static struct zdoor_result * zdoor_cb(struct zdoor_cookie *cookie, char *argp, size_t argp_sz) { struct door *d; struct req *r; ErlNifEnv *env = enif_alloc_env(); /* we kept the struct door in the biscuit */ d = (struct door *)cookie->zdc_biscuit; /* this request */ r = req_alloc(); /* take the rlist lock first, then the req lock */ enif_rwlock_rwlock(d->rlock); enif_mutex_lock(r->lock); req_insert(d, r); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(d->rlock); /* make the request into a binary term to put it into enif_send() */ ErlNifBinary bin; enif_alloc_binary(argp_sz, &bin); memcpy(, argp, argp_sz); ERL_NIF_TERM binTerm = enif_make_binary(env, &bin); /* send a message back to the session owner */ enif_send(NULL, &d->owner, env, enif_make_tuple3(env, enif_make_atom(env, "zdoor"), enif_make_resource(env, r), binTerm)); /* now wait until the request has been replied to */ enif_cond_wait(r->cond, r->lock); /* convert the reply into a zdoor_result */ /* we have to use naked malloc() since libzdoor will use free() */ struct zdoor_result *res = malloc(sizeof(struct zdoor_result)); res->zdr_size = r->replen; res->zdr_data = r->rep; r->rep = NULL; r->replen = 0; /* yes, we have to unlock and re-lock to avoid lock inversion here */ enif_mutex_unlock(r->lock); /* remove and free the struct req */ enif_rwlock_rwlock(d->rlock); enif_mutex_lock(r->lock); req_remove(d, r); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(d->rlock); req_free(r); enif_free_env(env); return res; }
static void unload_cb(ErlNifEnv *env, void *priv_data) { struct atom_node *an; enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl->atom_lock); /* when we unload, we want to tell all of the active caches to die, then join() their bg_threads to wait until they're completely gone */ while ((an = RB_MIN(atom_tree, &(gbl->atom_head)))) { struct cache *c = an->cache; enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl->atom_lock); enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); c->flags |= FL_DYING; enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_cond_broadcast(c->check_cond); enif_thread_join(c->bg_thread, NULL); enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl->atom_lock); } enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl->atom_lock); enif_rwlock_destroy(gbl->atom_lock); enif_clear_env(gbl->atom_env); enif_free(gbl); gbl = NULL; }
/* destroy(Cache :: atom()) -- destroys and entire cache destroy(Cache :: atom(), Key :: binary()) -- removes an entry from a cache */ static ERL_NIF_TERM destroy(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { ERL_NIF_TERM atom; struct cache *c; ErlNifBinary kbin; struct cache_node *n; if (!enif_is_atom(env, argv[0])) return enif_make_badarg(env); atom = argv[0]; if ((c = get_cache(atom))) { if (argc == 2) { if (!enif_inspect_binary(env, argv[1], &kbin)) return enif_make_badarg(env); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->cache_lock); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->lookup_lock); HASH_FIND(hh, c->lookup,, kbin.size, n); if (!n) { enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); return enif_make_atom(env, "notfound"); } enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); destroy_cache_node(n); enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 50); return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); } else { enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); c->flags |= FL_DYING; enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_cond_broadcast(c->check_cond); enif_thread_join(c->bg_thread, NULL); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 100); return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); } return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); } return enif_make_atom(env, "notfound"); }
static ERL_NIF_TERM robin_q_set(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { robin_q_handle *handle = NULL; if (enif_get_resource(env, argv[0], robin_q_RESOURCE, (void**)&handle) == 0) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } enif_rwlock_rwlock(handle->lock); enif_clear_env(handle->env); do_set(handle, argv[1]); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(handle->lock); return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); }
static INLINE void locking(int mode, ErlNifRWLock* lock) { switch (mode) { case CRYPTO_LOCK|CRYPTO_READ: enif_rwlock_rlock(lock); break; case CRYPTO_LOCK|CRYPTO_WRITE: enif_rwlock_rwlock(lock); break; case CRYPTO_UNLOCK|CRYPTO_READ: enif_rwlock_runlock(lock); break; case CRYPTO_UNLOCK|CRYPTO_WRITE: enif_rwlock_rwunlock(lock); break; default: ASSERT(!"Invalid lock mode"); } }
