예제 #1
    Notifies the system that a wake() operation has completed.
    The \c{wakeDone()} message is sent on the QCop channel

    \sa wake(), suspend()
void QModemService::wakeDone()
    QtopiaIpcEnvelope env( "QPE/ModemSuspend", "wakeDone()" );
예제 #2
jobject SunJVMDLL::invokeObject(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallObjectMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #3
파일: gbm.cpp 프로젝트: dafrito/luacxx
int luaopen_gbm(lua_State* const state)
    lua::thread env(state);

    /** Format of the allocated buffer */
    env["GBM_BO_FORMAT_ARGB8888"] = GBM_BO_FORMAT_ARGB8888; 


    /* color index */
    env["GBM_FORMAT_C8"] = GBM_FORMAT_C8;

    /* 8 bpp RGB */
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGB332"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGB332;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGR233"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGR233;

    /* 16 bpp RGB */
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XRGB4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_XRGB4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XBGR4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_XBGR4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBX4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBX4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRX4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRX4444;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_ARGB4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_ARGB4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_ABGR4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_ABGR4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBA4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBA4444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRA4444"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRA4444;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_XRGB1555"] = GBM_FORMAT_XRGB1555;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XBGR1555"] = GBM_FORMAT_XBGR1555;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBX5551"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBX5551;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRX5551"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRX5551;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_ARGB1555"] = GBM_FORMAT_ARGB1555;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_ABGR1555"] = GBM_FORMAT_ABGR1555;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBA5551"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBA5551;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRA5551"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRA5551;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGB565"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGB565;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGR565"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGR565;

    /* 24 bpp RGB */
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGB888"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGB888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGR888"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGR888;

    /* 32 bpp RGB */
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBX8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBX8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRX8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRX8888;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRA8888"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRA8888;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010"] = GBM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010"] = GBM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102;

    env["GBM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010"] = GBM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010"] = GBM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_RGBA1010102"] = GBM_FORMAT_RGBA1010102;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102"] = GBM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102;

    /* packed YCbCr */


    * 2 plane YCbCr
    * index 0 = Y plane, [7:0] Y
    * index 1 = Cr:Cb plane, [15:0] Cr:Cb little endian
    * or
    * index 1 = Cb:Cr plane, [15:0] Cb:Cr little endian
    env["GBM_FORMAT_NV12"] = GBM_FORMAT_NV12;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_NV21"] = GBM_FORMAT_NV21;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_NV16"] = GBM_FORMAT_NV16;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_NV61"] = GBM_FORMAT_NV61;

    * 3 plane YCbCr
    * index 0: Y plane, [7:0] Y
    * index 1: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb
    * index 2: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr
    * or
    * index 1: Cr plane, [7:0] Cr
    * index 2: Cb plane, [7:0] Cb
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YUV410"] = GBM_FORMAT_YUV410;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YVU410"] = GBM_FORMAT_YVU410;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YUV411"] = GBM_FORMAT_YUV411;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YVU411"] = GBM_FORMAT_YVU411;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YUV420"] = GBM_FORMAT_YUV420;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YVU420"] = GBM_FORMAT_YVU420;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YUV422"] = GBM_FORMAT_YUV422;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YVU422"] = GBM_FORMAT_YVU422;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YUV444"] = GBM_FORMAT_YUV444;
    env["GBM_FORMAT_YVU444"] = GBM_FORMAT_YVU444;

    // enum gbm_bo_flags
    env["GBM_BO_USE_CURSOR_64X64"] = GBM_BO_USE_CURSOR_64X64;

    env["gbm_device_get_fd"] = gbm_device_get_fd;
    env["gbm_device_get_backend_name"] = gbm_device_get_backend_name;
    env["gbm_device_is_format_supported"] = gbm_device_is_format_supported;
    env["gbm_device_destroy"] = gbm_device_destroy;
    env["gbm_create_device"] = gbm_create_device;
    env["gbm_bo_create"] = gbm_bo_create;


    env["gbm_bo_import"] = gbm_bo_import;
    env["gbm_bo_get_width"] = gbm_bo_get_width;
    env["gbm_bo_get_height"] = gbm_bo_get_height;
    env["gbm_bo_get_stride"] = gbm_bo_get_stride;
    env["gbm_bo_get_format"] = gbm_bo_get_format;
    env["gbm_bo_get_device"] = gbm_bo_get_device;

    env["gbm_bo_get_handle"] = gbm_bo_get_handle;

    env["gbm_bo_write"] = _gbm_bo_write;
    env["gbm_bo_set_user_data"] = _gbm_bo_set_user_data;
    env["gbm_bo_get_user_data"] = _gbm_bo_get_user_data;

    env["gbm_bo_destroy"] = gbm_bo_destroy;

