LSearch::LSearch(int _dim, function_type _funct) : PSO(0.0, ///<The w parameter (influence of old vel - momentum) 0.0, ///<The minimum value for w -- decreased by time or level 0.0, ///<Influence of personal best 0.0, ///<Influence of global best 0.0, ///<vmax = vmaxRatio*xmax, with vmaxRatio=0 no vmax is enforced 0.0, ///<Constriction factor, used by #Bird 0, ///<Swarmsize _dim, ///<Dimension of the search space 0, ///<Height of the pyramid, ignored for #seqSwarm 0, ///<Branches per node of the pyramid, ignored for #seqSwarm 0, ///<Swap allowed every swapDelay steps in #PyramidSwarm, ignored for #Swarm _funct, ///<#function_type selection noNoise, ///<#noiseStyle_type selection, set in #optFunction 0.0, ///<sigma parameter for gaussian distributed noise seqSwarm) ///<#swarm_type selection { TRACE_IN("LSearch::LSearch"); DEBUG("New LSearch :"); DEBUG1("dim = ",_dim); int a=0; for (int i=0; i<get_dim(); i++) currSolution.push_back(randDoubleRange(optFunction->get_min_x(), optFunction->get_max_x())); currentVal = evalFunction(currSolution); TRACE_OUT("LSearch::LSearch",0); }
/** Create histogram workspace */ MatrixWorkspace_sptr CreateSampleWorkspace::createHistogramWorkspace( int numPixels, int numBins, double x0, double binDelta, int start_at_pixelID, Geometry::Instrument_sptr inst, const std::string &functionString, bool isRandom) { MantidVecPtr x, y, e; x.access().resize(numBins + 1); e.access().resize(numBins); for (int i = 0; i < numBins + 1; ++i) { x.access()[i] = x0 + i * binDelta; } std::vector<double> xValues(x.access().begin(), x.access().end() - 1); y.access() = evalFunction(functionString, xValues, isRandom ? 1 : 0); e.access().resize(numBins); // calculate e as sqrt(y) typedef double (*uf)(double); uf dblSqrt = std::sqrt; std::transform(y.access().begin(), y.access().end(), e.access().begin(), dblSqrt); MatrixWorkspace_sptr retVal(new DataObjects::Workspace2D); retVal->initialize(numPixels, numBins + 1, numBins); retVal->setInstrument(inst); for (size_t wi = 0; wi < static_cast<size_t>(numPixels); wi++) { retVal->setX(wi, x); retVal->setData(wi, y, e); retVal->getSpectrum(wi)->setDetectorID(detid_t(start_at_pixelID + wi)); retVal->getSpectrum(wi)->setSpectrumNo(specid_t(wi + 1)); } return retVal; }
SAWYER_EXPORT std::string Grammar::evalArgument(TokenStream &tokens, ErrorLocation &eloc, bool requireRight) const { std::string retval, data; size_t depth = 0; while (!tokens.atEof()) { if (tokens.isa(TOK_LEFT)) { ++depth; retval += tokens.lexeme(); tokens.consume(); } else if (tokens.isa(TOK_RIGHT)) { if (0 == depth) break; --depth; retval += tokens.lexeme(); tokens.consume(); } else if (tokens.isa(TOK_FUNCTION)) { retval += evalFunction(tokens, eloc); } else { retval += tokens.lexeme(); tokens.consume(); } } if (requireRight) { if (!tokens.isa(TOK_RIGHT)) throw SyntaxError("end-of-argument expected"); tokens.consume(); } if (depth > 0) throw SyntaxError("expected end-of-argument marker"); return retval; }
bool StyleContext::evalStyle(FunctionID _id, StyleParamKey _key, StyleParam::Value& _val) { if (!evalFunction(_id)) { return false; } // parse evaluated result at stack top parseStyleResult(_key, _val); // pop result, empty stack duk_pop(m_ctx); return !<none_type>(); }
