static bool dbmerge_download (char *url, int fd, void(*progress_callback)(int, int), void(*event_callback)(int, char*), volatile bool *stop)
	char host[256];
	char port[6];
	char page[256];

	char *tmp = url;
	int pos = 0;

	if (event_callback) event_callback(8, url);	// download message
	if (event_callback) event_callback(0, NULL);	// turn on progress bar

	memset (host, 0, sizeof (host));
	memset (port, 0, sizeof (port));
	memset (page, 0, sizeof (page));

	if (strlen (tmp) < 7) return false;
	if (memcmp (tmp, "http://", 7) != 0) return false;
	tmp += 7;
	while ((tmp[0+pos] != '\0') && (tmp[0+pos] != ':') && (tmp[0+pos] != '/')) pos++;
	if (pos > (sizeof (host) - 1)) return false;
	memcpy (host, tmp, pos);
	tmp += pos;
	if (tmp[0] == ':')
		pos = 0;
		while ((tmp[0+pos] != '\0') && (tmp[0+pos] != '/')) pos++;
		if (pos > (sizeof (port) - 1)) return false;
		memcpy (port, tmp, pos);
		tmp += pos;
		sprintf (port, "80");

	pos = 0;
	while ((tmp[0+pos] != '\0') && (tmp[0+pos] != '\n')) pos++;
	if (pos > (sizeof (page) - 1)) return false;
	memcpy (page, tmp, pos);

	char tmp_url[256];
	sprintf (tmp_url, "http://%s/%s", host, page);
	if (!http_get (host, page, atoi (port), fd, progress_callback, stop))
		if (event_callback) event_callback(1, NULL);	// turn off progress bar
		log_add ("Error downloading file %s", tmp_url);
		return false;

	if (event_callback) event_callback(1, NULL);	// turn off progress bar

	if (*stop)
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #2
int connection_t::sync_close_i(const struct conn_id_t& conn_id_, bool is_del_from_hb_, conn_event_e close_type_)
    LOGTRACE((CONNECTION_MODULE, "connection_t::sync_close_i args-[fd:%d] begin", conn_id_.socket));

    work_service_t* service_ptr = conn_id_.service_ptr;
    if (NULL == service_ptr)
        LOGWARN((CONNECTION_MODULE, "connection_t::sync_close_i error, return. args-[fd:%d]", conn_id_.socket));
        return -1;

    conn_sptr_t conn_sptr = service_ptr->get_conn(conn_id_);
    if (NULL == conn_sptr)
        LOGWARN((CONNECTION_MODULE, "connection_t::sync_close_i connection not found, it maybe closed, return. args-[fd:%d]", conn_id_.socket));
        return -1;

    if (ST_CLOSED == conn_sptr->get_status())
        LOGTRACE((CONNECTION_MODULE, "connection_t::sync_close_i connection has closed, return. args-[fd:%d]", conn_id_.socket));
        return 0;

    //! yunjie: 关闭connection的socket fd, 从epoll中移除

    if (is_del_from_hb_ && conn_sptr->is_enable_hb())
        //! yunjie: 从heart_beart中删除connection

    //! yunjie: connection的一些数据要先拷贝出来,
    //!         因为之后的async_del_connection会
    //!         delete connection对象
    conn_status_e conn_status = conn_sptr->get_status();
    on_conn_event_t event_callback = conn_sptr->m_conn_event_callback;
    void* user_data = conn_sptr->m_user_data;

    //! yunjie: 释放操作有可能是在本线程直接执行, 所以必须放最后
    if (EV_DECONSTRUCT != close_type_)
        //! yunjie: 从管理中移除connection并释放(delete)
        //!         注: 其实这里的async_del_connection是同步执行的,
        //!         因为sync_close_i肯定是在work线程上工作的, 所以
        //!         不需要在投递消息到队列异步执行

