예제 #1
/* Builds the list of jobs by parsing the input file.
Jobs are already sorted by ascending start time 
file contains 8 pieces of job info: Arrival time, priority, cpu time,
memory, printers, scanners, modems, CDs*/
void createDispatchList(FILE *fd) {
	char linebuf[100];
	char *processInfo;
	// read the file line by line
	while (fgets(linebuf, 100, fd) != NULL) {
		// create a struct for this job and insert it into the dispatch list
		PCB *newJob = malloc(sizeof(PCB));
		assert(newJob != NULL);

		newJob->pid = -1; //process is not 'live' yet
		// break the line up by the , delims and store job info 
		processInfo = strtok(linebuf, ",");
		newJob->arrival_time = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->priority = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->cpu_time = atoi(processInfo); 
		newJob->time_left = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->mem_req = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->printers = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->scanners = atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->modems= atoi(processInfo); 
		processInfo = strtok(NULL, ",");
		newJob->cds = atoi(processInfo); 
		numJobs ++;

		// add job to the dispatch list
		enqueueJob(dispatchQ, newJob);
		if (numJobs == MAX_PROCESSES) break; // safety check on job num
	void BlockStateHandler::onActionComplete()
		mIsActionInProcess = false;

		if ( !mQueuedResponses.empty() )
			mResponse = mState->nextAction( mQueuedResponses );
			if ( mResponse.get() )
				mIsActionInProcess = true;
			else // shutdown retuns nullptr
예제 #3
void MercurialClient::outgoing(const QString &repositoryRoot)
    QStringList args;
    args << QLatin1String("outgoing") << QLatin1String("-g") << QLatin1String("-p");

    const QString title = tr("Hg outgoing %1").

    VcsBase::VcsBaseEditorWidget *editor = createVcsEditor(Constants::DIFFLOG, title, repositoryRoot, true,
                                                     "outgoing", repositoryRoot);

    VcsBase::Command *cmd = createCommand(repositoryRoot, editor);
    enqueueJob(cmd, args);
예제 #4
void MercurialClient::incoming(const QString &repositoryRoot, const QString &repository)
    QStringList args;
    args << QLatin1String("incoming") << QLatin1String("-g") << QLatin1String("-p");
    if (!repository.isEmpty())

    QString id = repositoryRoot;
    if (!repository.isEmpty()) {
        id += QDir::separator();
        id += repository;

    const QString title = tr("Hg incoming %1").arg(id);

    VcsBase::VcsBaseEditorWidget *editor = createVcsEditor(Constants::DIFFLOG, title, repositoryRoot,
                                                     true, "incoming", id);
    VcsBase::Command *cmd = createCommand(repository, editor);
    enqueueJob(cmd, args);
	std::future< BlockResult > BlockStateHandler::carryOut( std::shared_ptr< SignalResponse > response )
		if ( mIsActionInProcess )
			if ( response->shouldBeQueued )
				mQueuedResponses.push_back( response );
				// return 'failure'
				response->result.set_value( BlockResult::IGNORED );

			mResponse = response;
			mIsActionInProcess = true;


		return response->result.get_future();
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	PCB *job; // pointer used to move jobs between queues
	int jobPriority;
	int processStatus;
	//open file of jobs
	if(argc < 2) {
		printf("Dispatch list not found!\n");
		return 0;

	FILE *fd;
	fd = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	if(fd == NULL) {
		printf("Could not open file %s.\n", argv[1]);
		return 0;

	printf("Queues initialized successfully!\n");
	printf("Read and stored all jobs in dispatch list!\n");
	// print out initial dispatch list
	if (VERBOSE) printQueue(dispatchName, dispatchQ);

	while(1) {
		printf("DISPATCHER TIME: %d SECONDS\n", clock);		

		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Available Memory: %d\n", availableMem);
		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Printers: %d\n", printers);
		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Scanner: %d\n", scanner);
		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Modem: %d\n", modem);
		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("CD Drives: %d\n", cddrives);

		// move all jobs with this time from dispatch to the submission queues
		// this happens on EVERY tick 
		if (!isEmpty(dispatchQ)) {
		    //assign all the jobs that are currently in the dispatch Queue 
			while (dispatchQ->process->arrival_time <= clock) {
			  //assign the jobs to the correct submission queue
				jobPriority = dispatchQ->process->priority; 
				if (jobPriority == 0) { // realtimeq priority = 0
					if (VERBOSE) printf("A new realtime job has arrived.\n");
					job = dequeueFront(&dispatchQ);
					enqueueJob(realtimeQ, job);
					if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(rtName, realtimeQ);
				} else if (jobPriority==1 || jobPriority==2 || jobPriority==3) {
					if (VERBOSE) printf("A new user job has arrived.\n");
					job = dequeueFront(&dispatchQ);
					enqueueJob(userQ, job);
					if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(userName, userQ);
				if (isEmpty(dispatchQ)) break;	
	    // distribute user jobs into their priority queues bases on resources
	    // happens on EVERY TICK
   	    	int userQlength = getLength(userQ);	
		    int currJob = 0;
 			// Go through entire queue only once
		    while(currJob < userQlength){
		        //checking to make sure all the resources are avalable for the job
		        	printf("Successfuly allocated resources to a new user job.\n");
				    //gets the priority and the job off the userQ
				    int userPriority;
					userPriority = userQ->process->priority;
					job = dequeueFront(&userQ);
					if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("User Priority: %d\n", userPriority);
					//puts the job in the correct priority userQ
						enqueueJob(p1Q, job);
						enqueueJob(p2Q, job);
					if(userPriority ==3){
						enqueueJob(p3Q, job);

