예제 #1
 * Verifies if the tables are created whithin the database and creates
 * them if there is no tables at all.
 * @param database : the structure to manage database's connexion.
static void verify_if_tables_exists(db_t *database)
    char *error_message = NULL;
    int result = 0;
    int *i = NULL;               /** int *i is used to count the number of row */

    i = (int *) g_malloc0(sizeof(int));
    *i = 0;

    /* Trying to get all the tables that are in the database */
    result = sqlite3_exec(database->db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';", table_callback, i, &error_message);

    if (result == SQLITE_OK && *i == 0)  /* No row (0) means that there is no table */
            print_debug(_("Creating tables into the database\n"));

            /* The database does not contain any tables. So we have to create them.         */
            /* Creation of buffers table that contains checksums and their associated data */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE buffers (buffer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT, data TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'buffers': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of transmited table that may contain id of transmited buffers if any + creation of its indexes */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE transmited (buffer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'transmited': %s\n"));

            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE INDEX main.transmited_buffer_id ON transmited (buffer_id ASC)", _("(%d) Error while creating index 'transmited_buffer_id': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of files table that contains everything about a file */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE files (file_id  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cache_time INTEGER, type INTEGER, inode INTEGER, file_user TEXT, file_group TEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, atime INTEGER, ctime INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, mode INTEGER, size INTEGER, name TEXT, transmitted BOOL, link TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'files': %s\n"));

            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE INDEX main.files_inodes ON files (inode ASC)", _("(%d) Error while creating index 'files_inodes': %s\n"));

예제 #2
 * Transmits each row found in the database
 * @param userp is a pointer to a transmited_t * structure that must contain
 *        a comm_t * pointer and a db_t * pointer.
 * @param nb_col gives the number of columns in this row.
 * @param data contains the data of each column.
 * @param name_col contains the name of each column.
 * @returns always 0.
static int transmit_callback(void *userp, int nb_col, char **data, char **name_col)
    transmited_t *trans = (transmited_t *) userp;
    gchar *sql_command = NULL;
    gint success = 0;

    if (trans != NULL && data != NULL && trans->comm != NULL && trans->database != NULL)

            trans->comm->readbuffer = data[2];          /** data[2] is the data column in buffers table of the database */
            success = post_url(trans->comm, data[1]);   /** data[1] is the url column in buffers table of the database  */

            if (success == CURLE_OK)

                    sql_command = g_strdup_printf("INSERT INTO transmited (buffer_id) VALUES ('%s');", data[0]);
                    exec_sql_cmd(trans->database, sql_command,  _("(%d) Error while inserting into the table 'transmited': %s\n"));

            /** @todo use the result of post to be able to manage errors */

    return 0;
예제 #3
 * Insert file into cache. One should have verified that the file
 * does not already exists in the database.
 * @note insert_file_into_cache is fast but does not garantee that the
 *       data is on the disk !
 * @param database is the structure that contains everything that is
 *        related to the database (it's connexion for instance).
 * @param meta is the file's metadata that we want to insert into the
 *        cache.
 * @param only_meta : a gboolean that when set to TRUE only meta_data will
 *        be saved and hashs data will not ! FALSE means that something
 *        went wrong with server and that all data will be cached localy.
void db_save_meta_data(db_t *database, meta_data_t *meta, gboolean only_meta)
    gchar *sql_command = NULL;     /** gchar *sql_command is the command to be executed */
    guint64 cache_time = 0;

    if (meta != NULL && database != NULL)
            cache_time = g_get_real_time();

            /* beginning a transaction */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "BEGIN;",  _("(%d) Error openning the transaction: %s\n"));

            /* Inserting the file into the files table */
            sql_command = g_strdup_printf("INSERT INTO files (cache_time, type, inode, file_user, file_group, uid, gid, atime, ctime, mtime, mode, size, name, transmitted, link) VALUES (%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", %d, %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", %d, %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", '%s', %d, '%s');", cache_time, meta->file_type, meta->inode, meta->owner, meta->group, meta->uid, meta->gid, meta->atime, meta->ctime, meta->mtime, meta->mode, meta->size, meta->name, only_meta, meta->link);

            exec_sql_cmd(database, sql_command,  _("(%d) Error while inserting into the table 'files': %s\n"));