QQmlBinding::QQmlBinding(const QString &str, QObject *obj, QQmlContextData *ctxt) : QQmlJavaScriptExpression(&QQmlBinding_jsvtable), QQmlAbstractBinding(Binding), m_lineNumber(0), m_columnNumber(0) { setNotifyOnValueChanged(true); QQmlAbstractExpression::setContext(ctxt); setScopeObject(obj); QQmlRewrite::RewriteBinding rewriteBinding; QString code = rewriteBinding(str); m_expression = str.toUtf8(); v8function = evalFunction(ctxt, obj, code, QString(), 0); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QQmlBoundSignalExpression::QQmlBoundSignalExpression(QObject *target, int index, QQmlContextData *ctxt, QObject *scope, const QString &expression, const QString &fileName, quint16 line, quint16 column, const QString &handlerName, const QString ¶meterString) : QQmlJavaScriptExpression(), m_index(index), m_target(target) { init(ctxt, scope); QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine()); QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = ep->v4engine(); QString function; // Add some leading whitespace to account for the binding's column offset. // It's 2 off because a, we start counting at 1 and b, the '(' below is not counted. function.fill(QChar(QChar::Space), qMax(column, (quint16)2) - 2); function += QStringLiteral("(function "); function += handlerName; function += QLatin1Char('('); if (parameterString.isEmpty()) { QString error; //TODO: look at using the property cache here (as in the compiler) // for further optimization QMetaMethod signal = QMetaObjectPrivate::signal(m_target->metaObject(), m_index); function += QQmlPropertyCache::signalParameterStringForJS(v4, signal.parameterNames(), &error); if (!error.isEmpty()) { qmlInfo(scopeObject()) << error; return; } } else function += parameterString; function += QStringLiteral(") { "); function += expression; function += QStringLiteral(" })"); m_function.set(v4, evalFunction(context(), scopeObject(), function, fileName, line)); if (m_function.isNullOrUndefined()) return; // could not evaluate function. Not valid. }
bool StyleContext::evalFilter(FunctionID _id) { bool result = false; if (!evalFunction(_id)) { return false; }; // check for evaluated value sitting at value stack top if (duk_is_boolean(m_ctx, -1)) { result = duk_get_boolean(m_ctx, -1); } // pop result duk_pop(m_ctx); return result; }
QQmlBinding::QQmlBinding(const QQmlScriptString &script, QObject *obj, QQmlContext *ctxt) : QQmlJavaScriptExpression(&QQmlBinding_jsvtable), QQmlAbstractBinding(Binding) { if (ctxt && !ctxt->isValid()) return; const QQmlScriptStringPrivate *scriptPrivate =; if (!ctxt && (!scriptPrivate->context || !scriptPrivate->context->isValid())) return; bool needRewrite = true; QString code; int id = scriptPrivate->bindingId; if (id >= 0) { QQmlContextData *ctxtdata = QQmlContextData::get(scriptPrivate->context); QQmlEnginePrivate *engine = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(scriptPrivate->context->engine()); if (engine && ctxtdata && !ctxtdata->url.isEmpty()) { QQmlTypeData *typeData = engine->typeLoader.getType(ctxtdata->url); Q_ASSERT(typeData); if (QQmlCompiledData *cdata = typeData->compiledData()) { needRewrite = false; code = cdata->; m_url = cdata->name; } typeData->release(); } } if (needRewrite) { QQmlRewrite::RewriteBinding rewriteBinding; code = rewriteBinding(scriptPrivate->script); } setNotifyOnValueChanged(true); QQmlAbstractExpression::setContext(QQmlContextData::get(ctxt ? ctxt : scriptPrivate->context)); setScopeObject(obj ? obj : scriptPrivate->scope); m_expression = scriptPrivate->script.toUtf8(); m_lineNumber = scriptPrivate->lineNumber; m_columnNumber = scriptPrivate->columnNumber; v8function = evalFunction(context(), scopeObject(), code, QString(), m_lineNumber); }