		        // if resources arent avalable then job goes to the end of the queue  
		        } else {
		        	// safety check on if job requires too many resources
				    if(userQ->process->mem_req > MAX_USER_MEMORY ||
				       userQ->process->printers > PRINTERS ||
				       userQ->process->scanners > SCANNERS ||
				       userQ->process->modems > MODEMS ||
				       userQ->process->cds > CDDRIVES) {
				        // simply remove job
				        job = dequeueFront(&userQ);
				    }else {
				    	// cycle job to back of queue
				    	printf("A user job is waiting on resources...\n");
				        job = dequeueFront(&userQ);
					    enqueueJob(userQ, job);
			    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p1Name, p1Q);
			    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p2Name, p2Q);
			    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p3Name, p3Q);
	        } // end while 
	    } // end userQ distributions
		/* Now check all the queues for a job to run. */
	    // Check the realtimeQ for a job first!
			if(realtimeQ->process->pid < 0) {
				// job hasnt started yet so fork and exec
				realtimeQ->process->pid = fork();

		 		if (realtimeQ->process->pid < 0) {
		 			fprintf(stderr, "Dispatcher failed to fork new process.");
					return 0;
		 		else if(realtimeQ->process->pid == 0) {
		        	execl("./process", "process", "",NULL);
		 		} else {
			else {
				sleep(1); // RT processes never pause so just let it run

		    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(rtName, realtimeQ);
		    realtimeQ->process->time_left--; //decrement time
		    //check to see if it is zero 
		    if (VERBOSE) printf("Time left in real time process: %d\n", realtimeQ->process->time_left);
		    if(realtimeQ->process->time_left == 0){
		    	kill(realtimeQ->process->pid, SIGINT); // kill the process
			  	waitpid(realtimeQ->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);
		      	job = dequeueFront(&realtimeQ);

		/* Now check lower priority Queues.
		 The code for the lower priority queues will be very symmetrical */
        } else if(isEmpty(p1Q)==false) {

			if(p1Q->process->pid < 0) {
				// job hasnt started yet so fork and exec
				p1Q->process->pid = fork();

		 		if (p1Q->process->pid < 0) {
		 			fprintf(stderr, "Dispatcher failed to fork new process.");
					return 0;
		 		else if(p1Q->process->pid == 0) {
		        	execl("./process", "process", "",NULL);
		 		} else {
			else {
				// it was previously paused, so resume it
		 		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Attempting to resume process...\n");
				kill(p1Q->process->pid, SIGCONT);
				sleep(1); // let it run for 1 s
		    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p1Name, p1Q);
			//decrement time
			//check to see if it is zero 
			if (VERBOSE) printf("Time left in p1Q process: %d\n", p1Q->process->time_left);

		    if(p1Q->process->time_left == 0){
		    	kill(p1Q->process->pid, SIGINT); // kill the process
			  	waitpid(p1Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);
		        freeMemSpace(p1Q); // free its memory
		        // free all resources
				printers += p1Q->process->printers;
				scanner += p1Q->process->scanners;
				modem += p1Q->process->modems;
				cddrives += p1Q->process->cds;
				// remove the PCB from the queue
				job = dequeueFront(&p1Q);
       		}else { // pause it and decrease its priority
       			kill(p1Q->process->pid, SIGTSTP);
				waitpid(p1Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);	
			    job = dequeueFront(&p1Q);
				enqueueJob(p2Q, job);	

		//check second user priority queue
		}else if(isEmpty(p2Q)==false){

			if(p2Q->process->pid < 0) {
				// job hasnt started yet so fork and exec
				p2Q->process->pid = fork();

		 		if (p2Q->process->pid < 0) {
		 			fprintf(stderr, "Dispatcher failed to fork new process.");
					return 0;
		 		else if(p2Q->process->pid == 0) {
		        	execl("./process", "process", "",NULL);
		 		} else {
			else {
				// it was previously paused, so resume it
		 		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Attempting to resume process...\n");
				kill(p2Q->process->pid, SIGCONT);
				sleep(1); // let it run for 1 s
		    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p2Name, p2Q);
			//decrement time
			//check to see if it is zero 
			if (VERBOSE) printf("Time left in p2Q process: %d\n", p2Q->process->time_left);

		    if(p2Q->process->time_left == 0){
		    	kill(p2Q->process->pid, SIGINT); // kill the process
			  	waitpid(p2Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);
		        freeMemSpace(p2Q); // free its memory
		        // free all resources
				printers += p2Q->process->printers;
				scanner += p2Q->process->scanners;
				modem += p2Q->process->modems;
				cddrives += p2Q->process->cds;
				// remove the PCB from the queue
				job = dequeueFront(&p2Q);
       		}else { // pause it and decrease its priority
       			kill(p2Q->process->pid, SIGTSTP);
				waitpid(p2Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);	
			    job = dequeueFront(&p2Q);
				enqueueJob(p3Q, job);	