    // FIXME Determine the status of gbm_surface; where is it defined?
    //env["gbm_surface_create"] = gbm_surface_create;
    //env["gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer"] = gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer;
    //env["gbm_surface_release_buffer"] = gbm_surface_release_buffer;
    //env["gbm_surface_has_free_buffers"] = gbm_surface_has_free_buffers;
    //env["gbm_surface_destroy"] = gbm_surface_destroy;

    return 0;
예제 #4
jbyte SunJVMDLL::invokeByte(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallByteMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #5
jlong SunJVMDLL::invokeLong(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallLongMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #6
jdouble SunJVMDLL::invokeDoubleStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallStaticDoubleMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #7
void SunJVMDLL::invokeVoid(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  env()->CallVoidMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #8
	void	root::advance(float delta_time)
		// Lock gameswf engine. Video is running in separate thread and
		// it calls gameswf functions from separate thread to set
		// status of netstream object

		// Handle mouse dragging

		// Handle the mouse.
		character *te;
		m_movie->get_topmost_mouse_entity(te, PIXELS_TO_TWIPS(m_mouse_x), PIXELS_TO_TWIPS(m_mouse_y));
		m_mouse_button_state.m_topmost_entity = te;

		m_mouse_button_state.m_mouse_button_state_current = (m_mouse_buttons & 1);

		// advance Action script objects (interval timers, xmlsocket, ...)

		m_time_remainder += delta_time;
		if (m_time_remainder >= m_frame_time)

			// mark all as garbage

			// this should be called infinitely to not repeat
			// the game situation after restart

			if (m_on_event_load_called == false)
				if (m_def->m_is_avm2)
					const abc_def* adef  = m_def->get_abc();
					if (adef)
						as_environment env(m_player.get_ptr());
							&env, as_value(m_movie.get_ptr()), 0, 0);

			if (m_player->get_force_realtime_framerate() == true)
				while (m_time_remainder >= m_frame_time)
					m_time_remainder -= m_frame_time;
				m_time_remainder = fmod(m_time_remainder - m_frame_time, m_frame_time);

			if (m_on_event_load_called == false)
				// Must do loading events.  For child sprites this is
				// done by the dlist, but root movies don't get added
				// to a dlist, so we do it here.
				m_on_event_load_called = true;


예제 #9
void SunJVMDLL::setIntField(jclass cls, jobject obj, const std::string& fieldName, int value)
  jfieldID binding = env()->GetFieldID(cls, fieldName.c_str(), "I");
  env()->SetIntField(obj, binding, (jint)value);
예제 #10
void es::MainGame::update() {
  const float deltaTime = 8.0f;

  // TIPS: プレイヤーの処理
  // 重力を先に与えてから高さの補正を行うことで、
  // 一瞬地面にめり込むような表示が無くなる
    // 重力をかける前の Y 座標
    const auto prevPosY = player.getPos().y();

    // 重力

    // 重力をかけた後の座標
    const auto currentPos = player.getPos();
    const auto size = player.isInvincible ? player.getRealScale() : player.getDotScale();

    // 落下中の判定
    const auto isGravity = prevPosY > currentPos.y();

    // 足場に乗ったかどうか
    const auto onGround = [&](const Vec2f& gPos,
                              const Vec2f& gSize) {
      // 落下中でなければ無視する
      if (!isGravity) { return false; }

      const auto inL = currentPos.x() > gPos.x();
      const auto inR = currentPos.x() < gPos.x() + gSize.x();
      const auto inT = currentPos.y() < gPos.y() + gSize.y();
      return inL && inR && inT;

    inGroundFlag = false;

    // 足場との当たり判定
    for (auto& block : blocks) {
      // プレイヤーが足場よりも下にいるかどうか
      const auto isLowPos = currentPos.y() < block.getPos().y();
      if (isLowPos) { continue; }

      if (onGround(block.getPos(), block.getSize())) {
        const auto y = block.getPos().y() + block.getSize().y();
        inGroundFlag = !inGroundFlag;

    if (!inGroundFlag) { player.setJumpState(); }

    // 地面との当たり判定
    if (currentPos.y() < StageGround) { player.landing(StageGround); }

    // ジャンプ判定

    // 敵に当たったかどうか
    const auto isHitEnemy = [&](const Vec2f& ePos,
                                const Vec2f& eSize) {
      const auto inL = currentPos.x() >= ePos.x();
      const auto inR = currentPos.x() <= ePos.x() + eSize.x();
      const auto inB = currentPos.y() >= ePos.y();
      const auto inT = currentPos.y() <= ePos.y() + eSize.y();
      return inL && inR && inT && inB;

    // 敵との当たり判定
    // 当たっていたらノックバック処理
    for (auto& enemy : enemies) {
      // 当たっていなければ、スキップ
      if (!isHitEnemy(enemy->getPos(), enemy->getScale())) { continue; }

      // 無敵状態でなければダメージを受ける
      if (!player.isInvincible) { player.HP() -= enemy->getAttack(); }

      //player.hp <= 0;
      if (player.HP() <= 0) {
        data.isGameOver = true;
        next_ = SceneName::Result;
        isFinish_ = true;

