예제 #1
// The given `check' function must be called every iteration.
// It may call setPreempted() or perform other tasks.
bool BaseStrategy::execute(std::function<bool()> check)
    ros::Rate r(2);  // Hz
    while (node_.ok() && check() && !isPreempted() && !finished_)

        // TODO: check map age.
        // TODO: getNumPublishers here sometimes segfaults on
        //       succeeded/preempted, for no apparent reason.
        if (slam_map_subscriber_.getNumPublishers() == 0)
            // SLAM is not running.
            ROS_INFO("Waiting for SLAM to start publishing a map...");
        else if (map_ && pose_initialized_)
            if (obstacle_map_publisher_.getNumSubscribers() > 0)

            if (!map_ready_)
                const int Rfree = std::ceil(initial_free_radius_ / map_->resolution);
                freeRobotPose(*map_, map_->getIdxForPosition(pose_.position), Rfree);

                // TODO: This is too conservative. "!= -1" should be used instead, but
                //       for now it's like this to handle the point of a map where the
                //       only frontier is the robot position.
                if (map_updated_ && map_->isBoxKnown(pose_.position, safety_radius_) == 1)
                    map_ready_ = true;
                    ROS_INFO_COND(map_updated_, "Position is outside map. Initialization manoeuvres...");

            if (map_ready_)
                if (map_updated_)

            map_updated_ = false;
            if (map_updated_)
                ROS_INFO("Received map is empty. Initialization manoeuvres...");


    return finished_;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	LOG_INFO("Initializing problem parameters");

	std::vector<Matrix<P_DIM> > l(NUM_LANDMARKS);
	l[0][0] = 30; l[0][1] = -10;
	l[1][0] = 70; l[1][1] = 12.5;
	l[2][0] = 20; l[2][1] = 10;


	stateMPC_params problem;
	stateMPC_output output;
	stateMPC_info info;
	setupStateVars(problem, output);

	util::Timer solveTimer, trajTimer;
	double totalSolveTime = 0, trajTime = 0;

	double totalTrajCost = 0;

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > B_total(T*NUM_WAYPOINTS);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U_total((T-1)*NUM_WAYPOINTS);
	int Bidx = 0, Uidx = 0;
	vec(x0, SqrtSigma0, B_total[0]);

	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > B(T);

	Matrix<B_DIM> b, b_tp1;
	Matrix<X_DIM> x;
	Matrix<X_DIM,X_DIM> s;

	Matrix<X_DIM> x_t_real = x0, x_tp1_real;
	Matrix<B_DIM> b_tp1_tp1;

	Matrix<U_DIM> uinit;

	std::vector<Matrix<C_DIM> > X(T), X_lookahead(T), X_current_mpc(T);
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U(T-1), U_lookahead(T-1), U_current_mpc(T-1);
	planBspPath(x0.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0), 0, SqrtSigma0, problem, output, info, X_current_mpc, U_current_mpc);

	for(int i=0; i < NUM_WAYPOINTS; ++i) {

		if (i < NUM_WAYPOINTS - 1) {
			// integrate from waypoint i to waypoint i+1
			planBspPath(X_current_mpc[T-1].subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0), i+1, finalSqrtSigma(x0, SqrtSigma0, U_current_mpc, T), problem, output, info, X_lookahead, U_lookahead);
		} else {
			X_current_mpc = X_lookahead;
			U_current_mpc = U_lookahead;

		xMidpoint = X_current_mpc[T-1];
		std::cout << "xMidpoint: " << ~xMidpoint.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);

		//std::cout << "Display lookahead\n";
		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(U_lookahead, T, false);

		x0.insert(0, 0, X_current_mpc[0]);

		for(int t=0; t < T - 1; ++t) {
			std::cout << "Going to waypoint " << i << ", timestep " << t << "\n";
			//x0[2] = nearestAngleFromTo(0, x0[2]); // need to remod back to near 0