/* create(Cache :: atom(), MaxSize :: integer(), MinQ1Size :: integer()) */ static ERL_NIF_TERM create(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { ERL_NIF_TERM atom; ErlNifUInt64 max_size, min_q1_size; struct cache *c; if (!enif_is_atom(env, argv[0])) return enif_make_badarg(env); atom = argv[0]; if (!enif_get_uint64(env, argv[1], &max_size)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if (!enif_get_uint64(env, argv[2], &min_q1_size)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if ((c = get_cache(atom))) { ERL_NIF_TERM ret = enif_make_atom(env, "already_exists"); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 5); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->cache_lock); /* expansion is safe because we don't have to engage the background thread and won't cause sudden eviction pressure TODO: a nice way to shrink the cache without seizing it up */ if (c->max_size < max_size && c->min_q1_size < min_q1_size) { c->max_size = max_size; c->min_q1_size = min_q1_size; enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); ret = enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 10); } else { enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); } return ret; } else { c = new_cache(atom, max_size, min_q1_size); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 20); return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); } }
static struct cache * new_cache(ERL_NIF_TERM atom, int max_size, int min_q1_size) { struct cache *c; struct atom_node *an; int i; c = enif_alloc(sizeof(*c)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); c->max_size = max_size; c->min_q1_size = min_q1_size; c->lookup_lock = enif_rwlock_create("cache->lookup_lock"); c->cache_lock = enif_rwlock_create("cache->cache_lock"); c->ctrl_lock = enif_mutex_create("cache->ctrl_lock"); c->check_cond = enif_cond_create("cache->check_cond"); TAILQ_INIT(&(c->q1.head)); TAILQ_INIT(&(c->q2.head)); for (i = 0; i < N_INCR_BKT; ++i) { TAILQ_INIT(&(c->incr_head[i])); c->incr_lock[i] = enif_mutex_create("cache->incr_lock"); } RB_INIT(&(c->expiry_head)); an = enif_alloc(sizeof(*an)); memset(an, 0, sizeof(*an)); an->atom = enif_make_copy(gbl->atom_env, atom); an->cache = c; c->atom_node = an; enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl->atom_lock); RB_INSERT(atom_tree, &(gbl->atom_head), an); /* start the background thread for the cache. after this, the bg thread now owns the cache and all its data and will free it at exit */ enif_thread_create("cachethread", &(c->bg_thread), cache_bg_thread, c, NULL); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl->atom_lock); return c; }
static ERL_NIF_TERM cqueue_register(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { ErlNifTid thread_id = enif_thread_self(); unsigned int i = 0; enif_rwlock_rwlock(lookup_lock); for (i = 0; i < schedulers; ++i) { if (scheduler_ids[i] == thread_id) { printf("Scheduler (%p) already registered.\r\n", thread_id); break; } else if (scheduler_ids[i] == NULL) { printf("Registering scheduler (%p) with index %d\r\n", thread_id, i); scheduler_ids[i] = thread_id; break; } } enif_rwlock_rwunlock(lookup_lock); if (i == schedulers) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } else { return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); } }
static ERL_NIF_TERM put(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { ERL_NIF_TERM atom; ErlNifBinary kbin, vbin; struct cache *c; struct cache_node *n, *ng; ErlNifUInt64 lifetime = 0; if (!enif_is_atom(env, argv[0])) return enif_make_badarg(env); atom = argv[0]; if (!enif_inspect_binary(env, argv[1], &kbin)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if (!enif_inspect_binary(env, argv[2], &vbin)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if ((c = get_cache(atom))) { enif_consume_timeslice(env, 1); } else { /* if we've been asked to put() in to a cache that doesn't exist yet then we should create it! */ ErlNifUInt64 max_size, min_q1_size; if (!enif_get_uint64(env, argv[3], &max_size)) return enif_make_badarg(env); if (!enif_get_uint64(env, argv[4], &min_q1_size)) return enif_make_badarg(env); c = new_cache(atom, max_size, min_q1_size); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 20); } if (argc > 5) if (!enif_get_uint64(env, argv[5], &lifetime)) return enif_make_badarg(env); n = enif_alloc(sizeof(*n)); memset(n, 0, sizeof(*n)); n->c = c; n->vsize = vbin.size; n->ksize = kbin.size; n->size = vbin.size + kbin.size; n->key = enif_alloc(kbin.size); memcpy(n->key,, kbin.size); n->val = enif_alloc_resource(value_type, vbin.size); memcpy(n->val,, vbin.size); n->q = &(c->q1); if (lifetime) { clock_now(&(n->expiry)); n->expiry.tv_sec += lifetime; } enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->cache_lock); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->lookup_lock); HASH_FIND(hh, c->lookup,, kbin.size, ng); if (ng) { enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); destroy_cache_node(ng); enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); } TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(c->q1.head), n, entry); c->q1.size += n->size; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, c->lookup, n->key, n->ksize, n); if (lifetime) { struct cache_node *rn; rn = RB_INSERT(expiry_tree, &(c->expiry_head), n); /* it's possible to get two timestamps that are the same, if this happens just bump us forwards by 1 usec until we're unique */ while (rn != NULL) { ++(n->expiry.tv_nsec); rn = RB_INSERT(expiry_tree, &(c->expiry_head), n); } } enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); enif_cond_broadcast(c->check_cond); enif_consume_timeslice(env, 50); return enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); }
static void * cache_bg_thread(void *arg) { struct cache *c = (struct cache *)arg; int i, dud; while (1) { enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); /* if we've been told to die, quit this loop and start cleaning up */ if (c->flags & FL_DYING) { enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); break; } /* sleep until there is work to do */ enif_cond_wait(c->check_cond, c->ctrl_lock); __sync_add_and_fetch(&(c->wakeups), 1); dud = 1; /* we have to let go of ctrl_lock so we can take cache_lock then ctrl_lock again to get them back in the right order */ enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->cache_lock); enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); /* first process the promotion queue before we do any evicting */ for (i = 0; i < N_INCR_BKT; ++i) { enif_mutex_lock(c->incr_lock[i]); while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&(c->incr_head[i]))) { struct cache_incr_node *n; n = TAILQ_FIRST(&(c->incr_head[i])); TAILQ_REMOVE(&(c->incr_head[i]), n, entry); __sync_sub_and_fetch(&(c->incr_count), 1); dud = 0; /* let go of the ctrl_lock here, we don't need it when we aren't looking at the incr_queue, and this way other threads can use it while we shuffle queue nodes around */ enif_mutex_unlock(c->incr_lock[i]); enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); if (n->node->q == &(c->q1)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&(c->q1.head), n->node, entry); c->q1.size -= n->node->size; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(c->q2.head), n->node, entry); n->node->q = &(c->q2); c->q2.size += n->node->size; } else if (n->node->q == &(c->q2)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&(c->q2.head), n->node, entry); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(c->q2.head), n->node, entry); } enif_free(n); /* take the ctrl_lock back again for the next loop around */ enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_mutex_lock(c->incr_lock[i]); } enif_mutex_unlock(c->incr_lock[i]); } /* let go of the ctrl_lock here for two reasons: 1. avoid lock inversion, because if we have evictions to do we will need to take lookup_lock, and we must take lookup_lock before taking ctrl_lock 2. if we don't need to do evictions, we're done with the structures that are behind ctrl_lock so we should give it up for others */ enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); /* do timed evictions -- if anything has expired, nuke it */ { struct cache_node *n; if ((n = RB_MIN(expiry_tree, &(c->expiry_head)))) { struct timespec now; clock_now(&now); while (n && n->expiry.tv_sec < now.tv_sec) { enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); dud = 0; destroy_cache_node(n); enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); n = RB_MIN(expiry_tree, &(c->expiry_head)); } } } /* now check if we need to do ordinary size limit evictions */ if (c->q1.size + c->q2.size > c->max_size) { enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); while ((c->q1.size + c->q2.size > c->max_size) && (c->q1.size > c->min_q1_size)) { struct cache_node *n; n = TAILQ_LAST(&(c->q1.head), cache_q); destroy_cache_node(n); } while (c->q1.size + c->q2.size > c->max_size) { struct cache_node *n; n = TAILQ_LAST(&(c->q2.head), cache_q); destroy_cache_node(n); } dud = 0; enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->lookup_lock); } if (dud) __sync_add_and_fetch(&(c->dud_wakeups), 1); /* now let go of the cache_lock that we took right back at the start of this iteration */ enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); } /* first remove us from the atom_tree, so we get no new operations coming in */ enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl->atom_lock); RB_REMOVE(atom_tree, &(gbl->atom_head), c->atom_node); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl->atom_lock); enif_free(c->atom_node); /* now take all of our locks, to make sure any pending operations are done */ enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->cache_lock); enif_rwlock_rwlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_mutex_lock(c->ctrl_lock); c->atom_node = NULL; /* free the actual cache queues */ { struct cache_node *n, *nextn; nextn = TAILQ_FIRST(&(c->q1.head)); while ((n = nextn)) { nextn = TAILQ_NEXT(n, entry); destroy_cache_node(n); } nextn = TAILQ_FIRST(&(c->q2.head)); while ((n = nextn)) { nextn = TAILQ_NEXT(n, entry); destroy_cache_node(n); } } for (i = 0; i < N_INCR_BKT; ++i) enif_mutex_lock(c->incr_lock[i]); /* free the incr_queue */ for (i = 0; i < N_INCR_BKT; ++i) { struct cache_incr_node *in, *nextin; nextin = TAILQ_FIRST(&(c->incr_head[i])); while ((in = nextin)) { nextin = TAILQ_NEXT(in, entry); TAILQ_REMOVE(&(c->incr_head[i]), in, entry); in->node = 0; enif_free(in); } enif_mutex_unlock(c->incr_lock[i]); enif_mutex_destroy(c->incr_lock[i]); } /* unlock and destroy! */ enif_cond_destroy(c->check_cond); enif_mutex_unlock(c->ctrl_lock); enif_mutex_destroy(c->ctrl_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->lookup_lock); enif_rwlock_destroy(c->lookup_lock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(c->cache_lock); enif_rwlock_destroy(c->cache_lock); enif_free(c); return 0; }
/* the async job thread that handles opening/closing of doors */ void * job_thread(void *arg) { struct zdoor_handle *zhandle; int cont = 1; int res; /* first init the handle */ zhandle = zdoor_handle_init(); enif_mutex_lock(gbl.jlock); while (cont) { struct job *j; while (!gbl.jlist) enif_cond_wait(gbl.jcond, gbl.jlock); j = gbl.jlist; while (j) { gbl.jlist = j->next; enif_mutex_unlock(gbl.jlock); if (j->action == ACT_OPEN) { enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl.dlock); j->door->next = NULL; if (gbl.dlist != NULL) j->door->next = gbl.dlist; gbl.dlist = j->door; enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl.dlock); res = zdoor_open(zhandle, j->door->zonename, j->door->service, j->door, zdoor_cb); ErlNifEnv *env = enif_alloc_env(); ERL_NIF_TERM ret = enif_make_atom(env, "ok"); switch (res) { case ZDOOR_ERROR: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "error"); break; case ZDOOR_NOT_GLOBAL_ZONE: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "not_global"); break; case ZDOOR_ZONE_NOT_RUNNING: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "not_running"); break; case ZDOOR_ZONE_FORBIDDEN: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "eperm"); break; case ZDOOR_ARGS_ERROR: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "badarg"); break; case ZDOOR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: ret = enif_make_atom(env, "enomem"); break; } enif_send(NULL, &j->owner, env, enif_make_tuple3(env, enif_make_atom(env, "zdoor_job"), enif_make_atom(env, "open"), ret)); enif_free_env(env); } else if (j->action == ACT_CLOSE) { enif_rwlock_rwlock(gbl.dlock); enif_rwlock_rwlock(j->door->rlock); if (j->door->rlist) { enif_rwlock_rwunlock(j->door->rlock); enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl.dlock); ErlNifEnv *env = enif_alloc_env(); enif_send(NULL, &j->owner, env, enif_make_tuple3(env, enif_make_atom(env, "zdoor_job"), enif_make_atom(env, "close"), enif_make_atom(env, "busy"))); enif_free_env(env); } else { struct door *d = gbl.dlist; if (d == j->door) { gbl.dlist = j->door->next; } else { for (; d; d = d->next) { if (d->next == j->door) break; } if (d) d->next = j->door->next; } enif_rwlock_rwunlock(gbl.dlock); zdoor_close(zhandle, j->door->zonename, j->door->service); door_free(j->door); ErlNifEnv *env = enif_alloc_env(); enif_send(NULL, &j->owner, env, enif_make_tuple3(env, enif_make_atom(env, "zdoor_job"), enif_make_atom(env, "close"), enif_make_atom(env, "ok"))); enif_free_env(env); } } else if (j->action == ACT_QUIT) { cont = 0; } enif_free(j); enif_mutex_lock(gbl.jlock); j = gbl.jlist; } } enif_mutex_unlock(gbl.jlock); zdoor_handle_destroy(zhandle); return NULL; }