      // 敵のHPが0であれば
      if (enemy->isDead()) {
        // 更にプレイヤーの必殺技ゲージを加算
        player.Gauge() += enemy->getGaugePower();
      else {
        // 吹っ飛ばす
        backForce = constantForce * deltaTime;

      // プレイヤーが無敵状態であればゲージを減らす
      if (player.isInvincible == true) {
        player.countTimer -= 1.0f;
        if (player.countTimer < 0) {

      // プレイヤーの必殺技ゲージがMAXであれば
      if (player.IsGaugeMax()) {


    // 死んでる敵を消す

    // ノックバック処理

    // プレイヤーの移動距離から、次の背景を表示するか判定
    const auto isMoved = bg.checkPoint(player.getPos().x());

    // 背景が移動したら敵キャラと足場を新しく生成する
    if (isMoved) { LoadData(); }

    // 移動

  // カメラ更新

  // デバッグ用
#ifdef _DEBUG
  isFinish_ = env().isPushButton(Mouse::RIGHT);
예제 #11
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: nkyrk/test1
int main() {
	AppEnv env(3000, 2048, false, true);

	Texture anb_top("res/anb1.png");//正面
	Texture anb_side("res/anb2.png");//横
	Texture anb_back("res/anb3.png");//後ろ
	Texture title("res/title_top.png");
	Texture title2("res/title2.png");
	Texture owari("res/owari.png");
	Texture door("res/door.png");
	Texture door2("res/door2.png");
	Texture titledoorhan("res/titledoorhan.png");
	Texture akari("res/akari.png");
	Texture hp("res/heart.png");
	Texture open("res/open.png");
	Texture closed("res/closed.png");
	Texture end("res/endcard.png");
	Media nock("res/nock.wav");
	Media keyclose("res/keyclose.wav");
	int x = -1500;
	int y = -1024;

	int stage_count = 0;
	int life = 3;
	int stage_clear=0;
	int block_x = 200;
	int block_y = 200;
	int akari_count = 0;
	int atari_count = 0;
	//stage_clear = 1;
	while (true){



		while (env.isOpen()) {

			drawTextureBox(-1500, -1024, 3000, 2048, 0, 0, 4096, 2048, title);
			drawTextureBox(-1050, -600, 200, 200, 0, 0, 512, 512, open);
			drawTextureBox(100, -600, 200, 200, 0, 0, 512, 512, closed);

			if (!(-330 < x || -830 > x + 300 || -174 < y || -1024 > y + 600)){
				drawTextureBox(-828, -1010, 510, 840, 0, 0, 512, 512, titledoorhan);
				if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
					x = -40;
					y = -1024;

			if (stage_clear == 1){
				drawTextureBox(100, -600, 200, 200, 0, 0, 512, 512, open);
				if (!(835 < x || 325 > x + 300 || -184 < y || -1024 > y + 600)){
					drawTextureBox(320, -1010, 510, 840, 0, 0, 512, 512, titledoorhan);
						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
							stage_count = 11;


			else {
					if (env.isPushKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
						if (!(835 < x || 325 > x + 300 || -184 < y || -1024 > y + 600)){

			if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
				x -= 5;
				drawTextureBox(x, y, 300, 600, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
				if (x <-1500){
					x = -1500;


				else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
				x += 5;
				drawTextureBox(x, y, 300, 600, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
				if (x > 1200){
					x = 1200;
				else {
				drawTextureBox(x, y, 300, 600, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

			//if(!( □+x<x || □x >x+300 || □+y <y || □y > y+600))




		while (env.isOpen()) {

			Vec2f pos = env.mousePosition();


			if (stage_count == 0){
				drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

				drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
				if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
					drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
					if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

				//drawTextureBox(-40, 30, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);

				// キャラの移動&移動制限

				if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
					y += 5;
					drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
					if (y > 864.0f){
						y = 864.0f;


				else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
					x -= 5;
					drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
				else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
					y -= 5;
					drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
					if(y< -1024.0f){
						y = -1024.0f;

				else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
					x += 5;
					drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
				else {
					drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));


				//if(!( □+x<x || □x >x+80 || □+y <y || □y > y+160))

				drawFillBox(500, -1024, 600, 2048, Color(0, 0, 0, 1));

				if (!(1100 < x || 500 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 100)){
					x = -40;
					y = -1024;
				drawFillBox(-1100, -1024, 600, 2048, Color(0,0,0, 1));//0.02
				if (!(-500 < x || -1100 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
					x = -40;
					y = -1024;
				drawFillBox(-300, 0, 500, 200, Color(0,0,0,1));
				if (!(200 < x || -300 > x + 80 || 200 < y || 0 > y + 160)){
					x = -40;
					y = -1024;




				if (stage_count == 1){
					drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(40 / 255, 34 / 255, 42 / 255, 1));

					drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
					if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;


