예제 #1
static void
onefetch_subseq(ESL_GETOPTS *go, FILE *ofp, ESL_SQFILE *sqfp, char *newname, char *key, uint32_t given_start, uint32_t given_end)
  int    start, end;
  int    do_revcomp;
  ESL_SQ *sq = esl_sq_Create();

  if (sqfp->data.ascii.ssi == NULL) esl_fatal("no ssi index");

  /* reverse complement indicated by coords. */
  /* -c 52: would be 52,0, so watch out for given_end = 0 case */
  if (given_end != 0 && given_start > given_end)
    { start = given_end;   end = given_start; do_revcomp = TRUE;  }
    { start = given_start; end = given_end;   do_revcomp = FALSE; }

  if (esl_sqio_FetchSubseq(sqfp, key, start, end, sq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp));

  if      (newname != NULL) esl_sq_SetName(sq, newname);
  else                      esl_sq_FormatName(sq, "%s/%d-%d", key, given_start, (given_end == 0) ? sq->L : given_end);

  /* Two ways we might have been asked to revcomp: by coord, or by -r option */
  /* (If both happen, they'll cancel each other out) */
  if (do_revcomp) 
    if (esl_sq_ReverseComplement(sq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to reverse complement %s; is it a protein?\n", sq->name);
  if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-r"))
    if (esl_sq_ReverseComplement(sq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to reverse complement %s; is it a protein?\n", sq->name);

  esl_sqio_Write(ofp, sq, eslSQFILE_FASTA, FALSE);
예제 #2
static int
do_by_sequences(ESL_GENCODE *gcode, ESL_GENCODE_WORKSTATE *wrk, ESL_SQFILE *sqfp)
  ESL_SQ *sq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(gcode->nt_abc);
  int     status;

  while (( status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq )) == eslOK)
      if (sq->n < 3) continue;

      if (wrk->do_watson) {
        esl_gencode_ProcessStart(gcode, wrk, sq);
        esl_gencode_ProcessPiece(gcode, wrk, sq);
        esl_gencode_ProcessEnd(wrk, sq);

      if (wrk->do_crick) {
        esl_gencode_ProcessStart(gcode, wrk, sq);
        esl_gencode_ProcessPiece(gcode, wrk, sq);
        esl_gencode_ProcessEnd(wrk, sq);

  if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed (sequence file %s)\n%s\n",
					   sqfp->filename, sqfp->get_error(sqfp));     
  else if (status != eslEOF)     esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d reading sequence file %s",
					   status, sqfp->filename);
  return eslOK;
예제 #3
/* onefetch():
 * Given one <key> (a seq name or accession), retrieve the corresponding sequence.
 * In SSI mode, we can do this quickly by positioning the file, then regurgitating
 * every line until the end-of-record marker; we don't even have to parse.
 * Without an SSI index, we have to parse the file sequentially 'til we find
 * the one we're after.
static void
onefetch(ESL_GETOPTS *go, FILE *ofp, char *key, ESL_SQFILE *sqfp)
  ESL_SQ  *sq            = esl_sq_Create();
  int      do_revcomp    = esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-r");
  char    *newname       = esl_opt_GetString(go, "-n");
  int      status;

  /* Try to position the file at the desired sequence with SSI. */
  if (sqfp->data.ascii.ssi != NULL)	
      status = esl_sqfile_PositionByKey(sqfp, key);
      if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("seq %s not found in SSI index for file %s\n", key, sqfp->filename);
      else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Failed to parse SSI index for %s\n", sqfp->filename);
      else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Failed to look up location of seq %s in SSI index of file %s\n", key, sqfp->filename);

      status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq);
      if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed (sequence file %s):\n%s\n",
					       sqfp->filename, esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp));
      else if (status == eslEOF)     esl_fatal("Unexpected EOF reading sequence file %s",
					       status, sqfp->filename);
      else if (status != eslOK)      esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d reading sequence file %s",
					       status, sqfp->filename);

      if (strcmp(key, sq->name) != 0 && strcmp(key, sq->acc) != 0) 
	esl_fatal("whoa, internal error; found the wrong sequence %s, not %s", sq->name, key);
    { /* Else, we have to read the whole damn file sequentially until we find the seq */
      while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq)) != eslEOF) {
	if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed (sequence file %s):\n%s\n",
						 sqfp->filename, esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp));
	else if (status != eslOK)      esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d reading sequence file %s",
						 status, sqfp->filename);

