예제 #1
void uhfsolve::diagonalizeF(){
    //diagonalize the Fock matrix
    Fprime = V.t()*F*V;
    Fprimeu = V.t()*Fu*V;
    Fprimed = V.t()*Fd*V;

    eig_sym(epsilon, Cprime, Fprime);
    eig_sym(epsilonu, Cprimeu, Fprimeu);
    eig_sym(epsilond, Cprimed, Fprimed);

    //C = V*Cprime.submat(0, 0, nStates - 1, nElectrons/2 -1);
    C = V*Cprime; //alternating between these two to implement coupled cluster calculations (need virtual orbitals)
    Cu = V*Cprimeu; //alternating between these two to implement coupled cluster calculations (need virtual orbitals)
    Cd = V*Cprimed; //alternating between these two to implement coupled cluster calculations (need virtual orbitals)
CovMeans_mat_kth::mehrtash_suggestion(mat cov_i)
  //Following Mehrtash suggestions as per email dated June26th 2014
  mat new_covi;
  double THRESH = 0.000001;
  new_covi = 0.5*(cov_i + cov_i.t());
  vec D;
  mat V;
  eig_sym(D, V, new_covi);
  uvec q1 = find(D < THRESH);
  if (q1.n_elem>0)
    for (uword pos = 0; pos < q1.n_elem; ++pos)
      D( q1(pos) ) = THRESH;
    new_covi = V*diagmat(D)*V.t();  
  return new_covi;
    //end suggestions
예제 #3
void OrbitalEquation::computeOneParticleReducedDensity()
    // All possible spatial orbitals
    for(int i=0; i< nOrbitals; i++){
        for(int j=i; j<nOrbitals; j++){
            invRho(i,j)  = reducedOneParticleOperator(2*i,2*j);
            invRho(i,j)  += reducedOneParticleOperator(2*i+1,2*j+1);
            invRho(j,i) = conj(invRho(i,j));

#ifdef DEBUG
//#if 1
    cout << "OrbitalEquation::computeOneParticleReducedDensity()" << endl;
    cout << "Trace(rho) = " << real(trace(invRho)) << " nParticles = " << nParticles << endl;

#if 0
    // Regularization
    const double e = 1e-10;
    cx_mat rho_U;
    vec rho_lambda;
    eig_sym(rho_lambda, rho_U, invRho);

    rho_lambda = rho_lambda + e*exp(-rho_lambda*(1.0/e));
    cx_mat X = rho_U*diagmat(1.0/rho_lambda)*rho_U.t();

    invRho += e*X;

예제 #4
파일: RMT.cpp 프로젝트: secretopineda/libs
// }}}
itpp::Mat<std::complex<double> > RandomCUE(int const dim) { //{{{
    itpp::Mat<std::complex<double> > H;
    H = RandomGUEDeltaOne(dim);

    itpp::Mat<std::complex<double> > U(dim,dim);
    itpp::Vec<double> eigenvalues(dim);
    eig_sym(H, eigenvalues, U);
//     FlatSpectrumGUE(U, eigenvalues);
    //     return exp( 2*itpp::pi*std::complex<double>(0.,1.)*  itpp:randu())*U;
    return exp(2.*itpp::pi*std::complex<double>(0.,1.) *itpp::randu() )*U;
예제 #5
Col<typename T1::pod_type>
eig_sym(const Base<typename T1::elem_type,T1>& X)
  Col<typename T1::pod_type> out;
  eig_sym(out, X);
  return out;
예제 #6
op_logmat_cx::helper(Mat<eT>& A, const uword m)
  if(A.is_finite() == false)  { return false; }
  const vec indices = regspace<vec>(1,m-1);
  mat tmp(m,m,fill::zeros);
  tmp.diag(-1) = indices / sqrt(square(2.0*indices) - 1.0);
  tmp.diag(+1) = indices / sqrt(square(2.0*indices) - 1.0);
  vec eigval;
  mat eigvec;
  const bool eig_ok = eig_sym(eigval, eigvec, tmp);
  if(eig_ok == false)  { arma_extra_debug_print("logmat(): eig_sym() failed"); return false; }
  const vec nodes   = (eigval + 1.0) / 2.0;
  const vec weights = square(eigvec.row(0).t());
  const uword N = A.n_rows;
  Mat<eT> B(N,N,fill::zeros);
  Mat<eT> X;
  for(uword i=0; i < m; ++i)
    // B += weights(i) * solve( (nodes(i)*A + eye< Mat<eT> >(N,N)), A );
    //const bool solve_ok = solve( X, (nodes(i)*A + eye< Mat<eT> >(N,N)), A, solve_opts::fast );
    const bool solve_ok = solve( X, trimatu(nodes(i)*A + eye< Mat<eT> >(N,N)), A );
    if(solve_ok == false)  { arma_extra_debug_print("logmat(): solve() failed"); return false; }
    B += weights(i) * X;
  A = B;
  return true;
예제 #7
파일: solver.cpp 프로젝트: wholmen/Master
double Solver::CorrolationEnergy(){