void GradientDescent<DIM, POS, VAL>::optimize(PointSet<DIM, POS, VAL>& _pts) { PointSet<DIM, POS, POS> data = _pts; int iSz = _pts.size(); for(int d=0; d<DIM; d++) { Vector<DIM, POS> shift; shift[d] += m_shift; for(int i=0; i<iSz; i++) { data.push_back(Point<DIM, POS, POS>(_pts[i].pos() + shift, 0)); } } evalFunction(data); m_max = 0.0; m_mean = 0.0; if(iSz != 0) { for(int i=0; i<iSz; i++) { Vector<DIM, POS> motion; for(int d=0; d<DIM; d++) { POS p = (data[i].val() - data[i+iSz*(d+1)].val()) / m_shift; _pts[i].pos()[d] -= p; motion[d] = p; } POS norm = motion.norm(); m_mean += norm; if(m_max < norm) m_max = norm; } m_mean /= iSz; } }
QQmlBinding::QQmlBinding(const QString &str, bool isRewritten, QObject *obj, QQmlContextData *ctxt, const QString &url, quint16 lineNumber, quint16 columnNumber) : QQmlJavaScriptExpression(&QQmlBinding_jsvtable), QQmlAbstractBinding(Binding), m_url(url), m_lineNumber(lineNumber), m_columnNumber(columnNumber) { setNotifyOnValueChanged(true); QQmlAbstractExpression::setContext(ctxt); setScopeObject(obj); QString code; if (isRewritten) { code = str; } else { QQmlRewrite::RewriteBinding rewriteBinding; code = rewriteBinding(str); } m_expression = str.toUtf8(); v8function = evalFunction(ctxt, obj, code, url, m_lineNumber); }
static int parseStmt(ej_t *ep, int state, int flags) { ejfunc_t func; ejfunc_t *saveFunc; ejinput_t condScript, endScript, bodyScript, incrScript; char_t *value, *identifier; int done, expectSemi, thenFlags, elseFlags, tid, cond, forFlags; int ejVarType; a_assert(ep); /* * Set these to NULL, else we try to free them if an error occurs. */ endScript.putBackToken = NULL; bodyScript.putBackToken = NULL; incrScript.putBackToken = NULL; condScript.putBackToken = NULL; expectSemi = 0; saveFunc = NULL; for (done = 0; !done; ) { tid = ejLexGetToken(ep, state); switch (tid) { default: ejLexPutbackToken(ep, TOK_EXPR, ep->token); done++; break; case TOK_ERR: state = STATE_ERR; done++; break; case TOK_EOF: state = STATE_EOF; done++; break; case TOK_NEWLINE: break; case TOK_SEMI: /* * This case is when we discover no statement and just a lone ';' */ if (state != STATE_STMT) { ejLexPutbackToken(ep, tid, ep->token); } done++; break; case TOK_ID: /* * This could either be a reference to a variable or an assignment */ identifier = NULL; setString(B_L, &identifier, ep->token); /* * Peek ahead to see if this is an assignment */ tid = ejLexGetToken(ep, state); if (tid == TOK_ASSIGNMENT) { if (parse(ep, STATE_RELEXP, flags) != STATE_RELEXP_DONE) { clearString(&identifier); goto error; } if (flags & FLAGS_EXE) { if ( state == STATE_DEC ) { ejSetLocalVar(ep->eid, identifier, ep->result); } else { ejVarType = ejGetVar(ep->eid, identifier, &value); if (ejVarType > 0) { ejSetLocalVar(ep->eid, identifier, ep->result); } else { ejSetGlobalVar(ep->eid, identifier, ep->result); } } } } else if (tid == TOK_INC_DEC ) { value = NULL; if (flags & FLAGS_EXE) { ejVarType = ejGetVar(ep->eid, identifier, &value); if (ejVarType < 0) { ejError(ep, T("Undefined variable %s\n"), identifier); goto error; } setString(B_L, &ep->result, value); if (evalExpr(ep, value, (int) *ep->token, T("1")) < 0) { state = STATE_ERR; break; } if (ejVarType > 0) { ejSetLocalVar(ep->eid, identifier, ep->result); } else { ejSetGlobalVar(ep->eid, identifier, ep->result); } } } else { /* * If we are processing a declaration, allow undefined vars */ value = NULL; if (state == STATE_DEC) { if (ejGetVar(ep->eid, identifier, &value) > 0) { ejError(ep, T("Variable already declared"), identifier); clearString(&identifier); goto error; } ejSetLocalVar(ep->eid, identifier, NULL); } else { if ( flags & FLAGS_EXE ) { if (ejGetVar(ep->eid, identifier, &value) < 0) { ejError(ep, T("Undefined variable %s\n"), identifier); clearString(&identifier); goto