예제 #1
파일: eval.c 프로젝트: Liutos/liutscm
/* evaluators */
sexp eval_begin(sexp actions, sexp env) {
  if (is_null(actions)) return EOL;
  while (!is_null(pair_cdr(actions))) {
    eval_object(pair_car(actions), env);
    actions = pair_cdr(actions);
  return eval_object(pair_car(actions), env);
예제 #2
파일: eval.c 프로젝트: Liutos/liutscm
sexp eval_arguments(sexp arguments, sexp env) {
  if (is_null(arguments)) return EOL;
  else {
    sexp first = pair_car(arguments);
    return make_pair(eval_object(first, env),
                     eval_arguments(pair_cdr(arguments), env));
예제 #3
main(int argc, char **argv)
    krb5_error_code ret;
    int optidx = 0;


    ret = krb5_init_context(&kdc_context);
    if (ret == KRB5_CONFIG_BADFORMAT)
	errx (1, "krb5_init_context failed to parse configuration file");
    else if (ret)
	errx (1, "krb5_init_context failed: %d", ret);

    ret = krb5_kt_register(kdc_context, &hdb_kt_ops);
    if (ret)
	errx (1, "krb5_kt_register(HDB) failed: %d", ret);

    kdc_config = configure(kdc_context, argc, argv, &optidx);

    argc -= optidx;
    argv += optidx;

    if (argc == 0)
	errx(1, "missing operations");

    krb5_plugin_register(kdc_context, PLUGIN_TYPE_DATA,
			 KRB5_PLUGIN_SEND_TO_KDC, &send_to_kdc);

	void *buf;
	size_t size;
	heim_object_t o;

	if (rk_undumpdata(argv[0], &buf, &size))
	    errx(1, "undumpdata: %s", argv[0]);
	o = heim_json_create_with_bytes(buf, size, 10, 0, NULL);
	if (o == NULL)
	    errx(1, "heim_json");
	 * do the work here


    return 0;
예제 #4
파일: test-repl.c 프로젝트: Liutos/liutscm
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *cases[] = {
    /* "(+. 1.1 1.2)", */
    /* "(integer->float 123)", */
    /* "(& 5 7)", */
    /* "'hello", */
    /* "-", */
    /* "(define a (string->in-port \"abc\"))", */
    /* "(read-string-in-port-char a)", */
    /* "(+i 1 2)", */
    /* "(*i 3 4)", */
    /* "(quotient 10 3)", */
    /* "(remainder 10 3)", */
    /* "(= 1 2)", */
    /* "(> 4 5)", */
    /* "(& 5 7)", */
    /* "(| 5 7)", */
    /* "(~ 5)", */
    /* "(eq? 'hello 'hello)", */
    /* "(eq? 1 1)", */
    /* "(eq? (string->symbol \"hello\") 'hello)", */
    /* "(type-of 'hello)", */
    /* "type-of", */
    /* "#\\a", */
    /* "(type-of #\\a)", */
    /* "(define a #(1 2 3))", */
    /* "#\\汉", */
    /* "(set! a 123)", */
    "(string-ref \"汉字\" 0)",
  /* printf("Address of `-': %p\n", &primitive_procs[1]); */
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(cases) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
    FILE *stream = fmemopen(cases[i], strlen(cases[i]), "r");
    sexp in_port = make_file_in_port(stream);
    /* inc_ref_count(in_port); */
    printf(">> %s\n=> ", cases[i]);
    sexp value = read_object(in_port);
    if (is_eof(value))
    /* inc_ref_count(input); */
    value = eval_object(value, repl_environment);
    /* if (!is_self_eval(input)) */
    /*   inc_ref_count(value); */
    write_object(value, scm_out_port);
  /* write_object(make_wstring("汉"), scm_out_port); */
  /* trigger_gc(); */
  return 0;
예제 #5
파일: eval.c 프로젝트: Liutos/liutscm
sexp eval_application(sexp operator, sexp operands) {
  if (is_primitive(operator))
    return (primitive_C_proc(operator))(operands);
  if (is_compound(operator)) {
    sexp body = compound_proc_body(operator);
    sexp vars = compound_proc_parameters(operator);
    sexp def_env = compound_proc_environment(operator);
    sexp object = make_pair(S("begin"), body);
    sexp env = extend_environment(vars, operands, def_env);
    return eval_object(object, env);
  fprintf(stderr, "Unknown operator type %d\n", operator->type);
예제 #6
static void
eval_repeat(heim_dict_t o)
    heim_object_t or = heim_dict_get_value(o, HSTR("value"));
    heim_number_t n = heim_dict_get_value(o, HSTR("num"));
    int i, num;
    struct perf perf;


