예제 #1
/** Searches in the given search directory for files ending with the
 *  given extension. Then will create a window with buttons for each
 *  found file.
 *  \param searchDir the directory to search in
 *  \param fileExtension the extension files should end with, if the
 *         extension has a dot (.) then this dot _must_ be present as
 *         the first char in this parameter
 *  \param mode (purpose unknown)
 *  \param numPlayers (purpose unknown)
void addMultiRequest(const char* searchDir, const char* fileExtension, UDWORD mode, UBYTE mapCam, UBYTE numPlayers)
	W_FORMINIT         sFormInit;
	W_BUTINIT          sButInit;
	UDWORD             players;
	char**             fileList;
	char**             currFile;
	const unsigned int extensionLength = strlen(fileExtension);
	const unsigned int buttonsX = (mode == MULTIOP_MAP) ? 22 : 17;

	unsigned int       numButtons, count, butPerForm, i;

	static char		tips[NBTIPS][MAX_STR_LENGTH];

	context = mode;
	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)
	{	// only save these when they select MAP button
		current_tech = mapCam;
		current_numplayers = numPlayers;
	fileList = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(searchDir);
	if (!fileList)
		debug(LOG_FATAL, "addMultiRequest: Out of memory");

	// Count number of required buttons
	numButtons = 0;
	for (currFile = fileList; *currFile != NULL; ++currFile)
		const unsigned int fileNameLength = strlen(*currFile);

		// Check to see if this file matches the given extension
		if (fileNameLength > extensionLength
		 && strcmp(&(*currFile)[fileNameLength - extensionLength], fileExtension) == 0)

	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)									// if its a map, also look in the predone stuff.
		char* map;
		if ((map = enumerateMultiMaps(&players, true, mapCam, numPlayers)))
			while ((map = enumerateMultiMaps(&players, false, mapCam, numPlayers)))

	psRScreen = widgCreateScreen(); ///< move this to intinit or somewhere like that.. (close too.)

	/* Calculate how many buttons will go on a single form */
	butPerForm = ((M_REQUEST_W - 0 - 4) /
						(R_BUT_W +4)) *
				 ((M_REQUEST_H - 0- 4) /
						(R_BUT_H+ 4));

	/* add a form to place the tabbed form on */
	memset(&sFormInit, 0, sizeof(W_FORMINIT));
	sFormInit.formID = 0;
	sFormInit.id = M_REQUEST;
	sFormInit.style = WFORM_PLAIN;
	sFormInit.x = (SWORD)(M_REQUEST_X+D_W);
	sFormInit.y = (SWORD)(M_REQUEST_Y+D_H);
	sFormInit.width = M_REQUEST_W;
	sFormInit.height = M_REQUEST_H;
	sFormInit.disableChildren = true;
	sFormInit.pDisplay = intOpenPlainForm;
	widgAddForm(psRScreen, &sFormInit);

	/* Add the tabs */
	memset(&sFormInit, 0, sizeof(W_FORMINIT));
	sFormInit.formID = M_REQUEST;
	sFormInit.id = M_REQUEST_TAB;
	sFormInit.style = WFORM_TABBED;
	sFormInit.x = 2;
	sFormInit.y = 2;
	sFormInit.width = M_REQUEST_W;
	sFormInit.height = M_REQUEST_H-4;

	sFormInit.numMajor = numForms(numButtons, butPerForm);

	sFormInit.majorPos = WFORM_TABTOP;
	sFormInit.minorPos = WFORM_TABNONE;
	sFormInit.majorSize = OBJ_TABWIDTH+2;
	sFormInit.majorOffset = OBJ_TABOFFSET;
	sFormInit.tabVertOffset = (OBJ_TABHEIGHT/2);
	sFormInit.tabMajorThickness = OBJ_TABHEIGHT;
	sFormInit.pUserData = &StandardTab;
	sFormInit.pTabDisplay = intDisplayTab;

	// This appears to be the map pick screen, when we have lots of maps
	// this will need to change.
	if (sFormInit.numMajor > MAX_TAB_STD_SHOWN)
		ASSERT(sFormInit.numMajor < MAX_TAB_SMALL_SHOWN,"Too many maps! Need scroll tabs here.");
		sFormInit.pUserData = &SmallTab;
		sFormInit.majorSize /= 2;

	for (i = 0; i < sFormInit.numMajor; ++i)
		sFormInit.aNumMinors[i] = 2;
	widgAddForm(psRScreen, &sFormInit);