			T_MPC = T - t;

			xGoal.insert(C_DIM, 0, x0.subMatrix<L_DIM,1>(C_DIM,0));

			cfg::initial_trust_box_factor = 1;
			cfg::initial_penalty_coeff_factor = 1;

			std::vector<Matrix<C_DIM> > X_past_mpc = X_current_mpc;
			std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U_past_mpc = U_current_mpc;
			double cost = 0;
			int iter = 0;
			while(true) {
				try {
					cost = statePenaltyCollocation(X_current_mpc, U_current_mpc, problem, output, info);
				catch (forces_exception &e) {
					if (iter > 3) {
						LOG_ERROR("Tried too many times, giving up");
						std::cout << "X\n";
						for(int j=0; j < T; ++j) {
							std::cout << ~X_current_mpc[j];
						std::cout << "U\n";
						for(int j=0; j < T-1; ++j) {
							std::cout << ~U_current_mpc[j];
						pythonDisplayTrajectory(U_current_mpc, T, true);
					LOG_ERROR("Forces exception, trying again");
					cfg::initial_trust_box_factor *= .5;
					//cfg::initial_penalty_coeff_factor += 1;
					//X_current_mpc[0] = x0;
					//for(int j=0; j < T-1; ++j) {
					//	X_current_mpc[j+1] = dynfunc(X_current_mpc[j], U_current_mpc[j], zeros<Q_DIM,1>());
					//X_current_mpc[T-1] = xGoal;
					X_current_mpc = X_past_mpc;
					U_current_mpc = U_past_mpc;

			//std::cout << "x0: " << ~x0.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);
			//std::cout << "xMidpoint: " << ~xMidpoint.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);
			//std::cout << "xGoal: " << ~xGoal.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);

			X_current_mpc[0] = x0.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);
			for(int j=0; j < T - 1; ++j) {
				X_current_mpc[j+1] = dynfunccar(X_current_mpc[j], U_current_mpc[j]);

			//std::cout << "X_current_mpc:\n";
			//for(int t=0; t < T; ++t) { std::cout << ~X_current_mpc[t].subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0); }
			//std::cout << "\n";

			//std::cout << "U_current_mpc:\n";
			//for(int t=0; t < T-1; ++t) { std::cout << ~U_current_mpc[t]; }
			//std::cout << "\n";

			std::cout << "\nInner loop counter: " << counter_inner_loop << "\n";
			std::cout << "Approx hess neg counter: " << counter_approx_hess_neg << "\n\n";
			counter_inner_loop = 0;
			counter_approx_hess_neg = 0;

//			if (i >= 2) {
//				std::cout << "Displaying mpc\n";
//				pythonDisplayTrajectory(U_current_mpc, T, false);
//			}
			vec(x0, SqrtSigma0, b);

			executeControlStep(x_t_real, B_total[Bidx], U_current_mpc[0], x_tp1_real, b_tp1_tp1);
			x_t_real = x_tp1_real;
			B_total[++Bidx] = b_tp1_tp1;

			unVec(b_tp1_tp1, x0, SqrtSigma0);
			b_tp1 = beliefDynamics(b, U_current_mpc[0]);
			B_total[++Bidx] = b_tp1;

			unVec(b_tp1, x0, SqrtSigma0);

			U_total[Uidx++] = U_current_mpc[0];

			// shift controls forward in time by one, then reintegrate trajectory
			// should give a better initialization for next iteration
			for(int j=0; j < T-2; ++j) { U_current_mpc[j] = U_current_mpc[j+1]; }
			if (i < NUM_WAYPOINTS - 1) {
				U_current_mpc[T-2] = U_lookahead[t];
			} else {
				U_current_mpc[T-2][0] = uMin[0];
				U_current_mpc[T-2][1] = 0;

			X_current_mpc[0] = x0.subMatrix<C_DIM,1>(0,0);
			for(int j=0; j < T-1; ++j) {
				X_current_mpc[j+1] = dynfunccar(X_current_mpc[j], U_current_mpc[j]);