		//check third priority queue
		}else if(isEmpty(p3Q)==false){

			if(p3Q->process->pid < 0) {
				// job hasnt started yet so fork and exec
				p3Q->process->pid = fork();

		 		if (p3Q->process->pid < 0) {
		 			fprintf(stderr, "Dispatcher failed to fork new process.");
					return 0;
		 		else if(p3Q->process->pid == 0) {
		        	execl("./process", "process", "",NULL);
		 		else {
			else {
				// it was previously paused, so resume it
		 		if (SUPERVERBOSE) printf("Attempting to resume process...\n");
				kill(p3Q->process->pid, SIGCONT);
				sleep(1); // let it run for 1 s
		    if (SUPERVERBOSE) printQueue(p3Name, p3Q);
			//decrement time
			//check to see if it is zero 
			if (VERBOSE) printf("Time left in p3Q process: %d\n", p3Q->process->time_left);

		    if(p3Q->process->time_left == 0){
		    	kill(p3Q->process->pid, SIGINT); // kill the process
			  	waitpid(p3Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);
		        freeMemSpace(p3Q); // free its memory
		        // free all resources
				printers += p3Q->process->printers;
				scanner += p3Q->process->scanners;
				modem += p3Q->process->modems;
				cddrives += p3Q->process->cds;
				// remove the PCB from the queue
				job = dequeueFront(&p3Q);
       		} else { // pause it and cycle the queue b/c its now Round Robin
       			kill(p3Q->process->pid, SIGTSTP);
				waitpid(p3Q->process->pid, &processStatus, WUNTRACED);	
			    job = dequeueFront(&p3Q);
				enqueueJob(p3Q, job);	

		} else {
			sleep(1); // if nothing new happens, sleep anyway
		// increment clock

	    // exit the dispatcher only once all queues are empty
		if(isEmpty(dispatchQ) && isEmpty(userQ) && isEmpty(realtimeQ) && 
			isEmpty(p1Q) && isEmpty(p2Q) && isEmpty(p3Q)){

	printf("All jobs ran to completion. Terminating dispatcher...\n");
	// free all allocated mem before exiting
	return 0;
예제 #7
 * Called when submit TransferJob has finished and data is received.
void ScrobblerSubmitter::audioScrobblerSubmitResult( KIO::Job* job ) //SLOT
    m_prevSubmitTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime( Qt::UTC ).toTime_t();
    m_inProgress = false;

    if ( job->error() ) {
        warning() << "KIO error! errno: " << job->error() << endl;
        enqueueJob( job );

//     debug()
//         << "Submit result received: "
//         << endl << m_submitResultBuffer << endl;

    // OK
    // INTERVAL n (protocol 1.1)
    if (m_submitResultBuffer.startsWith( "OK" ) )
        debug() << "Submit successful" << endl;
        QString interval = m_submitResultBuffer.section( "\n", 1, 1 );
        if ( interval.startsWith( "INTERVAL" ) )
            m_interval = interval.mid( 9 ).toUInt();

        finishJob( job );
    // FAILED <reason (optional)>
    // INTERVAL n (protocol 1.1)
    else if ( m_submitResultBuffer.startsWith( "FAILED" ) )
        QString reason = m_submitResultBuffer.mid( 0, m_submitResultBuffer.find( "\n" ) );
        if ( reason.length() > 6 )
            reason = reason.mid( 7 ).stripWhiteSpace();

        warning() << "Submit failed (" << reason << ")" << endl;

        QString interval = m_submitResultBuffer.section( "\n", 1, 1 );
        if ( interval.startsWith( "INTERVAL" ) )
            m_interval = interval.mid( 9 ).toUInt();

        enqueueJob( job );
    // BADAUTH
    // INTERVAL n (protocol 1.1)
    else if ( m_submitResultBuffer.startsWith( "BADAUTH" ) )
        warning() << "Submit failed (Authentication failed)" << endl;

        QString interval = m_submitResultBuffer.section( "\n", 1, 1 );
        if ( interval.startsWith( "INTERVAL" ) )
            m_interval = interval.mid( 9 ).toUInt();

        m_challenge = QString::null;
        enqueueJob( job );
        warning() << "Unknown submit response" << endl;
        enqueueJob( job );
int MultipriorityThreadPool::enqueueJob(bslmt_ThreadFunction  jobFunction,
                                        void                 *jobData,
                                        int                   priority)
    return enqueueJob(bdlf::BindUtil::bind(jobFunction, jobData), priority);