bool expr_qualify(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t** astp) { // Left is a postfix expression, right is a typeargs. ast_t* ast = *astp; AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, left, right); ast_t* type = ast_type(left); assert(ast_id(right) == TK_TYPEARGS); if(is_typecheck_error(type)) return false; switch(ast_id(left)) { case TK_TYPEREF: { // Qualify the type. assert(ast_id(type) == TK_NOMINAL); // If the type isn't polymorphic or the type is already qualified, // sugar .apply(). ast_t* def = names_def(opt, type); ast_t* typeparams = ast_childidx(def, 1); if((ast_id(typeparams) == TK_NONE) || (ast_id(ast_childidx(type, 2)) != TK_NONE)) { if(!expr_nominal(opt, &type)) return false; break; } type = ast_dup(type); ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(type, 2); ast_replace(&typeargs, right); ast_settype(ast, type); ast_setid(ast, TK_TYPEREF); return expr_typeref(opt, astp); } case TK_NEWREF: case TK_NEWBEREF: case TK_BEREF: case TK_FUNREF: case TK_NEWAPP: case TK_BEAPP: case TK_FUNAPP: { // Qualify the function. assert(ast_id(type) == TK_FUNTYPE); ast_t* typeparams = ast_childidx(type, 1); if(!reify_defaults(typeparams, right, true, opt)) return false; if(!check_constraints(left, typeparams, right, true, opt)) return false; type = reify(type, typeparams, right, opt); typeparams = ast_childidx(type, 1); ast_replace(&typeparams, ast_from(typeparams, TK_NONE)); ast_settype(ast, type); ast_setid(ast, ast_id(left)); ast_inheritflags(ast); return true; } default: {} } // Sugar .apply() ast_t* dot = ast_from(left, TK_DOT); ast_add(dot, ast_from_string(left, "apply")); ast_swap(left, dot); ast_add(dot, left); if(!expr_dot(opt, &dot)) return false; return expr_qualify(opt, astp); }
ast_result_t pass_expr(ast_t** astp, pass_opt_t* options) { typecheck_t* t = &options->check; ast_t* ast = *astp; bool r = true; switch(ast_id(ast)) { case TK_NOMINAL: r = expr_nominal(options, astp); break; case TK_FVAR: case TK_FLET: case TK_PARAM: r = expr_field(options, ast); break; case TK_NEW: case TK_BE: case TK_FUN: r = expr_fun(options, ast); break; case TK_SEQ: r = expr_seq(ast); break; case TK_VAR: case TK_LET: r = expr_local(t, ast); break; case TK_BREAK: r = expr_break(t, ast); break; case TK_CONTINUE: r = expr_continue(t, ast); break; case TK_RETURN: r = expr_return(options, ast); break; case TK_IS: case TK_ISNT: r = expr_identity(options, ast); break; case TK_ASSIGN: r = expr_assign(options, ast); break; case TK_CONSUME: r = expr_consume(t, ast); break; case TK_RECOVER: r = expr_recover(ast); break; case TK_DOT: r = expr_dot(options, astp); break; case TK_TILDE: r = expr_tilde(options, astp); break; case TK_QUALIFY: r = expr_qualify(options, astp); break; case TK_CALL: r = expr_call(options, astp); break; case TK_IF: r = expr_if(options, ast); break; case TK_WHILE: r = expr_while(options, ast); break; case TK_REPEAT: r = expr_repeat(options, ast); break; case TK_TRY_NO_CHECK: case TK_TRY: r = expr_try(options, ast); break; case TK_MATCH: r = expr_match(options, ast); break; case TK_CASES: r = expr_cases(ast); break; case TK_CASE: r = expr_case(options, ast); break; case TK_TUPLE: r = expr_tuple(ast); break; case TK_ARRAY: r = expr_array(options, astp); break; case TK_REFERENCE: r = expr_reference(options, astp); break; case TK_THIS: r = expr_this(options, ast); break; case TK_TRUE: case TK_FALSE: r = expr_literal(options, ast, "Bool"); break; case TK_ERROR: r = expr_error(ast); break; case TK_COMPILER_INTRINSIC: r = expr_compiler_intrinsic(t, ast); break; case TK_POSITIONALARGS: case TK_NAMEDARGS: case TK_NAMEDARG: case TK_UPDATEARG: ast_inheritflags(ast); break; case TK_AMP: r = expr_addressof(options, ast); break; case TK_DONTCARE: r = expr_dontcare(ast); break; case TK_INT: // Integer literals can be integers or floats make_literal_type(ast); break; case TK_FLOAT: make_literal_type(ast); break; case TK_STRING: if(ast_id(ast_parent(ast)) == TK_PACKAGE) return AST_OK; r = expr_literal(options, ast, "String"); break; case TK_FFICALL: return expr_ffi(options, ast); default: {} } if(!r) { assert(get_error_count() > 0); return AST_ERROR; } // Can't use ast here, it might have changed symtab_t* symtab = ast_get_symtab(*astp); if(symtab != NULL && !symtab_check_all_defined(symtab)) return AST_ERROR; return AST_OK; }