예제 #1
bool ossimCodecFactory::encode( const ossimKeywordlist& options,
                                const ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>& in,
                                std::vector<ossim_uint8>& out ) const
   bool result = false;

   std::string value = options.findKey( TYPE_KW );
   if ( value.size() )
      if ( value == "jpeg" )
         ossim_uint32 quality = (ossim_uint32)ossimCodecFactory::DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY;
         value = options.findKey( std::string(ossimKeywordNames::COMPRESSION_QUALITY_KW) );
         if ( value.size() )
            quality = ossimString(value).toUInt32();

         result = encodeJpeg( quality, in, out );
   return result;
예제 #2
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    unsigned char *buf;
    long bufSize = 0;
    unsigned char *original;
    long originalSize = 0;
    unsigned char *originalGray = NULL;
    long originalGraySize = 0;
    unsigned char *compressed = NULL;
    unsigned long compressedSize = 0;
    unsigned char *compressedGray;
    long compressedGraySize = 0;
    unsigned char *tmpImage;
    int width, height;
    unsigned char *metaBuf;
    unsigned int metaSize = 0;
    FILE *file;

    // Parse commandline options
    command_t cmd;
    command_init(&cmd, argv[0], VERSION);
    cmd.usage = "[options] input.jpg compressed-output.jpg";
    command_option(&cmd, "-t", "--target [arg]", "Set target quality [0.9999]", setTarget);
    command_option(&cmd, "-q", "--quality [arg]", "Set a quality preset: low, medium, high, veryhigh [medium]", setQuality);
    command_option(&cmd, "-n", "--min [arg]", "Minimum JPEG quality [40]", setMinimum);
    command_option(&cmd, "-x", "--max [arg]", "Maximum JPEG quality [95]", setMaximum);
    command_option(&cmd, "-l", "--loops [arg]", "Set the number of runs to attempt [6]", setAttempts);
    command_option(&cmd, "-a", "--accurate", "Favor accuracy over speed", setAccurate);
    command_option(&cmd, "-m", "--method [arg]", "Set comparison method to one of 'mpe', 'ssim', 'ms-ssim', 'smallfry' [ssim]", setMethod);
    command_option(&cmd, "-s", "--strip", "Strip metadata", setStrip);
    command_option(&cmd, "-d", "--defish [arg]", "Set defish strength [0.0]", setDefish);
    command_option(&cmd, "-z", "--zoom [arg]", "Set defish zoom [1.0]", setZoom);
    command_option(&cmd, "-r", "--ppm", "Parse input as PPM instead of JPEG", setPpm);
    command_option(&cmd, "-c", "--no-copy", "Disable copying files that will not be compressed", setCopyFiles);
    command_option(&cmd, "-p", "--no-progressive", "Disable progressive encoding", setNoProgressive);
    command_parse(&cmd, argc, argv);

    if (cmd.argc < 2) {
        return 255;

    if (method == UNKNOWN) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid method!");
        return 255;

    // No target passed, use preset!
    if (!target) {

    // Read original
    bufSize = readFile((char *) cmd.argv[0], (void **) &buf);

    if (!bufSize) { return 1; }

    if (!ppm) {
        // Decode the JPEG
        originalSize = decodeJpeg(buf, bufSize, &original, &width, &height, JCS_RGB);
    } else {
        // Decode the PPM
        originalSize = decodePpm(buf, bufSize, &original, &width, &height);

    if (defishStrength) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Defishing...\n");
        tmpImage = malloc(width * height * 3);
        defish(original, tmpImage, width, height, 3, defishStrength, defishZoom);
        original = tmpImage;

    // Convert RGB input into Y
    originalGraySize = grayscale(original, &originalGray, width, height);

    if (!ppm) {
        // Read metadata (EXIF / IPTC / XMP tags)
        if (getMetadata(buf, bufSize, &metaBuf, &metaSize, COMMENT)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "File already processed by jpeg-recompress!\n");
            if (copyFiles) {
                file = openOutput(cmd.argv[1]);
                fwrite(buf, bufSize, 1, file);


                return 0;
            } else {
                return 2;

    if (strip) {
        // Pretend we have no metadata
        metaSize = 0;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Metadata size is %ukb\n", metaSize / 1024);

    if (!originalSize || !originalGraySize) { return 1; }

    // Do a binary search to find the optimal encoding quality for the
    // given target SSIM value.
    int min = jpegMin, max = jpegMax;
    for (int attempt = attempts - 1; attempt >= 0; --attempt) {
        float metric;
        int quality = min + (max - min) / 2;
        int progressive = attempt ? 0 : !noProgressive;
        int optimize = accurate ? 1 : (attempt ? 0 : 1);

