; } return false; case ENDKEY: if (n->str[0]) { n->str_cur = strlen(n->str); return true; } return false; case TABKEY: n->val_org[idx] = n->val[idx]; n->val_flag[idx] &= ~(NUM_NEGATE | NUM_INVERSE); idx += event->ctrl ? -1 : 1; idx %= idx_max + 1; n->idx = idx; n->val[idx] = n->val_org[idx]; if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED) { value_to_editstr(n, idx); } else { n->str[0] = '\0'; n->str_cur = 0; } return true; case PADPERIOD: /* Force numdot, some OSs/countries generate a comma char in this case, sic... (T37992) */ ascii[0] = '.'; utf8_buf = ascii; break; case EQUALKEY: case PADASTERKEY: if (!(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->flag |= NUM_EDIT_FULL; n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; return true; } else if (event->ctrl) { n->flag &= ~NUM_EDIT_FULL; return true; } /* fall-through */ case PADMINUS: case MINUSKEY: if (event->ctrl || !(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->val_flag[idx] ^= NUM_NEGATE; updated = true; break; } /* fall-through */ case PADSLASHKEY: case SLASHKEY: if (event->ctrl || !(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->val_flag[idx] ^= NUM_INVERSE; updated = true; break; } /* fall-through */ case CKEY: if (event->ctrl) { /* Copy current str to the copypaste buffer. */ WM_clipboard_text_set(n->str, 0); updated = true; break; } /* fall-through */ case VKEY: if (event->ctrl) { /* extract the first line from the clipboard */ int pbuf_len; char *pbuf = WM_clipboard_text_get_firstline(false, &pbuf_len); if (pbuf) { bool success; success = editstr_insert_at_cursor(n, pbuf, pbuf_len); MEM_freeN(pbuf); if (!success) { return false; } n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; } updated = true; break; } /* fall-through */ default: utf8_buf = event->utf8_buf; ascii[0] = event->ascii; break; } if (utf8_buf && !utf8_buf[0] && ascii[0]) { /* Fallback to ascii. */ utf8_buf = ascii; } if (utf8_buf && utf8_buf[0]) { if (!(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { /* In simple edit mode, we only keep a few chars as valid! */ /* no need to decode unicode, ascii is first char only */ if (!editstr_is_simple_numinput(utf8_buf[0])) { return false; } } if (!editstr_insert_at_cursor(n, utf8_buf, BLI_str_utf8_size(utf8_buf))) { return false; } n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; } else if (!updated) { return false; } /* At this point, our value has changed, try to interpret it with python (if str is not empty!). */ if (n->str[0]) { #ifdef WITH_PYTHON char str_unit_convert[NUM_STR_REP_LEN * 6]; /* Should be more than enough! */ const char *default_unit = NULL; /* Make radian default unit when needed. */ if (n->unit_use_radians && n->unit_type[idx] == B_UNIT_ROTATION) default_unit = "r"; BLI_strncpy(str_unit_convert, n->str, sizeof(str_unit_convert)); bUnit_ReplaceString(str_unit_convert, sizeof(str_unit_convert), default_unit, 1.0, n->unit_sys, n->unit_type[idx]); /* Note: with angles, we always get values as radians here... */ if (BPY_button_exec(C, str_unit_convert, &val, false) != -1) { n->val[idx] = (float)val; n->val_flag[idx] &= ~NUM_INVALID; } else { n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_INVALID; } #else /* Very unlikely, but does not harm... */ n->val[idx] = (float)atof(n->str); #endif /* WITH_PYTHON */ if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_NEGATE) { n->val[idx] = -n->val[idx]; } if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_INVERSE) { n->val[idx] = 1.0f / n->val[idx]; } } /* REDRAW SINCE NUMBERS HAVE CHANGED */ return true; }
bool handleNumInput(bContext *C, NumInput *n, const wmEvent *event) { const char *utf8_buf = NULL; char ascii[2] = {'\0', '\0'}; bool updated = false; short idx = n->idx, idx_max = n->idx_max; short dir = STRCUR_DIR_NEXT, mode = STRCUR_JUMP_NONE; int cur; switch (event->type) { case EVT_MODAL_MAP: if (ELEM(event->val, NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_UP, NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_DOWN)) { n->val[idx] += (event->val == NUM_MODAL_INCREMENT_UP) ? n->val_inc[idx] : -n->val_inc[idx]; value_to_editstr(n, idx); n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; updated = true; } else { /* might be a char too... */ utf8_buf = event->utf8_buf; ascii[0] = event->ascii; } break; case BACKSPACEKEY: /* Part specific to backspace... */ if (!(n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED)) { copy_v3_v3(n->val, n->val_org); n->val_flag[0] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->val_flag[1] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->val_flag[2] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->flag |= NUM_FAKE_EDITED; updated = true; break; } else if (event->shift || !n->str[0]) { n->val[idx] = n->val_org[idx]; n->val_flag[idx] &= ~NUM_EDITED; n->str[0] = '\0'; n->str_cur = 0; updated = true; break; } /* Else, common behavior with DELKEY, only difference is remove char(s) before/after the cursor. */ dir = STRCUR_DIR_PREV; ATTR_FALLTHROUGH; case DELKEY: if ((n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED) && n->str[0]) { int t_cur = cur = n->str_cur; if (event->ctrl) { mode = STRCUR_JUMP_DELIM; } BLI_str_cursor_step_utf8(n->str, strlen(n->str), &t_cur, dir, mode, true); if (t_cur != cur) { if (t_cur < cur) { SWAP(int, t_cur, cur); n->str_cur = cur; } memmove(&n->str[cur], &n->str[t_cur], strlen(&n->str[t_cur]) + 1); /* +1 for trailing '\0'. */ updated = true; } if (!n->str[0]) { n->val[idx] = n->val_org[idx]; } } else { return false; } break; case LEFTARROWKEY: dir = STRCUR_DIR_PREV; ATTR_FALLTHROUGH; case RIGHTARROWKEY: cur = n->str_cur; if (event->ctrl) { mode = STRCUR_JUMP_DELIM; } BLI_str_cursor_step_utf8(n->str, strlen(n->str), &cur, dir, mode, true); if (cur != n->str_cur) { n->str_cur = cur; return true; } return false; case HOMEKEY: if (n->str[0]) { n->str_cur = 0; return true; } return false; case ENDKEY: if (n->str[0]) { n->str_cur = strlen(n->str); return true; } return false; case TABKEY: n->val_flag[idx] &= ~(NUM_NEGATE | NUM_INVERSE); idx = (idx + idx_max + (event->ctrl ? 0 : 2)) % (idx_max + 1); n->idx = idx; if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_EDITED) { value_to_editstr(n, idx); } else { n->str[0] = '\0'; n->str_cur = 0; } return true; case PADPERIOD: case PERIODKEY: /* Force numdot, some OSs/countries generate a comma char in this case, sic... (T37992) */ ascii[0] = '.'; utf8_buf = ascii; break; #if 0 /* Those keys are not directly accessible in all layouts, preventing to generate matching events. * So we use a hack (ascii value) instead, see below. */ case EQUALKEY: case PADASTERKEY: if (!(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->flag |= NUM_EDIT_FULL; n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; return true; } else if (event->ctrl) { n->flag &= ~NUM_EDIT_FULL; return true; } break; #endif case PADMINUS: case MINUSKEY: if (event->ctrl || !(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->val_flag[idx] ^= NUM_NEGATE; updated = true; } break; case PADSLASHKEY: case SLASHKEY: if (event->ctrl || !(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->val_flag[idx] ^= NUM_INVERSE; updated = true; } break; case CKEY: if (event->ctrl) { /* Copy current str to the copypaste buffer. */ WM_clipboard_text_set(n->str, 0); updated = true; } break; case VKEY: if (event->ctrl) { /* extract the first line from the clipboard */ int pbuf_len; char *pbuf = WM_clipboard_text_get_firstline(false, &pbuf_len); if (pbuf) { const bool success = editstr_insert_at_cursor(n, pbuf, pbuf_len); MEM_freeN(pbuf); if (!success) { return false; } n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; } updated = true; } break; default: break; } if (!updated && !utf8_buf && (event->utf8_buf[0] || event->ascii)) { utf8_buf = event->utf8_buf; ascii[0] = event->ascii; } /* XXX Hack around keyboards without direct access to '=' nor '*'... */ if (ELEM(ascii[0], '=', '*')) { if (!(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { n->flag |= NUM_EDIT_FULL; n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; return true; } else if (event->ctrl) { n->flag &= ~NUM_EDIT_FULL; return true; } } /* Up to this point, if we have a ctrl modifier, skip. * This allows to still access most of modals' shortcuts even in numinput mode. */ if (!updated && event->ctrl) { return false; } if ((!utf8_buf || !utf8_buf[0]) && ascii[0]) { /* Fallback to ascii. */ utf8_buf = ascii; } if (utf8_buf && utf8_buf[0]) { if (!(n->flag & NUM_EDIT_FULL)) { /* In simple edit mode, we only keep a few chars as valid! */ /* no need to decode unicode, ascii is first char only */ if (!editstr_is_simple_numinput(utf8_buf[0])) { return false; } } if (!editstr_insert_at_cursor(n, utf8_buf, BLI_str_utf8_size(utf8_buf))) { return false; } n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_EDITED; } else if (!updated) { return false; } /* At this point, our value has changed, try to interpret it with python (if str is not empty!). */ if (n->str[0]) { const float val_prev = n->val[idx]; #ifdef WITH_PYTHON Scene *sce = CTX_data_scene(C); double val; char str_unit_convert[NUM_STR_REP_LEN * 6]; /* Should be more than enough! */ const char *default_unit = NULL; /* Use scale_length if needed! */ const float fac = (float)BKE_scene_unit_scale(&sce->unit, n->unit_type[idx], 1.0); /* Make radian default unit when needed. */ if (n->unit_use_radians && n->unit_type[idx] == B_UNIT_ROTATION) default_unit = "r"; BLI_strncpy(str_unit_convert, n->str, sizeof(str_unit_convert)); bUnit_ReplaceString(str_unit_convert, sizeof(str_unit_convert), default_unit, fac, n->unit_sys, n->unit_type[idx]); /* Note: with angles, we always get values as radians here... */ if (BPY_execute_string_as_number(C, str_unit_convert, false, &val)) { n->val[idx] = (float)val; n->val_flag[idx] &= ~NUM_INVALID; } else { n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_INVALID; } #else /* Very unlikely, but does not harm... */ n->val[idx] = (float)atof(n->str); (void)C; #endif /* WITH_PYTHON */ if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_NEGATE) { n->val[idx] = -n->val[idx]; } if (n->val_flag[idx] & NUM_INVERSE) { n->val[idx] = 1.0f / n->val[idx]; } if (UNLIKELY(!isfinite(n->val[idx]))) { n->val[idx] = val_prev; n->val_flag[idx] |= NUM_INVALID; } } /* REDRAW SINCE NUMBERS HAVE CHANGED */ return true; }