            /* ending the transaction here */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "COMMIT;",  _("(%d) Error commiting to the database: %s\n"));
예제 #4
 * Verifies if the tables are created whithin the database and creates
 * them if there is no tables at all.
 * @param database : the structure to manage database's connexion.
static void verify_if_tables_exists(db_t *database)
    char *error_message = NULL;
    int result = 0;
    int *i = NULL;               /** int *i is used to count the number of row */

    i = (int *) g_malloc0(sizeof(int));
    *i = 0;

    /* Trying to get all the tables that are in the database */
    result = sqlite3_exec(database->db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';", table_callback, i, &error_message);

    if (result == SQLITE_OK && *i == 0)  /* No row (0) means that there is no table */
            print_debug(_("Creating tables into the database\n"));

            /* The database does not contain any tables. So we have to create them.         */
            /* Creation of checksum table that contains checksums and their associated data */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE data (checksum TEXT PRIMARY KEY, size INTEGER, data TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'data': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of buffers table that contains checksums and their associated data */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE buffers (cache_time INTEGER, buf_order INTEGER, checksum TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'buffers': %s\n"));

            /* Creation of files table that contains everything about a file */
            exec_sql_cmd(database, "CREATE TABLE files (file_id  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cache_time INTEGER, type INTEGER, inode INTEGER, file_user TEXT, file_group TEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, atime INTEGER, ctime INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, mode INTEGER, size INTEGER, name TEXT, transmitted BOOL, link TEXT);", _("(%d) Error while creating database table 'files': %s\n"));


     * We are setting the asynchronous mode of SQLITE here. Tradeoff is that any
     * powerloss is leading to a database corruption and data loss !
     * @todo make this PRAGMA selection an option from the command line.
    /* exec_sql_cmd(database, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;", _("Error while trying to set asynchronous mode.\n")); */

예제 #5
 * Deletes all transmited buffers from the buffers table in database
 * based on transmited table.
 * @param userp is a pointer to a db_t * structure
 * @param nb_col gives the number of columns in this row.
 * @param data contains the data of each column.
 * @param name_col contains the name of each column.
 * @returns always 0.
static int delete_transmited_callback(void *userp, int nb_col, char **data, char **name_col)
    db_t *database = (db_t *) userp;
    gchar *sql_command = NULL;

    if (database != NULL && data != NULL)
            sql_command = g_strdup_printf("DELETE FROM buffers WHERE buffer_id='%s';", data[0]);
            exec_sql_cmd(database, sql_command,  _("(%d - %d) Error while deleting from table 'buffers': %s\n"));

    return 0;
예제 #6
 * Checks if a table or an index exists and creates it if not.
 * @param database : the structure to manage database's connexion.
 * @param name is the name of the table or index to look for and
 *        may be create.
 * @param is a gint that should be one of SQLITE_TYPE_INDEX or
 * @param sql_creation_cmd is the SQL command to create the table or
 *        the index if needed.
 * @param err_msg is the error message to be displayed in case of an
 *        error when trying to create the table or index.
static void check_and_create_object(db_t *database, gchar *name, gint type, gchar *sql_creation_cmd, gchar *err_msg)
    int result = 0;

    if (type == SQLITE_TYPE_TABLE)
            result = does_table_exists(database, name);
    else if (type == SQLITE_TYPE_INDEX)
            result = does_index_exists(database, name);
            result = -1;

    if (result == 1)
            /* table or index does not exists and we have to create it */
            print_debug(_("\t-> Creating database object: %s\n"), name);
            exec_sql_cmd(database, sql_creation_cmd , err_msg);
예제 #7
 * Does a commit on the database
 * @param database : the db_t * structure that contains the database connexion
static void sql_begin(db_t *database)
    exec_sql_cmd(database, "BEGIN;",  _("(%d) Error openning the transaction: %s\n"));
예제 #8
 * Does a commit on the database
 * @param database : the db_t * structure that contains the database connexion
static void sql_commit(db_t *database)
    exec_sql_cmd(database, "COMMIT;",  _("(%d) Error commiting to the database: %s\n"));