	if (strcmp(key, sq->name) == 0 || strcmp(key, sq->acc) == 0) break;
      if (status == eslEOF) esl_fatal("Failed to find sequence %s in file %s\n", key, sqfp->filename);


  if (do_revcomp == FALSE && newname == NULL && ! esl_sqio_IsAlignment(sqfp->format)) 
    { /* If we're not manipulating the sequence in any way, and it's not from an alignment file, we can Echo() it. */
      if (esl_sqio_Echo(sqfp, sq, ofp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Echo failed: %s\n", esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp));
    { /* Otherwise we Write() the parsed version. */
      if (do_revcomp && esl_sq_ReverseComplement(sq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("Failed to reverse complement %s; is it a protein?\n", sq->name);
      if (newname != NULL) esl_sq_SetName(sq, newname);
      esl_sqio_Write(ofp, sq, eslSQFILE_FASTA, FALSE);

예제 #4
int esl_trans_s2p(ESL_SQ *in, ESL_SQ **out, int frameshift, int rcFlag)
  // The encoding for this is taken from squid:  A=0, C=1, G=2, U/T=3, 
  // code[0] corresponds to AAA, code[1] is AAC... code[4] is ACA... 
  // and so on up to 63 being UUU. 64 is a sentinel. Regular 20 amino codes and '*' for stop
  // the nucleotide indices match well with the easel alphabet index
  // but the actual translation still needs to be hard coded
  char code[] = {'K','N','K','N','T','T','T','T','R','S','R','S',

  int status;

  int codon;     //progress in counting current codon
  char *aaseq;   //hold the protein sequence to be output
  char *aaptr;   //pointer records progress in writing to output
  char *readseq; //pointer records progress in reading nucleotide sequence
  int read_dg;   //index into digital sequence
  ESL_ALPHABET *abc = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  char errbuf[256]; //validateseq demands this
  char namestring[256];
  (*out) = NULL;

  if(frameshift >= in->n) return eslFAIL;
  if(!abc) goto ERROR;
  //make sure we have a nucleotide sequence; could use esl_abc_ValidateSeq but that wants too
  //much boilerplate for the simple bit I need done. doesn't help that i don't care if there are U or T
  //characters but that would test against two alphabets
    if(eslOK != esl_abc_ValidateSeq(abc, in->seq, in->n, errbuf)) goto ERROR;
  else if(in->dsq)
    if(in->abc->type != eslRNA && in->abc->type != eslDNA) goto ERROR;
    goto ERROR;

  //apply the reverse compliment
  if(rcFlag) {if(esl_sq_ReverseComplement(in) != eslOK) goto ERROR;}
  ESL_ALLOC(aaseq, (in->n+1) * sizeof(char));
  aaptr = aaseq;
  if(in->seq) //text sequence
    //get an alphabet to do the lookup with.
    //an ordinary text sequence doesn't have in->abc
    //if it has one that is not a standard dna/rna alphabet
    //then this code won't work. I wanted to use an alphabet if available, could save some allocating time that way
    //if we're calling this repeatedly
    //but the compiler complains about "pointer qualifiers" so nevermind
    readseq = in->seq+frameshift;
    //as long as there are at least 3 nucleotides left, pull and translate another codon
    for (; *readseq != '\0' && *(readseq+1) != '\0' && *(readseq+2) != '\0'; readseq += 3)
      codon = abc->inmap[(int)*(readseq)] * 16 + abc->inmap[(int)*(readseq+1)] * 4 + abc->inmap[(int)*(readseq+2)];
      if(codon > 63 || codon < 0) break;

      *aaptr = code[codon];
      aaptr += 1;
    *aaptr = '\0';
  else if(in->dsq)  //do it digitally
    if(in->dsq == NULL) goto ERROR;
    read_dg = 1+frameshift; //add one here because digital index 0 is a sentinel
    for(;in->dsq[read_dg] != 255 && in->dsq[read_dg+1] != 255 && in->dsq[read_dg+2] != 255; read_dg += 3)
      codon = in->dsq[read_dg] * 16 + in->dsq[read_dg+1] * 4 + in->dsq[read_dg+2];
      if(codon > 63 || codon < 0) break;
      *aaptr = code[codon];
      aaptr += 1;
    *aaptr = '\0';
    goto ERROR;
  //modify name to record any reading frame adjustments
  sprintf(namestring, "%s_s%d", in->name, frameshift);
  if(rcFlag) strcat(namestring, "_rc");
  *out = esl_sq_CreateFrom(namestring, aaseq, in->desc, in->acc, in->ss);
  if(aaseq != NULL) free(aaseq);
  //return the input to its original state
  if(rcFlag) {if(esl_sq_ReverseComplement(in) != eslOK) goto ERROR;}
  if(abc) esl_alphabet_Destroy(abc);
  if(*out) return eslOK;
  if(abc) esl_alphabet_Destroy(abc);
  if(aaseq != NULL) free(aaseq);
  (*out) = NULL;
  return eslEMEM;
예제 #5
static void 
pipeline_thread(void *arg)
  int i, j;
  int status;
  int workeridx;
  WORKER_INFO   *info;
  ESL_THREADS   *obj;
  P7_OM_BLOCK   *block;
  void          *newBlock;
  P7_OPROFILE   *om        = NULL;
  P7_SCOREDATA  *scoredata = NULL;   /* hmm-specific data used by nhmmer */

