DirectionTypes directionXY(const CvPlot* pFromPlot, const CvPlot* pToPlot)
#if defined(MOD_BALANCE_CORE)
	CvPlot** aPlotsToCheck = GC.getMap().getNeighborsUnchecked(pFromPlot);
	for(int iI=0; iI<NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; iI++)
		if (aPlotsToCheck[iI]==pToPlot)
			return (DirectionTypes)iI;
	//if the direct lookup fails, use the real method
	return estimateDirection(pFromPlot->getX(),pFromPlot->getY(),pToPlot->getX(),pToPlot->getY());
	return directionXY(pFromPlot->getX(), pFromPlot->getY(),
	                   pToPlot->getX(), pToPlot->getY());
예제 #2
///TKs Med
CvCity* CvMap::findCity(int iX, int iY, PlayerTypes eOwner, TeamTypes eTeam, bool bSameArea, bool bCoastalOnly, TeamTypes eTeamAtWarWith, DirectionTypes eDirection, CvCity* pSkipCity, bool bRandom)
	int iBestValue = MAX_INT;
	CvCity* pBestCity = NULL;
    std::vector<CvCity*> aCitys;
	for (int iI = 0; iI < MAX_PLAYERS; iI++)
		if (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).isAlive())
			if ((eOwner == NO_PLAYER) || (iI == eOwner))
				if ((eTeam == NO_TEAM) || (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).getTeam() == eTeam))
					int iLoop;
					for (CvCity* pLoopCity = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).firstCity(&iLoop); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).nextCity(&iLoop))
						if (!bSameArea || (pLoopCity->area() == plotINLINE(iX, iY)->area()) || (bCoastalOnly && (pLoopCity->waterArea() == plotINLINE(iX, iY)->area())))
							if (!bCoastalOnly || pLoopCity->isCoastal(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()))
								if ((eTeamAtWarWith == NO_TEAM) || atWar(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).getTeam(), eTeamAtWarWith))
									if ((eDirection == NO_DIRECTION) || (estimateDirection(dxWrap(pLoopCity->getX_INLINE() - iX), dyWrap(pLoopCity->getY_INLINE() - iY)) == eDirection))
										if ((pSkipCity == NULL) || (pLoopCity != pSkipCity))
										    if (!bRandom)
                                                int iValue = plotDistance(iX, iY, pLoopCity->getX_INLINE(), pLoopCity->getY_INLINE());

                                                if (iValue < iBestValue)
                                                    iBestValue = iValue;
                                                    pBestCity = pLoopCity;
    if (bRandom)
        int iRandom = aCitys.size();

        if (iRandom >= 1)
            iRandom = GC.getGameINLINE().getSorenRandNum(iRandom, "Random Find City");
            return aCitys[iRandom];
            return NULL;


    return pBestCity;
DirectionTypes cyEstimateDirection(int iDX, int iDY)
	return estimateDirection(iDX, iDY);