std::vector<Matrix> Block::eigh(cflag tp)const{ std::vector<Matrix> outs; try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(!(Rnum == Cnum)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform eigenvalue decomposition on a non-square matrix."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(diag){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform eigenvalue decomposition on a diagonal matrix. Need not to do so."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } //GPU_NOT_READY outs.push_back(Matrix(CTYPE, Rnum, Cnum, true, ongpu)); outs.push_back(Matrix(CTYPE, Rnum, Cnum, false, ongpu)); Matrix Eig(RTYPE, Rnum, Cnum, true, ongpu); eigSyDecompose(cm_elem, Rnum, Eig.m_elem, outs[1].cm_elem, ongpu); outs[0] = Eig; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::eigh(uni10::cflag ):"); } return outs; }
std::vector<Matrix> Block::ql(cflag tp)const{ std::vector<Matrix> outs; try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(Rnum < Cnum){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform QL decomposition when Rnum < Cnum. Nothing to do."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } outs.push_back(Matrix(CTYPE, Rnum, Cnum, false, ongpu)); outs.push_back(Matrix(CTYPE, Cnum, Cnum, false, ongpu)); if(!diag){ matrixQL(cm_elem, Rnum, Cnum, outs[0].cm_elem, outs[1].cm_elem, ongpu); }else{ size_t min = std::min(Rnum, Cnum); Complex* tmpC = (Complex*)calloc(min*min , sizeof(Complex)); for(size_t i = 0; i < min; i++) tmpC[i*min+i] = cm_elem[i]; matrixQL(tmpC, min, min, outs[0].cm_elem, outs[1].cm_elem, ongpu); free(tmpC); } } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::ql(uni10::cflag ):"); } return outs; }
void Block::save(cflag tp, const std::string& fname)const{ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"); if(!(fp != NULL)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Error in writing to file '"<<fname<<"'."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } fwrite(&r_flag, sizeof(r_flag), 1, fp); fwrite(&c_flag, sizeof(c_flag), 1, fp); fwrite(&Rnum, sizeof(Rnum), 1, fp); fwrite(&Cnum, sizeof(Cnum), 1, fp); fwrite(&diag, sizeof(diag), 1, fp); fwrite(&ongpu, sizeof(ongpu), 1, fp); Complex* elem = cm_elem; if(ongpu){ elem = (Complex*)malloc(elemNum() * sizeof(Complex)); elemCopy(elem, cm_elem, Rnum, Cnum, false, ongpu, diag); } fwrite(elem, sizeof(Complex), elemNum(), fp); if(ongpu) free(elem); fclose(fp); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::save(uni10::cflag, std::string&):"); } }
std::vector<Matrix> Block::lq(rflag tp)const{ std::vector<Matrix> outs; try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(Rnum > Cnum){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform LQ decomposition when Rnum > Cnum. Nothing to do."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } outs.push_back(Matrix(RTYPE, Rnum, Rnum, false, ongpu)); outs.push_back(Matrix(RTYPE, Rnum, Cnum, false, ongpu)); if(!diag){ matrixLQ(m_elem, Rnum, Cnum, outs[1].m_elem, outs[0].m_elem, ongpu); }else{ size_t min = std::min(Rnum, Cnum); Real* tmpR = (Real*)calloc(min*min, sizeof(Real)); for(size_t i = 0; i < min; i++) tmpR[i*min+i] = m_elem[i]; matrixLQ(tmpR, min, min, outs[1].m_elem, outs[0].m_elem, ongpu); free(tmpR); } } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::lq(uni10::rflag ):"); } return outs; }
Matrix::Matrix(cflag tp, const std::string& fname){ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r"); if(!(fp != NULL)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Error in opening file '" << fname <<"'."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } fread(&r_flag, sizeof(r_flag), 1, fp); fread(&c_flag, sizeof(c_flag), 1, fp); fread(&Rnum, sizeof(Rnum), 1, fp); fread(&Cnum, sizeof(Cnum), 1, fp); fread(&diag, sizeof(diag), 1, fp); fread(&ongpu, sizeof(ongpu), 1, fp); init(tp, ongpu); if(elemNum()) elemBzero(cm_elem, elemNum() * sizeof(Complex), ongpu); Complex* elem = cm_elem; if(ongpu) elem = (Complex*)malloc(elemNum() * sizeof(Complex)); fread(elem, sizeof(Complex), elemNum(), fp); if(ongpu){ elemCopy(cm_elem, elem, elemNum() * sizeof(Complex), ongpu, false); free(elem); } fclose(fp); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In constructor Matrix::Matrix(uni10::cflag, std::string& )"); } }
Complex Block::operator()(size_t idx)const{ try{ if(!(idx < elemNum())){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Index exceeds the number of elements("<<elemNum()<<")."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(typeID() == 0 || typeID() == 1){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"This matrix is EMPTY or REAL. If it's REAL, please use operator[] instead of operator()."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(typeID() == 2) return getElemAt(idx, cm_elem, ongpu), 0; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::operator()(size_t):"); } return Complex(); };
void Matrix::setElem(const std::vector<Complex>& elem, bool src_ongpu){ try{ if(diag == false && Rnum*Cnum != elem.size() ){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Number of the input elements is: " << elem.size() <<", and it doesn't match to the size of matrix: "\ << Rnum*Cnum << std::endl <<"In the file Block.cpp, line(" << __LINE__ << ")"; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(diag == true && std::min(Rnum, Cnum) != elem.size()){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Number of the input elements is: " << elem.size() <<", and it doesn't match to the min(Rnum, Cnum) of matrix: "\ << std::min(Rnum, Cnum) << std::endl <<"In the file Block.cpp, line(" << __LINE__ << ")"; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } setElem(&elem[0], src_ongpu); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::setElem(std::vector<Complex>&, bool=false):"); } }