  P7_DOMAIN *dcl;
  int seq_len = 0;
  int prev_hit_cnt = 0;

  ESL_SQ        *sq_revcmp = NULL;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/


  obj = (ESL_THREADS *) arg;
  esl_threads_Started(obj, &workeridx);

  info = (WORKER_INFO *) esl_threads_GetData(obj, workeridx);

  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, NULL, &newBlock);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  //reverse complement
  if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL ) {
    sq_revcmp =  esl_sq_CreateDigital(info->qsq->abc);
    info->pli->nres += info->qsq->n;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/

  /* loop until all blocks have been processed */
  block = (P7_OM_BLOCK *) newBlock;
  while (block->count > 0)
      /* Main loop: */
      for (i = 0; i < block->count; ++i)
        om = block->list[i];
        seq_len = 0;

        p7_pli_NewModel(info->pli, om, info->bg);
        p7_bg_SetLength(info->bg, info->qsq->n);
        p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, info->qsq->n);

        scoredata = p7_hmm_ScoreDataCreate(om, FALSE);

        //reverse complement
        if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL )
          p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, sq_revcmp, info->th, 0);
          p7_pipeline_Reuse(info->pli); // prepare for next search

          seq_len = info->qsq->n;
          for (j = prev_hit_cnt; j < info->th->N ; j++)
            dcl = info->th->unsrt[j].dcl;
            // modify hit positions to account for the position of the window in the full sequence
            dcl->ienv = seq_len - dcl->ienv + 1;
            dcl->jenv = seq_len - dcl->jenv + 1;
            dcl->iali = seq_len - dcl->iali + 1;
            dcl->jali = seq_len - dcl->jali + 1;
            dcl->ad->sqfrom = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqfrom + 1;
            dcl->ad->sqto = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqto + 1;

        if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_BOTTOMONLY) {
          p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, info->qsq, info->th, 0);
          seq_len += info->qsq->n;

        for (j = prev_hit_cnt; j < info->th->N ; j++)
          info->th->unsrt[j].lnP         += log((float)seq_len / (float)om->max_length);
          info->th->unsrt[j].dcl[0].lnP   = info->th->unsrt[j].lnP;
          info->th->unsrt[j].sortkey      = -1.0 * info->th->unsrt[j].lnP;
          info->th->unsrt[j].dcl[0].ad->L = om->M;

        prev_hit_cnt = info->th->N;
        block->list[i] = NULL;

      status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, block, &newBlock);
      if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

      block = (P7_OM_BLOCK *) newBlock;


  status = esl_workqueue_WorkerUpdate(info->queue, block, NULL);
  if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Work queue worker failed");

  esl_threads_Finished(obj, workeridx);
예제 #6
static int
serial_loop(WORKER_INFO *info, P7_HMMFILE *hfp)
  int            status;
  int i;
  int seq_len = 0;
  int prev_hit_cnt = 0;
  P7_OPROFILE   *om        = NULL;
  P7_SCOREDATA  *scoredata = NULL;   /* hmm-specific data used by nhmmer */
  P7_DOMAIN *dcl;

  ESL_SQ        *sq_revcmp = NULL;
  if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL ) {
    sq_revcmp =  esl_sq_CreateDigital(info->qsq->abc);

    info->pli->nres += info->qsq->n;
#endif /*eslAUGMENT_ALPHABET*/

  /* Main loop: */
  while ((status = p7_oprofile_ReadMSV(hfp, &abc, &om)) == eslOK)
      seq_len = 0;

      p7_pli_NewModel(info->pli, om, info->bg);
      p7_bg_SetLength(info->bg, info->qsq->n);
      p7_oprofile_ReconfigLength(om, info->qsq->n);

      scoredata = p7_hmm_ScoreDataCreate(om, FALSE);

