예제 #1
static void getFastaOffsets(struct brokenRefPepTbl *brpTbl,
                            struct sqlConnection *conn,
                            struct extFileTbl* extFileTbl,
                            char *faPath)
/* parse fasta file to get offsets of proteins */
struct gbFa *fa = gbFaOpen(faPath, "r");
char acc[GB_ACC_BUFSZ];
struct brokenRefPep *brp;
HGID extId = extFileTblGet(extFileTbl, conn, faPath);

gbVerbMsg(5, "scanning fasta: %s", faPath);
while (gbFaReadNext(fa))
    gbVerbMsg(5, "   %s: %lld", fa->id, (long long)fa->recOff);
    /* save only if same acecss, version, and file (to match mrna fa) */
    short ver = gbSplitAccVer(fa->id, acc);
    brp = hashFindVal(brpTbl->protAccHash, acc);
    if ((brp != NULL) && (ver == brp->protVer) && sameString(faPath, brp->newFaPath))
        gbFaGetSeq(fa); /* force read of sequence data */
        brp->newFaId = extId;
        brp->newFaOff = fa->recOff;
        brp->newSeqSize = fa->seqLen;
        brp->newRecSize = fa->off-fa->recOff;
        gbVerbMsg(5, "      save: %s %lld for %lld\n", fa->id, (long long)fa->recOff, (long long)fa->off);
예제 #2
static HGID getExtFileId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char* relPath)
/* get the extFile id for a file, prepending the gbdb root dir */
char path[PATH_LEN];
path[0] = '\0';
if (gGbdbGenBank[0] != '\0')
    strcpy(path, gGbdbGenBank);
    strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, relPath);

if (extFiles == NULL)
    gbVerbMsg(4, "loading extFile table");
    extFiles = extFileTblLoad(conn);
return extFileTblGet(extFiles, conn, path);