예제 #1
chunk *TRAFBox::dumpBox(dictionary *inputParams)
    uint32_t i, size;
    box.header.size = (uint64_t)estimateSize(inputParams);
    chunk *c = new chunk((uint32_t)box.header.size, false);
    size = htonl((uint32_t)box.header.size);
    box.header.type = htonl(TRAF_BOX);
    c->append((uint8_t *) &size, sizeof(size));
    c->append((uint8_t *) &box.header.type, sizeof(box.header.type));
    for(i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) c->append(boxes.at(i)->dumpBox(inputParams)); /* remember that chunk::append(chunk *) will get rid of our provided chunk */
    return c;
예제 #2
/* dump the full box inclusive header and all included boxes */
chunk *MVEXBox::dumpBox(dictionary *inputParams)
    uint32_t i, size;
    /* compute the size of the box */
    box.header.size = (uint64_t)estimateSize(inputParams);
    chunk *c = new chunk((uint32_t)box.header.size, false);
    size = htonl((uint32_t)box.header.size);
    box.header.type = htonl(MVEX_BOX);
    c->append((uint8_t*) &size, sizeof(uint32_t));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.header.type, sizeof(uint32_t));
    for(i=0;i<boxes.size();i++) c->append(boxes.at(i)->dumpBox(inputParams));
    return c;
예제 #3
chunk *STCOBox::dumpBox(dictionary *inputParams)
    uint32_t size;
    box.fullbox.header.type = htonl(STCO_BOX);
    box.fullbox.version = 0;
    box.fullbox.flags[0] = 0;
    box.fullbox.flags[1] = 0;
    box.fullbox.flags[2] = 0;
    box.entry_count = htonl(boxes.size());
    size = estimateSize(inputParams);
    chunk *c = new chunk(size, false);
    size = htonl(size);
    box.entry_count = 0;
    c->append((uint8_t *) &size, sizeof(size));
    c->append((uint8_t *) &box.fullbox.header.type, sizeof(box.fullbox.header.type));
    c->append((uint8_t *) &box.fullbox.version, sizeof(box.fullbox.version));
    c->append((uint8_t *) box.fullbox.flags, sizeofarray(box.fullbox.flags) * sizeof(uint8_t));
    c->append((uint8_t *) &box.entry_count, sizeof(box.entry_count));
    return c;
예제 #4
/* dump the full box inclusive header and all included boxes */
chunk *URLBox::dumpBox(dictionary *inputParams)
    uint32_t n, size;
    /* compute the size of the box */
    box.fullbox.header.size = (uint64_t)estimateSize(inputParams);
    chunk *c = new chunk((uint32_t)box.fullbox.header.size, false);
    size = htonl((uint32_t)box.fullbox.header.size);
    box.fullbox.header.type = htonl(URL_BOX);
    box.fullbox.version = htonl(0);
    box.fullbox.flags[0] = box.fullbox.flags[1] = 0;
    box.fullbox.flags[2] = 1; /* this means that the data is contained in this file */
    c->append((uint8_t*) &size, sizeof(uint32_t));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.fullbox.header.type, sizeof(uint32_t));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.fullbox.version, sizeof(box.fullbox.version));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.fullbox.flags[0], sizeof(uint8_t));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.fullbox.flags[1], sizeof(uint8_t));
    c->append((uint8_t*) &box.fullbox.flags[2], sizeof(uint8_t));
    return c;
예제 #5
void MemoryUsage::log()
  // std::string footprint is ~ string.capacity()
  // std::vector footprint is ~ 3 * sizeof(T*) + vector.capacity() * sizeof( T );
  // std::set footprint is ~ 3 * sizeof( void* ) + set.size() * ( sizeof(T)+3 * sizeof( void* ) );
  // std::map footprint is ~ ( sizeof(K)+sizeof( V ) + ( sizeof(void*) * 3 + 1 ) / 2 ) * map.size();

  size_t systemstate_size = Plib::systemstate.estimatedSize();
  size_t multibuffer_size = Multi::multidef_buffer.estimateSize();
  auto network_size = networkManager.estimateSize();
  auto object_sizes = objStorageManager.estimateSize();
  auto script_sizes = scriptEngineInternalManager.estimateSize();
  size_t settings_size = settingsManager.estimateSize();
  size_t state_size = stateManager.estimateSize();
  auto config_sizes = configurationbuffer.estimateSize();
  auto gamestate_size = gamestate.estimateSize();
  auto cprop_profiler_size = CPropProfiler::instance().estimateSize();

  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> logs;
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ProcessSize",      Clib::getCurrentMemoryUsage() ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "CPProfilerSize",   cprop_profiler_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "GameStateSize",    gamestate_size.misc ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "RealmSize",        gamestate_size.realm_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "SystemStateSize",  systemstate_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "MultiBufferSize",  multibuffer_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "SettingsSize",     settings_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "StateSize",        state_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ScriptCount",      script_sizes.script_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ScriptSize",       script_sizes.script_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ScriptStoreCount", script_sizes.scriptstorage_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ScriptStoreSize",  script_sizes.scriptstorage_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ConfigCount",      config_sizes.cfg_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ConfigSize",       config_sizes.cfg_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "DataStoreCount",   config_sizes.datastore_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "DataStoreSize",    config_sizes.datastore_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ConfigBufferSize", config_sizes.misc ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "AccountCount",     gamestate_size.account_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "AccountSize",      gamestate_size.account_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ClientCount",      network_size.client_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ClientSize",       network_size.client_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "NetworkSize",      network_size.misc ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjectStorage",    object_sizes.misc ) );

  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjItemCount",     object_sizes.obj_item_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjItemSize",      object_sizes.obj_item_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjContCount",     object_sizes.obj_cont_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjContSize",      object_sizes.obj_cont_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjCharCount",     object_sizes.obj_char_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjCharSize",      object_sizes.obj_char_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjNpcCount",      object_sizes.obj_npc_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjNpcSize",       object_sizes.obj_npc_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjWeaponCount",   object_sizes.obj_weapon_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjWeaponSize",    object_sizes.obj_weapon_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjArmorCount",    object_sizes.obj_armor_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjArmorSize",     object_sizes.obj_armor_size ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjMultiCount",    object_sizes.obj_multi_count ) );
  logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "ObjMultiSize",     object_sizes.obj_multi_size ) );

  for ( size_t i = 0; i < boost_utils::debug_flyweight_queries.size(); ++i )
    auto ptr = boost_utils::debug_flyweight_queries[i];
    if (ptr == nullptr)
    auto str = std::to_string(i);
    logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "FlyWeightBucket" + str + "Count", ptr->bucket_count() ) );
    logs.push_back( std::make_pair( "FlyWeightBucket" + str + "Size",  ptr->estimateSize() ) );
  bool needs_header = !Clib::FileExists( "log/memoryusage.log" );
  auto log = OPEN_FLEXLOG( "log/memoryusage.log", false );
  if ( needs_header )
    fmt::Writer header;
    header << "Time";
    for (const auto& entry : logs)
      header << " ;" << entry.first;
    FLEXLOG( log ) << header.str() << "\n";

  fmt::Writer line;
  for (const auto& entry : logs)
    line << " ;" << entry.second;
  FLEXLOG( log ) << line.str() << "\n";

예제 #6
파일: string.hpp 프로젝트: c41x/cpptoolset
template <typename T> string toStr(const T &t) { string s; s.resize(estimateSize(t)); return toStr(t, s).str(); }