    //! yunjie: 在delete之后callback被调用, 否则可能会有许多运行时警告
    if (NULL != event_callback)
        //! yunjie: 调用用户注册的回调
        event_callback(close_type_, conn_status, conn_id_, user_data);

    LOGTRACE((CONNECTION_MODULE, "connection_t::sync_close_i args-[fd:%d] end", conn_id_.socket));
    return 0;
예제 #3
 * create_automaton
 * Allocates the memory required for a automaton. It then fills in the state
 * and event arrays but does not fill in the transition table or use the csv
 * file at all as this is done by a separate function.
 * We pass in callbacks rather than arrays so that all memory allocation
 * regarding this object is done internally to the create function, thus all
 * freeing of memory can be done in the destroy function.
 * Parameters: state_callback - A callback function pointer to a function which
 *                              will create all the state objects and fill them
 *                              in.
 *             event_callback - A callback function pointer to a function which
 *                              will create all the event objects and fill them
 *                              in.
 * Returns: A pointer to the newly created memory or NULL on failure.
AUTOMATON *create_automaton(int (*state_callback)(AUTOMATON_STATE ***, int),
                            int (*event_callback)(AUTOMATON_EVENT ***))
   * Local Variables
  AUTOMATON *automaton;

   * Allocate the required memory. Forcing everything to 0 means that we can
   * test against NULL when destroying the object even if it is only half
   * created.
  automaton = (AUTOMATON *) DT_MALLOC(sizeof(AUTOMATON));
  memset(automaton, '\0', sizeof(AUTOMATON));

   * Make the callback to get the array of events used in this automaton.
  automaton->num_events = event_callback(&(automaton->events));

   * Make the callback to get the array of states used in this automaton.
  automaton->num_states = state_callback(&(automaton->states),

예제 #4
static void event_loop(void *arg) 
    eventmanager *eventmgr = (eventmanager*)arg;
    int nsd;
    while(!eventmgr->stop) {
        if(sched_has_task()) {
            nsd = epoll_wait(eventmgr->epfd, eventmgr->events, eventmgr->nevent, 0);
            if(nsd < 0) {
                log_error("epoll_wait occur error, errno:%d", errno); 
            int i; 
            for(i=0;i<nsd;i++) {
                struct epoll_event *epev = &eventmgr->events[i];      
                event_callback(epev->data.ptr, epev->events);

        nsd = epoll_wait(eventmgr->epfd, eventmgr->events, eventmgr->nevent, eventmgr->max_timeout);
        if(nsd < 0) {
            log_error("epoll_wait occur error, errno:%d", errno); 
    log_warn("event loop exit.");
static void event_callback_wrapper (const unsigned long signature, int event, const char *data_str, const unsigned long data_num)
    struct em_event e;
    e.signature = signature;
    e.event = event;
    e.data_str = data_str;
    e.data_num = data_num;

    if (!rb_ivar_defined(EmModule, Intern_at_error_handler))
        rb_rescue((VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_callback, (VALUE)&e, (VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_error_handler, Qnil);
예제 #6
static void event_callback_wrapper (const unsigned long a1, int a2, const char *a3, const unsigned long a4)
	struct em_event e;
	e.a1 = a1;
	e.a2 = a2;
	e.a3 = a3;
	e.a4 = a4;

	if (!rb_ivar_defined(EmModule, Intern_at_error_handler))
		rb_rescue((VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_callback, (VALUE)&e, (VALUE (*)(ANYARGS))event_error_handler, Qnil);
      void test_horizontal_line_intersection(Vector2<double> old_position, Vector2<double> new_position,
                                             const ControlPoint& point, EventCallback&& event_callback)
        auto y = static_cast<double>(point.start.y);
        if (old_position.y < y != new_position.y < y)
          auto time_point = (y - old_position.y) / (new_position.y - old_position.y);
          auto intersect_x = static_cast<std::int32_t>(old_position.x + time_point * (new_position.x - old_position.x));