					// キャラの移動&移動制限

					if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
						y += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4));
						if (y > 864.0f){
							y = 864.0f;


					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
						x -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4));
						if (x < -1024.0f){
							x = -1024.0f;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
						y -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4));
						if (y < -1024.0f){
							y = -1024.0f;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
						x += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4));
						if (x > 1024.0f){
							x = 1024.0f;
					else {
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4));

					//if(!( <x || >x+80 || <y ||> y+160))

					//if(!(ax2 < bx1 || ax1 > bx2 || ay1< by2 || ay2 >by1))

					drawFillBox(500, -1024, 100, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.02));

					if (!(600 < x || 500 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 100)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(-500, -1024, 100, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.02));//0.02
					if (!(-400 < x || -500 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;
					drawFillBox(-400, 0, 500, 200, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.02));
					if (!(100 < x || -400 > x + 80 || 200 < y || 0 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(0, -500, 500, 200, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.02));
					if (!(500 < x || 0 > x + 80 || -300 < y || -500 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(-150, 500, 400, 200, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.02));
					if (!(250 < x || -150 > x + 80 || 700 < y || 500 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;
					drawFillCircle(x + 40, y + 80, 130, 130, 100, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.13));


				if (stage_count == 2){

					drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

					drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
					if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){

							x = -40;
							y = -1024;


					// キャラの移動&移動制限

					if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
						y += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (y > 864.0f){
							y = 864.0f;


					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
						x -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (x < -1024.0f){
							x = -1024.0f;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
						y -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (y < -1024.0f){
							y = -1024.0f;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
						x += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (x > 1024.0f){
							x = 1024.0f;
					else {
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

					drawFillCircle(x + 40, y + 80, 130, 130, 100, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
					//if(!( <x || >x+80 || <y ||> y+160))

					//if(!(ax2 < bx1 || ax1 > bx2 || ay1< by2 || ay2 >by1))

					drawFillBox(500, -1024, 100, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1));
					if (!(600 < x || 500 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 100)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(-500, -1024, 100, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1));//0.02
					if (!(-400 < x || -500 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;
					drawFillBox(-400, 0, 500, 200, Color(1, 1, 1));
					if (!(100 < x || -400 > x + 80 || 200 < y || 0 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(0, -500, 500, 200, Color(1, 1, 1));
					if (!(500 < x || 0 > x + 80 || -300 < y || -500 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					drawFillBox(-150, 500, 400, 200, Color(1, 1, 1));
					if (!(250 < x || -150 > x + 80 || 700 < y || 500 > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;


				if (stage_count == 3){

					drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

					drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
					if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
							x = -1500;
							y = -1024;
							stage_count = 0;
							stage_clear = 1;



					if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
						y += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (y > 864.0f){
							y = 864.0f;


					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
						x -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (x < -1024.0f){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
						y -= 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (y < -1024.0f){
							y = -1024.0f;

					else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
						x += 5;
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						if (x > 944.0f){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
					else {
						drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

					drawFillBox(block_x, block_y, 200, 200, Color::black);

					if (!(block_x + 200 < x || block_x > x + 80 || block_y + 200 < y || block_y > y + 160)){
						x = -40;
						y = -1024;

					if (!(200 < x || 0 > x + 80 || 400 < y || 200 > y + 160)){
						block_x = 0;


				if (stage_count == 11){
					if (life == 3){
						drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						drawTextureBox(1376, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
					else if (life == 2){
						drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
					else if (life == 1){
						drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
					else {
						stage_count = 0;
						life = 3;
						x = -1500;
						y = -1024;

						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
						if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
							drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
							if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;




						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
							y += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1,1,1, 1));
							if (y > 864.0f){
								y = 864.0f;


						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
							x -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x < -1024.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
							y -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y < -1024.0f){
								y = -1024.0f;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
							x += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x > 944.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						else {
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));

						drawFillCircle(x + 40, y + 80, 130, 130, 100, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
						drawFillBox(100, -1024, 300, 500, Color::white);
						if (!(400 < x || 100 > x + 80 || -524 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 800, 400, Color::white);
						if (!(-224 < x || -1024 > x + 80 || -624 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-600, -224, 1000, 300, Color::white);
						if (!(400 < x || -600 > x + 80 || -124 < y || -224 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(400, 70, 600, 300, Color::white);
						if (!(1100 < x || 400 > x + 80 || 370 < y || 70 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-600, 24, 300, 300, Color::white);
						if (!(-300 < x || -600 > x + 80 || 324 < y || 300 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-600, 524, 300, 200, Color::white);
						if (!(-300 < x || -600 > x + 80 || 724 < y || 524 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-300, 524, 300, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(0 < x || -300 > x + 80 || 624 < y || 524 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(0, 350, 400, 276, Color::white);
						if (!(400 < x || 0 > x + 80 || 626 < y || 350 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;

					if (stage_count == 12){
						if (life == 3){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1376, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 2){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 1){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else {
							stage_count = 0;
							life = 3;
							x = -1500;
							y = -1024;
							akari_count = 0;