    // Set up matrices for all blocks
    #pragma omp parallel
        int id = omp_get_thread_num();
        int threads = omp_get_num_threads();

        for (int i=id; i<Npphh; i+=threads) blockspphh[i] ->SetUpMatrices_Energy(t); //SetUpMatrices_Energy(T);

    // Do the matrix-matrix multiplications for all blocks
    double E = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<Npphh; i++){

        mat Energy = blockspphh[i]->V * blockspphh[i]->T;

        vec eigval = eig_sym(Energy);
        E += sum(eigval);
    return E / 4.0;

CovMeans_mat_kth::gmm_one_video( std::string load_feat_video_i, std::string load_labels_video_i, int sc, int pe, int act, const int Ng )
  //cout <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act)  << " ";
  mat mat_features_video_i;
  mat_features_video_i.load( load_feat_video_i, hdf5_binary );
  int n_vec = mat_features_video_i.n_cols;
  //cout << " " << n_vec;
  bool is_finite = mat_features_video_i.is_finite();
  if (!is_finite )
    cout << "is_finite?? " << is_finite << endl;
    cout << mat_features_video_i.n_rows << " " << mat_features_video_i.n_cols << endl;
  gmm_diag gmm_model;
  gmm_diag bg_model;
  bool status_em = false;
  int rep_em=0;
  int km_iter = 10;
  int em_iter  = 5;
  double var_floor = 1e-10;
  bool print_mode = false;
  while (!status_em)
    bool status_kmeans = false;
    //int rep_km = 0;
    while (!status_kmeans)
      status_kmeans = gmm_model.learn(mat_features_video_i, Ng, eucl_dist, random_subset, km_iter, 0, var_floor, print_mode);   //Only Kmeans
      bg_model = gmm_model;
    status_em = gmm_model.learn(mat_features_video_i, Ng, eucl_dist, keep_existing, 0, em_iter, var_floor, print_mode);   
    if (rep_em==9)
      status_em = true;
      gmm_model = bg_model;
  //cout <<"EM was repeated " << rep_em << endl << endl;
  mat dcov = gmm_model.dcovs;
  mat means = gmm_model.means; 
  mat cov_i, logM_cov_i, V; 
  vec mean_i, D;
  std::stringstream save_folder;
  save_folder << "./CovMeans/sc" << sc << "/scale" << scale_factor << "-shift"<< shift ;
  for (int i=1; i<=Ng; ++i)
    //cout << i << " out " << Ng << endl;
    cov_i = diagmat( dcov.col(i-1) );
    cov_i = mehrtash_suggestion(cov_i);
    mean_i = means.col(i -1);
    eig_sym(D, V, cov_i);
    mat logM_cov_i = V*diagmat( log(D) )*V.t();
    std::stringstream save_Covs;
    save_Covs << save_folder.str() << "/Cov_"<< i << "_out_" << Ng << "_" <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    std::stringstream save_logMCovs;
    save_logMCovs << save_folder.str() << "/logM_Cov_" << i << "_out_" << Ng << "_"  <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    std::stringstream save_Means;
    save_Means << save_folder.str() << "/Means_" << i << "_out_" << Ng << "_"  <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    //cout << save_Covs.str() << endl;
    cov_i.save(  save_Covs.str(), hdf5_binary ); 
    logM_cov_i.save( save_logMCovs.str(), hdf5_binary ); 
    mean_i.save( save_Means.str(), hdf5_binary ); 