error; } } } setString(B_L, &ep->result, value); ejLexPutbackToken(ep, tid, ep->token); } clearString(&identifier); if (state == STATE_STMT) { expectSemi++; } done++; break; case TOK_LITERAL: /* * Set the result to the literal (number or string constant) */ setString(B_L, &ep->result, ep->token); if (state == STATE_STMT) { expectSemi++; } done++; break; case TOK_FUNCTION: /* * We must save any current ep->func value for the current stack frame */ if (ep->func) { saveFunc = ep->func; } memset(&func, 0, sizeof(ejfunc_t)); setString(B_L, &func.fname, ep->token); ep->func = &func; setString(B_L, &ep->result, T("")); if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_LPAREN) { freeFunc(&func); goto error; } if (parse(ep, STATE_ARG_LIST, flags) != STATE_ARG_LIST_DONE) { freeFunc(&func); ep->func = saveFunc; goto error; } /* * Evaluate the function if required */ if (flags & FLAGS_EXE && evalFunction(ep) < 0) { freeFunc(&func); ep->func = saveFunc; goto error; } freeFunc(&func); ep->func = saveFunc; if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_RPAREN) { goto error; } if (state == STATE_STMT) { expectSemi++; } done++; break; case TOK_IF: if (state != STATE_STMT) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_LPAREN) { goto error; } /* * Evaluate the entire condition list "(condition)" */ if (parse(ep, STATE_COND, flags) != STATE_COND_DONE) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_RPAREN) { goto error; } /* * This is the "then" case. We need to always parse both cases and * execute only the relevant case. */ if (*ep->result == '1') { thenFlags = flags; elseFlags = flags & ~FLAGS_EXE; } else { thenFlags = flags & ~FLAGS_EXE; elseFlags = flags; } /* * Process the "then" case. Allow for RETURN statement */ switch (parse(ep, STATE_STMT, thenFlags)) { case STATE_RET: return STATE_RET; case STATE_STMT_DONE: break; default: goto error; } /* * check to see if there is an "else" case */ ejRemoveNewlines(ep, state); tid = ejLexGetToken(ep, state); if (tid != TOK_ELSE) { ejLexPutbackToken(ep, tid, ep->token); done++; break; } /* * Process the "else" case. Allow for return. */ switch (parse(ep, STATE_STMT, elseFlags)) { case STATE_RET: return STATE_RET; case STATE_STMT_DONE: break; default: goto error; } done++; break; case TOK_FOR: /* * Format for the expression is: * * for (initial; condition; incr) { * body; * } */ if (state != STATE_STMT) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_LPAREN) { goto error; } /* * Evaluate the for loop initialization statement */ if (parse(ep, STATE_EXPR, flags) != STATE_EXPR_DONE) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_SEMI) { goto error; } /* * The first time through, we save the current input context just * to each step: prior to the conditional, the loop increment and the * loop body. */ ejLexSaveInputState(ep, &condScript); if (parse(ep, STATE_COND, flags) != STATE_COND_DONE) { goto error; } cond = (*ep->result != '0'); if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_SEMI) { goto error; } /* * Don't execute the loop increment statement or the body first time */ forFlags = flags & ~FLAGS_EXE; ejLexSaveInputState(ep, &incrScript); if (parse(ep, STATE_EXPR, forFlags) != STATE_EXPR_DONE) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_RPAREN) { goto error; } /* * Parse the body and remember the end of the body script */ ejLexSaveInputState(ep, &bodyScript); if (parse(ep, STATE_STMT, forFlags) != STATE_STMT_DONE) { goto error; } ejLexSaveInputState(ep, &endScript); /* * Now actually do the for loop. Note loop has been rotated */ while (cond && (flags & FLAGS_EXE) ) { /* * Evaluate the body */ ejLexRestoreInputState(ep, &bodyScript); switch (parse(ep, STATE_STMT, flags)) { case STATE_RET: return STATE_RET; case STATE_STMT_DONE: break; default: goto error; } /* * Evaluate the increment script */ ejLexRestoreInputState(ep, &incrScript); if (parse(ep, STATE_EXPR, flags) != STATE_EXPR_DONE) { goto error; } /* * Evaluate the condition */ ejLexRestoreInputState(ep, &condScript); if (parse(ep, STATE_COND, flags) != STATE_COND_DONE) { goto error; } cond = (*ep->result != '0'); } ejLexRestoreInputState(ep, &endScript); done++; break; case TOK_VAR: if (parse(ep, STATE_DEC_LIST, flags) != STATE_DEC_LIST_DONE) { goto error; } done++; break; case TOK_COMMA: ejLexPutbackToken(ep, TOK_EXPR, ep->token); done++; break; case TOK_LPAREN: if (state == STATE_EXPR) { if (parse(ep, STATE_RELEXP, flags) != STATE_RELEXP_DONE) { goto error; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_RPAREN) { goto error; } return STATE_EXPR_DONE; } done++; break; case TOK_RPAREN: ejLexPutbackToken(ep, tid, ep->token); return STATE_EXPR_DONE; case TOK_LBRACE: /* * This handles any code in braces except "if () {} else {}" */ if (state != STATE_STMT) { goto error; } /* * Parse will return STATE_STMT_BLOCK_DONE when the RBRACE is seen */ do { state = parse(ep, STATE_STMT, flags); } while (state == STATE_STMT_DONE); /* * Allow return statement. */ if (state == STATE_RET) { return state; } if (ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_RBRACE) { goto error; } return STATE_STMT_DONE; case TOK_RBRACE: if (state == STATE_STMT) { ejLexPutbackToken(ep, tid, ep->token); return STATE_STMT_BLOCK_DONE; } goto error; case TOK_RETURN: if (parse(ep, STATE_RELEXP, flags) != STATE_RELEXP_DONE) { goto error; } if (flags & FLAGS_EXE) { while ( ejLexGetToken(ep, state) != TOK_EOF ); done++; return STATE_RET; } break; } } if (expectSemi) { tid = ejLexGetToken(ep, state); if (tid != TOK_SEMI && tid != TOK_NEWLINE) { goto error; } /* * Skip newline after semi-colon */ ejRemoveNewlines(ep, state); } /* * Free resources and return the correct status */ doneParse: if (tid == TOK_FOR) { ejLexFreeInputState(ep, &condScript); ejLexFreeInputState(ep, &incrScript); ejLexFreeInputState(ep, &endScript); ejLexFreeInputState(ep, &bodyScript); } if (state == STATE_STMT) { return STATE_STMT_DONE; } else if (state == STATE_DEC) { return STATE_DEC_DONE; } else if (state == STATE_EXPR) { return STATE_EXPR_DONE; } else if (state == STATE_EOF) { return state; } else { return STATE_ERR; } /* * Common error exit */ error: state = STATE_ERR; goto doneParse; }
// Parts of this function mirror code in QQmlExpressionPrivate::value() and v8value(). // Changes made here may need to be made there and vice versa. void QQmlBoundSignalExpression::evaluate(void **a) { Q_ASSERT (context() && engine()); if (invalidParameterName()) return; QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine()); QV4::Scope scope(ep->v4engine()); ep->referenceScarceResources(); // "hold" scarce resources in memory during evaluation. { if (!expressionFunctionValid()) { Q_ASSERT(!m_extra.isNull()); QString expression; // Add some leading whitespace to account for the binding's column offset. // It's 2 off because a, we start counting at 1 and b, the '(' below is not counted. expression.fill(QChar(QChar::Space), qMax(m_extra->m_sourceLocation.column, (quint16)2) - 2); expression += QStringLiteral("(function "); expression += m_extra->m_handlerName; expression += QLatin1Char('('); if (m_extra->m_parameterString.isEmpty()) { QString error; //TODO: look at using the property cache here (as in the compiler) // for further optimization QMetaMethod signal = QMetaObjectPrivate::signal(m_target->metaObject(), m_index); expression += QQmlPropertyCache::signalParameterStringForJS(engine(), signal.parameterNames(), &error); if (!error.isEmpty()) { qmlInfo(scopeObject()) << error; setInvalidParameterName(true); ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); return; } } else expression += m_extra->m_parameterString; expression += QStringLiteral(") { "); expression += m_extra->m_expression; expression += QStringLiteral(" })"); m_extra->m_expression.clear(); m_extra->m_handlerName.clear(); m_extra->m_parameterString.clear(); m_v8function = evalFunction(context(), scopeObject(), expression, m_extra->m_sourceLocation.sourceFile, m_extra->m_sourceLocation.line, &m_extra->m_v8qmlscope); if (m_v8function.isNullOrUndefined()) { ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); return; // could not evaluate function. Not valid. } setExpressionFunctionValid(true); } QV8Engine *engine = ep->v8engine(); QVarLengthArray<int, 9> dummy; //TODO: lookup via signal index rather than method index as an optimization int methodIndex = QMetaObjectPrivate::signal(m_target->metaObject(), m_index).methodIndex(); int *argsTypes = QQmlPropertyCache::methodParameterTypes(m_target, methodIndex, dummy, 0); int argCount = argsTypes ? *argsTypes : 0; QV4::ScopedValue f(scope, m_v8function.value()); QV4::ScopedCallData callData(scope, argCount); for (int ii = 0; ii < argCount; ++ii) { int type = argsTypes[ii + 1]; //### ideally we would use metaTypeToJS, however it currently gives different results // for several cases (such as QVariant type and QObject-derived types) //args[ii] = engine->metaTypeToJS(type, a[ii + 1]); if (type == QMetaType::QVariant) { callData->args[ii] = engine->fromVariant(*((QVariant *)a[ii + 1])); } else if (type == QMetaType::Int) { //### optimization. Can go away if we switch to metaTypeToJS, or be expanded otherwise callData->args[ii] = QV4::Primitive::fromInt32(*reinterpret_cast<const int*>(a[ii + 1])); } else if (type == qMetaTypeId<QQmlV4Handle>()) { callData->args[ii] = *reinterpret_cast<QQmlV4Handle *>(a[ii + 1]); } else if (ep->isQObject(type)) { if (!*reinterpret_cast<void* const *>(a[ii + 1])) callData->args[ii] = QV4::Primitive::nullValue(); else callData->args[ii] = QV4::QObjectWrapper::wrap(ep->v4engine(), *reinterpret_cast<QObject* const *>(a[ii + 1])); } else { callData->args[ii] = engine->fromVariant(QVariant(type, a[ii + 1])); } } QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(context(), f, callData, 0); } ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); // "release" scarce resources if top-level expression evaluation is complete. }
bool MidpointRule::integrate(real_type toTEnd) { real_type rtol = 1e-12; real_type atol = 1e-10; Vector dy(mState.size()); while (!reached(toTEnd)) { real_type t = getTime(); real_type h = maxStepsize(toTEnd); // Often used values. real_type h2 = 0.5*h; // We assume that the problem is nonstiff. // This is a sensible assumption since this symmetric integrator is not // stiffly accurate anyway. // If it is not stiff, we solve the nonlinear equation // with fixpoint iteration. // The GNI papers suggest this anyway. // An initial guess for the fixpoint iteration. // Note that the polynomial coefficients p1 and p2 are set to zero at the // first step past a reset. if (mCollocationPolynomialValid) { dy = old_dy; } else { dy.clear(); } // Solve the implicit equation bool converging; bool converged = false; unsigned