						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
						if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
							drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
							if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
								akari_count = 0;



						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
							y += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y > 864.0f){
								y = 864.0f;


						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
							x -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x < -1024.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
							y -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y < -1024.0f){
								y = -1024.0f;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
							x += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x > 944.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						else {
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));


						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 800, 600, Color::black);
						if (!(-224<x ||-1024 >x + 80 ||-424 <y ||-1024 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(200, -1024, 500, 800, Color::black); 
							if (!(700<x ||200 >x + 80 ||-224 <y || -1024> y + 160)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-724, -250, 2000, 300, Color::black); 
							if (!(1276<x || -724 >x + 80 || 50<y || -250> y + 160)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-1024, 300, 1748, 200, Color::black); 
							if (!(724<x ||-1024 >x + 80 ||500 <y ||300 > y + 160)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(60, 700, 1000, 424, Color::black); 
							if (!(1060<x ||60 >x + 80 || 1124<y ||700 > y + 160)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;

						if (akari_count < 90){
							drawTextureBox(-50, -350, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count > 90 && akari_count < 180){
							drawTextureBox(-900, -350, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count>180 && akari_count < 270){
							drawTextureBox(-900, 150, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count>270 && akari_count < 360){
							drawTextureBox(850, 150, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count>360 && akari_count < 450){
							drawTextureBox(850, 550, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count>450 && akari_count < 540){
							drawTextureBox(-40, 600, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, akari);
						if (akari_count > 630){
							akari_count = 0;

					if (stage_count == 13){
						if (life == 3){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1376, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 2){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 1){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else {
							stage_count = 0;
							life = 3;
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
							akari_count = 0;


						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
						if (atari_count == 600){
							if (!(1024 < x || -1024 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || -1024 > y + 160)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						if(atari_count > 600){
							atari_count = 0;

						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
						if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
							drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
							if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
								akari_count = 0;



						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
							y += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y > 864.0f){
								y = 864.0f;


						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
							x -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x < -1024.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
							y -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y < -1024.0f){
								y = -1024.0f;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
							x += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x > 944.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						else {
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));


					if (stage_count == 14){
						if (life == 3){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1376, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 2){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
							drawTextureBox(1218, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else if (life == 1){
							drawTextureBox(1050, -1024, 128, 128, 0, 0, 128, 128, hp);
						else {
							stage_count = 0;
							life = 3;
							x = -1500;
							y = -1024;
							akari_count = 0;

						drawFillBox(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
						drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door);
						if (!(60 < x || -40 > x + 80 || 1024 < y || 824 > y + 160)){
							drawTextureBox(-40, 824, 100, 200, 0, 0, 256, 512, door2);
							if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
								akari_count = 0;


						drawFillBox(-200, -300, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-100<x || -300 >x + 80 || -200 <y || -300 > y + 160)){
							x = 100;
							y = -700;
						drawFillBox(100, 0, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(200<x || 100>x + 80 || 100<y || 0> y + 160)){
							x = 300;
							y = -50;
						drawFillBox(-500, -300, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-400<x || -500>x + 80 || -400 <y || -300 > y + 160)){
							x = 200;
							y = -100;
						drawFillBox(-700, -400, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-600<x || -700>x + 80 || -300<y || -400> y + 160)){
							x = 700;
							y = -200;
						drawFillBox(-500, -300, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-400<x || -500 >x + 80 || -400 <y || -300 > y + 160)){
							x = 400;
							y = 500;
						drawFillBox(300, 0, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(400<x || 300>x + 80 || 100 <y || 0 > y + 160)){
							x = -200;
							y = -900;
						drawFillBox(-800, -300, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-700<x || -800 >x + 80 || -200 <y || -300> y + 160)){
							x = -600;
							y = 300;
						drawFillBox(-300, -400, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(-200<x || -300 >x + 80 || -300 <y || -400> y + 160)){
							x = -500;
							y = 800;
						drawFillBox(300, 300, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(400<x || 300>x + 80 || 400 <y || 300> y + 160)){
							x = 900;
							y = -300;
						drawFillBox(0, 600, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(100<x || 0>x + 80 || 700 <y || 600> y + 160)){
							x = 800;
							y = 700;
						drawFillBox(700, 0, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(800<x || 700 >x + 80 || 100 <y || 0> y + 160)){
							x = -700;
							y = 800;
						drawFillBox(500, -200, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(600<x || 500 >x + 80 || -100 <y || -200 > y + 160)){
							x = -400;
							y = 400;
						drawFillBox(900, -400, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(1000<x || 900 >x + 80 || 900<y || -400 > y + 160)){
							x = -1000;
							y = 800;
						drawFillBox(400, -600, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(500<x || 400 >x + 80 || -500 <y || -600> y + 160)){
							x = -200;
							y = -800;
						drawFillBox(300, -800, 100, 100, Color::white);

						drawFillBox(500, -900, 100, 100, Color::white);
						if (!(600<x || 500 >x + 80 || -800 <y || -900> y + 160)){
							x = 300;
							y = -50;

						if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_UP)){
							y += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_back, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y > 864.0f){
								y = 864.0f;