CovMeans_mat_kth::one_video_one_cov( std::string load_feat_video_i, std::string load_labels_video_i, int sc, int pe, int act )
  //   #pragma omp critical
  //   {
    //   cout << load_feat_video_i << endl;
    //   getchar();
    //   }
    mat mat_features_video_i;
    mat_features_video_i.load( load_feat_video_i, hdf5_binary );
    int n_vec = mat_features_video_i.n_cols;
    std::stringstream save_folder;
    //Shifting both
    save_folder << "./CovMeans/sc" << sc << "/scale" << scale_factor << "-shift"<< shift ;
      //      If you want to use. You have to add the  flag_shift in this method. 
      //	   if (flag_shift) //Horizontal Shift
      //       {
	// 	save_folder << "./kth-one-CovsMeans-mat/sc" << sc << "/scale" << scale_factor <<  "-horshift"<< shift ;
	//       }
	//       if (!flag_shift)//Vertical Shift
	//       {
	  // 	 save_folder << "./kth-one-CovsMeans-mat/sc" << sc << "/scale" << scale_factor << "-vershift"<< shift ;
	  //       }
    running_stat_vec<rowvec> stat_seg(true);
    for (int l=0; l<n_vec; ++l)
      vec sample = mat_features_video_i.col(l);
      stat_seg (sample);
    std::stringstream save_Covs;
    save_Covs << save_folder.str() << "/Cov_" <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    std::stringstream save_logMCovs;
    save_logMCovs << save_folder.str() << "/logM_Cov_" <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    std::stringstream save_Means;
    save_Means << save_folder.str() << "/Means_" <<  all_people (pe) << "_" << actions(act) <<  ".h5";
    double THRESH = 0.000001;
    mat cov_i = stat_seg.cov();
    vec mean_i = stat_seg.mean();
    //Following Mehrtash suggestions as per email dated June26th 2014
    cov_i = 0.5*(cov_i + cov_i.t());
    vec D;
    mat V;
    eig_sym(D, V, cov_i);
    uvec q1 = find(D < THRESH);
    if (q1.n_elem>0)
      for (uword pos = 0; pos < q1.n_elem; ++pos)
	D( q1(pos) ) = THRESH;
      cov_i = V*diagmat(D)*V.t();  
    //end suggestions
    eig_sym(D, V, cov_i);
    mat logM_cov_i = V*diagmat( log(D) )*V.t();
    #pragma omp critical
      cout << "saving " <<  all_people (pe) << endl;
      cov_i.save(  save_Covs.str(), hdf5_binary ); 
      logM_cov_i.save( save_logMCovs.str(), hdf5_binary ); 
      mean_i.save( save_Means.str(), hdf5_binary ); 
예제 #10
void uhfsolve::setupUnitMatrices(){
    //Bring overlap matrix to unit form, set up V
    eig_sym(s_diag,U,Bs.S);           //following Thijssen, p38-39
    V = U*diagmat(1.0/sqrt(s_diag));
예제 #11
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: saracj/FYS4150
int main(){
    int n = 200;
    double N = (double) n;
    double rho_max = 10.;
    double rho_min = 0.;
    double h = (rho_max - rho_min)/N;
    double omega_r = 1.;
    double TIME1, TIME2;
    vec rho(n), V(n-2), eigval;
    mat A = zeros<mat>(n-2,n-2);
    mat eigvec;

    clock_t start, finish, start2, finish2; // Declare start and finish time
    for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
        rho[i] = rho_min + (i+1)*h;
        V[i] = omega_r*omega_r*rho[i]*rho[i] + 1./rho[i];
    rho[0] = 0.;
    rho[n-1] = rho_max;

    //Initializes the matrix A:
    A.diag(-1) += -1./(h*h);
    A.diag(+1) += -1./(h*h);
    A.diag() = (2./(h*h)) + V;

    // Eigenvector matrix:
    mat R = eye<mat>(n-2,n-2);

    // Built in eigenvalue/eigenvector procedure in armadillo:
    start2 = clock();
    eig_sym(eigval, eigvec, A);
    finish2 = clock();

    // Jacobi method:
    start = clock();
    Jacobi(&A, &R, (n-2));
    finish = clock();

    TIME1 = (finish - start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    TIME2 = (finish2 - start2)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    vec l;
    l = A.diag();

    // Wavefunction for the lowest energy level:

    double MIN = max(l);
    int index = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n-2; i++){
        if(l(i) <= MIN){
            MIN = l(i);
            index = i;

    vec u_1 = R.col(index);
    vec wave(n);
    for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++){
        wave(i) = u_1(i-1);