			//pythonDisplayTrajectory(B_total, U_total, waypoints, landmarks, Bidx, false);


		X_current_mpc = X_lookahead;
		U_current_mpc = U_lookahead;

		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(B_total, U_total, waypoints, landmarks, T*(i+1), false);

	pythonDisplayTrajectory(B_total, U_total, waypoints, landmarks, T*NUM_WAYPOINTS, true);


	return 0;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	// actual: 0.15, 0.15, 0.1, 0.1
	double length1_est = .3,
			length2_est = .7,
			mass1_est = .3,
			mass2_est = .35;

	// position, then velocity
	x0[0] = M_PI*0.5; x0[1] = M_PI*0.5; x0[2] = 0; x0[3] = 0;
	// parameter start estimates (alphabetical, then numerical order)
	x0[4] = 1/length1_est; x0[5] = 1/length2_est; x0[6] = 1/mass1_est; x0[7] = 1/mass2_est;

	Matrix<X_DIM> x_real;
	x_real[0] = M_PI*0.45; x_real[1] = M_PI*0.55; x_real[2] = -0.01; x_real[3] = 0.01;
	x_real[4] = 1/dynamics::length1; x_real[5] = 1/dynamics::length2; x_real[6] = 1/dynamics::mass1; x_real[7] = 1/dynamics::mass2;

	// from original file, possibly change
	SqrtSigma0(0,0) = 0.1;
	SqrtSigma0(1,1) = 0.1;
	SqrtSigma0(2,2) = 0.05;
	SqrtSigma0(3,3) = 0.05;
	SqrtSigma0(4,4) = 0.5;
	SqrtSigma0(5,5) = 0.5;
	SqrtSigma0(6,6) = 0.5;
	SqrtSigma0(7,7) = 0.5;
	//Matrix<U_DIM> uinit = (xGoal.subMatrix<U_DIM,1>(0,0) - x0.subMatrix<U_DIM,1>(0,0))/(double)(T-1);
	Matrix<U_DIM> uinit;
	uinit[0] = -.07;
	uinit[1] = .07;
	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > U(T-1, uinit); 
	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > B(T);

	std::vector<Matrix<U_DIM> > HistoryU(HORIZON);
	std::vector<Matrix<B_DIM> > HistoryB(HORIZON);

	vec(x0, SqrtSigma0, B[0]);

	for(int h = 0; h < HORIZON; ++h) {

		for(int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			for(int i = 0; i<U_DIM; i++){
				U[t][i] = -U[t][i];

		for (int t = 0; t < T-1; ++t) {
			B[t+1] = beliefDynamics(B[t], U[t]);

		//util::Timer solveTimer;


		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(U, SqrtSigma0, x0, xGoal);
		//pythonPlotRobot(U, SqrtSigma0, x0, xGoal);

		//double solvetime = util::Timer_toc(&solveTimer);
		//LOG_INFO("Optimized cost: %4.10f", cost);
		//LOG_INFO("Solve time: %5.3f ms", solvetime*1000);
		unVec(B[0], x0, SqrtSigma0);

		//std::cout << "x0 before control step" << std::endl << ~x0;
		//std::cout << "control u: " << std::endl << ~U[0];

		//pythonDisplayTrajectory(U, SqrtSigma0, x0, xGoal);
		LOG_INFO("Executing control step");
		HistoryU[h] = U[0];
		HistoryB[h] = B[0];
		B[0] = executeControlStep(x_real, B[0], U[0]);


		unVec(B[0], x0, SqrtSigma0);
		//std::cout << "x0 after control step" << std::endl << ~x0;



#define PLOT
#ifdef PLOT
	pythonDisplayHistory(HistoryU,HistoryB, SqrtSigma0, x0, HORIZON);

	//int k;
	//std::cin >> k;

	return 0;