maxit = 10; real_type prev_err = Limits<real_type>::max(); do { // Compute new approximations to the state at the inner stages Vector y = mState + 0.5*dy; // Compute new approximations to the state derivatives evalFunction(t+h2, y, mDeriv); // Check if the increment is small enough ... real_type err = scaledDiff(y, mState + h2*mDeriv, atol, rtol); converged = err < 1; // Check if we do converge in any way. converging = err < prev_err; prev_err = err; // Use the new approximation dy = h*mDeriv; ++mStats.numIter; } while (!converged && 0 < --maxit && converging); if (converged) { // Update the solution mState += dy; // Compute the collocation polynomial. // Is used for a predictor of the next fixpoint iterate start guess. old_dy = dy; mCollocationPolynomialValid = true; ++mStats.numSteps; } else { // If we cannot solve the nonlinear equation, do an explicit euler step mCollocationPolynomialValid = false; Log(TimeStep, Warning) << "MidpointRule did not converge" << std::endl; evalFunction(t, mState, mDeriv); mState += h*mDeriv; ++mStats.numFailed; ++mStats.numSteps; } // Increment the simulation time ... mTime += h; } return true; }
/** Create event workspace */ EventWorkspace_sptr CreateSampleWorkspace::createEventWorkspace( int numPixels, int numBins, int numEvents, double x0, double binDelta, int start_at_pixelID, Geometry::Instrument_sptr inst, const std::string &functionString, bool isRandom) { DateAndTime run_start("2010-01-01T00:00:00"); // add one to the number of bins as this is histogram int numXBins = numBins + 1; EventWorkspace_sptr retVal(new EventWorkspace); retVal->initialize(numPixels, 1, 1); retVal->setInstrument(inst); // Create the x-axis for histogramming. MantidVecPtr x1; MantidVec &xRef = x1.access(); xRef.resize(numXBins); for (int i = 0; i < numXBins; ++i) { xRef[i] = x0 + i * binDelta; } // Set all the histograms at once. retVal->setAllX(x1); std::vector<double> xValues(xRef.begin(), xRef.end() - 1); std::vector<double> yValues = evalFunction(functionString, xValues, isRandom ? 1 : 0); // we need to normalise the results and then multiply by the number of events // to find the events per bin double sum_of_elems = std::accumulate(yValues.begin(), yValues.end(), 0.0); double event_distrib_factor = numEvents / sum_of_elems; std::transform(yValues.begin(), yValues.end(), yValues.begin(), std::bind1st(std::multiplies<double>(), event_distrib_factor)); // the array should now contain the number of events required per bin // Make fake events size_t workspaceIndex = 0; const double hourInSeconds = 60 * 60; for (int wi = 0; wi < numPixels; wi++) { EventList &el = retVal->getEventList(workspaceIndex); el.setSpectrumNo(wi + 1); el.setDetectorID(wi + start_at_pixelID); // for each bin for (int i = 0; i < numBins; ++i) { // create randomised events within the bin to match the number required - // calculated in yValues earlier int eventsInBin = static_cast<int>(yValues[i]); for (int q = 0; q < eventsInBin; q++) { DateAndTime pulseTime = run_start + (m_randGen->nextValue() * hourInSeconds); el += TofEvent((i + m_randGen->nextValue()) * binDelta, pulseTime); } } workspaceIndex++; } return retVal; }
