static void transform_to_distance(heman_image* img) { int width = img->width; int height = img->height; int size = width * height; HEMAN_FLOAT* ff = NEW(HEMAN_FLOAT, size); HEMAN_FLOAT* dd = NEW(HEMAN_FLOAT, size); HEMAN_FLOAT* zz = NEW(HEMAN_FLOAT, (height + 1) * (width + 1)); uint16_t* vv = NEW(uint16_t, size); uint16_t* ww = NEW(uint16_t, size); #pragma omp parallel for for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { HEMAN_FLOAT* f = ff + height * x; HEMAN_FLOAT* d = dd + height * x; HEMAN_FLOAT* z = zz + (height + 1) * x; uint16_t* v = vv + height * x; uint16_t* w = ww + height * x; for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { f[y] = TEXEL(x, y); } edt(f, d, z, v, w, height); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { TEXEL(x, y) = d[y]; } } #pragma omp parallel for for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { HEMAN_FLOAT* f = ff + width * y; HEMAN_FLOAT* d = dd + width * y; HEMAN_FLOAT* z = zz + (width + 1) * y; uint16_t* v = vv + width * y; uint16_t* w = ww + width * y; for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { f[x] = TEXEL(x, y); } edt(f, d, z, v, w, width); for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { TEXEL(x, y) = d[x]; } } free(ff); free(dd); free(zz); free(vv); free(ww); }
LRESULT EncryptionPage::onBrowsePrivateKey(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { tstring target = Text::toT(SETTING(TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); CEdit edt(GetDlgItem(IDC_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE)); BrowseDlg dlg(m_hWnd, BrowseDlg::TYPE_NOSAVE, BrowseDlg::DIALOG_SELECT_FILE); dlg.setPath(target, true); if ( { edt.SetWindowText(&target[0]); } return 0; }
LRESULT EncryptionPage::onBrowseTrustedPath(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { tstring target = Text::toT(SETTING(TLS_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH)); CEdit edt(GetDlgItem(IDC_TLS_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH)); BrowseDlg dlg(m_hWnd, BrowseDlg::TYPE_NOSAVE, BrowseDlg::DIALOG_SELECT_FOLDER); dlg.setPath(target, true); if ( { edt.SetWindowText(&target[0]); } return 0; }
void SeqToolBarView::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { switch (msg->what) { case AmToolBar::TOOL_BAR_OBS: { CacheDrawingInfo(); int32 action; /* If a tool was just replaced (i.e. AM_CHANGED), * I can get away with just redrawing myself. * Otherwise, my window needs to know about the change. * This is a bit hacky. */ if (msg->FindInt32("action", &action) == B_OK && action != AM_CHANGED) { Window()->PostMessage(AmGlobalsI::TOOL_BAR_OBS); } else Invalidate(); } break; case PROPERTIES_MSG: { const char* toolKey; AmToolRef toolRef; AmToolRoster* roster = AmToolRoster::Default(); if (msg->FindString("tool_key", &toolKey) == B_OK && roster && (toolRef = roster->FindTool(toolKey)).IsValid() ) { // READ TOOL LOCK BString n; const AmTool* tool = toolRef.ReadLock(); if (tool) n = tool->Label(); toolRef.ReadUnlock(tool); // END READ TOOL BLOCK if (n.Length() > 0) n << " "; n << "Tool"; BWindow* win = new SeqPipelinePropertyWindow(AmPipelineMatrixRef(toolRef), NULLINPUTOUTPUT_PIPELINE, n.String(), Window() ); if (win) win->Show(); } } break; case EDIT_MSG: { const char* toolKey; const char* path; if (msg->FindString("tool_key", &toolKey) == B_OK && msg->FindString("path", &path) == B_OK) { BMessage edt(SHOW_EDIT_TOOL_MSG); edt.AddString("tool_key", toolKey); edt.AddString("path", path); be_app->PostMessage(&edt); } } break; case REMOVE_FROM_TOOL_BAR_MSG: { const char* toolKey; if (msg->FindString("tool_key", &toolKey) == B_OK) { BString str(toolKey); // WRITE TOOL BAR LOCK AmToolBar* toolBar = mToolBarRef.WriteLock(); if (toolBar) toolBar->RemoveTool(str); mToolBarRef.WriteUnlock(toolBar); // END WRITE TOOL BAR BLOCK } } break; case AM_DRAG_TOOL_MSG: { const char* toolName; if (msg->FindString("tool_name", &toolName) == B_OK) HandleToolDrop(toolName); } break; default: inherited::MessageReceived(msg); } }