Qnum::Qnum(int _U1, parityType _prt): m_U1(_U1), m_prt(_prt), m_prtF(PRTF_EVEN){ try{ if(!(m_U1 < U1_UPB && m_U1 > U1_LOB)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"U1 is out of range. "<<U1_LOB<<" < U1 < "<<U1_UPB<<"."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In constructor Qnum::Qnum(int, parityType):"); } }
Matrix::Matrix(size_t _Rnum, size_t _Cnum, const std::vector<Complex>& _elem, bool _diag, bool _ongpu, bool src_ongpu): Block(CTYPE, _Rnum, _Cnum, _diag){ try{ ongpu = _ongpu; if(_diag == false && _Rnum*_Cnum != _elem.size() ){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Number of the input elements is: " << _elem.size() <<", and it doesn't match to the size of matrix: "\ << _Rnum*_Cnum << std::endl <<"In the file Block.cpp, line(" << __LINE__ << ")"; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if( _diag == true && std::min(_Rnum, _Cnum) != _elem.size()){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Number of the input elements is: " << _elem.size() <<", and it doesn't match to the min(Rnum, Cnum) of matrix: "\ << std::min(_Rnum, _Cnum) << std::endl <<"In the file Block.cpp, line(" << __LINE__ << ")"; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } init(&_elem[0], src_ongpu); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In constructor Matrix::Matrix(size_t, size_t, std::vector<Complex>&, bool=false):"); } }
Real* Block::getElem(rflag tp)const{ throwTypeError(tp); try{ if(typeID() == 2){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"This matrix is COMPLEX. Please use getElem(uni10::cflag ) instead."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } return m_elem; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::getElem(uni10::rflag ):"); } return m_elem; }
Complex* Block::getElem(cflag tp)const{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); try{ if(typeID() == 1){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"This matrix is REAL. Please use getElem() or getElem(uni10::rflag ) instead."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } return cm_elem; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::getElem(uni10::cflag ):"); } return cm_elem; }
Complex Block::at(cflag tp, size_t r, size_t c)const{ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(!((r < Rnum) && (c < Cnum))){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"The input indices are out of range."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(diag){ if(!(r == c && r < elemNum())){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"The matrix is diagonal, there is no off-diagonal element."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } return getElemAt(r, cm_elem, ongpu); } else return getElemAt(r * Cnum + c, cm_elem, ongpu); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Block::at(uni10::cflag, size_t, size_t):"); } return Complex(); }
Real Block::norm(cflag tp)const{ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(typeID() == 0){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"This matirx is empty" << std::endl << "In the file Block.cpp, line(" << __LINE__ << ")"; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } return vectorNorm(cm_elem, elemNum(), 1, ongpu); } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::norm(uni10::cflag ):"); } return 0; }
Complex& Matrix::at(cflag tp, size_t idx){ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(!(idx < elemNum())){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Index exceeds the number of the matrix elements("<<elemNum()<<")."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } cm_elem = (Complex*)mvCPU(cm_elem, elemNum() * sizeof(Complex), ongpu); return cm_elem[idx]; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::at(uni10::cflag , size_t ):"); return cm_elem[0]; } }
Complex Block::trace(cflag tp)const{ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(!(Rnum == Cnum)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform trace on a non-square matrix."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } if(diag) return vectorSum(cm_elem, elemNum(), 1, ongpu); else return vectorSum(cm_elem, Cnum, Cnum + 1, ongpu); }catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::trace(uni10::cflag ):"); return 0; } }
void UAURSmoothingFilterKalman::Measurement(FTransform const & MeasuredTransform) { try { FVector translation = MeasuredTransform.GetTranslation(); FString msg = "In: " + translation.ToString(); //FQuat rotation = MeasuredTransform.GetRotation();<float>(0) = translation.X;<float>(1) = translation.Y;<float>(2) = translation.Z; //<float>(3) = rotation.X * rotation.W; //<float>(4) = rotation.Y * rotation.W; //<float>(5) = rotation.Z * rotation.W; cv::Mat FilterResult = Filter.predict(); Filter.correct(TransformAsMat); translation.Set(<float>(0),<float>(1),<float>(2)); msg += "\nOut: " + translation.ToString(); UE_LOG(LogAUR, Log, TEXT("%s"), *msg); //FVector rot_axis(<float>(3),<float>(4),<float>(5)); //float rot_magnitude = rot_axis.Size(); //rot_axis.Normalize(); //rotation.X = rot_axis.X; //rotation.Y = rot_axis.Y; //rotation.Z = rot_axis.Z; //rotation.W = rot_magnitude; CurrentTransform.SetComponents(MeasuredTransform.GetRotation(), translation, FVector(1, 1, 1)); } catch (cv::Exception& e) { FString exception_msg(e.what()); UE_LOG(LogAUR, Error, TEXT("Kalman: %s"), *exception_msg) CurrentTransform = MeasuredTransform; } }
Matrix Block::inverse(cflag tp)const{ try{ checkUni10TypeError(tp); if(!(Rnum == Cnum)){ std::ostringstream err; err<<"Cannot perform inversion on a non-square matrix."; throw std::runtime_error(exception_msg(err.str())); } Matrix invM(*this); assert(ongpu == invM.isOngpu()); matrixInv(invM.cm_elem, Rnum, invM.diag, invM.ongpu); return invM; } catch(const std::exception& e){ propogate_exception(e, "In function Matrix::inverse(uni10::cflag ):"); return Matrix(); } }