예제 #1
파일: zhttpd.c 프로젝트: 734839030/zimg
int binary_parse(evhtp_request_t *req, const char *content_type, const char *address, const char *buff, int post_size)
    int err_no = 0;
    if(is_img(content_type) != 1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "fileType[%s] is Not Supported!", content_type);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post type", address);
        err_no = 1;
        goto done;
    char md5sum[33];
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Begin to Save Image...");
    evthr_t *thread = get_request_thr(req);
    thr_arg_t *thr_arg = (thr_arg_t *)evthr_get_aux(thread);
    if(save_img(thr_arg, buff, post_size, md5sum) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Image Save Failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post save", address);
        goto done;
    err_no = -1;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ post pic:%s size:%d", address, md5sum, post_size);
    json_return(req, err_no, md5sum, post_size);

    return err_no;
예제 #2
static void
frontend_cb(evhtp_request_t * req, void * arg) {
    int * aux;
    int   thr;

    aux = (int *)evthr_get_aux(req->conn->thread);
    thr = *aux;

    printf("  Received frontend request on thread %d... ", thr);

    /* Pause the frontend request while we run the backend requests. */

                 "", 80,
                 req->headers_in, backend_cb, req);

예제 #3
파일: zhttpd.c 프로젝트: 734839030/zimg
 * @brief get_request_cb The callback function of get a image request.
 * @param req The request with a list of params and the md5 of image.
 * @param arg It is not useful.
void get_request_cb(evhtp_request_t *req, void *arg)
    char *md5 = NULL, *fmt = NULL, *type = NULL;
    zimg_req_t *zimg_req = NULL;
	char *buff = NULL;
	size_t len;

    evhtp_connection_t *ev_conn = evhtp_request_get_connection(req);
    struct sockaddr *saddr = ev_conn->saddr;
    struct sockaddr_in *ss = (struct sockaddr_in *)saddr;
    char address[16];

    const char *xff_address = evhtp_header_find(req->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-For");
        inet_aton(xff_address, &ss->sin_addr);
    strncpy(address, inet_ntoa(ss->sin_addr), 16);

    int req_method = evhtp_request_get_method(req);
    if(req_method >= 16)
        req_method = 16;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Method: %d", req_method);
    if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "POST") == 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "POST Request.");
        post_request_cb(req, NULL);
	else if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "GET") != 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Request Method Not Support.");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse method", address);
        goto err;

    if(settings.down_access != NULL)
        int acs = zimg_access_inet(settings.down_access, ss->sin_addr.s_addr);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "access check: %d", acs);

        if(acs == ZIMG_FORBIDDEN)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "check access: ip[%s] forbidden!", address);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse get forbidden", address);
            goto forbidden;
        else if(acs == ZIMG_ERROR)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "check access: check ip[%s] failed!", address);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail get access", address);
            goto err;

	const char *uri;
	uri = req->uri->path->full;

    if(strlen(uri) == 1 && uri[0] == '/')
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Root Request.");
        int fd = -1;
        struct stat st;
        if((fd = open(settings.root_path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Root_page Open Failed. Return Default Page.");
            evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg World!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
            if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
                /* Make sure the length still matches, now that we
                 * opened the file :/ */
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Root_page Length fstat Failed. Return Default Page.");
                evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg World!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
                evbuffer_add_file(req->buffer_out, fd, 0, st.st_size);
        //evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n </html>\n");
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "============get_request_cb() DONE!===============");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ root page", address);
        goto done;

    if(strstr(uri, "favicon.ico"))
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "favicon.ico Request, Denied.");
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        zimg_headers_add(req, settings.headers);
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        goto done;
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Got a GET request for <%s>",  uri);

