void generate_midi (void) { if ((Denemo.project->movement->smf == NULL) || (Denemo.project->movement->smfsync != Denemo.project->movement->changecount)) { exportmidi (NULL, Denemo.project->movement); } if (Denemo.project->movement->smf == NULL) { g_critical ("Loading SMF failed."); } }
gboolean open_source_audio (gchar * filename) { SF_INFO sfinfo; DenemoRecording *temp; sfinfo.format = 0; delete_recording(); if (filename) { gpointer sndfile = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo); if (sndfile) { temp = (DenemoRecording *) g_malloc (sizeof (DenemoRecording)); temp->type = DENEMO_RECORDING_AUDIO; temp->sndfile = sndfile; temp->filename = g_strdup (filename); temp->samplerate = sfinfo.samplerate; temp->channels = sfinfo.channels; temp->nframes = (int) sf_seek (temp->sndfile, -1, SEEK_END); g_info ("sndfile: %s sample rate is %d channels %d containing %d \n", sf_strerror (temp->sndfile), sfinfo.samplerate, sfinfo.channels, temp->nframes); temp->volume = 1.0; g_static_mutex_lock (&smfmutex); Denemo.project->movement->recording = temp; g_static_mutex_unlock (&smfmutex); update_leadin_widget (-1.0); if (sfinfo.channels != 2) warningdialog (_("Audio is not stereo - expect bad things!")); if (sfinfo.samplerate != 44100) warningdialog (_("Audio does not have 44100 sample rate: this could be bad")); //FIXME here generate a click track if the score is empty if (Denemo.project->movement->smfsync != Denemo.project->movement->changecount) { exportmidi (NULL, Denemo.project->movement); //generate a timebase } generate_note_onsets (); draw_score_area(); } } Denemo.project->movement->recording ? gtk_widget_show (Denemo.audio_vol_control) : gtk_widget_hide (Denemo.audio_vol_control); return (Denemo.project->movement->recording != NULL); }
/** * Mouse motion callback * */ gint scorearea_motion_notify (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * event) { DenemoProject *gui = Denemo.project; if (gui == NULL || gui->movement == NULL) return FALSE; if (Denemo.scorearea == NULL) return FALSE; gint allocated_height = get_widget_height (Denemo.scorearea); gint line_height = allocated_height * gui->movement->system_height; if(dragging_outside) { gint incrx, incry; incrx=incry=0; if(((gint)((last_event_x - event->x_root)/gui->movement->zoom)) != 0) { incrx = -(last_event_x - event->x_root)/gui->movement->zoom; last_event_x = event->x_root; } if( ((gint)((last_event_y - event->y_root)/gui->movement->zoom)) != 0) { incry = -(last_event_y - event->y_root)/gui->movement->zoom; last_event_y = event->y_root; } if((dragging_outside==DRAG_DIRECTION_RIGHT) && (incrx > 1) || ((dragging_outside==DRAG_DIRECTION_LEFT) && (incrx < -1)) || ((dragging_outside==DRAG_DIRECTION_UP) && (incry < 0)) || ((dragging_outside==DRAG_DIRECTION_DOWN) && (incry > 0))) extend_selection(dragging_outside); return TRUE; } if (event->y < 0) event->y = 0.0; gint line_num = ((int) event->y) / line_height; if (last_directive && (GDK_SHIFT_MASK & event->state) && (GDK_CONTROL_MASK & event->state)) { gint incrx, incry; incrx=incry=0; if(((gint)((last_event_x - event->x_root)/gui->movement->zoom)) != 0) { incrx = (last_event_x - event->x_root)/gui->movement->zoom; last_event_x = event->x_root; } if( ((gint)((last_event_y - event->y_root)/gui->movement->zoom)) != 0) { incry = (last_event_y - event->y_root)/gui->movement->zoom; last_event_y = event->y_root; } if(last_directive->graphic) { last_directive->gx -= incrx; last_directive->gy -= incry; } else { last_directive->tx -= incrx; last_directive->ty -= incry; } draw_score_area(); return TRUE; } if(gui->movement->recording && dragging_audio) { if(gui->movement->recording->type == DENEMO_RECORDING_MIDI) { #if 0 //This is moving only the NoteOn, so it could be moved later than the note off, and indeed later than a later note in the stream //- quite a bit more work needed to drag MIDI to correct the timing. smf_event_t *midievent; GList *marked_onset = gui->movement->marked_onset; if(marked_onset) { midievent = ((DenemoRecordedNote *)marked_onset->data)->event; gint shift = 2500*(event->x_root - last_event_x)/gui->movement->zoom; g_debug (" %f (%f %f)",shift/(double)gui->movement->recording->samplerate, midievent->time_seconds, ((DenemoRecordedNote *)marked_onset->data)->timing/(double)gui->movement->recording->samplerate) ; ((DenemoRecordedNote *)marked_onset->data)->timing += shift; midievent->time_seconds += shift/(double)gui->movement->recording->samplerate; } #endif g_warning("No drag for MIDI yet"); return TRUE; } gui->movement->recording->leadin -= 500*(event->x_root - last_event_x)/gui->movement->zoom;//g_debug("%d %d => %d\n", (int)(10*last_event_x), (int)(10*event->x_root), (int)(10*last_event_x) - (int)(10*event->x_root)); last_event_x = event->x_root; update_leadin_widget ( gui->movement->recording->leadin/(double)gui->movement->recording->samplerate); gtk_widget_queue_draw(Denemo.scorearea); return TRUE; } if(gui->movement->recording && dragging_tempo) { gdouble change = (event->x_root - last_event_x)/gui->movement->zoom; last_event_x = event->x_root; struct placement_info pi; get_placement_from_coordinates (&pi, event->x, 0, gui->lefts[line_num], gui->rights[line_num], gui->scales[line_num]); change /= pi.measure_number; update_tempo_widget ( change); set_tempo (); score_status (Denemo.project, TRUE); exportmidi (NULL, gui->movement); gtk_widget_queue_draw(Denemo.scorearea); return TRUE; } #define DENEMO_MINIMUM_SYSTEM_HEIGHT (0.01) if (dragging_separator) { gui->movement->system_height = event->y / get_widget_height (Denemo.scorearea); if (gui->movement->system_height < DENEMO_MINIMUM_SYSTEM_HEIGHT) gui->movement->system_height = DENEMO_MINIMUM_SYSTEM_HEIGHT; if (gui->movement->system_height > 1.0) gui->movement->system_height = 1.0; scorearea_configure_event (Denemo.scorearea, NULL); draw_score_area(); return TRUE; } if (line_height - ((int) event->y - 8) % line_height < 12) gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (Denemo.window), gdk_cursor_new (GDK_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW)); else gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (Denemo.window), gdk_cursor_new (GDK_LEFT_PTR)); //FIXME? does this take time/hog memory transform_coords (&event->x, &event->y); //g_debug("Marked %d\n", gui->movement->markstaffnum); if (gui->lefts[line_num] == 0) return TRUE; if (lh_down || (selecting && gui->movement->markstaffnum)) { struct placement_info pi; pi.the_staff = NULL; if (event->y < 0) get_placement_from_coordinates (&pi, event->x, 0, gui->lefts[line_num], gui->rights[line_num], gui->scales[line_num]); else get_placement_from_coordinates (&pi, event->x, event->y, gui->lefts[line_num], gui->rights[line_num], gui->scales[line_num]); if (pi.the_staff == NULL) return TRUE; //could not place the cursor if (pi.the_measure != NULL) { /*don't place cursor in a place that is not there */ change_staff (gui->movement, pi.staff_number, pi.the_staff); gui->movement->currentmeasurenum = pi.measure_number; gui->movement->currentmeasure = pi.the_measure; gui->movement->currentobject = pi.the_obj; gui->movement->cursor_x = pi.cursor_x; gui->movement->cursor_appending = (gui->movement->cursor_x == (gint) (g_list_length ((objnode *) ((DenemoMeasure*)gui->movement->currentmeasure->data)->objects))); set_cursor_y_from_click (gui, event->y); if (lh_down & !selecting) { if (gui->movement->markstaffnum) set_point (NULL, NULL); else set_mark (NULL, NULL); selecting = TRUE; } calcmarkboundaries (gui->movement); if (event->state & (GDK_BUTTON1_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MASK | GDK_BUTTON3_MASK)) perform_command (event->state, GESTURE_MOVE, event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK); /* redraw to show new cursor position */ draw_score_area(); } } if (Denemo.project->midi_destination & MIDICONDUCT) { advance_time (0.01); return TRUE; } return TRUE; }