예제 #1
파일: axGrid.cpp 프로젝트: EQ4/axLib
void axGrid::OnPaint()
	axGC* gc = GetGC();
	axRect rect(GetRect());
	axRect rect0(axPoint(0, 0), rect.size);

	gc->SetColor(_info.normal, 1.0);

	gc->SetColor(_info.contour, 1.0);

	int y = 0;
	for(int j = 0; j <= _dimension.y; j++)
		int y = (double(j) / _dimension.y) * rect.size.y;
		gc->DrawLine(axPoint(0, y), axPoint(rect.size.x, y));

	int x = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i <= _dimension.x; i++)
		int x = (double(i) / _dimension.x) * rect.size.x;
		gc->DrawLine(axPoint(x, 0), axPoint(x, rect.size.y));

	axSize element_size(1.0 / _dimension.x * rect.size.x - 1, 
						1.0 / _dimension.y * rect.size.y - 1);
	for(int j = 0;j < _dimension.y; j++)
		for(int i = 0; i < _dimension.x; i++)

				axSize elem_size(floor((double(i+1)/ _dimension.x * rect.size.x)) - 
								 floor((double(i) / _dimension.x * rect.size.x)) - 1,
								1.0 / _dimension.y * rect.size.y - 1);
				gc->DrawRectangle(axRect(_gridElements[j][i].position, elem_size));

	gc->SetColor(axColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
	gc->DrawRectangleContour(axRect(GetPositionOfElement(_selectedElement), element_size), 2);

	// glLineWidth(1.0);

	// gc->DrawCircle(axPoint(50, 50), 10, 500);

예제 #2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static btnode node_Make(BTREE tree, void *data)
  btnode ret;

  ret = malloc(node_size(tree) + elem_size(tree));

  if (ret) {
    data_copy(tree, data(tree, ret), data);
    parent(ret) = left(ret) = right(ret) = NULL;
  return ret;
예제 #3
파일: apr_xml.c 프로젝트: Ga-vin/apache
/* convert an element to a text string */
APU_DECLARE(void) apr_xml_to_text(apr_pool_t * p, const apr_xml_elem *elem,
                                  int style, apr_array_header_t *namespaces,
                                  int *ns_map, const char **pbuf,
                                  apr_size_t *psize)
    /* get the exact size, plus a null terminator */
    apr_size_t size = elem_size(elem, style, namespaces, ns_map) + 1;
    char *s = apr_palloc(p, size);

    (void) write_elem(s, elem, style, namespaces, ns_map);
    s[size - 1] = '\0';

    *pbuf = s;
    if (psize)
        *psize = size;
예제 #4
파일: apr_xml.c 프로젝트: Ga-vin/apache
static apr_size_t elem_size(const apr_xml_elem *elem, int style,
                            apr_array_header_t *namespaces, int *ns_map)
    apr_size_t size;

    if (style == APR_XML_X2T_FULL || style == APR_XML_X2T_FULL_NS_LANG) {
        const apr_xml_attr *attr;

        size = 0;

        if (style == APR_XML_X2T_FULL_NS_LANG) {
            int i;

            ** The outer element will contain xmlns:ns%d="%s" attributes
            ** and an xml:lang attribute, if applicable.

            for (i = namespaces->nelts; i--;) {
                /* compute size of: ' xmlns:ns%d="%s"' */
                size += (9 + APR_XML_NS_LEN(i) + 2 +
                         strlen(APR_XML_GET_URI_ITEM(namespaces, i)) + 1);

            if (elem->lang != NULL) {
                /* compute size of: ' xml:lang="%s"' */
                size += 11 + strlen(elem->lang) + 1;

        if (elem->ns == APR_XML_NS_NONE) {
            /* compute size of: <%s> */
            size += 1 + strlen(elem->name) + 1;
        else {
            int ns = ns_map ? ns_map[elem->ns] : elem->ns;

            /* compute size of: <ns%d:%s> */
            size += 3 + APR_XML_NS_LEN(ns) + 1 + strlen(elem->name) + 1;

        if (APR_XML_ELEM_IS_EMPTY(elem)) {
            /* insert a closing "/" */
            size += 1;
        else {
             * two of above plus "/":
             *     <ns%d:%s> ... </ns%d:%s>
             * OR  <%s> ... </%s>
            size = 2 * size + 1;

        for (attr = elem->attr; attr; attr = attr->next) {
            if (attr->ns == APR_XML_NS_NONE) {
                /* compute size of: ' %s="%s"' */
                size += 1 + strlen(attr->name) + 2 + strlen(attr->value) + 1;
            else {
                /* compute size of: ' ns%d:%s="%s"' */
                int ns = ns_map ? ns_map[attr->ns] : attr->ns;
                size += 3 + APR_XML_NS_LEN(ns) + 1 + strlen(attr->name) + 2 + strlen(attr->value) + 1;

        ** If the element has an xml:lang value that is *different* from
        ** its parent, then add the thing in: ' xml:lang="%s"'.
        ** NOTE: we take advantage of the pointer equality established by
        ** the parsing for "inheriting" the xml:lang values from parents.
        if (elem->lang != NULL &&
                (elem->parent == NULL || elem->lang != elem->parent->lang)) {
            size += 11 + strlen(elem->lang) + 1;
    else if (style == APR_XML_X2T_LANG_INNER) {
         * This style prepends the xml:lang value plus a null terminator.
         * If a lang value is not present, then we insert a null term.
        size = elem->lang ? strlen(elem->lang) + 1 : 1;
        size = 0;

    size += text_size(elem->first_cdata.first);

    for (elem = elem->first_child; elem; elem = elem->next) {
        /* the size of the child element plus the CDATA that follows it */
        size += (elem_size(elem, APR_XML_X2T_FULL, NULL, ns_map) +

    return size;