	// Add the close button.
	memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT));
	sButInit.formID = M_REQUEST;
	sButInit.id = M_REQUEST_CLOSE;
	sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN;
	sButInit.x = M_REQUEST_W - CLOSE_WIDTH - 3;
	sButInit.y = 0;
	sButInit.width = CLOSE_WIDTH;
	sButInit.height = CLOSE_HEIGHT;
	sButInit.pTip = _("Close");
	sButInit.FontID = font_regular;
	sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight;
	widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

	/* Put the buttons on it *//* Set up the button struct */
	memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT));
	sButInit.formID		= M_REQUEST_TAB;
	sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_BUT;
	sButInit.style		= WBUT_PLAIN;
	sButInit.x		= buttonsX;
	sButInit.y		= 4;
	sButInit.width		= R_BUT_W;
	sButInit.height		= R_BUT_H;
	sButInit.pUserData	= NULL;
	sButInit.pDisplay	= displayRequestOption;
	sButInit.FontID		= font_regular;

	for (currFile = fileList, count = 0; *currFile != NULL && count < (butPerForm * 4); ++currFile)
		const unsigned int tip_index = check_tip_index(sButInit.id - M_REQUEST_BUT);
		const unsigned int fileNameLength = strlen(*currFile);
		const unsigned int tipStringLength = fileNameLength - extensionLength;

		// Check to see if this file matches the given extension
		if (!(fileNameLength > extensionLength)
		 || strcmp(&(*currFile)[fileNameLength - extensionLength], fileExtension) != 0)

		// Set the tip and add the button

		// Copy all of the filename except for the extension into the tiptext string
		strlcpy(tips[tip_index], *currFile, MIN(tipStringLength + 1, sizeof(tips[tip_index])));

		sButInit.pTip		= tips[tip_index];
		sButInit.pText		= tips[tip_index];

		if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)											// if its a map, set player flag.
			const char* mapText;
			unsigned int mapTextLength;

			sButInit.UserData = (*currFile)[0] - '0';

			if( (*currFile)[1] != 'c')

			// Chop off description
			mapText = strrchr(*currFile, '-') + 1;
			if (mapText - 1 == NULL)

			mapTextLength = tipStringLength - (mapText - *currFile);
			strlcpy(tips[tip_index], mapText, MIN(mapTextLength + 1, sizeof(tips[tip_index])));

		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		/* Update the init struct for the next button */
		sButInit.id += 1;
		sButInit.x = (SWORD)(sButInit.x + (R_BUT_W+ 4));
		if (sButInit.x + R_BUT_W+ 2 > M_REQUEST_W)
			sButInit.x = buttonsX;
			sButInit.y = (SWORD)(sButInit.y +R_BUT_H + 4);
		if (sButInit.y +R_BUT_H + 4 > M_REQUEST_H)
			sButInit.y = 4;
			sButInit.majorID += 1;

	// Make sure to return memory back to PhyscisFS

	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)
		char* mapName;
		if ((mapName = enumerateMultiMaps(&players, true, mapCam, numPlayers)))
				unsigned int tip_index = check_tip_index(sButInit.id-M_REQUEST_BUT);

				// add number of players to string.
				sstrcpy(tips[tip_index], mapName);

				sButInit.pTip = tips[tip_index];
				sButInit.pText = tips[tip_index];
				sButInit.UserData	= players;

				widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

				sButInit.id += 1;
				sButInit.x = (SWORD)(sButInit.x + (R_BUT_W+ 4));
				if (sButInit.x + R_BUT_W+ 2 > M_REQUEST_W)
					sButInit.x = buttonsX;
					sButInit.y = (SWORD)(sButInit.y +R_BUT_H + 4);
				if (sButInit.y +R_BUT_H + 4 > M_REQUEST_H)
					sButInit.y = 4;
					sButInit.majorID += 1;
			} while ((mapName = enumerateMultiMaps(&players, false, mapCam, numPlayers)));
	multiRequestUp = true;

	// if it's map select then add the cam style buttons.
	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)
		memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT));
		sButInit.formID		= M_REQUEST;
		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C1;
		sButInit.style		= WBUT_PLAIN;
		sButInit.x		= 4;
		sButInit.y		= 258;
		sButInit.width		= 17;
		sButInit.height		= 17;
		sButInit.UserData	= 1;
		sButInit.FontID		= font_regular;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 1");
		sButInit.pDisplay	= displayCamTypeBut;

		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C2;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 2;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 2");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C3;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 3;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 3");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_AP;
		sButInit.y		= 17;
		sButInit.UserData	= 0;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Any number of players");
		sButInit.pDisplay	= displayNumPlayersBut;
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_2P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 2;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("2 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_3P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 3;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("3 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_4P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 4;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("4 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_5P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 5;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("5 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_6P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 6;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("6 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_7P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 7;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("7 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_8P;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 8;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("8 players");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