          auto x = std::minmax(point.start.x, point.end.x);
          if (intersect_x >= x.first && intersect_x <= x.second)
            event_callback(point, time_point);
      void test_vertical_line_intersection(Vector2<double> old_position, Vector2<double> new_position,
                                           const ControlPoint& point, EventCallback&& event_callback)
        auto x = static_cast<double>(point.start.x);
        if (old_position.x < x != new_position.x < x)
          auto time_point = (x - old_position.x) / (new_position.x - old_position.x);
          auto intersect_y = static_cast<std::int32_t>(old_position.y + time_point * (new_position.y - old_position.y));

          auto y = std::minmax(point.start.y, point.end.y);
          if (intersect_y >= y.first && intersect_y <= y.second)
            event_callback(point, time_point);
      void test_arbitrary_intersection(Vector2<double> old_position, Vector2<double> new_position,
                                       const ControlPoint& point, EventCallback&& event_callback)
        auto intersection = find_line_segment_intersection(old_position, new_position,
        if (intersection)
          auto x_diff = new_position.x - old_position.x;
          auto y_diff = new_position.y - old_position.y;

          double time_point = std::abs(x_diff) < std::abs(y_diff) ?
            (intersection.point.y - old_position.y) / y_diff :
            (intersection.point.x - old_position.x) / x_diff;

          event_callback(point, time_point);
static void ip_event_dispatch (GList *dir_list, GList *pair_dir_list, ik_event_t *event)
	GList *dirl;

	if (!event)

	/* TODO:
	 * Figure out how we will deliver move events
	for (dirl = dir_list; dirl; dirl = dirl->next)
		GList *subl;
		ip_watched_dir_t *dir = dirl->data;

		for (subl = dir->subs; subl; subl = subl->next)
			ih_sub_t *sub = subl->data;

			/* If the event and the subscription have a filename
			 * they need to match before the event could be delivered.
			if (event->name && sub->filename) {
				if (strcmp (event->name, sub->filename))
			/* If the event doesn't have a filename, but the subscription does
			 * we shouldn't deliever the event */
			} else if (sub->filename)

			event_callback (event, sub);

	if (!event->pair)

	for (dirl = pair_dir_list; dirl; dirl = dirl->next)
		GList *subl;
		ip_watched_dir_t *dir = dirl->data;

		for (subl = dir->subs; subl; subl = subl->next)
			ih_sub_t *sub = subl->data;

			/* If the event and the subscription have a filename
			 * they need to match before the event could be delivered.
			if (event->pair->name && sub->filename) {
				if (strcmp (event->pair->name, sub->filename))
			/* If the event doesn't have a filename, but the subscription does
			 * we shouldn't deliever the event */
			} else if (sub->filename)

			event_callback (event->pair, sub);
예제 #11
파일: xinput.c 프로젝트: NoPublic/GIMX
static void xinput_process_event(XIRawEvent* revent)
  GE_Event evt = {};
  int i;

  //ignore events from master device
  if (revent->deviceid != revent->sourceid || revent->sourceid >= GE_MAX_DEVICES)

  int index = device_index[revent->sourceid];

  switch (revent->evtype)
    case XI_RawMotion:
      if(index >= 0)
        evt.type = GE_MOUSEMOTION;
        evt.motion.which = devices[index].id;
        i = 0;
        evt.motion.xrel = XIMaskIsSet(revent->valuators.mask, 0) ? revent->raw_values[i++] : 0;
        evt.motion.yrel = XIMaskIsSet(revent->valuators.mask, 1) ? revent->raw_values[i++] : 0;
    case XI_RawButtonPress:
      if(index >= 0)
        evt.type = GE_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN;
        evt.button.which = devices[index].id;
        evt.button.button = get_button(revent->detail);
    case XI_RawButtonRelease:
      if(index >= 0)
        evt.type = GE_MOUSEBUTTONUP;
        evt.button.which = devices[index].id;
        evt.button.button = get_button(revent->detail);
    case XI_RawKeyPress:
      if(index >= 0)
        evt.type = GE_KEYDOWN;
        evt.button.which = devices[index].id;
        evt.button.button = revent->detail - 8;
    case XI_RawKeyRelease:
      if(index >= 0)
        evt.type = GE_KEYUP;
        evt.button.which = devices[index].id;
        evt.button.button = revent->detail - 8;