						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)){
							x -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, -256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x < -1024.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)){
							y -= 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (y < -1024.0f){
								y = -1024.0f;

						else if (env.isPressKey(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)){
							x += 5;
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_side, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
							if (x > 944.0f){
								x = -40;
								y = -1024;
						else {
							drawTextureBox(x, y, 80, 160, 0, 0, 256, 512, anb_top, Color(1, 1, 1, 1));


						drawFillBox(-400, 400, 200, 824, Color::black);
						if (!(-200<x ||-400 >x + 80 ||600 <y ||400 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(200, 400, 200, 824, Color::black);
						if (!(400<x || 200>x + 80 ||1224 <y ||400 > y + 160)){
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;
						drawFillBox(-100, 0, 200, 200, Color::black);
						if (!(100 < x || -100 > x + 80 || 200 < y || 0 > y + 160))
							x = -40;
							y = -1024;



			if (stage_count == 15){
				drawTextureBox(-1500, -1024, 3000, 2048, 0, 0, 4096, 2048, end);
				if (env.isPushButton(Mouse::LEFT)){
					x = -1500;
					y = -1024;

			if (env.isPushKey(GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK)){


		if (!env.isOpen()){
			return 0;


예제 #12
파일: codecs.c 프로젝트: cristipp/JyNI
PyObject *_PyCodec_Lookup(const char *encoding)
	jstring s = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, encoding);
	return JyNI_PyObject_FromJythonPyObject(
			(*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, pyCodecsClass, pyCodecsLookup, s));
//    PyInterpreterState *interp;
//    PyObject *result, *args = NULL, *v;
//    Py_ssize_t i, len;
//    if (encoding == NULL) {
//        PyErr_BadArgument();
//        goto onError;
//    }
//    interp = PyThreadState_GET()->interp;
//    if (interp->codec_search_path == NULL && _PyCodecRegistry_Init())
//        goto onError;
//    /* Convert the encoding to a normalized Python string: all
//       characters are converted to lower case, spaces and hyphens are
//       replaced with underscores. */
//    v = normalizestring(encoding);
//    if (v == NULL)
//        goto onError;
//    PyString_InternInPlace(&v);
//    /* First, try to lookup the name in the registry dictionary */
//    result = PyDict_GetItem(interp->codec_search_cache, v);
//    if (result != NULL) {
//        Py_INCREF(result);
//        Py_DECREF(v);
//        return result;
//    }
//    /* Next, scan the search functions in order of registration */
//    args = PyTuple_New(1);
//    if (args == NULL)
//        goto onError;
//    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args,0,v);
//    len = PyList_Size(interp->codec_search_path);
//    if (len < 0)
//        goto onError;
//    if (len == 0) {
//        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_LookupError,
//                        "no codec search functions registered: "
//                        "can't find encoding");
//        goto onError;
//    }
//    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//        PyObject *func;
//        func = PyList_GetItem(interp->codec_search_path, i);
//        if (func == NULL)
//            goto onError;
//        result = PyEval_CallObject(func, args);
//        if (result == NULL)
//            goto onError;
//        if (result == Py_None) {
//            Py_DECREF(result);
//            continue;
//        }
//        if (!PyTuple_Check(result) || PyTuple_GET_SIZE(result) != 4) {
//            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
//                            "codec search functions must return 4-tuples");
//            Py_DECREF(result);
//            goto onError;
//        }
//        break;
//    }
//    if (i == len) {
//        /* XXX Perhaps we should cache misses too ? */
//        PyErr_Format(PyExc_LookupError,
//                     "unknown encoding: %s", encoding);
//        goto onError;
//    }
//    /* Cache and return the result */
//    PyDict_SetItem(interp->codec_search_cache, v, result);
//    Py_DECREF(args);
//    return result;
// onError:
//    Py_XDECREF(args);
//    return NULL;
예제 #13
 bool has_only_one_constructor(name const & I_name) const {
     if (auto r = inductive::get_num_intro_rules(env(), I_name))
         return *r == 1;
         return false;
예제 #14
int Groupsock::outputToAllMembersExcept(DirectedNetInterface* exceptInterface,
					u_int8_t ttlToFwd,
					unsigned char* data, unsigned size,
					netAddressBits sourceAddr) {
  // Don't forward TTL-0 packets
  if (ttlToFwd == 0) return 0;

  DirectedNetInterfaceSet::Iterator iter(members());
  unsigned numMembers = 0;
  DirectedNetInterface* interf;
  while ((interf = iter.next()) != NULL) {
    // Check whether we've asked to exclude this interface:
    if (interf == exceptInterface)