	/* Don't allow any ".."s in the path, to avoid exposing stuff outside
	 * of the docroot.  This test is both overzealous and underzealous:
	 * it forbids aceptable paths like "/this/one..here", but it doesn't
	 * do anything to prevent symlink following." */
	if (strstr(uri, ".."))
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "attempt to upper dir!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse directory", address);
		goto forbidden;

    size_t md5_len = strlen(uri) + 1;
    md5 = (char *)malloc(md5_len);
    if(md5 == NULL)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "md5 malloc failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail malloc", address);
        goto err;
    if(uri[0] == '/')
        str_lcpy(md5, uri+1, md5_len);
        str_lcpy(md5, uri, md5_len);
	LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "md5 of request is <%s>",  md5);
    if(is_md5(md5) == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Url is Not a zimg Request.");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse url illegal", address);
        goto err;
	/* This holds the content we're sending. */

    evthr_t *thread = get_request_thr(req);
    thr_arg_t *thr_arg = (thr_arg_t *)evthr_get_aux(thread);

    int width, height, proportion, gray, x, y, rotate, quality, sv;
    width = 0;
    height = 0;
    proportion = 1;
    gray = 0;
    x = -1;
    y = -1;
    rotate = 0;
    quality = 0;
    sv = 0;

    evhtp_kvs_t *params;
    params = req->uri->query;
    if(params != NULL)
        if(settings.disable_args != 1)
            const char *str_w = evhtp_kv_find(params, "w");
            const char *str_h = evhtp_kv_find(params, "h");
            width = (str_w) ? atoi(str_w) : 0;
            height = (str_h) ? atoi(str_h) : 0;

            const char *str_p = evhtp_kv_find(params, "p");
            proportion = (str_p) ? atoi(str_p) : 1;

            const char *str_g = evhtp_kv_find(params, "g");
            gray = (str_g) ? atoi(str_g) : 0;

            const char *str_x = evhtp_kv_find(params, "x");
            const char *str_y = evhtp_kv_find(params, "y");
            x = (str_x) ? atoi(str_x) : -1;
            y = (str_y) ? atoi(str_y) : -1;

            if(x != -1 || y != -1)
                proportion = 1;

            const char *str_r = evhtp_kv_find(params, "r");
            rotate = (str_r) ? atoi(str_r) : 0;

            const char *str_q = evhtp_kv_find(params, "q");
            quality = (str_q) ? atoi(str_q) : 0;

            const char *str_f = evhtp_kv_find(params, "f");
                size_t fmt_len = strlen(str_f) + 1;
                fmt = (char *)malloc(fmt_len);
                if(fmt != NULL)
                    str_lcpy(fmt, str_f, fmt_len);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "fmt = %s", fmt);

        if(settings.disable_type != 1)
            const char *str_t = evhtp_kv_find(params, "t");
                size_t type_len = strlen(str_t) + 1;
                type = (char *)malloc(type_len);
                if(type != NULL)
                    str_lcpy(type, str_t, type_len);
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "type = %s", type);
        sv = 1;

    quality = (quality != 0 ? quality : settings.quality);
    zimg_req = (zimg_req_t *)malloc(sizeof(zimg_req_t)); 
    if(zimg_req == NULL)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "zimg_req malloc failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail malloc", address);
        goto err;
    zimg_req -> md5 = md5;
    zimg_req -> type = type;
    zimg_req -> width = width;
    zimg_req -> height = height;
    zimg_req -> proportion = proportion;
    zimg_req -> gray = gray;
    zimg_req -> x = x;
    zimg_req -> y = y;
    zimg_req -> rotate = rotate;
    zimg_req -> quality = quality;
    zimg_req -> fmt = (fmt != NULL ? fmt : settings.format);
    zimg_req -> sv = sv;
    zimg_req -> thr_arg = thr_arg;

    int get_img_rst = -1;
    get_img_rst = settings.get_img(zimg_req, req);

    if(get_img_rst == -1)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "zimg Requset Get Image[MD5: %s] Failed!", zimg_req->md5);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail pic:%s t:%s", address, md5, type);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail pic:%s w:%d h:%d p:%d g:%d x:%d y:%d r:%d q:%d f:%s",
                address, md5, width, height, proportion, gray, x, y, rotate, quality, zimg_req->fmt); 
        goto err;
    if(get_img_rst == 2)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Etag Matched Return 304 EVHTP_RES_NOTMOD.");
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ 304 pic:%s t:%s", address, md5, type);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ 304 pic:%s w:%d h:%d p:%d g:%d x:%d y:%d r:%d q:%d f:%s",
                address, md5, width, height, proportion, gray, x, y, rotate, quality, zimg_req->fmt); 
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_NOTMOD);
        goto done;

    len = evbuffer_get_length(req->buffer_out);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "get buffer length: %d", len);