   * Process evt.
  if(evt.type != GE_NOEVENT)
예제 #12
setprobe(char *spec) {
	char server[100];
	char instname[100];
	char *s, *t;
	int  param;
	int  id, nc;
	int  clientid = 0;
	EVENT_EFI_CTL eprobe;

	s = spec;

	if (substr(PREFIX, s)) s += strlen(PREFIX);
	if (substr("//", s))   s += 2;

	t = server;
	while (*s && *s != '/') *t++ = *s++;
	*t = '\0';

	if (*s++ != '/') probe_error(spec);
	if (*s == '/') ++s;

	t = instname;
	while (*s != '.') *t++ = *s++;
	*t = '\0';

	if (*s++ != '.') probe_error(spec);

	if (isdigit(instname[0])) clientid = atoi(instname);

	param = atoi(s);
	if (!param) probe_error(spec);

	printf("setprobe: setting probe daffie://%s/%s.%d\n",
		server, instname, param);

	event_select_type(0, ET_MIN, ET_MAX);

	id = event_join(server, &nc);
	if (!id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't join server \"%s\"\n", Pgm, server);
	printf("%s: joined %s as client id %d (%d clients)\n", Pgm, server, id, nc);

	event_register("earlab", "control", Pgm);

	event_callback(ET_EFI_WAVEDATA,  receive_wavedata);
	event_callback(ET_EFI_SPIKEDATA, receive_spikedata);
	event_select_type(1, ET_EFI_WAVEDATA,  ET_EFI_WAVEDATA);
	event_select_type(1, ET_EFI_SPIKEDATA, ET_EFI_SPIKEDATA);

	if (!clientid)
	   nc = eclient_match(clients, "*", "earlab", "*", instname);
	   nc = eclient_match_id(clients, clientid);

	if (nc < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't find match for %s\n",
			Pgm, instname);
	if (nc > 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s matched multiple (%d) clients\n",
			Pgm, instname, nc);

	eprobe.type     = EFI_CTL_PROBE;
	eprobe.clientid = id;
	eprobe.tag      = getpid();
	eprobe.param    = param - 1;
	eprobe.flag     = 1;
	eprobe.value    = 0;

	SEND(clients[0].id, EFI_CTL, eprobe);

bool dbmerge_downloader (char *hashes_url, char *descriptors_url, char *dbroot, void(*progress_callback)(int, int), void(*event_callback)(int, char*), volatile bool *stop)
	char sfn[256], sfn2[256];
	int hashes_fd = -1, descriptors_fd = -1;
	FILE *fd_h, *fd_d;
	bool ret = false;

	sprintf (sfn, "%s/crossepg.tmp.XXXXXX", dbroot);
	sprintf (sfn2, "%s/crossepg.tmp.XXXXXX", dbroot);

	if ((hashes_fd = mkstemp (sfn)) == -1)
		log_add ("Cannot get temp file (%s)", sfn);
		return false;

	if ((descriptors_fd = mkstemp (sfn2)) == -1)
		unlink (sfn);
		log_add ("Cannot get temp file (%s)", sfn2);
		return false;

	if (!dbmerge_download(hashes_url, hashes_fd, progress_callback, event_callback, stop))
		goto error;

	if (!dbmerge_download(descriptors_url, descriptors_fd, progress_callback, event_callback, stop))
		goto error;