        // Recompress to a new quality level, without optimizations (for speed)
        compressedSize = encodeJpeg(&compressed, original, width, height, JCS_RGB, quality, progressive, optimize);

        // Load compressed luma for quality comparison
        compressedGraySize = decodeJpeg(compressed, compressedSize, &compressedGray, &width, &height, JCS_GRAYSCALE);

        if (!compressedGraySize) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Unable to decode file that was just encoded!\n");
          return 1;

        if (!attempt) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Final optimized ");

        // Measure quality difference
        switch (method) {
            case MS_SSIM:
                metric = iqa_ms_ssim(originalGray, compressedGray, width, height, width, 0);
                fprintf(stderr, "ms-ssim");
            case SMALLFRY:
                metric = smallfry_metric(originalGray, compressedGray, width, height);
                fprintf(stderr, "smallfry");
            case MPE:
                metric = meanPixelError(originalGray, compressedGray, width, height, 1);
                fprintf(stderr, "mpe");
            case SSIM: default:
                metric = iqa_ssim(originalGray, compressedGray, width, height, width, 0, 0);
                fprintf(stderr, "ssim");

        if (attempt) {
            fprintf(stderr, " at q=%i (%i - %i): %f\n", quality, min, max, metric);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, " at q=%i: %f\n", quality, metric);

        if (metric < target) {
            if (compressedSize >= bufSize) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Output file would be larger than input!\n");

                if (copyFiles) {
                    file = openOutput(cmd.argv[1]);
                    fwrite(buf, bufSize, 1, file);


                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 1;

            switch (method) {
                case SSIM: case MS_SSIM: case SMALLFRY:
                    // Too distorted, increase quality
                    min = quality + 1;
                case MPE:
                    // Higher than required, decrease quality
                    max = quality - 1;
        } else {
            switch (method) {
                case SSIM: case MS_SSIM: case SMALLFRY:
                    // Higher than required, decrease quality
                    max = quality - 1;
                case MPE:
                    // Too distorted, increase quality
                    min = quality + 1;

        // If we aren't done yet, then free the image data
        if (attempt) {


    // Calculate and show savings, if any
    int percent = (compressedSize + metaSize) * 100 / bufSize;
    unsigned long saved = (bufSize > compressedSize) ? bufSize - compressedSize - metaSize : 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "New size is %i%% of original (saved %lu kb)\n", percent, saved / 1024);

    if (compressedSize >= bufSize) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Output file is larger than input, aborting!\n");
        return 1;

    // Open output file for writing
    file = openOutput(cmd.argv[1]);

    // Write output
    fwrite(compressed, 20, 1, file); /* 0xffd8 and JFIF marker */

    // Write comment so we know not to reprocess this file
    // in the future if it gets passed in again.
    // 0xfffe (COM marker), two-byte big-endian length, string
    fputc(0xff, file);
    fputc(0xfe, file);
    fputc(0x00, file);
    fputc(32, file);
    fwrite(COMMENT, 30, 1, file);

    // Write metadata markers
    if (!strip && !ppm) {
        fwrite(metaBuf, metaSize, 1, file);

    // Write image data
    fwrite(compressed + 20, compressedSize - 20, 1, file);

    // Cleanup

    if (!strip && !ppm) {


    return 0;
예제 #3
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    unsigned char *buf;
    long bufSize = 0;
    unsigned char *original;
    long originalSize = 0;
    unsigned char *originalGray;
    long originalGraySize = 0;
    unsigned char *compressed = NULL;
    unsigned long compressedSize = 0;
    unsigned char *compressedGray;
    long compressedGraySize = 0;
    unsigned char *tmpImage;
    int width, height;
    unsigned char *metaBuf;
    unsigned int metaSize = 0;