    // Dirichlet boundary conditions
    wave(0) = 0;
    wave(n-1) = 0;

    //Writing wave and rho to file:
    string filename;
    string Omega = static_cast<ostringstream*>( \
                &(ostringstream() << omega_r*100) )->str();
    filename = "wavefunc2_omega"+Omega+".dat";

    ofile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ ofile << rho[i] << ' ' << wave[i] << endl; }

    vec lam = sort(l);
    cout << "omega_r = " << omega_r << endl;
    cout << "three lowest eigenvalues:" << endl;
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        cout << "lambda = " << lam(i) << endl;

    cout << "computation time for jacobi.cpp with n = " << n << ": " << TIME1 << " s" << endl;
    cout << "computation time for built in procedure with n = " << n << ": " << TIME2 << " s" << endl;

    return 0;
예제 #12
void MfLowRankApproximation::initialize()
    double dx;
    double constValue;
    double endValue;
    double constEnd;
    double epsilon;

    dx = grid.DX;
    try {
        nOrbitals = cfg->lookup("spatialDiscretization.nSpatialOrbitals");
        constEnd = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.constEnd");
        constValue = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.constValue");
        endValue = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.endValue");
        epsilon = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.epsilon");
    } catch (const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) {
        cerr << "MfLowRankApproximation::Error reading entry from config object." << endl;

    int nConst = constEnd/dx;
    int constCenter = nGrid/2;
    Vxy = zeros(nGrid, nGrid);

    for(uint p=0; p<potential.size(); p++) {
        for(int i=0; i<nGrid; i++) {
            for(int j=0; j<nGrid; j++) {
                Vxy(i, j) += potential[p]->evaluate(i, j);

    // Using a simple discretization equal to the discretization of
    // the system.
    mat h = hExactSpatial();
//    mat h = hPiecewiseLinear();
    mat Q = eye(nGrid,nGrid);

    // Using a consant weight in the center of the potential
    // and a linear decrease from the center.
    vec g = gLinear(nGrid, constCenter, nConst, constValue, endValue);
    mat C = cMatrix(g, h, dx);

    vec lambda;
    mat eigvec;
    eig_sym(lambda, eigvec, inv(C.t())*Vxy*inv(C));
    mat Ut = C.t()*eigvec;

    mat QU = inv(Q)*Ut;

    // Sorting the eigenvalues by absoulte value and finding the number
    // of eigenvalues with abs(eigenval(i)) > epsilon
    uvec indices = sort_index(abs(lambda), 1);
    M = -1;
    for(uint m=0; m <lambda.n_rows; m++) {
        cout << abs(lambda(indices(m))) << endl;
        if(abs(lambda(indices(m))) < epsilon) {
            M = m;
//    cout << min(abs(lambda)) << endl;
//    cout << "hei" << endl;
//    cout << lambda << endl;
//    M = 63;
    if(M < 0) {
        cerr << "MfLowRankApproximation:: no eigenvalues < epsilon found."
             << " Try setting epsilon to a higher number" << endl;
    eigenval = zeros(M);
    for(int m=0; m <M; m++) {
        eigenval(m) = lambda(indices(m));

    // Calculating  the U matrix
    U = zeros(nGrid, M);
    for(int m=0; m < M; m++) {
        for(uint j=0; j<h.n_rows; j++) {
            U(j,m) = 0;
            for(uint i=0; i<h.n_cols; i++) {
                U(j,m) += h(j,i)*QU(i,indices(m));
    cout << "MfLowRankApproximation:: Trunction of eigenvalues at M = " << M << endl;

#if 1 // For testing the low rank approximation's accuracy
    mat appV = zeros(nGrid, nGrid);
    for(int i=0; i<nGrid; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<nGrid; j++) {
            appV(i,j) = 0;
            for(int m=0; m<M; m++) {
                appV(i,j) += eigenval(m)*U(i,m)*U(j,m);
    mat diffV = abs(Vxy - appV);
    cout << "max_err = " << max(max(abs(Vxy - appV))) << endl;

    cout << nGrid << endl;
//    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

    cout << "test" << endl;
    Vm = zeros<cx_vec>(M);
    Vqr = zeros<cx_vec>(nGrid);