      //reverse complement
      if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_TOPONLY && info->qsq->abc->complement != NULL )

        p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, sq_revcmp, info->th, 0);
        p7_pipeline_Reuse(info->pli); // prepare for next search
        seq_len = info->qsq->n;
        for (i = prev_hit_cnt; i < info->th->N ; i++)
          dcl = info->th->unsrt[i].dcl;
          // modify hit positions to account for the position of the window in the full sequence
          dcl->ienv = seq_len - dcl->ienv + 1;
          dcl->jenv = seq_len - dcl->jenv + 1;
          dcl->iali = seq_len - dcl->iali + 1;
          dcl->jali = seq_len - dcl->jali + 1;
          dcl->ad->sqfrom = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqfrom + 1;
          dcl->ad->sqto = seq_len - dcl->ad->sqto + 1;


      if (info->pli->strand != p7_STRAND_BOTTOMONLY) {
        p7_Pipeline_LongTarget(info->pli, om, scoredata, info->bg, info->qsq, info->th, 0);
        seq_len += info->qsq->n;

      for (i = prev_hit_cnt; i < info->th->N ; i++)
        info->th->unsrt[i].lnP         += log((float)seq_len / (float)om->max_length);
        info->th->unsrt[i].dcl[0].lnP   = info->th->unsrt[i].lnP;
        info->th->unsrt[i].sortkey      = -1.0 * info->th->unsrt[i].lnP;
        info->th->unsrt[i].dcl[0].ad->L =  om->M;

      prev_hit_cnt = info->th->N;



  return status;
예제 #7
/* multifetch:
 * given a file containing lines with one name or key per line;
 * parse the file line-by-line;
 * if we have an SSI index available, retrieve the seqs by key
 * as we see each line;
 * else, without an SSI index, store the keys in a hash, then
 * read the entire seq file in a single pass, outputting seqs
 * that are in our keylist. 
 * Note that with an SSI index, you get the seqs in the order they
 * appear in the <keyfile>, but without an SSI index, you get seqs in
 * the order they occur in the seq file.
static void
multifetch(ESL_GETOPTS *go, FILE *ofp, char *keyfile, ESL_SQFILE *sqfp)
  ESL_KEYHASH    *keys   = esl_keyhash_Create();
  int             nseq   = 0;
  int             nkeys  = 0;
  char           *key;
  int             keylen;
  int             keyidx;
  int             status;

  if (esl_fileparser_Open(keyfile, NULL, &efp) != eslOK)  esl_fatal("Failed to open key file %s\n", keyfile);
  esl_fileparser_SetCommentChar(efp, '#');

  while (esl_fileparser_NextLine(efp) == eslOK)
      if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &key, &keylen) != eslOK)
	esl_fatal("Failed to read seq name on line %d of file %s\n", efp->linenumber, keyfile);
      status = esl_keyhash_Store(keys, key, keylen, &keyidx);
      if (status == eslEDUP) esl_fatal("seq key %s occurs more than once in file %s\n", key, keyfile);
      /* if we have an SSI index, just fetch them as we go. */
      if (sqfp->data.ascii.ssi != NULL) { onefetch(go, ofp, key, sqfp);  nseq++; }

  /* If we don't have an SSI index, we haven't fetched anything yet; do it now. */
  if (sqfp->data.ascii.ssi == NULL) 
      ESL_SQ *sq     = esl_sq_Create();

      while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq)) == eslOK)
	  if ( (sq->name[0] != '\0' && esl_keyhash_Lookup(keys, sq->name, -1, NULL) == eslOK) ||
	       (sq->acc[0]  != '\0' && esl_keyhash_Lookup(keys, sq->acc,  -1, NULL) == eslOK))
	      if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-r") )
		if (esl_sq_ReverseComplement(sq) != eslOK) 
		  esl_fatal("Failed to reverse complement %s\n", sq->name);
	      esl_sqio_Write(ofp, sq, eslSQFILE_FASTA, FALSE);
      if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed (sequence file %s):\n%s\n",
					       sqfp->filename, esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp));
      else if (status != eslEOF)     esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d reading sequence file %s",
					       status, sqfp->filename);
  if (nkeys != nseq) esl_fatal("Tried to retrieve %d keys, but only retrieved %d sequences\n", nkeys, nseq);

  if (ofp != stdout) printf("\nRetrieved %d sequences.\n", nseq);