    heim_assert(or != NULL, "value missing");
    heim_assert(n != NULL, "num missing");

    num = heim_number_get_int(n);
    heim_assert(num >= 0, "num >= 0");

    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)

예제 #7
static void
eval_array_element(heim_object_t o, void *ptr, int *stop)
예제 #8
파일: eval.c 프로젝트: Liutos/liutscm
sexp eval_object(sexp object, sexp environment) {
  if (is_quote_form(object)) return quotation_text(object);
  if (is_variable_form(object))
    return get_variable_value(object, environment);
  if (is_define_form(object)) {
    /* sexp value = eval_object(definition_value(object), environment); */
    /* add_binding(definition_variable(object), value, environment); */
    /* return value; */
    return eval_object(define2set(object), environment);
  if (is_assignment_form(object)) {
    sexp value = eval_object(assignment_value(object), environment);
    set_binding(assignment_variable(object), value, environment);
    return value;
  if (is_if_form(object)) {
    sexp test_part = if_test_part(object);
    sexp then_part = if_then_part(object);
    sexp else_part = if_else_part(object);
    if (!is_false(eval_object(test_part, environment))) {
      object = then_part;
    } else {
      object = else_part;
    goto tail_loop;
  if (is_lambda_form(object)) {
    sexp parameters = lambda_parameters(object);
    sexp body = lambda_body(object);
    return make_lambda_procedure(parameters, body, environment);
  if (is_begin_form(object)) {
    return eval_begin(object, environment);
  if (is_cond_form(object)) {
    object = cond2if(object);
    goto tail_loop;
  if (is_let_form(object)) {
    object = let2lambda(object);
    goto tail_loop;
  if (is_and_form(object)) {
    sexp tests = and_tests(object);
    if (is_null(tests))
      return make_true();
    while (is_pair(pair_cdr(tests))) {
      sexp result = eval_object(pair_car(tests), environment);
      if (is_false(result))
        return make_false();
      tests = pair_cdr(tests);
    return eval_object(pair_car(tests), environment);
  if (is_or_form(object)) {
    sexp tests = or_tests(object);
    if (is_null(tests))
      return make_false();
    while (is_pair(pair_cdr(tests))) {
      sexp result = eval_object(pair_car(tests), environment);
      if (!is_false(result))
        return result;
      tests = pair_cdr(tests);
    return eval_object(pair_car(tests), environment);
  if (is_macro_form(object)) {
    sexp pars = macro_parameters(object);
    sexp body = macro_body(object);
    return make_macro_procedure(pars, body, environment);
  if (is_application_form(object)) {
    sexp operator = application_operator(object);
    sexp operands = application_operands(object);
    operator = eval_object(operator, environment);
    if (!is_function(operator) && !is_macro(operator)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Illegal functional object ");
      write_object(operator, make_file_out_port(stderr));
      fprintf(stderr, " from ");
      write_object(pair_car(object), make_file_out_port(stderr));
      fputc('\n', stderr);
    /* Expand the macro before evaluating arguments */
    if (is_macro(operator)) {
      sexp body = macro_proc_body(operator);
      sexp vars = macro_proc_pars(operator);
      sexp def_env = macro_proc_env(operator);
      sexp object = make_pair(S("begin"), body);
      sexp env = extend_environment(vars, operands, def_env);
      sexp exp = eval_object(object, env);
      return eval_object(exp, environment);
    operands = eval_arguments(operands, environment);
    /* if (is_apply(operator)) { */
    /*   operator = pair_car(operands); */
    /*   operands = apply_operands_conc(pair_cdr(operands)); */
    /* } */
    if (is_eval(operator)) {
      environment = pair_cadr(operands);
      object = pair_car(operands);
      goto tail_loop;
    return eval_application(operator, operands);
  } else return object;