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Got the File!");
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "image/jpeg", 0, 0));
    zimg_headers_add(req, settings.headers);
    evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ pic:%s t:%s size:%d", address, md5, type, len); 
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ pic:%s w:%d h:%d p:%d g:%d x:%d y:%d r:%d q:%d f:%s size:%d", 
                address, md5, width, height, proportion, gray, x, y, rotate, quality, zimg_req->fmt, 
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "============get_request_cb() DONE!===============");
    goto done;

    evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden!</h1></body></html>"); 
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
    evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_FORBIDDEN);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "============get_request_cb() FORBIDDEN!===============");
    goto done;

    evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html><body><h1>404 Not Found!</h1></body></html>");
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
    evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_NOTFOUND);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "============get_request_cb() ERROR!===============");

예제 #4
파일: zhttpd.c 프로젝트: 734839030/zimg
int multipart_parse(evhtp_request_t *req, const char *content_type, const char *address, const char *buff, int post_size)
    int err_no = 0;
    char *boundary = NULL, *boundary_end = NULL;
    char *boundaryPattern = NULL;
    int boundary_len = 0;
    mp_arg_t *mp_arg = NULL;

            "<title>Upload Result</title>\n"

    if(strstr(content_type, "boundary") == 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "boundary NOT found!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post parse", address);
        err_no = 6;
        goto done;

    boundary = strchr(content_type, '=');
    boundary_len = strlen(boundary);

    if(boundary[0] == '"') 
        boundary_end = strchr(boundary, '"');
        if (!boundary_end) 
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid boundary in multipart/form-data POST data");
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post parse", address);
            err_no = 6;
            goto done;
        /* search for the end of the boundary */
        boundary_end = strpbrk(boundary, ",;");
    if (boundary_end) 
        boundary_end[0] = '\0';
        boundary_len = boundary_end-boundary;

    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "boundary Find. boundary = %s", boundary);
    boundaryPattern = (char *)malloc(boundary_len + 3);
    if(boundaryPattern == NULL)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "boundarypattern malloc failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail malloc", address);
        err_no = 0;
        goto done;
    snprintf(boundaryPattern, boundary_len + 3, "--%s", boundary);
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "boundaryPattern = %s, strlen = %d", boundaryPattern, (int)strlen(boundaryPattern));

    multipart_parser* parser = multipart_parser_init(boundaryPattern);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Multipart_parser Init Failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post save", address);
        err_no = 0;
        goto done;
    mp_arg = (mp_arg_t *)malloc(sizeof(mp_arg_t));
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Multipart_parser Arg Malloc Failed!");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail post save", address);
        err_no = 0;
        goto done;

    evthr_t *thread = get_request_thr(req);
    thr_arg_t *thr_arg = (thr_arg_t *)evthr_get_aux(thread);
    mp_arg->req = req;
    mp_arg->thr_arg = thr_arg;
    str_lcpy(mp_arg->address, address, 16);
    mp_arg->partno = 0;
    mp_arg->succno = 0;
    mp_arg->check_name = 0;
    multipart_parser_set_data(parser, mp_arg);
    multipart_parser_execute(parser, buff, post_size);

    if(mp_arg->succno == 0)
        evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<h1>Upload Failed!</h1>\n");

    evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "</body>\n</html>\n");
    evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
    err_no = -1;

    return err_no;
예제 #5
파일: zhttpd.c 프로젝트: 734839030/zimg
 * @brief admin_request_cb the callback function of admin requests
 * @param req the evhtp request
 * @param arg the arg of request
void admin_request_cb(evhtp_request_t *req, void *arg)
    char md5[33];