예제 #2
/** Searches in the given search directory for files ending with the
 *  given extension. Then will create a window with buttons for each
 *  found file.
 *  \param searchDir the directory to search in
 *  \param fileExtension the extension files should end with, if the
 *         extension has a dot (.) then this dot _must_ be present as
 *         the first char in this parameter
 *  \param mode (purpose unknown)
 *  \param numPlayers (purpose unknown)
void addMultiRequest(const char* searchDir, const char* fileExtension, UDWORD mode, UBYTE mapCam, UBYTE numPlayers)
	const unsigned int extensionLength = strlen(fileExtension);
	const unsigned int buttonsX = (mode == MULTIOP_MAP) ? 22 : 17;

	context = mode;
	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)
	{	// only save these when they select MAP button
		current_tech = mapCam;
		current_numplayers = numPlayers;
	char **fileList = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(searchDir);

	psRScreen = new W_SCREEN; ///< move this to intinit or somewhere like that.. (close too.)

	WIDGET *parent = psRScreen->psForm;

	/* add a form to place the tabbed form on */
	IntFormAnimated *requestForm = new IntFormAnimated(parent);
	requestForm->id = M_REQUEST;
	requestForm->setGeometry(M_REQUEST_X + D_W, M_REQUEST_Y + D_H, M_REQUEST_W, M_REQUEST_H);

	// Add the button list.
	IntListTabWidget *requestList = new IntListTabWidget(requestForm);
	requestList->setChildSize(R_BUT_W, R_BUT_H);
	requestList->setChildSpacing(4, 4);
	requestList->setGeometry(2 + buttonsX, 2, M_REQUEST_W - buttonsX, M_REQUEST_H - 4);

	// Add the close button.
	W_BUTINIT sButInit;
	sButInit.formID = M_REQUEST;
	sButInit.id = M_REQUEST_CLOSE;
	sButInit.x = M_REQUEST_W - CLOSE_WIDTH - 3;
	sButInit.y = 0;
	sButInit.width = CLOSE_WIDTH;
	sButInit.height = CLOSE_HEIGHT;
	sButInit.pTip = _("Close");
	sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight;
	widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

	// Put the buttons on it.
	int nextButtonId = M_REQUEST_BUT;
	for (char **currFile = fileList; *currFile != NULL; ++currFile)
		const unsigned int fileNameLength = strlen(*currFile);

		// Check to see if this file matches the given extension
		if (fileNameLength <= extensionLength
		 || strcmp(&(*currFile)[fileNameLength - extensionLength], fileExtension) != 0)

		char *withoutExtension = strdup(*currFile);
		withoutExtension[fileNameLength - extensionLength] = '\0';

		// Set the tip and add the button
		W_BUTTON *button = new W_BUTTON(requestList);
		button->id = nextButtonId;
		button->displayFunction = displayRequestOption;


		/* Update the init struct for the next button */

	// Make sure to return memory back to PhyscisFS

	multiRequestUp = true;
	hoverPreviewId = 0;

	if(mode == MULTIOP_MAP)
		bool first = true;
		while ((mapData = enumerateMultiMaps(first, mapCam, numPlayers)) != NULL)
			first = false;

			// add number of players to string.
			W_BUTTON *button = new W_BUTTON(requestList);
			button->id = nextButtonId;
			button->pUserData = mapData;
			button->displayFunction = displayRequestOption;


		// if it's map select then add the cam style buttons.
		sButInit = W_BUTINIT();
		sButInit.formID		= M_REQUEST;
		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C1;
		sButInit.x              = 3;
		sButInit.y              = 254;
		sButInit.width		= 17;
		sButInit.height		= 17;
		sButInit.UserData	= 1;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 1");
		sButInit.pDisplay	= displayCamTypeBut;

		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C2;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 2;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 2");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_C3;
		sButInit.y		+= 22;
		sButInit.UserData	= 3;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Technology level 3");
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		sButInit.id		= M_REQUEST_AP;
		sButInit.y		= 17;
		sButInit.UserData	= 0;
		sButInit.pTip		= _("Any number of players");
		sButInit.pDisplay	= displayNumPlayersBut;
		widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);

		for (unsigned numPlayers = 2; numPlayers <= MAX_PLAYERS_IN_GUI; ++numPlayers)
			static char ttip[MAX_PLAYERS_IN_GUI + 1][20];
			sButInit.id             = M_REQUEST_NP[numPlayers - 2];
			sButInit.y		+= 22;
			sButInit.UserData	= numPlayers;
			ssprintf(ttip[numPlayers], ngettext("%d player", "%d players", numPlayers), numPlayers);
			sButInit.pTip		= ttip[numPlayers];
			widgAddButton(psRScreen, &sButInit);