    // Check that the packet's source address makes it OK to
    // be relayed across this interface:
    UsageEnvironment& saveEnv = env();
    // because the following call may delete "this"
    if (!interf->SourceAddrOKForRelaying(saveEnv, sourceAddr)) {
      if (strcmp(saveEnv.getResultMsg(), "") != 0) {
				// Treat this as a fatal error
	return -1;
      } else {

    if (numMembers == 0) {
      // We know that we're going to forward to at least one
      // member, so fill in the tunnel encapsulation trailer.
      // (Note: Allow for it not being 4-byte-aligned.)
      TunnelEncapsulationTrailer* trailerInPacket
	= (TunnelEncapsulationTrailer*)&data[size];
      TunnelEncapsulationTrailer* trailer;

      Boolean misaligned = ((uintptr_t)trailerInPacket & 3) != 0;
      unsigned trailerOffset;
      u_int8_t tunnelCmd;
      if (isSSM()) {
	// add an 'auxilliary address' before the trailer
	trailerOffset = TunnelEncapsulationTrailerAuxSize;
	tunnelCmd = TunnelDataAuxCmd;
      } else {
	trailerOffset = 0;
	tunnelCmd = TunnelDataCmd;
      unsigned trailerSize = TunnelEncapsulationTrailerSize + trailerOffset;
      unsigned tmpTr[TunnelEncapsulationTrailerMaxSize];
      if (misaligned) {
	trailer = (TunnelEncapsulationTrailer*)&tmpTr;
      } else {
	trailer = trailerInPacket;
      trailer += trailerOffset;

      if (fDests != NULL) {
	trailer->address() = fDests->fGroupEId.groupAddress().s_addr;
	Port destPort(ntohs(fDests->fGroupEId.portNum()));
	trailer->port() = destPort; // structure copy
      trailer->ttl() = ttlToFwd;
      trailer->command() = tunnelCmd;

      if (isSSM()) {
	trailer->auxAddress() = sourceFilterAddress().s_addr;

      if (misaligned) {
	memmove(trailerInPacket, trailer-trailerOffset, trailerSize);

      size += trailerSize;

    interf->write(data, size);

  return numMembers;
예제 #15
jchar SunJVMDLL::invokeCharStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallStaticCharMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #16
void SunJVMDLL::setLongField(jclass cls, jobject obj, const std::string& fieldName, jlong value)
  jfieldID binding = env()->GetFieldID(cls, fieldName.c_str(), "J");
  env()->SetLongField(obj, binding, (jlong)value);
예제 #17
jlong SunJVMDLL::invokeLongStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallStaticLongMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #18
void SunJVMDLL::setObjectField(jclass cls, jobject obj, const std::string& fieldName, const std::string& fieldclass, jobject value)
  std::string fc = "L" + StringUtils::replace(fieldclass, "." , "/") + ";";
  jfieldID binding = env()->GetFieldID(cls, fieldName.c_str(), fc.c_str());
  env()->SetObjectField(obj, binding, value);
예제 #19
jobject SunJVMDLL::invokeObjectStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallStaticObjectMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #20
jstring   SunJVMDLL::newUTFString(const std::string& str)
  return env()->NewStringUTF(str.c_str());
예제 #21
jboolean SunJVMDLL::invokeBoolean(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallBooleanMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #22
jobject   SunJVMDLL::newObject(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->NewObjectA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #23
jchar SunJVMDLL::invokeChar(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallCharMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #24
jobjectArray  SunJVMDLL::newObjectArray(int size, jclass clazz, jobject initialValue)
  return env()->NewObjectArray((jsize)size, clazz, initialValue);
예제 #25
jdouble SunJVMDLL::invokeDouble(jobject& obj, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallDoubleMethodA(obj, methodid, arguments);
예제 #26
void SunJVMDLL::invokeVoidStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  env()->CallStaticVoidMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #27
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  QUESO::FullEnvironment env(MPI_COMM_WORLD, argv[1], "", NULL);

  QUESO::VectorSpace<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> paramSpace(env,
      "param_", 1, NULL);

  double min_val = 0.0;
  double max_val = 1.0;

  QUESO::GslVector paramMins(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  QUESO::GslVector paramMaxs(paramSpace.zeroVector());

  QUESO::BoxSubset<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> paramDomain("param_",
      paramSpace, paramMins, paramMaxs);

  QUESO::UniformVectorRV<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> priorRv("prior_",

  // Set up observation space
  QUESO::VectorSpace<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> obsSpace(env,
      "obs_", 2, NULL);

  // Fill up observation vector
  QUESO::GslVector observations(obsSpace.zeroVector());
  observations[0] = 1.0;
  observations[1] = 1.0;

  // Fill up covariance 'matrix'
  QUESO::GslVector covariance(obsSpace.zeroVector());
  covariance[0] = 1.0;
  covariance[1] = 1.0;

  // Pass in observations to Gaussian likelihood object
  Likelihood<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> lhood("llhd_", paramDomain,
      observations, covariance);