// Parts of this function mirror code in QQmlExpressionPrivate::value() and v8value(). // Changes made here may need to be made there and vice versa. void QQmlBoundSignalExpression::evaluate(void **a) { Q_ASSERT (context() && engine()); if (m_invalidParameterName) return; QQmlEnginePrivate *ep = QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine()); ep->referenceScarceResources(); // "hold" scarce resources in memory during evaluation. { v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Context::Scope context_scope(ep->v8engine()->context()); if (!m_expressionFunctionValid) { //TODO: look at using the property cache here (as in the compiler) // for further optimization QMetaMethod signal = QMetaObjectPrivate::signal(m_target->metaObject(), m_index); QQmlRewrite::RewriteSignalHandler rewriter; QString expression; bool ok = true; if (m_expressionFunctionRewritten) { expression = QString::fromUtf8(m_expressionUtf8); //if we need parameters, and the rewrite doesn't include them, //create and insert the parameter string now if (m_parameterCountForJS == -1 && signal.parameterCount()) { const QString ¶meters = rewriter.createParameterString(signal.parameterNames(), ep->v8engine()->illegalNames()); int index = expression.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('), 1); Q_ASSERT(index > -1); expression.insert(index + 1, parameters); setParameterCountForJS(rewriter.parameterCountForJS()); } m_expressionUtf8.clear(); } else { //expression is still in its original form, so perform a full rewrite expression = rewriter(m_expression, QString()/*no name hint available*/, &ok, signal.parameterNames(), ep->v8engine()->illegalNames()); setParameterCountForJS(rewriter.parameterCountForJS()); m_expression.clear(); } if (rewriter.hasParameterError()) { qmlInfo(scopeObject()) << rewriter.parameterError(); m_invalidParameterName = true; ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); return; } if (ok) { m_v8function = evalFunction(context(), scopeObject(), expression, m_fileName, m_line, &m_v8qmlscope); } if (m_v8function.IsEmpty() || m_v8function->IsNull()) { ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); return; // could not evaluate function. Not valid. } setUseSharedContext(false); m_expressionFunctionValid = true; } if (!hasParameterInfo()) { QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(context(), m_v8function, 0); } else { QV8Engine *engine = ep->v8engine(); QVarLengthArray<int, 9> dummy; //TODO: lookup via signal index rather than method index as an optimization int methodIndex = QMetaObjectPrivate::signal(m_target->metaObject(), m_index).methodIndex(); int *argsTypes = QQmlPropertyCache::methodParameterTypes(m_target, methodIndex, dummy, 0); int argCount = argsTypes ? m_parameterCountForJS : 0; QVarLengthArray<v8::Handle<v8::Value>, 9> args(argCount); for (int ii = 0; ii < argCount; ++ii) { int type = argsTypes[ii + 1]; //### ideally we would use metaTypeToJS, however it currently gives different results // for several cases (such as QVariant type and QObject-derived types) //args[ii] = engine->metaTypeToJS(type, a[ii + 1]); if (type == QMetaType::QVariant) { args[ii] = engine->fromVariant(*((QVariant *)a[ii + 1])); } else if (type == QMetaType::Int) { //### optimization. Can go away if we switch to metaTypeToJS, or be expanded otherwise args[ii] = v8::Integer::New(*reinterpret_cast<const int*>(a[ii + 1])); } else if (type == qMetaTypeId<QQmlV8Handle>()) { args[ii] = reinterpret_cast<QQmlV8Handle *>(a[ii + 1])->toHandle(); } else if (ep->isQObject(type)) { if (!*reinterpret_cast<void* const *>(a[ii + 1])) args[ii] = v8::Null(); else args[ii] = engine->newQObject(*reinterpret_cast<QObject* const *>(a[ii + 1])); } else { args[ii] = engine->fromVariant(QVariant(type, a[ii + 1])); } } QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(context(), m_v8function, argCount,, 0); } } ep->dereferenceScarceResources(); // "release" scarce resources if top-level expression evaluation is complete. }