    // Parse commandline options
    command_t cmd;
    command_init(&cmd, argv[0], "1.0.1");
    cmd.usage = "[options] input.jpg compressed-output.jpg";
    command_option(&cmd, "-t", "--target [arg]", "Set target SSIM [0.9999]", setTarget);
    command_option(&cmd, "-q", "--quality [arg]", "Set a quality preset: low, medium, high, veryhigh [medium]", setQuality);
    command_option(&cmd, "-n", "--min [arg]", "Minimum JPEG quality [40]", setMinimum);
    command_option(&cmd, "-m", "--max [arg]", "Maximum JPEG quality [95]", setMaximum);
    command_option(&cmd, "-l", "--loops [arg]", "Set the number of runs to attempt [6]", setAttempts);
    command_option(&cmd, "-p", "--progressive", "Set progressive JPEG output", setProgressive);
    command_option(&cmd, "-s", "--strip", "Strip metadata", setStrip);
    command_option(&cmd, "-d", "--defish [arg]", "Set defish strength [0.0]", setDefish);
    command_option(&cmd, "-z", "--zoom [arg]", "Set defish zoom [1.0]", setZoom);
    command_parse(&cmd, argc, argv);

    if (cmd.argc < 2) {
        return 255;

    // Read original
    bufSize = readFile((char *) cmd.argv[0], (void **) &buf);

    if (!bufSize) { return 1; }

    // Decode the JPEG
    originalSize = decodeJpeg(buf, bufSize, &original, &width, &height, JCS_RGB);

    if (defishStrength) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Defishing...\n");
        tmpImage = malloc(width * height * 3);
        defish(original, tmpImage, width, height, 3, defishStrength, defishZoom);
        original = tmpImage;

    // Convert RGB input into Y
    originalGraySize = width * height;
    originalGray = malloc(originalGraySize);
    int stride = width * 3;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            // Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B
            originalGray[y * width + x] = original[y * stride + x * 3] * 0.299 +
                                          original[y * stride + x * 3 + 1] * 0.587 +
                                          original[y * stride + x * 3 + 2] * 0.114 + 0.5;

    // Read metadata (EXIF / IPTC / XMP tags)
    if (getMetadata(buf, bufSize, &metaBuf, &metaSize, COMMENT)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "File already processed by jpeg-recompress!\n");
        return 2;

    if (strip) {
        // Pretend we have no metadata
        metaSize = 0;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Metadata size is %ukb\n", metaSize / 1024);

    if (!originalSize || !originalGraySize) { return 1; }

    // Do a binary search to find the optimal encoding quality for the
    // given target SSIM value.
    int min = jpegMin, max = jpegMax;
    for (int attempt = attempts - 1; attempt >= 0; --attempt) {
        int quality = min + (max - min) / 2;

        // Recompress to a new quality level (progressive only on last run if
        // it was requested, as this saves time)
        compressedSize = encodeJpeg(&compressed, original, width, height, JCS_RGB, quality, (attempt == 0) ? progressive : 0);

        // Load compressed luma for quality comparison
        compressedGraySize = decodeJpeg(compressed, compressedSize, &compressedGray, &width, &height, JCS_GRAYSCALE);

        // Measure structural similarity (SSIM)
        float ssim = iqa_ssim(originalGray, compressedGray, width, height, width, 0, 0);
        fprintf(stderr, "ssim at q=%i (%i - %i): %f\n", quality, min, max, ssim);

        if (ssim < target) {
            if (compressedSize >= bufSize) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Output file would be larger than input, aborting!\n");
                return 1;

            // Too distorted, increase quality
            min = quality + 1;
        } else {
            // Higher SSIM than required, decrease quality
            max = quality - 1;

        // If we aren't done yet, then free the image data
        if (attempt) {

    // Calculate and show savings, if any
    int percent = (compressedSize + metaSize) * 100 / bufSize;
    unsigned long saved = (bufSize > compressedSize) ? bufSize - compressedSize - metaSize : 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "New size is %i%% of original (saved %lu kb)\n", percent, saved / 1024);

    if (compressedSize >= bufSize) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Output file is larger than input, aborting!\n");
        return 1;

    // Write output
    FILE *file;

    if (strcmp("-", cmd.argv[1]) == 0) {
        file = stdout;
    } else {
        file = fopen(cmd.argv[1], "wb");

    fwrite(compressed, 20, 1, file); /* 0xffd8 and JFIF marker */

    // Write comment so we know not to reprocess this file
    // in the future if it gets passed in again.
    // 0xfffe (COM marker), two-byte big-endian length, string
    fputc(0xff, file);
    fputc(0xfe, file);
    fputc(0x00, file);
    fputc(32, file);
    fwrite(COMMENT, 30, 1, file);

    // Write metadata markers
    if (!strip) {
        fwrite(metaBuf, metaSize, 1, file);

    // Write image data
    fwrite(compressed + 20, compressedSize - 20, 1, file);

    // Cleanup

    if (!strip) {


    return 0;