	if (dbmerge_extension_check (hashes_url, "gz"))
		int fdtmp = -1;
		char sfntmp[256];
		sprintf (sfntmp, "%s/crossepg.tmp.XXXXXX", dbroot);
		if ((fdtmp = mkstemp (sfntmp)) == -1)
			log_add ("Cannot get temp file");
			goto error;
			if (event_callback) event_callback(10, hashes_url);	// deflating message
			log_add ("Deflating %s", sfn);
			FILE *dest = fdopen (fdtmp, "w");
			if (!gzip_inf (sfn, dest)) log_add ("Error deflating file");
			else log_add ("File deflated");
			fclose (dest);
			close (fdtmp);
			unlink (sfn);
			strcpy(sfn, sfntmp);

	if (dbmerge_extension_check (descriptors_url, "gz"))
		int fdtmp = -1;
		char sfntmp[256];
		sprintf (sfntmp, "%s/crossepg.tmp.XXXXXX", dbroot);
		if ((fdtmp = mkstemp (sfntmp)) == -1)
			log_add ("Cannot get temp file");
			goto error;
			if (event_callback) event_callback(10, descriptors_url);	// deflating message
			log_add ("Deflating %s", sfn2);
			FILE *dest = fdopen (fdtmp, "w");
			if (!gzip_inf (sfn2, dest)) log_add ("Error deflating file");
			else log_add ("File deflated");
			fclose (dest);
			close (fdtmp);
			unlink (sfn2);
			strcpy(sfn2, sfntmp);

	fd_h = fopen (sfn, "r");
	if (fd_h == NULL)
		log_add ("Cannot open %s", sfn);
		goto error;

	fd_d = fopen (sfn2, "r");
	if (fd_d == NULL)
		log_add ("Cannot open %s", sfn2);
		fclose (fd_h);
		goto error;

	if (event_callback) event_callback(9, hashes_url);	// parsing xepgdb
	if (event_callback) event_callback(0, NULL);	// turn on progress bar
	ret = dbmerge_merge(fd_h, fd_d, progress_callback);
	if (event_callback) event_callback(1, NULL);	// turn off progress bar


	unlink (sfn);
	unlink (sfn2);
	return ret;
예제 #14
파일: js.c 프로젝트: cqllzp/GIMX
static void js_process_event(int device, struct js_event* je)
  GE_Event evt = {};

  if(je->type & JS_EVENT_INIT)

  if(je->type & JS_EVENT_BUTTON)
    evt.type = je->value ? GE_JOYBUTTONDOWN : GE_JOYBUTTONUP;
    evt.jbutton.which = joystick_id[device];
    evt.jbutton.button = je->number;
  else if(je->type & JS_EVENT_AXIS)
    int axis = joystick_ax_map[device][je->number];
    if(axis >= ABS_HAT0X && axis <= ABS_HAT3Y)
      evt.type = je->value ? GE_JOYBUTTONDOWN : GE_JOYBUTTONUP;
      int button;
      int value;
      axis -= ABS_HAT0X;
        value = joystick_hat_value[device][axis];
        joystick_hat_value[device][axis] = 0;
        value = je->value/32767;
        joystick_hat_value[device][axis] = value;
      button = axis + value + 2*(axis/2);
      if(button < 4*(axis/2))
        button += 4;
      evt.jbutton.which = joystick_id[device];
      evt.jbutton.button = button + joystick_button_nb[device];
      evt.type = GE_JOYAXISMOTION;
      evt.jaxis.which = joystick_id[device];
      evt.jaxis.axis = je->number;
      evt.jaxis.value = je->value;
       * Ugly patch for the sixaxis.
      if(GE_IsSixaxis(evt.jaxis.which) && evt.jaxis.axis > 3 && evt.jaxis.axis < 23)
        evt.jaxis.value = (evt.jaxis.value + 32767) / 2;

   * Process evt.
  if(evt.type != GE_NOEVENT)
    eprintf("event from joystick: %s\n", joystick_name[device]);
    eprintf("type: %d number: %d value: %d\n", je->type, je->number, je->value);