  QUESO::GenericVectorRV<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix>
    postRv("post_", paramSpace);

  QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix>
    ip("", NULL, priorRv, lhood, postRv);

  QUESO::GslVector paramInitials(paramSpace.zeroVector());

  paramInitials[0] = 0.0;

  QUESO::GslMatrix proposalCovMatrix(paramSpace.zeroVector());

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
    proposalCovMatrix(i, i) = 0.1;

  ip.solveWithBayesMetropolisHastings(NULL, paramInitials, &proposalCovMatrix);


  return 0;
예제 #28
jboolean SunJVMDLL::invokeBooleanStatic(jclass clazz, jmethodID& methodid, jvalue arguments[])
  return env()->CallStaticBooleanMethodA(clazz, methodid, arguments);
예제 #29
        beast::Journal const j;
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Ledger>> history;
            jtx::Env env(*this);
            Config config;
            auto prev =
                std::make_shared<Ledger>(create_genesis, config, env.app().family());
            for (auto i = 0; i < 1023; ++i)
                auto next = std::make_shared<Ledger>(
                prev = next;

            auto l = *(std::next(std::begin(history)));
            expect((*std::begin(history))->info().seq <
            expect(hashOfSeq(*l, l->info().seq + 1,
                j) == boost::none);
            expect(hashOfSeq(*l, l->info().seq,
                j) == l->info().hash);
            expect(hashOfSeq(*l, l->info().seq - 1,
                j) == l->info().parentHash);
                l->info().seq, j) == boost::none);

        // ledger skip lists store up to the previous 256 hashes
        for (auto i = history.crbegin();
            i != history.crend(); i += 256)
            for (auto n = i;
                n != std::next(i,
                    (*i)->info().seq - 256 > 1 ? 257 : 256);
                    (*n)->info().seq, j) ==

            // edge case accessing beyond 256
                (*i)->info().seq - 258, j) ==

        // every 256th hash beyond the first 256 is stored
        for (auto i = history.crbegin();
            i != std::next(history.crend(), -512);
            i += 256)
            for (auto n = std::next(i, 512);
                n != history.crend();
                n += 256)
                    (*n)->info().seq, j) ==
예제 #30
jobject _PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleJy(char *name, char *pathname, FILE *fp)
	//PyObject *m;
	jobject m;
	char *lastdot, *shortname, *packagecontext, *oldcontext;
	dl_funcptr p;

	//The following case is covered on Java-side now:
	/*if ((m = _PyImport_FindExtension(name, pathname)) != NULL) {
		return m;
	lastdot = strrchr(name, '.');
	if (lastdot == NULL) {
		packagecontext = NULL;
		shortname = name;
	else {
		packagecontext = name;
		shortname = lastdot+1;
	//PyErr_Clear(); //added temporarily by JyNI to focus on further development until the exception thing is solved.
	p = _PyImport_GetDynLoadFunc(name, shortname, pathname, fp);
	//jputs("got dyn load func");
	if (PyErr_Occurred())
		return NULL;
	//jputs("error check done");
	if (p == NULL) {
		//jputs("no init function");
		//JyNI_JyErr_Format((*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, pyPyClass, pyPyImportError),
		   "dynamic module does not define init function (init%.200s)",
		return NULL;
	//jputs("dyn load func is not NULL");
	oldcontext = _Py_PackageContext;
	_Py_PackageContext = packagecontext;
	//jputs("run dyn load func...");
	//jputs("run dyn load func done");
	_Py_PackageContext = oldcontext;
	if (PyErr_Occurred())
		//puts("return NULL because PyErr_Occurred");
		return NULL;

	//m = PyDict_GetItemString(PyImport_GetModuleDict(), name);
	//jputs("retrieving module...");
	//the following somehow goes wrong, probaby because we didn't call String.intern...
	/*jobject mName = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, pyPyClass, pyPyNewString, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, name));
	m = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env,
			(*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, JyNIClass, JyNIPyImport_GetModuleDict),
	m = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, JyNIClass, JyNIJyNI_GetModule, (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, name));
	//puts("retrieved module");
	if (m == NULL) {
		//puts("m = NULL");
						"dynamic module not initialized properly");
		return NULL;
	// Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute
	//if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "__file__", pathname) < 0)
	//puts("adding filename...");
	// Todo: If pathname is NULL set __file__ to PyNone or something.
	if (pathname && PyModule_AddStringConstantJy(m, "__file__", pathname) < 0)
		PyErr_Clear(); // Not important enough to report
	//puts("filename added:");
	//provide FixupExtension later...
	//if (_PyImport_FixupExtension(name, pathname) == NULL)
	//	return NULL;
	//if (Py_VerboseFlag)
	if ((*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, JyNIClass, JyNIGetDLVerbose))
			"import %s # dynamically loaded from %s\n",
			name, pathname);
	//jputs("module loaded:");
	return m;