    evhtp_connection_t *ev_conn = evhtp_request_get_connection(req);
    struct sockaddr *saddr = ev_conn->saddr;
    struct sockaddr_in *ss = (struct sockaddr_in *)saddr;
    char address[16];

    const char *xff_address = evhtp_header_find(req->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-For");
        inet_aton(xff_address, &ss->sin_addr);
    strncpy(address, inet_ntoa(ss->sin_addr), 16);

    int req_method = evhtp_request_get_method(req);
    if(req_method >= 16)
        req_method = 16;
    LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Method: %d", req_method);
    if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "POST") == 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "POST Request.");
        post_request_cb(req, NULL);
	else if(strcmp(method_strmap[req_method], "GET") != 0)
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Request Method Not Support.");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse method", address);
        goto err;

    if(settings.admin_access != NULL)
        int acs = zimg_access_inet(settings.admin_access, ss->sin_addr.s_addr);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "access check: %d", acs);

        if(acs == ZIMG_FORBIDDEN)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "check access: ip[%s] forbidden!", address);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse admin forbidden", address);
            goto forbidden;
        else if(acs == ZIMG_ERROR)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "check access: check ip[%s] failed!", address);
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail admin access", address);
            goto err;

	const char *uri;
	uri = req->uri->path->full;

    if(strstr(uri, "favicon.ico"))
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "favicon.ico Request, Denied.");
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        zimg_headers_add(req, settings.headers);
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);

	LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Got a Admin request for <%s>",  uri);
    int t;
    evhtp_kvs_t *params;
    params = req->uri->query;
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Admin Root Request.");
        int fd = -1;
        struct stat st;
        //TODO: use admin_path
        if((fd = open(settings.admin_path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Admin_page Open Failed. Return Default Page.");
            evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg Admin!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
            if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
                /* Make sure the length still matches, now that we
                 * opened the file :/ */
                LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Root_page Length fstat Failed. Return Default Page.");
                evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>\nWelcome To zimg Admin!</h1>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
                evbuffer_add_file(req->buffer_out, fd, 0, st.st_size);
        //evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "<html>\n </html>\n");
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Server", settings.server_name, 0, 1));
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
        evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "============admin_request_cb() DONE!===============");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s succ admin root page", address);
        const char *str_md5, *str_t;
        str_md5 = evhtp_kv_find(params, "md5");
        if(str_md5 == NULL)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "md5() = NULL return");
            goto err;

        str_lcpy(md5, str_md5, sizeof(md5));
        if(is_md5(md5) == -1)
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "Admin Request MD5 Error.");
            LOG_PRINT(LOG_INFO, "%s refuse admin url illegal", address);
            goto err;
        str_t = evhtp_kv_find(params, "t");
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_DEBUG, "md5() = %s; t() = %s;", str_md5, str_t);
        t = (str_t) ? atoi(str_t) : 0;

    evthr_t *thread = get_request_thr(req);
    thr_arg_t *thr_arg = (thr_arg_t *)evthr_get_aux(thread);

    int admin_img_rst = -1;
    admin_img_rst = settings.admin_img(req, thr_arg, md5, t);

    if(admin_img_rst == -1)
            "<html><body><h1>Admin Command Failed!</h1> \
            <p>MD5: %s</p> \
            <p>Command Type: %d</p> \
            <p>Command Failed.</p> \
            md5, t);
        LOG_PRINT(LOG_ERROR, "%s fail admin pic:%s t:%d", address, md5, t); 
        evhtp_headers_add_header(req->headers_out, evhtp_header_new("Content-Type", "text/html", 0, 0));
예제 #6
파일: utils.cpp 프로젝트: benjibc/loopy
void free_dummy_conn(evhtp_connection_t* conn) {
  ThreadLocal* local = static_cast<ThreadLocal*>(evthr_get_aux(conn->thread));
  delete local;
  delete conn;